Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxMar 09, 2004 17:41:53 | Name some of the extra NPC's that you added to your Age of Mortals campaign for flavor ? *** |
#2kipper_snifferdoo_02Mar 09, 2004 19:19:59 | Ooo Ooo! I have one. Tonight I'll be adding my fiery goldened hair Daewar dwarven cleric of Sirrion, Forge Firespittle. His domains are Fire and Passion and he weilds a flaming warhammer named "Vera".![]() |
#3iltharanosMar 09, 2004 19:50:52 | Originally posted by DarkMath Here are just a few of the NPCs in my campaign ... 1. Craddock: Half-ogre banker and newly elected councilor of Haven (suspected Legion of Steel member) 2. Knox: Tinker gnome bank teller (works for Craddock, created an automated magnifying glass that has an unfortunate tendency to blind the user) 3. Klein of Klein's Curtains: Human male, he sells curtains (fenced goods) and is quite knowledgeable about curtains (black market) and could always use good curtain salesmen (thieves, pickpockets, con artists) 4. Scum of the Dirtybeard Clan: Gully dwarf male, cohort to Ander Spectacular (PC kender male): -Refers to minotaurs as minnows -Refers to brutes as blues -Recently married to a stunning gully dwarf female known as Nosepicker -Notorious coward -GEAR includes: a. vials of ink (useable as both war paint or drink) b. bucket with two holes (great helm) c. staff of power (branch with silver arrow stuck through it) d. holy symbol (leather cord with dead rabbit tied to it) e. rations (sack with dead and half-dead rats) 5. Dirku of Tarmak: Tarmak male, cohort to Marx Dragonslayer (PC human male), speaks in a loud voice, constantly refers to himself in the third person, likes fighting two weapon style, dislikes most everyone but Marx 6. Glina Hammerfell: Hill dwarf female, extremely voluptuous and disturbingly attractive dwarfmaid ... apparently has a thing for Marx Dragonslayer (who apparently has a thing for voluptuous dwarfmaids) 7. Andrew, Bell, and Charles: Human males, this trio of minstrels has been hired by the Breeze (PC human male) to travel with the party on the road, composing songs about that party, and then singing those songs to the party |
#4zombiegleemaxMar 09, 2004 20:52:31 | Originally posted by iltharanos Gee, they aren't conceited or anything are they??? ![]() |
#5DragonhelmMar 09, 2004 21:09:26 | Originally posted by iltharanos Sir Robin ran away.... |
#6kipper_snifferdoo_02Mar 09, 2004 22:22:49 | Originally posted by Dragonhelm No, he bravely ran away. :D |
#7daedavias_dupMar 09, 2004 22:34:25 | Originally posted by Dragonhelm Nooo!!!!! BAD DH!!! Thou hast released the Monty Python beast deep within me... So far the NPCs that I have added to my campaign are the following: 1. Sallis Letrechios: NG Qualinesti Wiz 5 / WoHS 9. Sallis is a former Academy sorceror turned wizard. During his test he was hit with a spell that made him mentally lose the ability of his left arm, though slowly he has regained its use. He wields the artifact staff his great-grandfather used centuries before the Cataclysm. 2. Deikun sans Couer: LG Minotaur(Kazelati) Cleric(Kiri-Jolith) 10 / Fighter 2 A companion of Sallis, Deikun fought in the arena on Kothas for many years before he eventually faced an elder Kazelati in a match. Deikun was swiftly defeated by the minotaur, though the Kazelati spared him his life. Though the Deikun's pride was hurt, he learned a deep lesson in compassion from the aging minotaur. Within months, the Kazelati converted Deikun to the faith of Kiri-Jolith. ...that is all I feel like typing out right now. I may put the kender bard, bozak sorceror, and monk of Majere up eventually. |
#8ferratusMar 10, 2004 3:02:37 | Ooh, NPC's I've created a few! 1) Lorem Gilden aka Sunshine (NE human male Sor15): Crime Lord of the streets of Flotsam and foil of Lord Toede (who controls the official power of the city). Handsome where Toede is hideous, young where Toede is old, and 10 times the monster. 2) Sammar Kar-Shivas (CE human male Ftr3/Sor3/Dragon Disciple 9): The White Dragon Shiver's consort and aide de campe in Southern Ergoth. 3) Kretus (NG human male Mystic 12/Righteous Zealot 6): Once a student of the Citadel of Light, now the leader of the revived Seeker movment in Abanasinia. 4) Takar of House Protector (CE elven male ?) - Leader of the Cult of the Bloody Condor and scourge to the desert tribesmen as he cuts them down in the desert sands. 5) Braids (CE kender male Wiz4/Wohs6) - I don't think you want to know, because even I'm scared of him. I will say that Hiddukel won the wager with Nuitari. 6) Lady Bin Curston (NE human female Nbl7) - Spoiled and scheming princess who presides over the iron boomtown of Tantallion, and a ally of assassins, opium smugglers, and demons. 7) Lord Cambian Whitelocks (CE tiefling male Rog6/Ass5) - Lover of Lady Bin Curston, and the new ruler of Gateway after the collapse of the Shatterstone family in the War of the Lance. He puchased it lock, stock, and barrel. 8) Sir Raye Oakenshield (LG human male Ftr4/Rogue Knight ?) - Leader of a reformist (rebel) movement that is dissatisfied with the Knights of Solamnia's abandonment of their responsibilities to the nation which bears their name and general influence peddling, extortion, deception and treachery which have been a part of their character since the Chaos War. He seeks to return the discarded measure to reverence and revive their heroic ideals and traditions. There are more of course, but I'm keeping it to the villains that I'm most excited about. This is a fun thread, I hope more people keep posting them. |
#9zombiegleemaxMar 10, 2004 6:31:13 | My most recent NPC addition is Rogar Vallenshield, a young squire to a Knight of the Sword who was slain by an undead creature. He was ashamed of his own cowardice, and has now sworn fealty to the party's noble and become the character's cohort--an effort to prove himself worthy of one day becoming a knight. ** Jamie |
#10iltharanosMar 10, 2004 6:58:15 | Originally posted by Dragonhelm Oh, they're extremely conceited. ;) The PCs (led by Marx Dragonslayer) through some questing and adventuring managed to acquire a large tract of land in Haven Vale. Marx, being the egomaniac that he is, has named this tract of land the new province of Marxonia. Leading some of his followers (acquired via the Leadership feat and some excellent roleplaying) to this new province, Marx and crew proclaimed the establishment of the new settlement of Marx's Landing (currently a single wooden dock and some make-shift lean-tos). Here are some more NPCs the party has encountered: Conner and Sander: Human males, these two mercenaries have been hired by the Breeze (PC human male) to guard his person at all times ... which is funny considering the Breeze recently died in the lair of a vampire ... whereas Conner and Sander were at the Belching Blue Giant inn/tavern in Haven drinking ale and getting acquainted with a few ladies of the night. Arianna Everglade: Human female, good friend to the PCs (the 2 original ones out of 5), Haven city councilor, recently married to an refugee elven male. The PCs were invited to her wedding celebration and due to some strange circumstances, were launched into their adventuring career. EDIT: Oops, meant to reply to Vivisect's post ... |
#11cam_banksMar 10, 2004 8:18:06 | When my players ran through the Sylvan Key, they staged a fairly good commando raid of Pegrin's camp which more or less worked out as planned. Among the survivors was Cole the pyromancer, who decided that discretion was the better part of valor and surrendered to the heroes. I like Cole, and I liked the reaction the party wizard had to him, so I fleshed him out a little more, changed his spell list, advanced him a level and re-introduced him to the party when they were all thrown in jail by the Dark Knights later. Cole's now a member of the party, and although I occasionally forget he's there (he's very unassuming...) I've really liked having him as an NPC. I determined that when he was a boy, his father was something of an abusive drunk who would go off for a while and leave his mother and he at home in Pashin to fend for themselves. On one occasion, Cole's father came home from a long absence, assaulted Cole's mother, and when Cole tried to intervene he was pushed into the fireplace, burning him terribly. This snapped something inside of him, and while he was recovering over the next few weeks he slowly built up a seething hatred of the man who'd plagued his family for so long. The next time Cole's father came home, Cole was waiting for him - and lashed out, not with his fists, but with an unexpected surge of flames. Cole's father didn't survive the attack, but oddly enough the incident was quickly swept under the rug by the local authorities. Since then, he's honed his sorcerous talents and has tried to sign up with anybody who can use them. Pegrin's band was his first shot, but didn't work out. After the heroes stopped Pegrin, Cole signed up for the Knights of Neraka like his peers, but when the heroes next saw him in the jail cell he confessed to them that he didn't appear to be "Dark Knight material", and instead threw in his lot with the player characters. Cheers, Cam |
#12zombiegleemaxMar 10, 2004 17:58:09 | Originally posted by Dragonhelm :heehee *** |