Knight of the Lily armor



Mar 25, 2004 1:57:33
What kind of armor are the Knights of the Lily always depicted as wearing? The black armor with the skull helmet. Plate mail? Or full plate?


Mar 25, 2004 4:56:16
Originally posted by Kai Lord
What kind of armor are the Knights of the Lily always depicted as wearing? The black armor with the skull helmet. Plate mail? Or full plate?

Depends upon the mission, rank or battlefield.

Usually they would wear a blue habbuk (sp?) with the symbol of the axe, skull and lily over a blackened chainmail.

On the battlefield they would wear full plate mail blackened (I like to age yellow edgings as further decoration) with a helm shaped as a skull


Mar 25, 2004 7:12:42
EDIT!!! Little mistage. Change Half-Plates to Breastplates!

Because there is ALOT of knights and all should have similar armors (and order gives the equipment), not all probably get good armors.

I made following rules:
- All squires get Half-Plates with Tabard, but if you really ARE rich you may have full plate also (own expense), but with Tabard.
- When you take the test and become full knight, then you get, from the order, custom made Half-Plate (with those nice symbols carved to armor). BUT if you are rich, then you can purchase better custom made armor - Like Full-Plate yourself. New Knight pays the difference.
- All dark knights must have skull armor. Armor should be Medium or Heavy, but otherwise can be any armor type.

But then how do they get magical armors?!? Most powerful magical equipment were probably made before Knights of Takhisis/Neraka. Can you modify magical armor?
Maybe Tabard again and Skull helmet?


Mar 25, 2004 7:50:25
I've been assuming that chainmail is the norm, with a breastplate for ranking officers, and half-plate when going to war. Knights of the Thorn would be better suited to a chain shirt when their arcane spell failure chance hasn't yet been diminished by their class ability, although a lot of them just wear the steel-grey robes for which they are named.
