Inspiration from movies to have original quest idea!



Apr 07, 2004 10:20:31

here is quick list of movies that might inspire you to create original quets in ravenloft(and not only vampire slaying ).

Snow white: I am talking about the horror movie named snow white I think it would be a good way to introduce some dwarf in the quest and also maybe protecting the girl from the evil witch.

Alice in wonderland: What if the wonderland would be anightmareland? Imagine the players go in an asylum they enter the room where a patient named alice reside and whitout warning they enter a new domain...the alice domain the domain of a mad child...

Hellraiser: Really good if you want to send your player in hell...

Chinese ghost story: Must see for an oriental adventure set in ravenloft!!!!!

Ringu: The original version 0of the ring...really good for those who want to create cursed item or those who want to set their quest in a more asian setting.

Warlock:What about travelling in time to slay a powerfull wizard/demon/etc...

Cube:Want to build a weird/uber dangerous dungeon , great if the player have really strong enemies!

More to come I must go to work...


Apr 07, 2004 20:48:39
I like the Alice in wonderland idea. Gary Gygax wrote some modules set in wonderland (Dungeonland I think they were called) that you might be able to adapt parts from into your domain.


Apr 08, 2004 9:28:31
Well when I first started my RL game, my players were pretty much in the dark about what the setting was like so I had them watch Brotherhood of the Wolf. That movie is great not only for a pretty neat adventure idea but also to get a feel for the mood and the dress for RL. I also think that Sleepy Hollow is a great movie to base RL off of.


Apr 24, 2004 4:13:21
From Hell
The Ninth Gate
The Thing (although you might lose a few players :P)

There are many...


Apr 24, 2004 7:53:58
Have you ever tried the game Alice for computer? Its similar to what you were thinking about, and the world is really really weird (think post-apocalyptic Wonderland).

Really a gem, built on the Quake 3 engine, and only 10 bucks at Wal Mart!



Apr 24, 2004 22:35:25
If you've ever seen the anime D.N. Angel, the plot is pretty good for a Ravenloft adventure. Also, the story within the anime, Ice and Dark, is particularly fitting.