Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1sildatorakApr 15, 2004 9:54:46 | 1. You dream that you have a german sheperd named Shemeska. 2. You think that this is a good name for a dog. |
#2zombiegleemaxApr 15, 2004 12:23:19 | 3. You start drawing modrons all over your college notebooks. 4. You roll your eyes and chuckle to yourself everytime your pastor talks about the afterlife. 5. You make a skull in metal shop in hopes that it will help you with your homework. 6. In your eyes, Factol Rhys is awesome and always WILL be awesome. |
#3sarig_the_genieApr 15, 2004 13:03:49 | 7. When someone insult you in Rl, you just wished a Lady fond of blades, would show up and do some flaying, or mazing *g* |
#4zombiegleemaxApr 15, 2004 13:47:34 | 8. Every time you walk through an archway, you find yourself wondering whether you've got the proper key somewhere in your pockets ... |
#5zombiegleemaxApr 15, 2004 15:04:17 | 9. See my sig. |
#6zombiegleemaxApr 15, 2004 18:23:55 | 10. You find yourself speaking the chant in real life. |
#7Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 15, 2004 18:35:18 | #11: You find yourself sitting in a seminar on cancer genetics and cell cycle regulation and you look down at your notes to find that there's more work on the page relating to a certain fiend's monologue for that weekend's PS game than on the signaling pathway for c-myc... oh wait, nevermind... (yes this happened, it happens far too frequently) |
#8incenjucarApr 15, 2004 18:54:24 | #12 You start noticing that Planar philosophy makes more sense than many Real world philosophies. |
#9zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 0:45:11 | 13. You begin plotting ways to overthrow Shemeska as King of the Crosstrade and some of them are really good. |
#10incenjucarApr 16, 2004 1:08:34 | 14. You consider getting a comission by Fred Perry of Shemeska in a razorvine two-piece. |
#11sarig_the_genieApr 16, 2004 1:47:32 | 15. In a reliogion debate, you just managed to stop yourself, before you started chatting about the outer planes, and the real force of belief (happened) |
#12zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 11:54:48 | 16. You'd want a tatoo of the lady of pain, but you're kinda scared of the repercussions |
#13zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 13:27:27 | 17. Your fluent in scramblespeak. 18. You start every conversation with "Hello Mortals!" 19. You use the word "sodding" (I'll admit it) |
#14sarig_the_genieApr 16, 2004 13:47:39 | Hehe! I do the last two! 20. If you do something rather random, you just say "Sorry, felt a bit Slaadish" |
#15Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 16, 2004 14:16:16 | Originally posted by Brun I've met an artist who got a Tattoo of Her Serenity on his shoulder/back. The tattoo artist who did it for him did a spot on job, it looks freaking awesome. ![]() Originally posted by Dust Boy I've been using sod, sodding, berk, scrag, etc in common speech more and more often lately it seems. I got some blank stares actually when I used the word 'sod' in the middle of a lecture I was giving here in the bio department at my school. |
#16zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 14:46:59 | 21. You fanatically believe that spending $181 on Ebay for the Planes of Conflict Boxed set was the greatest purchase you've ever made in your life. |
#17zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 14:56:42 | 22. You refer to your room as the demiplane of . 23. You believer your dryer has a vortex to the quasi-elemental plane of dust in it because of it's uncanny ability to disintigrate your socks into nothingness. |
#18Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 16, 2004 16:06:52 | 24. You get into a bidding war on Ebay with one of your players over a copy of the Hellbound box set. They intended to get it for you for your birthday, you had just gotten a paycheck. You outbid them and then complained that weekend about 'some ![]() Then that player of mine got a guilty look and we asked each other what our ebay bidder names were... DOH! |
#19cthulu_mtApr 16, 2004 16:53:10 | 24. You find yourself using Faction philosophy to explain RL politics to your apolitical friends. |
#20zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 16:58:53 | 26. You guess to which faction celebrities and politicians would belong to 27. You are correct |
#21zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 17:27:15 | 27. You can name a hundred legends about the Lady of Pain, but for the life of you, you can't remember who chopped down the cherry tree. |
#22zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 19:54:45 | 28. You post in character even when all you're doing is answering a question about game mechanics. |
#23zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 19:57:24 | 29. Tony Di Terlizzi is God's gift to the concept of artwork. (You don't believe it, he just is.) |
#24zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 20:02:08 | 30. You went to the local bookstore and bought every copy of 3rd ed. Manual of the Planes and burned them because of their heresy. |
#25zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 20:07:51 | 31. You've ever watched an episode of the sitcom "Slaadi knows best" 32. You've ever used the pickup line, "You must be a fire genasi because my pants are gettin' hot!" 33. You've ever called a cop a "hardhead." 34. You've ever threatened to imagine some one away. 35. You're a member of The City Of Doors Initiative 36. You thought of starting a branch of the Xaositects at your college (admits) |
#26zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 20:33:42 | 37. To get to sleep at night you count modrons instead of sheep. oops, hit quote instead of edit |
#27zombiegleemaxApr 16, 2004 22:44:40 | Originally posted by Sarig the Genie 38. You don't actually stop yourself. 39. You see the three axioms everywhere and wonder why all the other primes are so clueless. |
#28zombiegleemaxApr 17, 2004 3:00:02 | 40. One of the following shows up in every campaign you run, regardless of setting: Shemeska the Marauder Factol Rhys Primus Xanxost the slaad (who usually ends up eating the PCs) A rogue modron with twin crossbows (gear spirits) A fiery kitty (for me Incenjucar will always be the orange 'I want a hug avatar) A dutch troll named Rip |
#29joni-sanApr 17, 2004 8:40:17 | 41. You try to guess what Factions your friends and family would belong to 42. You do so and ask them if they agree with your guess Scary thing is, I'm guilty to some of the things mentioned in the thread :D |
#30zombiegleemaxApr 17, 2004 10:01:09 | 43. You MUST play Planescape: Torment if you don't play any Planescape campaigns for more than a month because you start getting withdrawal pains. 44. You've played Planescape: Torment all the way through over 100 times. 45. You ALWAYS wind up with a LG Nameless One at the end NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU TELL YOURSELF TO PLAY THE GAME DIFFERENTLY because you can't bring yourself to do anything evil to the Sigilians or your NPCs. |
#31zombiegleemaxApr 17, 2004 22:45:56 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron Guilty as charged. After trying over and over again, I did manage to end the game as a Chaotic Good Chaosman Mage, though. 46. You get so sad that the official game line ended, that you start doing silly stuff, like making up your own material such as Factions, Sects, etc. |
#32prophet_of_chaosApr 18, 2004 6:26:22 | 46. After reading this thread you pretend to be offended because you already do half of the things mentioned. |
#33zombiegleemaxApr 18, 2004 23:23:35 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron Now where did Xanxost get himself to. 47. You take threats on the boards more seriously than threats in real life. |
#34zombiegleemaxApr 19, 2004 15:44:01 | 48. You greet people with "Hello, mortals!" in real life. (hangs his head in shame) |
#35factol_rhys_dupApr 21, 2004 20:28:30 | 49. You've witnessed a slap-fight between a factol and an arcanoloth over their high school prom. 50. It didn't surprise you. |
#36Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 21, 2004 21:27:31 | Originally posted by Factol Rhys *passes around 'authentic' photos of Rhys the next morning after the prom; blasted on booze and sprawled with half the celestial players on the football team* |
#37factol_rhys_dupApr 21, 2004 22:01:07 | Hey, Shemmy, I was an impressionable young tiefling. I can stand up to peer pressure, but they even had the Cadence telling me that bub was okay. |
#38zombiegleemaxApr 21, 2004 22:41:39 | 51. You're abnormaly wary of people named Dolores. 52. You've taken the "What Faction should you belong to?" test again and again until it gave you the "right" answer. 53. You've dreamt of giving an oral presentation to your college class on slaadi physiology, culture, and alignment. (Sadly, this one actually HAPPENED. I need to stop reading these boards right before going to sleep.) |
#39lord_of_the_ninth_02Apr 21, 2004 23:08:47 | Where is this "which faction should you belong to?" test that you speak of? 54. Other people listen to music, you listen to the Player's Primer to the Outlands (downloadable sound files on WotC website archives, very nice) I think i'm guilty of 25 of the afore mentioned signs. |
#40OrnumApr 21, 2004 23:29:51 | Originally posted by Lord of the Ninth Here's the link to the thread. The link to the actual quiz is within that thread. Faction Quiz |
#41sildatorakApr 22, 2004 13:49:32 | Originally posted by Factol Rhys ROFLSHISM! That is the funniest thing I've read this week. |
#42caoslayerApr 23, 2004 9:46:53 | 55. when you feel really insulted if someone call you "hardhead" and very proud if called madman. |
#43zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 14:38:03 | 56. You know Xaos is pronounced "chaos" not "zaos" |
#44zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 14:51:18 | 57. You know Xaositect is pronounced "chaositect" and not "zaositect". ;) |
#45zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 15:17:30 | Originally posted by Dust Boy 57. But you still sometimes pronounce it "zaos" anyway, just to be random. |
#46primemover003Apr 23, 2004 16:11:26 | 58. You and your players have already planned the contingency of meeting in the Balck Sails should you all happen to walk through the wrong bounded spaces while unwittingly holding the correct key and end up in the Cage... |
#47zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 17:22:44 | 59. You know to stay FAR, FAR away from the Black Sail. Nothing but bad things happen at that place. (What a delighted DM was I on every occasion where my players would just put their head in their hands because something so horrific or dangerous happened at that place. And on every occasion, their favorite Guvner NPC would ask "Why do you addle-coves insist on staying here?" to which they would reply "Because it's our home...") 60. Green Marvent and Cirily visit you in dreams. |
#48Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 23, 2004 18:44:36 | 61. You have dreams involving the plot and characters of your own PS campaign in which you, as Shemeska the Marauder, get to mock your PCs. 62. You take ideas from those dreams and use them the next weekend to mock your PCs. :D |
#49zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 18:55:14 | 63. You accidentally ripped your poster map of Baator from the Planes of Law Boxed set when you were looking at it, so you locked yourself in the bathroom and wept for four hours. ![]() What? It was one of my players! I swear! Stop looking at me like that!! |
#50zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 18:59:34 | Originally posted by Shemeska the Marauder 64. You're not even IN Shemeshka's campaign, but you dream about it anyway. (Believe it or not, I'm actually guilty of this one too.... I swear, reading Planescape stuff right before I go to bed must trigger something in my unconscious...) |
#51zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 19:01:50 | 65. You have weird dreams about Planescape because you read the forum threads right before you go to bed. :D |
#52primemover003Apr 23, 2004 21:10:03 | 66. You think the Lady of Pain is following you everywhere you go... (Both a tattoo on me back and a Vinyl decal behind my head on my truck window... too bad it's only ever been recognized by a stranger once ![]() you know we need to make a LoP smiley... |
#53zombiegleemaxApr 23, 2004 23:49:40 | 67: You HAVE given an oral presentation on some manner of outerplanar being (I felt The Modrons were the great example to prove that it didn't take evil to get bad results from law... No one knew what a modron was... ::Sigh:![]() 68: You've taken the faction test a couple of dozen times and Keep getting the same faction. 69: It's right. Is it bad that I'm guilty of the following? ,2 6, 10, 11 (sort of), 12 (It DOES), 15, 19, 21 (Not the PoC, but the Guide to the Inner Planes.), 36 (not Xaos, Cyphers), 38, 39, 40, 56, 57a, 57b, 61 (as Faerinaal, not Shemeska), 62, 65, and obviously 67, 68, and 69? |
#54zombiegleemaxApr 24, 2004 8:41:19 | Originally posted by primemover003 Talk about Lady-of-Pain-o-philia... 68. Most of the artwork you do is dedicated to planescape in some way... A lady of pain mask, a mossaic of the outlands, spire and sigil, a sculpture of Mulk, the Shad from the Infinite Stair and on and on.... |
#55zombiegleemaxApr 24, 2004 8:49:46 | It's okay, I've done 6, 7, 10, 12, 16, 19, 21 (Well, I would if i could..), 29, 39, will do 40 if I ever get around to running a Planescape campaign (not likely soon, considering how my homebrew is going), 41, 42, 45, 49 (that was one of the funniest things ever!), 50, 52, 55, 56, both 57s, 68... though I STILL can't seem to get the right result!), and, of course, I've already admitted to 53, 64, and 65. Like the Cheshire Cat says, "we're all mad here.." |
#56zombiegleemaxApr 24, 2004 8:58:28 | :: Primus is guilty of: 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 16, 17, 19, 28, 29, 41, 46, 46(both of them), 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 68, 69, 68 (again).:: 70. You've contemplated getting a tattoo of Skall from Factol's Manifesto cause its so damn kickass! 71. You've read, in its entirety, anything written by Mechalich. 72. You immediately insert Mechalich's ideas into your campaign (man I love the ethergaunts). |
#57zombiegleemaxApr 24, 2004 10:37:53 | Let's see....I'm guilty of....3, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, (sad, huh?) 27, 29, 39, 40 (me), 43-45, 46, 49, 50, 54, 56, 57a&b, and 63 (I ripped it-I didn't weep for four hours :D). 73. You get into arguments with one of your players about whether his paladin would wind up in Mt. Celestia or Arcadia. |
#58sarig_the_genieApr 24, 2004 16:35:47 | 74; You consider yourself hardcore planescape fan, though you don't have any of the books (yet), and you consider Manual of the Planes 'lesser'. |
#59zombiegleemaxApr 24, 2004 23:31:39 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron or bob |
#60zombiegleemaxApr 25, 2004 9:13:41 | Originally posted by Quinn_Planesrunner Actually, Xaos is pronounced bob...sometimes. Xaositect is always pronounced 'chaositect.' But that's just because you'd EXPECT it to be pronounced bob, so it's not. 'Cause it's being unpredictable. |
#61zombiegleemaxApr 25, 2004 9:49:53 | 75. You have a dream giving you a detailed location of a portal to Sigil in a mall in New Jersey. (See Eco-Mono's thread on the Manual of the Planes board.) |
#62lord_of_the_ninth_02Apr 25, 2004 11:24:41 | 76. You then drive to Jersey for the sole purpose of trying the portal. |
#63OrnumApr 25, 2004 12:32:32 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron 77. You answer the post pointing out more 9 story malls for some reason. *Raises hand* |
#64zombiegleemaxApr 25, 2004 18:05:29 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron If his paladin ends up going to Mt. Celestia, he's not playing him right. Paladins must me lawful jerks otherwise they aren't being played right... :D 78. You've at least once written a song based on Planescape... "My name is Darkwood... And I will destroy this city..." Doot du doot du doot du doot doot... ...........And your band will never know... he he he.... |
#65zombiegleemaxApr 25, 2004 18:35:49 | Originally posted by AlexBurel You're in luck, buddy! (Guilty as charged of finding this out in a dream.) Originally posted by primemover003 79.) You go and make one. Guilty of 79 as well. Well at least I tried. ![]() |
#66Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 25, 2004 22:53:06 | 80) You've had people hit on A'kin during a game session (today actually... shame on them) 81) You've hit on Shemeska during a game session (shame on me) |
#67zombiegleemaxApr 25, 2004 23:13:27 | Oh my, a lot of these are absolutely hilarious. Let me see if I can add anything worth adding. 82 - You're talking to someone about Planescape and mention the Rilmani and they go "the what?"...and you take it personally. 83 - You adopt a Planescape icon identity for a message board and start finding yourself thinking more and more like that identity would. 84 - You claim to be dating the Lady of Pain. |
#68sildatorakApr 26, 2004 4:06:53 | Originally posted by Center of All That might not mean that you spend too much time on the planescape board, but one can hope that it does. |
#69zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 12:25:38 | 85. You bought the Fiend Folio and began a forty-five minute raging, screaming rant to the store clerk when you saw the new illustrations for the Rilmani.... *:D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#70zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 12:30:18 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron THANK YOU for taking our side on this one. Stupid artists did a completely wrong depiction of us. WE ARE NOT LEMURES! |
#71sildatorakApr 26, 2004 13:13:46 | Originally posted by Center of All Or fiends of any sort. |
#72zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 14:21:53 | 86. If you saved this ![]() 87. If you were upset that :LOP: didn't work. |
#73zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 17:00:10 | 88. You're waiting for a good excuse to post ![]() |
#74zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 17:09:44 | ![]() |
#75zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 17:30:32 | Originally posted by Feathercircle 89. And so, you contrive to do just that ![]() |
#76Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 26, 2004 18:23:35 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron No, I spent more time going into rant mode over the Klurichnir being an underhanded replacement for the Molydeus, introducing that 'thing' of a bloated, painted up, Baatezu whose name I don't recall, and then there was the two hours of laughing after noticing the nipple piercings on the cover of the book that somehow made it past the WotC business folks. *snicker* |
#77Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 26, 2004 18:29:09 | You guys do realize I'm going to have to use the LoP smiley to evangelize on the other forums here now... To Eco-Mono and Primus, do you mind if I snag a copy to link to in other posts? (I'll use my own bandwidth, not yours) |
#78zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 18:44:49 | Go ahead, Shemeska. Not my bandwith anyways. (I love photobucket). |
#79zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 19:17:36 | Originally posted by Primus, the One and Prime Primus, you forgot to set the transparencies! Awh, don't sweat it. I'll do it for you. ![]() And of course you can use mine, Shemeska. |
#80zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 19:20:03 | 89. You were going to say something about starting a cult devoted to this picture ![]() |
#81zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 19:34:17 | Originally posted by Dust Boy o_O First, shouldn't this be 90? Second, there's a version of that smiley with transparencies now. |
#82factol_rhys_dupApr 26, 2004 20:29:45 | 90. This ![]() ![]() |
#83primemover003Apr 26, 2004 20:58:04 | Originally posted by primemover003 And once again the Primemover has manipulated the Planar Hoi Polloi into furthering his agenda.... Excellent! Muah-ah-ah-ah! ![]() |
#84zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 21:06:39 | 92. (Since I messed up the numbering, I shall fix it.) If you've ever felt it was your duty to yell at some one who used the words "demon" and "devil" interchangeably. 93. See 92 and replace "demon" with tanar'ri and "devil" with ba'atezu. 94. Your closet became so messy a portal to Ooze opened up in it. |
#85Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 26, 2004 21:08:43 | 95) You give serious thought to making a Shemeska the Marauder and an A'kin the Friendly Fiend smiley... |
#86zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 21:09:59 | Originally posted by Sildatorak I think the WOTC folks decided to write those books from the perspective of a cluess prime. "If it's on the planes.... and it's not an angel.... IT'S A FIEND RUN!" |
#87zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 21:11:43 | Originally posted by Shemeska the Marauder Don't even get me started on that cross dressing hellspawn....THING.... I think WOTC is trying to drop every possible hint that the baatezu are going to lose the Blood War in 3.5 at some point. |
#88primemover003Apr 26, 2004 21:45:52 | Originally posted by Dust Boy OH MY GAWD YES!!! I go ape-schnit over the clueless screwheads that can't keep a Barbezu straight from a Bar'lgura... GRRRRRrrrrrrr [goes into Beblith Armor rending mode!] |
#89factol_rhys_dupApr 26, 2004 21:53:40 | Originally posted by primemover003 I want to get me "Bebilith armor-rending mode." We should find someone who's good at web design to make that a new smiley, too. And a modron smiley. That one could have a lot of uses. |
#90zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 21:56:38 | Originally posted by Factol Rhys You took the words right out of my mouth, Rhys. :D |
#91factol_rhys_dupApr 26, 2004 21:58:48 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron I have a habit of doing that. The Cadence works in mysterious ways. I just have an uncanny knack for knowing exactly what to say. |
#92zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 22:02:15 | Right. The Cadence. It isn't because I'm a freaking modron, it's the Cadence. ;) |
#93zombiegleemaxApr 26, 2004 23:42:45 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron No you're not... you're a Nordom, remember? :D Oh, and in that vein, these are for you. ![]() ![]() I'd've spent more time on them but I gotta get up at 5 AM and really should be sleeping right now. |
#94zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 0:59:24 | 96. You are hoping this list reaches 101 before you have to admit the more embarrassing ways to tell there is too much planescape in your life.... |
#95zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 8:18:48 | *looks at Eco-Mono's post* :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: "Grattitudes! Thankyou! Query: How does one save and move pictures of modrons to other posts? Nordom is not very proficient with HTML." |
#96zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 8:20:47 | 97. The list reaches 101 and you just go right on adding embarrassing things to the list. |
#97zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 9:21:36 | Originally posted by Nordom the Rogue Modron Put the following code into your post to post it... ![]() |
#98zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 9:49:57 | Thanks. ![]() |
#99zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 13:53:46 | 98. You've ever been summoned by any type of spell. Oh yeah.... ![]() Neat. |
#100primemover003Apr 27, 2004 16:52:39 | somehow... not to impinge on Eco-Mono's artful design I feel a Monodrone would fit a smiley better... it's round. Besides Mono is in your name it should be serendipity or the Cadence or the Source working through you! |
#101zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 17:58:28 | I disagree. The 'standard' image of a modron has always been the quadrone, due in part I think that rogues always become quadrones, no matter what rank they were in the modron hierarchy.'s just so damn cute! ![]() |
#102zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 20:01:33 | Originally posted by primemover003 Well I did get the Transcendant Order on that quiz thingy... |
#103remnantApr 27, 2004 20:37:15 | We're on what, 99? 99) When you tell someone to go to hell, you give them a specific layer, the lord of that layer, and the type of torment they can expect there. 100) You have ever taken an action in RL with the driving force behind said action being correlated with the outer plane you would like to arrive on if you were to die that instant. |
#104Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 27, 2004 20:51:03 | 101) You've paid far too much money for comissioned artwork of Planescape characters, both canon ones and those of your own creation. (around $300 at this point, likely to grow soon) *dances around on top of the 101 post* ![]() |
#105zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 22:29:47 | Screw the limit. I'm a rogue. Down with imposed laws oppressing our creativity!! 102. You have had your friends look out for any Planescape material at conventions because they know you will hurt them if you find out a rare book slipped under your radar and they knew about it. (This actually happened. A friend of mine snatched the Guide to the Astral at a con for me 'cause he knew I'd kill him if someone else grabbed it first.) |
#106zombiegleemaxApr 27, 2004 23:54:58 | 103. You've created a monodrone smiley because you think monodrones are cooler than quadrones.![]() ((Someone else set the transperancies, I don't have a workable art program) |
#107zombiegleemaxApr 28, 2004 9:19:39 | Originally posted by Shemeska the Marauder Funny you should mention that... not long after you said that, I stumbled across two of those commissioned pics. The one of you is, ah... very flattering. ![]() Meanwhile, I've sort of committed numbers 1 and 2... I play neopets, and sometimes, out of boredom, I pop random Planescape-ish names into the search engine just to see if they're taken and what the people are doing with them. Sometimes it's obvious that the person knows what the name signifies, others... well.... Hi guys! I be Juiblex and I like tomatoes! Anyway, last night, they released a bunch of limited edition pets and I sort of created one on impulse.. and every single name I tried was taken, even when the search engine told me the name wasn't in use... so I finally ended up popping in Shemmy's name and it took. Shemeshka, you've now got a cute evil bunny rabbit alter-ego. As embarrasing as that may sound, at least it's better than NOT having someone like me squatting your name and having what happened to Zerthimon the gelert happen to the pet bearing your name... ![]() ![]() |
#108uratohApr 29, 2004 6:00:04 | 104: You frequently flagigate yourself for not buying the berk's entire collection of planescape goodies which your boss picked up for $1 a book!!!!!!! *resumes whipping herself* *crack* ow! *crack* ow! |
#109zombiegleemaxApr 29, 2004 11:28:48 | Originally posted by Uratoh Ouch! I feel your pain. You have my sympathies. ![]() |
#110zombiegleemaxApr 30, 2004 0:44:19 | 105: You actively participated in this thread. 106: You check this thread daily for updates. |
#111Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 30, 2004 3:41:53 | 107. It's 4:37am, you have to get up at 7am to walk 2 miles to campus to set up the next step of an experiment, and you've just spent the last 3 hours drinking coffee and working on this:![]() My first attempt at making a smiley, not sure how it turned out. But it was amusing ;) |
#112incenjucarApr 30, 2004 5:06:38 | (You might want to make the inside of the ears a light tan. The pink reminds one of a ... pink bow... eyelashes and slanted brows may be an idea. Very nice though. She goes from "Friendly Fiend" to "Suicide Alley Mode" if you scroll over her.. bwahaha) |
#113factol_rhys_dupApr 30, 2004 8:14:07 | 108. You've hung around so much that you adopted a Planescape persona as your screen name in order to fit in. Not me, though. I just happened to like the Ciphers. 109. You've come up with one or more theories of your own about the multiverse in the distant past. I don't know any of the Planescape regulars who this doesn't apply to. |
#114zombiegleemaxApr 30, 2004 9:52:00 | 110. You've hung around so much that your screen name was adopted as a Planescape persona. 111. You wanted to snaffle number 111... or 108, 105, 81, 27 or any other sodding multiple of 3. 112. Somehow, it doesn't feel right posting two things without first looking for a third. |
#115factol_rhys_dupApr 30, 2004 14:17:06 | 113. Whenever you hear the word "faction," in any context, you reflexively reach to your shoulder and tug at your shirtsleeve to make sure it covers your Anarchist tattoo. 114. You refuse to play Forgotten Realms because you know that the real bloods play a real setting. 115. You're indignant about genasi, tieflings, and aasimar appearing in a Forgotten Realms book. |
#116primemover003Apr 30, 2004 14:41:20 | Originally posted by Factol Rhys Et tu, Rhys??? Where else I gonna play, Greyhawk? When was the last supplement for that released? FR is a viable world for PS'ers... just ignore the cosmology screed (which was covered fairly well in PGtF). |
#117zombiegleemaxApr 30, 2004 15:18:46 | Originally posted by Factol Rhys Here, here! ![]() 116. You've got a smiley that depicts your Planescape persona. ![]() |
#118factol_rhys_dupApr 30, 2004 17:39:16 | 117. You wish you had a smiley that depicted your Planescape persona. |
#119remnantApr 30, 2004 19:25:09 | 118) You knowingly and often refer to undertakers and coroners as "Dusties". 119) You have broken into Big Ben in the hopes of finding real modrons. 120) You go spelunking, and annoy the rest of your party by constantly saying, "Yeah, this reminds me of my stint in Pandemonium. Only without the wind. Or the fiends." |
#120zombiegleemaxApr 30, 2004 21:19:37 | 121. You go spelunking and say that it reminds you of your short stint in Pandemonium, but then go on to comment about how the elemental plane of Earth is more of a challenge, and that Pandemonium is for sods. |
#121incenjucarApr 30, 2004 23:01:00 | 122. After several months, you finally find the key to a hint dropped by a certain arcanaloth, and smirk for about an hour after wondering if the image was the result of a now-dead ice-mephit. ![]() |
#122Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 30, 2004 23:31:12 | 123. You wonder if people are talking about you when any arcanaloth is mentioned, especially when it involved supposed hints about stuff. (I've hinted about alot of things, something blatantly, sometimes obliquely, but you've got -me- confused now.) |
#123incenjucarApr 30, 2004 23:45:11 | "It can be assured that I shall avoid so much as thinking of A'Kin in thin white clothing after an encounter with a ice mephit. Besides, I -warned- you that I'd be scrying. Bwahahaha."![]() |
#124Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 30, 2004 23:50:06 | ![]() And thus the smiley invasion hits the Planescape board. *grin* |
#125zombiegleemaxMay 01, 2004 23:33:32 | Originally posted by Factol Rhys 123. You are a smiley that depicts your Planescape persona. |
#126zombiegleemaxMay 07, 2004 10:13:28 | 124. You adventure in the Abyss so much that you actually begin to believe that you know Demon Lords on a first name basis! |
#127zombiegleemaxMay 08, 2004 7:56:33 | 124a. You're quite surprised when people try to tell you that those Demon Lords don't actually exist. But, they'll never know. They've never been to the four hundred and thirty-seventh layer of the Abyss, have they. No, those sodding clueless prime berks flapping their clueless boneboxes haven't once left the safety of their little watery homeworld, and they think they can lecture you - you - on the dark of the Multiverse. |
#128zombiegleemaxMay 19, 2004 20:40:41 | 125. You scream and run whenever you see fog for fear it might take you into Ravenloft. 126. You try to come up with a chemical compound for photomatter. 127. You succeed 128. YOu spend your life looking around 9 story malls for the portal Eco-Mono talked about (I probaly will once I leave Highschool/collage) 129. You think Stonehenge is a relic made by the Elder Elves. 130. Your D&D collection grows so large it opens up a portal into the Elemental Plane of RPG products. |
#129zombiegleemaxMay 21, 2004 0:28:11 | 131. You've been struck by some form of lightning 8+ times in one campaign T_T |