The real force of belief?



Apr 26, 2004 15:45:26
So I saw something about this 'real force of belief' on the 101 ways topics and now I've got to know what it is.


Apr 26, 2004 17:26:46
The force of belief is the way belief can phyically change the outer planes. The outer planes are not confined to a set laws of physics the way the Prime Material plane is. If enough people, celestails, fiends, or anyone else believed in anything on the outer planes, it would eventually happen. I posted an example of this awhile ago-

Say a paladin decides to build a keep (for whatever insane reason) on a layer of the abyss, and fills it only with LG workers and servants. Assuming that the tanar'ri are unsuccessful at ripping apart the keep and everyone in it, the keep itself would not last long in the Abyss because its inhabitants do not match the dominant alignment of the plane. The plane itself would not tolerate the keep's presence. The keep would eventually slide into the Outlands, and then it would slide into Mount Celestia, because the neutral Outlands would eventually reject the radically different alignment. This phenomenon can be seen on a smaller scale with personal beliefs. For example, there is a faction in Sigil who whole-heartedly believe that the true state of the multiverse is chaos. These Xaositects, as a result, try to act as chaotic as possible at all times. Because of this, chaos may result in areas where they stay. It isn't always obvious, either. Perhaps a group of the Xaositects stay at an inn. Soon the inn suffers from strange occurances, like everyone having accidents that cause minor injuries. Or fights break out between guests for the slightest percieved insult. The xaositects don't even have to be present- just in the general area.


Apr 26, 2004 21:33:38
And don't forget about the faction that can temporarily believe you out of existence.

Beliefe is everything in the Planes. Hell, if you could get all of Sigil to believe Elmister was a girl, next time he shows up in the Cage, he might very well have pigtails. Enough people believe in a person and worship a person, and that person could ascend into Powerhood..

Brings new meaning to the phrase "I disbelieve"