Ruling Hierarchs of Matter and Thought ??



May 02, 2004 17:26:18
As far as I have read in the Vault, Ixion, Khoronus and Thanatos are the respective rulers of Energy, Time and Entropy. But which immortals are the ruling hierarchs of the spheres of Matter and Thought?

:-) Jesper


May 02, 2004 18:01:27
Odin is the most powerful Immortal of the Sphere of Thought, according to WotI, and Terra is the most powerful of the Sphere of Matter. I would assume that makes them the reigning Heirarchs, as they are the only 36th level Immortals in each of thier respective Spheres.


May 03, 2004 16:33:00
That makes sense I suppose, but according to files in the Vault, Thanatos is 35th level and Hel is 36th level and yet Thanatos is the ruling hierarch of Entropy?

:-) Jesper


May 03, 2004 17:27:51
Hel was/is the reigning Heirarch until the end of Wrath of the Immortals - once her involvement in the activities of the Brotherhood of the Shadow was revealed to the other Immortals, she was forced to step down and was replaced by Thanatos.


May 03, 2004 17:32:58
Bleh - Double post. Oops.