Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1xagunderMay 18, 2004 11:02:33 | In the BR campaign I've just started running, I plan for the PCs to discover a tower that was a base for one of the minor orders of knights devoted to Laerme that rose and fell about the time of El Assari. In the hidden dungeons beneath the tower, I want to place an artifact... I want it to be something that Cuiraécen gave Laerme as a token of his love, and that Laerme gave to this particular order of knights to hold/guard/hide from the jelous Eloele... Now, what exactly should this artifact be? I thought maybe a sword, but the party will later be going after the Sword of Roele. Maybe a "promise ring" or a pair of headband/crowns? And what sort of powers should the artifact possess? |
#2master_dao_rinMay 23, 2004 12:41:56 | How about a rose? It could be a pendant or some other jewelry. My choice, however would be a real flower that has never wilted. The benefit would be enhanced battle readiness or courage when possessed by someone who is under the influence of True Love. |
#3master_dao_rinMay 23, 2004 12:42:22 | |
#4xagunderMay 24, 2004 18:52:54 | Actually, your ideas gave me an idea. I think I'll combine the jewelry and the flower. To anyone not in love, the relic will appear to be a piece of jewelry (or maybe a jeweled sword?) and have one set of powers, while to those in love it will appear as the unwilting rose... Thanks! When I get it made, I'll post the stats. |
#5xagunderJun 29, 2004 11:47:46 | Well, as usual, my players went off in a completely different direction, so it way be a while before I come up with this rose-sword relic. But, they're on their way to the Elvenmeres in Roesone where I have cleverly placed this old relic of Azrai. One of many dread items used by the Shadow and his minions to turn the elves and the Vos to the side of darkness, this book will quickly attract the attention of the Gorgon, the Hand of Azrai, and any shadow fiends who happen to have stolen the Anuirean Book of Days and are currently possessing Rogr Aglondier... ![]() Dawnhammer: This heavy tome is bound in ancient, black leather that is slightly oily to the touch. The edges of the thick parchment pages within seem stained, and the writing tends to flow and smear when no one is looking. Known variously as the Codex of Shadows and the Cold Grimoire, the Dawnhammer contains the following spells (that anyone can learn or copy, regardless of their ability to use the books other powers as a relic of Azrai): damning darkness, darklight, darkness, greater shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, no light, shades, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, shadow walk, and utterdark. In addition to spells, the Dawnhammer is full of the misleading teachings of Azrai. A character who knows Abyssal or Infernal may attempt to corrupt a single arcane caster within 30 feet. As a full-round action, the character reads passages of Azrai's dogma to a single arcane caster, who must attempt a Will save (DC 23). If the character succeeds, he is shaken for one round. If the character fails its saving throw, it is effectively charmed by the silken lies (similar to a charm monster spell). In addition, the corrupted spellcaster temporarily assumes an evil alignment (his lawful, neutral, or chaotic alignment component does not change) and acts accordingly. After 17 days, the arcane caster has a choice. He can continue to act according to his evil alignment, or he can shift back. If the spellcaster chooses to permanently change his alignment, he acts as if an evil cleric had cast atonement on him. If the arcane caster chooses to change back, he must make another saving throw (DC 23). If he fails this saving throw, he suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks until he receives an atonement spell from a cleric of his original alignment. To use this relic, you must worship Azrai and either sacrifice a 5th-level spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 10 HD. Strong enchantment; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, morality undone; Price 58,500 gp; Weight 5 lb. |