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#1bdpenneyMay 19, 2004 12:29:14 | I'm looking for feedback for a prestige class I'm going to be including in my campaign and submitting to Canongire! Please give me your opinions concerning balance, theme, etc. I spent a lot of time combing over the Book fo Exalted Deeds, Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods, and Faiths and Pantheons handbooks to come up with this, so please compare this class with these other classes in mind. Thanks! -Bryan Avenger of Trithereon Righters of wrongs, defenders of liberty, and champions of good; the avengers of Trithereon are the most zealous followers of the Summoner. The avengers of Trithereon represent the hottest embers that fuel the fires of freedom and retribution. They will accept no oppressive laws placed on themselves or any other people. They will let no great injustice go unavenged. They will allow no sworn foe to escape their righteous wrath. The avengers of Trithereon are anything but shrieking hotheads, however. They use a combination of stealth, investigation, magic, metal, and summoned allies to accomplish their goals, which may be surprisingly complex for so chaotic an order. Though they seldom work together, for their sense of individualism can lead to clashes, they are known to band together when great evils or oppressors threaten. Avengers of Trithereon can be found everywhere there is evil and oppression, which is not necessarily the same thing. Highly lawful but non-evil governments (such as in the Theocracy of the Pale) despise avengers of Trithereon just as much as the rulers of evil nations (such as the newly-formed North Kingdom of Aerdy). The common folk, however, often embrace avengers of Trithereon as liberators and beacons of hope in the face of dark times or tyrannical despots. Avengers of Trithereon are held in great esteem within the faith of The Summoner, for they are living exemplars of everything their god represents. They carry his favor, as is evident in their abilities, and have likewise proven themselves as instruments of retribution just to become an avenger of Trithereon. Because of this they will oftentimes hold positions of leadership within the small shrines and temples of The Summoner. They use this clout to spread the “word” of Trithereon and to further the beliefs of their god. Adventuring avengers of Trithereon are extremely independent (even for typical followers of Trithereon) and work tirelessly to right wrongs, protect others from oppression, and to combat evil wherever it may be found. Hit Die: d6. REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become an avenger of Trithereon, a character must fulfill all the following criteria: Alignment: Chaotic Good Patron Deity: Trithereon Spells: Ability to cast 3rd level divine spells and access to the Liberation or Summoner domains. Special: Must have carried out an act or righteous vengeance upon someone deserving of retribution. Trithereon himself judges if the act is powerful enough to entitle the character to become an avenger. Table I: The Avenger of Trithereon Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Extra Domain 2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Pursuit 1/day 3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Inescapable Vengeance 1/day 4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Spontaneous Summoning 5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Pursuit 2/day 6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Inescapable Vengeance 2/day 7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Bonus Feat (Augment Summoning) 8 +6 +6 +2 +6 Pursuit 3/day 9 +6 +6 +3 +6 Inescapable Vengeance 3/day 10 +7 +7 +3 +7 Vengeance of the Trithereon Spells Per Day: +1 level of existing class per level of avenger of Trithereon. CLASS SKILLS The avenger of Trithereon’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Undead) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis). Skill Points at each level: 6 + Int modifier. CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the Avenger of Trithereon prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Avengers of Trithereon are proficient in all simple weapons, with the greatclub and long sword, and with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy) and with shields (except tower shields). However, Avengers of Trithereon will almost always opt to wield one of their deity’s favored weapons (see below) when fighting against tyranny or evil. Trithereon has three favored weapons and Avengers of Trithereon who cast the weapon of the deity spell may call forth one of the following: Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom (a +1 shock shortspear), Freedom’s Tongue (a +1 keen longsword), and The Baton of Retribution (a +1 ghost touch greatclub). Spells per Day: When a new avenger of Trithereon level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting in which she could cast 3rd level divine spells before she added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning undead, wild shape ability, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of avenger of Trithereon to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, and then determines spells per day accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class in which he could cast 3rd level divine spells before he became an avenger of Trithereon, the player must decide which class to assign each level of avenger of Trithereon for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known. Extra Domain: Upon adopting the avenger of Trithereon class, the character gains access to a bonus domain drawn from the following list: Chaos, Good, Liberation*, Protection, Strength, Summoner*, and Wrath**. The character gains the granted power associated with the domain she chooses, and can select spells in that domain as his daily domain spells. *(Complete Divine). **(Book of Exalted Deeds). Pursuit (Su): Trithereon is loath to allow wrongdoers to escape once vengeance has come to confront them, though they often try to flee in the face of retribution. Once per day as a free action an avenger of Trithereon may receive the benefit of an expeditions retreat spell at a caster level equal to his level in avenger of Trithereon plus his charisma modifier. What is more, the avenger of Trithereon receives the benefits of the Endurance feat while this spell is in effect, thus allowing him to run long distances while chasing down foes. An avenger of Trithereon may use this ability twice each day at 5th level and three times daily at 8th level. Inescapable Vengeance (Su): Avengers of Trithereon can bring swift doom upon those who oppress inflict terrible wrongs upon others. Once per day as a move action that does not invoke an attack of opportunity an avenger of Trithereon can call upon the power of The Summoner to infuse his greatclub, longsword, of shortspear with the power of retribution. On his melee next attack the avenger of Trithereon gains the benefits of a true strike spell and his weapon gains the weapon enhancement of anarchic or holy (character’s choice). Furthermore, the character’s next melee attack does not automatically miss on a roll of “1” when this ability is in affect. An avenger of Trithereon may use this ability twice each day at 6th level and three times daily at 9th level. Spontaneous Summoning: The Summoner has three powerful creatures that aid him in his pursuit of wrongdoers (Harrus the Falcon, Nemound the Hound, and Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard). Avengers of Trithereon may channel stored spell energy to spontaneously summon an aspect of one of these creatures to aid him in his crusade against evil and oppression. The level of spell an avenger of Trithereon needs to channel and the aspect he may summon are detailed below: · Avengers of Trithereon may channel a 4th level spell to summon an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon. · Avengers of Trithereon may channel a 5th level spell to summon an Aspect of Nemound the Hound. · Avengers of Trithereon may channel a 6th level spell to summon an Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard. Note: The Augment Summoning Feat has no affect upon these creatures when summoned. Bonus Feat (Augment Summoning): Avengers of Trithereon gain this feat for free, even if they lack the prerequisites for this feat. Vengeance of the Trithereon (Sp): Representing the pinnacle of an avenger of Trithereon’s ability to bring retribution upon evildoers, this ability allows the character to use one of the following abilities once per week: · A Last Judgment spell (Book of Exalted Deeds, page 102), often used against mortal transgressors. This power functions as if cast by the avenger of Trithereon (caster level, saving throw DC, etc.). · A heightened (to 6th level), maximized Holy Smite spell, often used against evil extraplanar foes. Evil outsiders who fail their saving throw are banished (same effect as the Banishment spell) rather than blinded. Likewise, this power functions as if cast by the avenger of Trithereon (caster level, saving throw DC, etc.). Aspect of Harrus the Falcon Large Magical Beast (Augmented Animal, Extraplanar, Good) Hit Dice: 6d10+18 (66 hit points) Initiative: +4 Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 80 ft. (average) Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+16 Attack: Talon +11 melee (1d8+5) Full Attack: 2 talons +11 melee (1d8+5) and bite +5 melee (1d8+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Smite Evil 1/day Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, resistance to acid 5, resistance to cold 5, resistance to electricity 5, spell resistance 11 Saves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Wil +4 Abilities: Str 20 (+5), Dex 18 (+4), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2) Skills: Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +10, Sense Motive +10, Spot +17, Survival +10 Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Natural Attack (talons), Weapon Focus (talons) Environment: The Beastlands of Aborea Organization: Solitary Alignment: Chaotic Good An Aspect of Harrus the Falcon appears as a large bird of prey that radiates power and majesty. Harrus’ eyes are of glittering gold and his talons are over-long and made of shining silver. Harrus the Falcon is a servant of Trithereon “The Summoner” and is a tireless warrior of good and freedom. Aspects of Harrus the Falcon are sent out into the world to aid Trithereon’s followers in their battle against tyranny and evil. COMBAT An Aspect of Harrus the Falcon typically attacks from a great height, diving earthward at tremendous speed. When he cannot dive, it uses his powerful talons to strike at his target’s head and eyes. The natural weapons of an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon are treated as Good-Aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Smite Evil (Ex): Once per day an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon can make a normal melee attack deal +6 points of damage against an evil foe. Evasion (Ex): With a successful Reflex save against an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon takes no damage. Skills: An Aspect of Harrus the Falcon has a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks. Carrying Capacity: An Aspect of Harrus the Falcon can serve as a mount for up to two man-sized passengers. No roll is needed to stay mounted upon on an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon; if he wishes you to stay mounted upon him than that is enough. If he does not wish you to ride upon him you must make an opposed grapple roll against him or be thrown off. A light load for an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon is up to 266 pounds; a medium load, 267-533 pounds, and a heavy load, 534-800 pounds. Aspect of Nemound the Hound Large Magical Beast (Augmented Animal, Extraplanar, Good) Hit Dice: 9d10+36 (108 hit points) Initiative: +3 Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple/Trip: +9/+20/+21 Attack: Bite +17 melee (2d6+12\19-20) Full Attack: Bite +17 melee (2d6+12\19-20) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Smite Evil 1/day, Trip Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., resistance to acid 10, resistance to cold 10, resistance to electricity 10, scent, spell resistance 14 Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Wil +5 Abilities: Str 26 (+8), Dex 16 (+3), Con 18 (+4), Int 10, Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1) Skills: Hide +15, Listen +15, Move Silently +15, Spot +15, Survival +15 Feats: Improved Critical (bite), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Run, Track, Weapon Focus (bite) Environment: The Beastlands of Aborea Organization: Solitary Alignment: Chaotic Good An Aspect of Nemound the Hound appears to be a jet-black Bull Mastiff hound the size of a Clydesdale horse. His eyes are a glowing amber hue and his teeth are elongated and are made of the sharpest steel. An Aspect of Nemound the Hounds lets out a terrible howl when it launches itself into combat. COMBAT An Aspect of Nemound the Hound can be either a patient stalker or a straightforward fighter, depending on the needs of the situation. Few escape the wrath of his jaws when he decides to hunt them. He is a tireless tracker and destroyer of evil. The natural weapons of an Aspect of Nemound are treated as Good-Aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Smite Evil (Ex): Once per day an Aspect of Nemound the Hound can make a normal melee attack deal +9 points of damage against an evil foe. Trip (Ex): If an Aspect of Nemound the Hound hits with his bite attack he can attempt to trip its opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the Aspect of Nemound the Hound. Skills: An Aspect of Nemound the Hound has a +2 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. It also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent. Carrying Capacity: An Aspect of Nemound the Hound can serve as a mount for up to three man-sized passengers. No roll is needed to stay mounted upon on an Aspect of Nemound the Hound; if he wishes you to stay mounted upon him than that is enough. If he does not wish you to ride upon him you must make an opposed grapple roll against him or be thrown off. A light load for an Aspect of Nemound the Hound is up to 612 pounds; a medium load, 613-1226 pounds, and a heavy load, 1227-1,840 pounds. Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard Huge Magical Beast (Augmented Animal, Extraplanar, Good) Hit Dice: 14d10+98 (210 hit points) Initiative: +3 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 50 ft. Armor Class: 20 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 17 Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+31 Attack: Bite +23 melee (3d8+15\19-20) Full Attack: Bite +23 melee (3d8+15\19-20) Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Smite Evil 3/day Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., resistance to acid 10, resistance to cold 10, resistance to electricity 10, scent, spell resistance 19, waterbreathing Saves: Fort +16, Ref +12, Wil +6 Abilities: Str 30 (+10), Dex 16 (+3), Con 24 (+7), Int 10, Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1) Skills: Hide –4, Listen +19, Spot +19, Swim +27 Feats: Extra Smiting, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) Environment: The Beastlands of Aborea Organization: Solitary Alignment: Chaotic Good An Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard is a huge marine reptile with a thick, ovoid body and fins instead of legs. It has a short, thick neck with a crocodile-like head on the end. An Aspect of Ca’rolk’ the Sea Lizard is some 35 feet in length and has elongated fangs made of gleaming steel. Its scales are greenish blue darkening to navy blue on his belly. Its eyes glow a ruby red. COMBAT An Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard is aggressive in combat and attacks to overwhelm its opponents with its ferocious bite. An Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard is strong, fast, and highly maneuverable, able to turn quickly and lunge at its foes. The natural weapons of an Aspect of Nemound are treated as Good-Aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Smite Evil (Ex): Three times per day (due to extra smiting feat) an Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard can make a normal melee attack deal +14 points of damage against an evil foe. Skills: An Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard has a +8 racial bonus to hide checks in water. Carrying Capacity: An Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard can serve as a mount for up to six man-sized passengers. No roll is needed to stay mounted upon on an Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard; if he wishes you to stay mounted upon him than that is enough. If he does not wish you to ride upon him you must make an opposed grapple roll against him or be thrown off. Anyone the Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard allows to ride upon him are granted water breathing for the duration of the ride. A light load for an Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard is up to 2,128 pounds; a medium load, 2,129-3,996 pounds, and a heavy load, 3,997- 6,600 pounds. |
#2mortellanMay 19, 2004 15:29:17 | I haven't compared this to anything yet, but theme-wise i'm impressed! Trithereon has always been one of the most original deities in GH and this PrC captures his essence. Those aspected creatures look great and well thought out, I'm going to have to look into those more. My only question/criticism on first glance is the requirements. The class is special power heavy and also gets quite a few skill points. Even though you must get approved by Trithereon that difficulty really depends on how liberal the DM is. How come you chose not to have any feat/skill rank requirements? |
#3bdpenneyMay 19, 2004 15:46:46 | Yeah, I need to go into this a bit more, but remember this is only a first draft. ![]() I'll take some suggestions on this one as I'm not sure which ones make sense (saying you need 8 ranks in Concentration or Spellcraft is pretty lame as EVERY cleric already maxes these out, its an empty requirement!). As for feats, this is dicier, not sure which ones really go with this class (Divine Vengeance? <-- But that is only against undead and extraplaner creatures!). And yes, it is a power and skill =-happy class, but from what I've seen in the Complete Divine Handbook, ALL of the prestige classes are this way! I tried to add some balance by only giving them 1d6 for Hit Die, but I'm also open to more suggestions... Thanks! -Bryan |
#4mortellanMay 19, 2004 15:50:27 | Having posed the feat/skill point issue, now I see that since the PrC is obviously geared toward clerics, expecting too many ranks or feats they don't have might be tough. I dunno. Keep up the good work. |
#5avfanaticMay 19, 2004 16:03:49 | If the domain power and spells are accessible at (Avenger of Trithereon + Cleric) level: Why wouldn't a cleric of Trithereon take one level and go back to cleric (or some other class) just to have access to a third domain? |
#6bdpenneyMay 19, 2004 16:47:23 | Domain question: Why wouldn't a cleric of Trithereon take one level and go back to cleric (or some other class) just to have access to a third domain? Domain Answer: For the same reason that other characters who adopt other prestige classes don't take a single level in a prestige and then continue raising their original class: the power/abilities. Looking into the Complete Divine you'll see a half dozen or more PrC's that offer clerics an addional domain with no real recourse if the character stops taking levels in the PrC. In the name of consistancy I'm going to stick with that line of thinking. It is my hope, however, to make the Avenger of Trithereon a compelling enough class (at least for cleric of Trithereon) so characters have every reason to stick it out. "Compelling" will be brought about via addional powers, expanded skills, and overall theme. The sacrifice will be in hit points and I'm thinking a couple of caster levels (if I dump 2 I'll have to add a little something, perhaps bonus feats. If I dump 3 I'll leave the bonus feats off and increase their attack progression to equal that of a Fighter PrC). Anyway, I hope that answsers your question. :P Thanks for the feedback all! Please keep it comming, when I publish this I want it to look and feel "right." =Bryan |
#7zombiegleemaxMay 20, 2004 19:16:16 | The forum ate my post. Three points: 1) consider switching to regular cleric HD and downgrading the skill points / level to 4 2) consider using Track as a requirement; if you like this idea, consider adapting the Favored Enemy (vs. oppressors) (not a regular game convention but true to Trithereon 3) consider making this an entire class, melding cleric and ranger as makes sense to you PS - Have you reviewed the version in the LGJ or the old OJ article? |
#8pauln6May 21, 2004 9:17:58 | If you refer back to 1e, clerics of Trithereon did possess the ability to track as rangers so this makes sense as a requirement. Since track is pointless w/o some points in the Survival skill you could add 4 ranks here as a requirement. This is a x-class skill for clerics so a single-classed cleric would have to wait until level 6 or alternatively you could take a level of ranger and a level of cleric to attain the prestige class as a level 1 ranger, level 5 cleric (to cast 3rd level spells). |
#9bdpenneyMay 21, 2004 13:53:21 | I considered the Track thing, but for the most part I find the Track feat to be pretty useless and a complete waste of a feat to use a slot on. If a character is going to have something as a requirement, it should be something they use very VERY often as it should represent something essential to the class' ability to function at any level. (As an aside, I decided on the following: Skills = Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge, History 5 ranks. Feats: Combat Casting or True Believer.) No offense to most rangers out there, but tracking someone overland is something that seldom happens, particularly if they are the sorts that an Avenger of Trithereon would be after (such as Tyrants or the big baddies who need a serious whoopin'). As such, I designed the class to have powerful ability in dealing with people (Gather Information, Intimidate) so they can get what they need through the power of personality (Gather Information for the big baddie's location, Intimidate to get the password to get close to the tyrant or the location of a hostage). I left diplomacy out due to the fiery nature of Trithereon's clerics: most would rather trist your arm or threaten you rather than offer give-and-take. Some are good at it (those that spent skill ranks on it when they were straight clerics), but most aren't. Likewise, I also wanted to avoid the Favored Enemy thing for a very simple reason: the enemies of the Avengers of Trithereon are always changing. One day it may be a foul orcish chieftain taking slaves, the next it may be the lawful neutral priest of Pholtus who is imposing his will on the countryside. Because of the diversity of things that the Avengers of Trithereon fight I wanted to make their ability to bring vengeance upon them very flexible. Favored enemies or sneak attacks weren't flexible enough as with a Favored Enemy you are flat-out stuck with one class of enemy and Sneak Attacks are only appropriate in limited circumstances. I wanted the Avenger's special attacking ability to be useful in nearly any circumstance. As for Hit Dice and such, the Avengers need to give something up, and in the final version (not yet posted) I believe they are very well balanced, particularly when you compare them to the PrC's in books such as Book of Exalted Deeds and Complete Divine. Anyway, they will be good at fighting, "skilling" and casting, but members of other classes who specialize in these areas will always be better. Think of them as a prestige hybrid that gives enormous flexibility to a cleric of Trithereon. Their Hit Dice will be a d6 to reflect what they give up to gain their special abilities (Powers, bonus feats, skill points) and their spellcasting ability will be decreased to reflect their superior attacking ability (fighter-type advancement). Hopefully that gives everyone a better idea of where I'm comming from with this class. ![]() -Bryan |
#10cebrionMay 22, 2004 3:14:25 | The premise is great and many of the details are well thought out. The summoned creature stats are very nice!!! On a critical note, however, there looks to be way too many class skills and skill points per level. Iron Will(strength of purpose) and/or Endurance(relentless vengeance) would make good pre-requisite feats for the class. The abilities gained might be slightly toned down, or some of them removed altogether as well. The benefits of the prestige class are far beyond the basic cleric class(the most likely base class) which the decrease in hit points does not completely account for. Regarding the lowerd hit points. This mechanism is usually reserved for prestige classes of a lesser combat orientation, or namely those that are not warrior types- they rely on spells or special abilities to compensate for the lack of hit points instead. I'd look for something like this in a prestige class for a follower of Rao or Wee Jas rather than Tritherion. As Tritherion is such a martial deity(with warrior-priests in abundance), the lowered hit points do not make much sense for a prestige class for one of his followers, other than serving as an attempt to balance out the load of class skills, skill points, and special abilities which are features of the Avenger of Tritherion prestige class, not to mention the fact that the class still grants spells to the character as if they had also advanced a level in the base class as well. That is a lot of stuff! I'd recommend raising the hit points to d8, lowering the skill points to 2 per level as per the regular cleric, and toning down/removing some of the special abilities and class skills. I'd definitely leave the spontaneous summoning feature in, particularly as it is limited to the creatures mentioned!!! ![]() Hope this didn't sound too harsh. Its only intended to be helpful. I'll look for the finished version on Canonfire. Best regards. ---Brian |
#11bdpenneyMay 22, 2004 8:59:27 | I thought of that, but then my eyes drifted to page of the Book of Exalted Deeds: Lion of Talisid. They get: Cleric Attack rate and saves. Spellcasting increase at every level. Cleric Hit Points. A special ability (including wildshap, with advancements) at every level. An oodle of skills. 4 skill points per level. Bleh! I know that not all prestige classes are created equal, but with this as a template it left me with a few ideas. So, to sum up thus far, this is what an Avenger of Trithereon gains: 1. Fighter Attack progression (representitive of the "fighting clerics." 2. Cleric Saves (Tough, Willful, but not terribly agile). 3. A skill set that will allow them to use the power of their personality to find and accomplish their goals without necessarily drawing blood. 4. 6 skill points per level (I'm waffling on this, I'm thinking 4 per level is a good compromise here considering the number of class skills they have). 5. A special ability every level, though this is misleading as the "every level" thing often relates to the additional use of a special abilty each day. Said special abilities reflect upon the Avenger's closeness with their god (The Summoner) and his ability to call in aid in his quests for vengeance and his ability to pursue foes and then smack the crap out of them when he finally catches up to them. On the flip-side of things, there's always something to be given up. Here is what an Avenger of Trithereon "looses" when taking up the prestige class: 1. Spellcasting: An Avenger of Trithereon does not gain an increase in spellcasting class at levels 3, 6, and 9. Hence, you'd have to hit 20th level in order to ever gain access to 9th level spells. 2. Loss of the Diplomacy Skill: Vital for solving confrontations, this skill is horribly under-rated and can be a cleric's best ally... After his god of course. Worshipers of Trithereon are emotional sorts more likely to attempt inimidating what they want out of some ("WHERE is your master!!") then using give-and-take negotiation. This will most likely lead to more combat and more expended resources. 3. Lowered Hit points (d6). This reflects an Avenger of Trithereon's vastly increased time spent learning skills and practicing them. 4. Prerequisites: Deity: Trithereon Alignment: Chaotic Good Skill: Combat Casting 8 ranks Skill: Knowledge (History): 5 ranks Feat*: Combat Casting or True Believer Speial: Carry out an act of righteous vengeance upon someone deserving in the eyes of Trithereon. Trithereon judges your worthiness to join his Avengers. *(On a note here, the Endurane feat is basically a way of getting a character to psss away a perfectly good feat in order take on a prestige class. I believe that no feat should be wasted, EVER. While endurance may be helpful in keeping up with foes, I'd say "Use a horse!" Likewise, Combat Casting would prove more valuable to an Avenger as it will allow him to avoid attacks of opportunity when casting his spells. Likewise, True Believer would be representative of his zealous devotion to his god, which wouldn't be hard for anyone to see considering the passion one must have to worship The Summoner). Anyway, I don't want to gut the premise of the class by reducing Skill Points to 2 per level as that would then transform the class to a "Slash and Cast" PrC. I want these guys to be skillful in that they can be sneaky (Hide, Move Silently), Observant (Spot, Search), resourceful (Gather Information), and able to get what they want via their own personalities (Intimidate, Bluff). I also want them to hold their own in combat and still be able to cast spells, though any full-blooded cleric should be able to out-cast them while any full-blooded fighter should be able to score hits more consistantly then they. The Combat Progression, Hit Points, and Skill Points are pretty much the only thing I'm beginning to waffle on. Leaving all abilities as they are, would the following seem more balanced: Cleric Combat Progression Cleric Hit Points 4 Skill Points per level Anyway, they're giving up a heck of a lot with 3 lost spellcasting levels over the 10-level progression, so I want to make sure this is balanced Thanks! -Bryan |
#12avfanaticMay 22, 2004 13:18:17 | Comparing Lion of Talisid with your class is interesting because Avengers of Trithereon get: Better attack bonus Better skill points Special powers every level like the Lion of Talisid +1 exisiting caster level like the Lion of Talisid One die lower HD Same saves as the Lion of Talisid To me they're very similar, with Avengers being slighty more combat/social effective, with (arguably) less powerful abilities and less hit points than the Lions. I also agree that "punishment feats" (feats required for a PrC that may not be useful) for prerequisites may not be used in a given campaign but that doesn't negate the logic for those choices. In 1st Ed. clerics of Trithereon could track as rangers if they gave up 5% of their experience. So I agree that the Track feat is appropriate and Endurance as a requirement instead of the free use of it as an ability would also be in the spirit of the class. This PrC is better than a cleric (unless you're in love with Turning Undead) in every way so "punishment feats" are a good way to level the playing field. You asked for opinions, now you've got mine ![]() |
#13bdpenneyMay 22, 2004 18:39:35 | Hmmmm.... Question though: Is this class really better than a cleric when it looses 3 levels of spellcasting? That'll be the crux of balancing this class... Bugger, building prestige classes can be pretty time-consuming! |
#14cebrionMay 22, 2004 21:42:10 | I agree with avfanatic. I didn't mention it earlier but I agree that what seems the most appropriate should be done in most cases, whether or not it is generally the most useful thing. A prestige class is not meant to be "generic" or "general" at all- it is a specialty. You may want to submit a general use version of the prestige class to Canonfire and have your own campaign specific version to suit the purpose of the prestige class in your campaign. Track is a very appropriate feat for an Avenger of Tritherion to have, as would the Endurance feat and the Fast Tracking ability of rangers as well. They may not be of much use in your campaign, but consider that the pursued may not always seek out wide open wastelands, appropriate for horsed travel, to "hide' in nor might there be lots of people around for the AoT to ask "where did this guy go?" Relentless pursuit seems to be within the purpose your prestige class but it is not really reflected there in any way. Why would an AoT be a skulker??? Have you considered perhaps creating more than one version of this prestige class for each base class? It would certainly be more work, but would suit your purpose better i would hope. As it is, you say you want "these guys to be skillful in that they can be sneaky (Hide, Move Silently), Observant (Spot, Search), resourceful (Gather Information), and able to get what they want via their own personalities (Intimidate, Bluff)." As it is, it sounds like you want most of the benefits of the rogue or bard class while still being able to cast spells and attack like a fighter on top of it, plus have lots of skill points to boot. It is too much. The idea behind a prestige class is not "having it all", or even "90% of it all". There is such a thing as multi-classing for a reason, which carries its own inherent benefits and limitations regarding skills, hit points and class abilities. Hit points are as much a reflection of fighting ability as is the attack bonus. You will note that there is a correlation between them along class lines. There should not be such a wide discrepancy between the attack value and hit points. You may also wish to change this to a 5 level prestige class(or not) where at each odd level(1, 3, and 5) the character either gains a level of spell-casting ability(if they can cast spells) or gains a special ability if they are not a spell caster. Or give them a choice of the two at each level!!! If you favor spells, you take the casting level and the odd special ability at every other level catered to spell casting, or you take the slightly better special abilities that are not spell caster level related at all!!! This idea has some merit I think! :D . This would allow for a more universal group of Avengers of Tritherion composed of all types of followers and not just divine spell casters. I really like this idea in particular. If this were the choice, it goes without saying that the pre-requisite of casting divine spells would be removed and replaced with a base attack bonus to limit the prestige class to characters of a certain minimum level. I'd recommend +4 or +5. The skill points should in any case be no more than 4 per level and I would consider that pushing it when there are so many other special abilities gained in addition to having the attack value of a fighter(which I would drop to that of a cleric for a more balanced prestige class). Whatever you decide, I don't know if you really want to introduce the Avenger of Tritherion as an archetypal prestige class, or what most people would expect of it (Track, Endurance, etc.) considering previously published canonical material, or whether you just want to put forth the prestige class as something that you created for your campaign for others to use if they want to. I'd opt for the former. I think more people would be interested in something archetypal than specific to your campaign world, but that's the case with most things. In any event, there will always be critics who have their own view of how things should be. Everybody's point of view is different for the most part. I hope I have passed along some good ideas and responses in any event. ---Brian |
#15bdpenneyMay 24, 2004 8:38:20 | Ok, with suggestions in hand I made made several changes to the class: 1. Reduced the Base Attack Bonus 2. Raised hit points back to D8/level 3. Reduced number of class skills and skills/level 4. Made Track and ranks in Survival as prerequisites 5. Reduced spellcasting ability slightly (no increases at levels 4 & 8). So, take a look and lemme know what ye think! This won't be the version of the class I make use of in my campaigns (I won't be sticking with the Track feat), but everything else will be kept. Thanks! -Bryan Avenger of Trithereon Righters of wrongs, defenders of liberty, and champions of good; the avengers of Trithereon are the most zealous followers of The Summoner and act as his hands on the Material plane. The avengers of Trithereon represent the hottest embers that fuel the fires of freedom and retribution. They will accept no oppressive laws placed on themselves or any other people. They will let no great injustice go unavenged. They will allow no sworn foe to escape their righteous wrath. The avengers of Trithereon are anything but shrieking hotheads, however. They use a combination of stealth, investigation, magic, weaponry, and summoned allies to accomplish their goals: which may be surprisingly complex for so chaotic an order. Though they seldom work together, for their sense of individualism often leads to clashes, they are known to band together when great evils or tyranny threaten. Avengers of Trithereon can be found everywhere there is evil and oppression, which is not necessarily the same thing. Highly lawful but non-evil governments (such as in the Theocracy of the Pale) despise avengers of Trithereon just as much as the rulers of evil nations (such as the newly-formed North Kingdom of Aerdy). The common folk, however, often embrace avengers of Trithereon as liberators and beacons of hope in the face of dark times or tyrannical despots. Avengers of Trithereon are held in great esteem within the faith of The Summoner, for they are living exemplars of everything their god represents. They carry his favor, as is evident in their abilities, and have likewise proven themselves as instruments of retribution time and again just to become an avenger of Trithereon. Because of this they will oftentimes hold positions of leadership within the small shrines and temples of The Summoner. They use this clout to spread the “word” of Trithereon and to further the beliefs of their god. Adventuring avengers of Trithereon are extremely independent (even for typical followers of Trithereon) and work tirelessly to right wrongs, protect others from oppression, and to combat evil wherever it may be found. Hit Die: d8. REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become an avenger of Trithereon, a character must fulfill all the following criteria: Alignment: Chaotic Good Patron Deity: Trithereon Skills: Concentration 5 ranks, Knowledge (the History) 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks. Feats: Track Spells: Ability to cast 3rd level divine spells and access to the Liberation or Summoner domains. Special: Must have carried out an act or righteous vengeance upon someone deserving of retribution. Trithereon himself judges if the act is powerful enough to entitle the character to become an avenger. Table I: The Avenger of Trithereon Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special Spells Per Day 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Extra Domain, Weapon Focus +1 level of existing class 2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Pursuit 1/day +1 level of existing class 3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Inescapable Vengeance 1/day +1 level of existing class 4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Spontaneous Summoning - 5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Pursuit 2/day +1 level of existing class 6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Inescapable Vengeance 2/day +1 level of existing class 7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Bonus Feat (Augment Summoning) +1 level of existing class 8 +6 +6 +2 +6 Pursuit 3/day - 9 +6 +6 +3 +6 Inescapable Vengeance 3/day +1 level of existing class 10 +7 +7 +3 +7 Vengeance of the Trithereon +1 level of existing class CLASS SKILLS The avenger of Trithereon’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis). Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int modifier. CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the avenger of Trithereon prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Avengers of Trithereon are proficient in all simple weapons, with the greatclub and long sword, and with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy) and with shields (except tower shields). However, avengers of Trithereon will almost always opt to wield one of their deity’s favored weapons (see below) when fighting against tyranny or evil. Trithereon has three favored weapons and avengers of Trithereon who cast the weapon of the deity spell may call forth one of the following: Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom (a +1 shock shortspear), Freedom’s Tongue (a +1 keen longsword), and The Baton of Retribution (a +1 ghost touch greatclub). Spells per Day: When a new avenger of Trithereon level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting in which she could cast 3rd level divine spells before she added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning undead, wild shape ability, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of avenger of Trithereon to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, and then determines spells per day accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class in which he could cast 3rd level divine spells before he became an avenger of Trithereon, the player must decide which class to assign each level of avenger of Trithereon for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known. Extra Domain: Upon adopting the avenger of Trithereon class, the character gains access to a bonus domain drawn from the following list: Chaos, Good, Liberation*, Protection, Strength, Summoner*, and Wrath**. The character gains the granted power associated with the domain she chooses, and can select spells in that domain as his daily domain spells. *(Complete Divine). **(Book of Exalted Deeds). Weapon Focus: At first level avengers of Trithereon gain the Weapon Focus feat for free. The weapon chosen must be one of Trithereon’s favored weapons (greatclub, longsword, or shortspear). Pursuit (Su): Trithereon is loath to allow wrongdoers to escape once vengeance has come to confront them, though they often try to flee in the face of retribution. Upon reaching 2nd level an avenger of Trithereon may receive the benefit of an expeditions retreat spell as a free action once per day at a caster level equal to his level in avenger of Trithereon plus his charisma modifier. What is more, the avenger of Trithereon receives the benefits of the Endurance feat while this spell is in effect, thus allowing him to run long distances while chasing down foes. An avenger of Trithereon may use this ability twice each day at 5th level and three times daily at 8th level. Inescapable Vengeance (Su): Avengers of Trithereon can bring swift doom upon those who oppress inflict terrible wrongs upon others. Upon reaching 3rd level an avenger of Trithereon can call upon the power of The Summoner to infuse his greatclub, longsword, of shortspear with the power of retribution as a move action (that does not invoke an attack of opportunity) once per day. On his melee next attack the avenger of Trithereon gains the benefits of a true strike spell and his weapon gains the weapon enhancement of anarchic or holy (character’s choice). Furthermore, the character’s next melee attack does not automatically miss on a roll of “1” when this ability is in affect. An avenger of Trithereon may use this ability twice each day at 6th level and three times daily at 9th level. Spontaneous Summoning: The Summoner has three powerful creatures that aid him in his pursuit of wrongdoers (Harrus the Falcon, Nemound the Hound, and Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard). Avengers of Trithereon may channel stored spell energy to spontaneously summon an aspect of one of these creatures to aid him in his crusade against evil and oppression. The level of spell an avenger of Trithereon needs to channel and the aspect he may summon are detailed below: Avengers of Trithereon may channel a 4th level spell to summon an Aspect of Harrus the Falcon. Avengers of Trithereon may channel a 5th level spell to summon an Aspect of Nemound the Hound. Avengers of Trithereon may channel a 6th level spell to summon an Aspect of Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard. Note: The Augment Summoning Feat has no affect upon these creatures when summoned. Bonus Feat (Augment Summoning): At 7th level avengers of Trithereon the Augment Summoning feat for free, even if they lack the prerequisites for this feat. Vengeance of the Trithereon (Sp): Representing the pinnacle of an avenger of Trithereon’s ability to bring retribution upon evildoers, this ability allows the character to use one of the following abilities once per week: - A Last Judgment spell (Book of Exalted Deeds, page 102), often used against mortal transgressors. This power functions at the caster level of the avenger of Trithereon, modified by his wisdom score and any relevant feats. - A heightened (to 6th level), maximized Holy Smite spell, often used against evil extraplanar foes. Evil outsiders who fail their saving throw are banished (same effect as the Banishment spell) rather than blinded. Likewise, this power functions at the caster level of the avenger of Trithereon, modified by his wisdom score and any relevant feats. |