Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1spellweaverMay 20, 2004 8:04:09 | I have a project that I have been working on for some time now: Masters & Commanders of the Known World! It all started with the fact that whenever my players' characters need to take a ship anywhere in the Known World I always have to come up with the name of the ship and the captain on the fly. And I hate that. So I looked in the Ierendi Gazetteer. There are these ship counters representing ships from the various nations as well as pirate ships and merchant vessels. Great. That took care of all the ships' names. Now, all that is left is to figure out the name of the captain as well as a bit of historical info on the ship. I'm working on a long list, trying to give each of the 200 ships a distinct background or "feel" to it. Something to make it, its captain and crew or its history unique. I have come up with a number of ideas, but far from enough for two hundred ships. Please, if any of you have ideas, feel free to contribute ![]() Here are my ideas so far: General ideas: - Captain is of an unusual race or has a distinct look. A wooden leg, hook etc. (can be use more than once) - Captain is female or belongs to some other maritime minority (can be used more than once) Thyatian ships: - Captain got his command via bribes. He is incompetent and his men are fearful. - Captain is in the pockets of pirates and his crew protects them. - Captain was posted far away as a punishment - Captain is using his supply ship to smuggle things from the Isle of Dawn - Captain is the son of a Senator - Captain lost a brother to Ylari pirates and hates them deeply. He will provoke a naval battle and an international incident if he can. - Captain was former a liaisons officer in Sundsvall and knows a lot about Alphatians and their tactics. Karameikan ships: - Captain is of Traladaran decent and his crew lacks respect - Captain is a hero for hunting down pirates - Captain is an alcoholic - Captain is Thyatian and terrorizes the Traladaran crewmen Darokin ships: - Some of the ships operate on lake Amsorak - The pride of the navy, the war galley Corunglain, has fallen into disrepair Ostland ships: - Two captains in king Hord's navy have a blood feud going on - Captain adventured with King Hord in his younger days Pirate ships: - A pirate longship is crewed by undead and captained by a Priest of Hel. Its black sails are feared everywhere in the north. - Ship belongs to the Iron Ring. It sails with slaves. Privateers and merchantmen: - the Bartolomeo is captained by a Darokin swashbuckler - the Willoway was built by a former Ostland slave from Karameikos who turned shipwright when he earned his freedom. He now roams the seas, trading between Oceansend and Norrvik - The captain of the Fjordvall is a trader named Sigismund. On his last journey between Oceansend and Soderfjord he encountered the Kraken. Now he trembles with fear at the very thought of putting out to sea again. He has taken to drinking a lot and the Fjordvall is for sale at the local dock in Soderfjord. - the Brandywine is a small sailing ship captained by a stout halfling explorer and trader from Seashire. This vessel has sailed the seas from Oceansend to Atruaghin. - the legendary Harpoon is one of the fastest ships ever built. It once completed the run from West Portage to Specularum south of the Island of Hattias in just XX days… - the Peregrin belongs to a Hin privateer operating in the Gulf of Halag near Fort Doom. - the Princess is crewed by hin pirates in memory of Nob’s fair Navrilstar, a Traladaran princess. - Few ships are as feared on the seas of the Known World as the Providence. In 731 AC the captain did something bad and was punished by the god XX to sail the seas forever. The ghost ship’s crew consists of various undead and few encounter the Providence and live to tell the tale… Any other ideas ?? :-) Jesper |
#2zombiegleemaxMay 20, 2004 9:36:39 | Fantastic idea. This kind of stuff will be extremely useful. And since my campaign will 'go nautical' in the next few weeks as some of the characters quest for the Isle of Dread, I'll definitely borrow what you come up with (and try and add some ideas). I have a similar project in the works to create personalities for all of the Commanders of the Karameikan forts and military units, as well as a few of their top lieutenants. Does anyone know if this has been done already, back in the day? |
#3spellweaverMay 23, 2004 7:17:45 | Finnally got some of these captains done! :D Stanles: feel free to post them at the Vault sometime ;) :-) Jesper |
#4spellweaverNov 07, 2004 15:52:47 | Karameikos Fyodorski (small galley, 3-7) The captain of the Fyodorski is a young Traladaran officer named Grygory Kuzmavitch. Because of his age but mainly because of his lineage most of his mainly Thyatian crew has little or no respect for him. Some of the marines openly make racist remarks even when their captain is within earshot but he has failed to address the issue because he does not know how to handle it – a fact that has caused discipline to dwindle even further. Grygory only recently got his commission from Admiral Hyraksos, the Minister of War, and he desperately wants to prove himself worthy of it, but he could surely use some help. Sergeiev (small galley, 3-7) The Sergeiev suffers from a problem similar to the Fyodorski’s. The captain of the Sergeiev is a Thyatian officer named Gunther Steinmanke who despises the Traladarans in his crew. Since he cannot kick them out his lieutenants secretly encourage the rest of the crew to pick on and terrorize the few unfortunate Traladaran crewmembers. They are always given the worst watches at night, the poorest sleeping hammocks and the least food. As a result, morale onboard is dropping rapidly. Ilyana (small galley, 5-7) The Ilyana is one of two ships from the Karameikan navy that use Vorloi as their base of operations instead of Specularum. The captain of the Ilyana, a Thyatian woman named Titia Nemelus is most displeased with this arrangement. She is dying to demonstrate her skill and submits her crew to constant drills. She often makes irrational and even foolhardy decisions such as to steer directly into a storm instead of heading for the coast – a thing which frightens and greatly upsets her crew. More than once she has taken both them and the ship to the very limit and beyond and while they have screamed in panic for Protius not to take them to a watery grave they have not yet mutinied against her. Truth be told, the day they face real danger, such as a pirate battle, they will be better prepared than almost any other crew in the navy. But for now they just wish their captain would relax a little and enjoy the quiet stationing in Vorloi. Ivanovitch (small galley, 6-7) The captain of the Ivanovitch is a young man named Varis Vorloi and he is the nephew of the Baron Philip Vorloi, who regards Varis as the son he should have had – instead of the imbecile son Grygori that he actually has. Varis is bright and brave – excellent officer material – and the baron got him a commission as the captain of the Ivanovitch as a favour from his old friend Admiral Hyraksos, the Minister of War, whom he helped build the Karameikan navy into what it is today. The Torenescu and the Radu families are very upset at the way Philip Vorloi uses this connection to have naval officers appointed who can help him protect his own merchant fleet and they have protested to both the minister and the duke. Ecetarina (large galley, 7-6) The captain of the Ecetarina is called Mikhail Daryov. For the past three years he has been an alcoholic ever since his wife died in childbirth and the child with her. His crew knows of his sorrow and the officers try to cover up his drinking problems as much as they can, figuring that he will eventually feel better. Anyavitch (large galley, 7-6) The captain of the Anyavitch is a Thyatian named Alexander Valerius. He is extremely competent but also cold-heated, ambitious and somewhat ruthless. Most observers at court speculate that he is trying to manoeuvre himself into a position to take over once Vice Admiral Claudius is gone. Two years ago he married into a wealthy and respected merchant family in Specularum and his wife has arranged several receptions and parties since then where Alexander has tried to impress the ministers and nobility. It irritates Alexander that Claudius has delayed his retirement and he really wishes the old fool would just lie down and die… but he would never dare openly say so. Dmitriov (war galley, 10-6) The Dmitriov is the flagship and pride of the Karameikan navy. She is an impressive three-deck wargalley equipped with the latest weapons such as ballistae and greek fire catapults. Her crew is the pride of the 3rd Division and their captain and commander is Vice Admiral Claudius Caliberus, second-in-command to Admiral Hyraksos. Old Claudius is looking to retire next year and at court lots of people are talking about who is going to be appointed the new Vice Admiral. Admiral Hyraksos is still looking for a candidate to take over his place and has asked Claudius to remain until then, to which the old Vice Admiral has agreed. Yakovski (small sailing ship, 4-7) The Yakovski is the other ship stationed in Vorloi. Her captain, a fat man named Ivan Iranov, is very satisfied with this arrangement. He takes the ship up and down the coast on rutine patrols and sometimes escorts Baron Vorloi’s ships to the Minrothad Guilds or Thyatis but most of the time he stays in the harbour eating and relaxing. Stefanov (small sailing ship, 4-7) The captain of the Stefanov is a man named Milard Bray originally from Darokin. Ever since he was a kid he wanted to join the navy and circumstances made it the Karameikan one instead of the one in Darokin. He is a seasoned veteran who prefers a rolling deck beneath his feet to a steady floor any day. He is missing his left ear, which a pirate cut off him in a battle at sea. Irenescu (small sailing ship, 4-7) The Irenescu is one of the smallest ships in the entire navy and does little else than patrol the bay between Sulescu, Vorloi and Specularum, keeping an eye out for smugglers and pirates. The captain, an unimpressive fellow named Sergei Magdatrov, has so far escaped the admiralty’s attention and Sergei prefers it that way. His true employer is the Radu family and the Veiled Society. In fact, the entire crew of the Irenescu belong to the brutal guild and use their naval status as a cover to assist in smuggling illegal goods into and out of Specularum, which they load to or from other ships once they are at sea far from the coast. Tatiana (large sailing ship, 5-6) The captain of the Tatiana is an elf named Thallaric Cloudeye. He is unusual in that not only is he the only elven officer in the Karameikan navy but he also has an astonishing record for the number of pirate vessels that he and his crew has fought and captured or killed. Observers in Specularum are speculating whether the elf is ambitious and striving for a landed lordship or whether he is just dedicated to his duty. |
#5spellweaverOct 29, 2005 13:18:04 | Fjordvall (Longship / longship, 3-8) The captain of the Fjordvall is a trader named Sigismund. On his last journey between Oceansend and Soderfjord he encountered the Kraken. Now he trembles with fear at the very thought of putting out to sea again. He has taken to drinking a lot and the Fjordvall is for sale at the local dock in Soderfjord. The Fjordvall is not equipped with any weapons and has a superior speed of wind x 20 ft. when using her sails. Sigismund: 3rd level expert (trader), alignment Neutral. Bartolomeo (Trireme / small galley, 5-7) The Bartolomeo is captained by a Darokin swashbuckler named Gonzalo Javier, who won the ship in a game of cards in Athenos. He didn’t know much about ships but being the romantic that he is, he wanted to try out his sea legs. Gonzalo hired a motley crew and set to sea. It wasn’t long before he realised that there is more to seamanship than setting a course for the Sea of Dread and hoping for fair weather. The Bartolomeo nearly sank in a storm and had to limp back to Tothmeer in the Five Shires. After a few weeks of repairs (and replacing half the crew, who had signed off), Gonzalo set to sea again but this time stayed closer to shore. He took his ship and crew to Orlin Isle in the reef-filled waters between the Five Shires and Ierendi. Stories in Tothmeer had convinced Gonzalo that the island was laden with pirate treasure. Once they reached the isle, Gonzalo was disappointed to learn that most of it was actually populated by retired adventurers – mages and others who wanted nothing more than to be left alone. And who took none too lightly to Gonzalo and his crew digging through their gardens looking for pirate treasure! After the initial confusion and hurling of fireballs, followed by apologies from both sides, Gonzalo managed to befriend a retired mage named Erdgilm. From him Gonzalo learned of a reef near Orlin Isle, where many pirate ships had sunk over the years. Erdgilm convinced Gonzalo to go look for treasure there and sent him on his way. The Bartolomeo returned to the mainland and Gonzalo tried, without success, to purchase water-breathing magic from the Church of Protius. Instead, he has taken to scouring the coast from Specularum to Athenos for adventurers with access to such magic, who would be willing to join forces with him and explore the reef. The Bartolomeo is armed with a ram, a ballista and a catapult. Gonzalo Javier: 5th level Swashbuckler (from Complete Warrior Handbook), alignment Chaotic Good, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 7, Charisma 16. Willoway (Longship / longship, 3-7) In AC 984, the Karameikan Javosh Portjetskiy was taken prisoner aboard a trade vessel by Ostland pirates and sold as a slave in Zeaburg. He spent 14 long years as a thrall to a master shipwright in the city but eventually earned his freedom. He made his way to Norrvik in Vestland and settled there as a shipbuilder himself. Through hard work he managed to save up the money to build the Willoway and hire a crew. He set out for Oceansend and returned with a valuable cargo of books and timber. For the past two years Javosh and his crew has continued to roam the seas between Norrvik and Oceansend, often visiting Helskir and the Heldann Freeholds as well. Javosh is still tormented by his memories of slavery and would rather die than be taken by Ostland pirates again. He will take passengers on board for a modest fee. The Willoway is a standard longship with no heavy weapons. Javosh Portjetskiy: 1st level Commoner, 6th level Expert (Shipwright), alignment Neutral Good. Peregrin (Pinnace / small sailing ship, 5-7) Commanded by Godasiar “Godo” Gimblefoot of the Nogknock Clan of Shireton, the Peregrin has in recent years become a ship whose name commands respect in the waters of the Five Shires and the Gulf of Halag. Godo and his brave crew are bounty hunters of the seas, operating under the command of the Sheriffs’ Council, fighting pirates and slavers who operate out of Fort Doom. Although the Peregrin is small and numbers a crew of just 25 hin, she has often taken on far larger vessels and each time come out victorious. Triremes, longships and even caravels have fallen for the hands of Godo’s hunters. The explanation is that Godo is a truly gifted sea captain, who understands to use the weather and the waters to his advantage. Surviving slavers speak in terrified whispers in Fort Doom of how the Peregrin eerily emerged from the silent ocean fog and fired screaming, flaming missiles at them before once more retreating into the mists. This repeated itself several times and always the Peregrin emerged from a completely unexpected direction, moving with an almost supernatural speed. The “screaming missiles” are specially-made ballista spears that Godo has invented together with an Ethengarian fletcher he once met. The Ethengarian showed Godo his country’s signal arrows and Godo took a bundle of these to a weapon smith in Shireton, who produced the new ballista spears for him. When they fly through the air they make a loud unnerving noise, forcing enemies to make a Will Save (DC 10) or become shaken. When they are not at sea, Godo and the crew of the Peregrin like to relax in Shireton and can often be found in the Winebucket Tavern. Godo also often visits his friends at Spiderblood & Maple, Fine Cartographers & Map Vendors, where he buys and sells ocean charts and other interesting things he comes across on his journeys. The Peregrin is a standard Pinnace mounted with two ballistae. It has an exceptional crew. Godo Gimblefoot: 6th level fighter, 8th level Legendary Captain (see Stormwrack page 56-60), Intelligence 16, Wisdom 14, Charisma 17. Alignment Neutral Good. Godo wears a Ring of Protection+4, a Medallion of Water Breathing and a halfling-sized cutlass+3. |
#6RPGpunditOct 29, 2005 13:37:36 | The Cormorant (merchant/privateer) is a name that strikes fear in the seafarers of the known world, not because of the ship but because of its captain. Captain Rumm is the craziest sea dog in all the oceans of Mystara. Having lost both legs in a vicious fight with crazed sea slug, he spends most of his days in various taverns in the port cities, talking nonsense with the occasional "Yarharhar" thrown in for good measure. For a cheap price, he's willing to sail you absolutely ANYWHERE, even places any other sea captain wouldn't dare; which is great if only he knew how to navigate. Most times his plan is to sail round and round the White Island until everyone gets dizzy, and then head for home. He is of the minority "school of thought" that a sailing ship doesn't actually require a crew, and is known to enjoy drinking his own urine, usually resorting to that measure long before the water actually runs out. He also randomly accuses people of having femenine qualities, picking a noun at random from said person's last sentence and replying "You have a WOMAN's x, I'll wager that x never..", followed by some ridiculous assertion. There, that's for those who want to add a touch of levity to their sea voyage, or just want to really drive their players nuts. ![]() RPGPundit |
#7spellweaverOct 29, 2005 14:19:27 | ![]() Thanks for the contribution RPG Pundit! I have always loved the Black Adder series and that episode is one of my favourites! :-) Jesper |
#8spellweaverOct 29, 2005 15:12:36 | Alvarez (Dromond / large galley, 6-6) The Alvarez is owned by the Alphatian wizard Sartigus Eresir of the town of Ybod on the Northwestern tip of the Kingdom of Frisland in Alphatia. Sartigus was always an adventuring soul and set out to see the world and discover new and exiting magic. He came from a wealthy family of magic-users and purchased the Alvarez in AC 992. His journeys led him south to the Isle of Dawn and the kingdom of Edairo. There he searched the well-stocked libraries and researched new and powerful spells. He also devised a highly potent magical item for the Alvarez – a Golden Shedu living figurehead (see Stormwrack page 132-133). He spent six months crafting the figurehead of mahogany with overlaid gold. When Sartigus set to sea again, he ventured into Thyatian waters and was soon attacked by pirates out of Caerdwicca. Sartigus used the ethereal power of the figurehead to vanish before the pirates’ eyes, only to emerge behind them and ram one ship, sinking it, while blasting another to the bottom of the sea with powerful spells. Sartigus then decided to pay the Thane of Caerdwicca, Uthgaard McRhomaag, a visit. He sailed into the bay and then activated the flying power of his ship and continued to blast the thane’s pitiful wooden fortress while circling above it. When he decided the pirates had learnt their lesson, the Alvarez simply flew away back to the sea. Since that day, Caerdwiccan pirates and particularly Thane Uthgaard have sworn revenge on the Alvarez. Sartigus continued sailing up the coast of the Isle of Dawn and from there to the Emirates of Ylaruam. Today, he and his crew can be found anywhere from Soderfjord to Ierendi, looking for interesting rumours of adventure and thrills. Time and battles has taken its toll on his original crew and he has started hiring young adventurous souls of all nationalities – even Thyatian – to supplement his crew. (He uses mind reading magic on them to ensure that they have no sinister motives first). The Alvares is an ordinary Dromond with a Golden Shedu living figurehead. It does not have a ram or other siege weapons. Sartigus considers himself a one-man siege weapon. Sartigus Eresir: 16th level Alphatian Envoker (he has forsaken the school of Conjuration), alignment Chaotic Neutral, Intelligence 19, Dexterity 15. Sartigus carries a number of wands with destructive spells of his own creation. Seasteed (Dromond / large galley, 5-6) One of the most spectacular sights in the Sea of Dread is probably an encounter with the Seasteed. It is a large dromond owned by the Minrothad merchant prince named Megetor Cassel. He lives in Harbortown in the Minrothad Guilds but spends at least half his time aboard the Seasteed. Megetor is a powerful wizard and knows how to both summon and speak with the most powerful and feared creatures of the deep. About ten years ago he summoned a colossal Baleen whale (MM, page 204) and charmed it to tow the Seasteed using a specially crafted harness. Whenever Megetor goes anywhere across the wide ocean, the whale tows the ship. When they get near the coast and the water is either too shallow for the whale or its appearance would cause too much commotion, Megetor temporarily releases it and puts his crew to the oars when he needs to visit harbours or otherwise go ashore. The Seasteed is specially modified in that it doesn’t have masts and part of the rowers’ section has been transformed to make a larger cargo hold. It is a beautiful ship with long, slender lines. The Seasteed: Seaworthiness -1; Shiphandling +0; Speed towed 40 ft. (poor) or oars 25 ft. (average); cargo 180 tons. Megetor Cassel: 9th level wizard, 6th level Merchant Prince (Special Prestige Class), alignment Neutral, Intelligence 20, Charisma 14. Wears a Ring of Spell Turning, a Ring of Water Walking and also carries an especially enchanted conch shell with which he can summon a Huge Water Elemental once/day. |