Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxMay 31, 2004 8:18:55 | As it hasn't been stated in 3e, I'm just wondering if it was ever stated in 2e. What are the lifespans of half-fiends and tielfings? Half-Celestial and Aasimon lifespans would also be helpful. |
#2kuje31May 31, 2004 10:30:28 | Originally posted by Omonoth The tieflings are in Races of Faerun, and they were also updated again in the Player's Guide to Faerun. But I use the ones from The Planewalkers Handbook from 2e. |
#3sarig_the_genieMay 31, 2004 11:10:09 | If I'm not mistaken, it's in the stuff too. Check it out, that's free (: |
#4zombiegleemaxMay 31, 2004 13:04:31 | Thats great! But unfortunately it still doesn't say anything about the lifespan of a half-fiend or half-celestial. Are they immortal? Is it a multiplier to the lifespan of the base creature? If it never has been published I'd like to hear the opinions from the bloods on this board. |
#5Shemeska_the_MarauderMay 31, 2004 18:33:42 | I don't believe that half-fiend and half-celestial lifespans have ever been published. My own take on it would be to give them an elven lifespan as far as maximum age goes and then play around with the various aging catagories. I've rarely had to actually deal with a PC making the transition from one age category to the next so I've not given it much thought. Some half-fiend/celestials have been around for a long time, so there's some in game justification for it all. |
#6zombiegleemaxMay 31, 2004 18:35:00 | Aren't Cambions and Alu-fiends immortal? |
#7zombiegleemaxMay 31, 2004 18:54:21 | My own take on it would be to give them an elven lifespan as far as maximum age goes and then play around with the various aging catagories. :/ I don't know about that. If they aren't immortal i think a multiplier to the base creatures age would be better. Especially for monsters like for example half-fiend dragons it'd be kinda silly to have a shorter lifespan than a normal dragon. |
#8Shemeska_the_MarauderMay 31, 2004 18:58:01 | I was going with a human as the base critter in my statements, sorry to imply anything different. |
#9ripvanwormerMay 31, 2004 22:22:29 | Cambions and alu-fiends are considered tanar'ri - the race, being born of chaos, is not particularly exclusive. Because tanar'ri are normally immortal, perhaps that means the half-breeds are as well. The Green Ronin Aasimar & Tiefling book claims half-fiendish humans have only human lifespan, which seems too short to me, although I can see the logic behind having templates not increase the lifespan of the base creature unless it explicitly says they do. Immortality is an all-or-nothing prospect anyway, isn't it? If they don't inherit the agelessness of their planeborn parents, perhaps the lifespan of their mortal parent is the only trait available. Ely Cromlich has been in charge of Sigil's Armory for over a century, though, so he certainly has more than a human lifespan. I think there are other examples of very long-lived half-fiends, though none come to mind at the moment. There's Merlin, of course, but he was put in suspended animation by Nimue, so probably he doesn't count. He definitely seemed to age, though TH White said it was backwards. The cambion Acererak felt the need to become a lich, so perhaps he wasn't immortal. Lichhood was a stepping-stone for something much greater for him, though, so that's no proof. |
#10zombiegleemaxJun 01, 2004 9:22:36 | Page 81 of 'The Planewalker's Handbook': Tiefling starting age: 17 maximum age: 100 + 1d100 middle age: 50 old age: 67 venerable: 100 Aasimar starting age: 16 maximum age: 125 + 2d20 middle age: 62 old age: 83 venerable: 125 |
#11gray_richardsonJun 01, 2004 19:04:31 | Players Guide to Faerun p. 31 tables 1-11 & 1-12 gives the following 3.5 stats regarding age: Planetouched (any) Adulthood 15, Middle age 45, Old 68, Venerable 90, Maximum age 90 +3d20 (or 150 at most). This is a little better than human, but less long-lived than halflings. It makes sense to me that they chose to base the lifespan of planetouched on humans because the genetic makeup is mostly human, with just a touch of very diluted outsider somewhere in mix. As for half-fiends or half-celestials, since it is just a template, and since the template doesn't mention any change to the life-span of the creature I assume you would just use the life-span of the base creature, subject to the discretion of your DM who might have a different ruling. |
#12zombiegleemaxJun 02, 2004 17:08:53 | Originally posted by Gray Richardson I hadn't seen this information before, but my own system isn't too different from that. I typically just multiply the base creatures age categories by 1.5 to get the new limits. The base ages are typically taken from humans, but there is room to alter things if the tiefling/aasimar/genasi decended from other stock... Originally posted by Gray Richardson Whereas I used the 1.5 multiplier for planetouched races, half-breed outsiders used a multiplier of 3 to reflect the touch of immortality upon them. These are admittedly only the house rules my group tends to use, but it makes it quicker and easier to figure out the details when creating characters and NPCs. |
#13bansheeJun 03, 2004 23:33:08 | Originally posted by Drinnik Shoehorn If you read Anger of Angels by Sean Reynolds, half-celestials are considered Angels, and Angels are immortal, so.... Personally, I'd either have them be immortal, or something like 1000+6d%. I think that they should be longer lived than elves, as they are half-immortals themselves....comparable races in Green Ronin products, for example, such as the half-dryad and half-nymph all have lifespans of 1000+ years. Banshee |
#14bansheeJun 03, 2004 23:39:03 | Double post |
#15ripvanwormerJun 04, 2004 17:22:11 | Originally posted by Banshee I'd rather have them be immortal, personally. I like the idea of a demonic creature living in the Abyss for millennia, secretly hiding within itself a partly human soul, which finally comes into play when it unexpectedly discovers love... And Elrond was half-elven, but still immortal. If we assume they're not immortal, it becomes much more difficult to estimate their lifespans. What's half of forever? I think Javier's solution of having their lifespan be twice that of planetouched is the best one. |
#16sarig_the_genieJun 05, 2004 5:37:52 | Elrond and Elros got to choose, Elrond choosed immortality, Elros choosed the mortal path. Fortunately, Numenors lived quite long at the time. |
#17zombiegleemaxJun 15, 2004 13:35:49 | You could always say they don't age as long as they're on their home plane(s), but age slowly when off them giving them an elven lifespan... |
#18uratohJul 08, 2004 19:26:23 | In the new Planar Handbook, they give Tieflings a full age catagory: Adulthood: 15 years Barb/Rog/Sor: +1d6 Bard/Ftr/Pal/Rnger: +1d8 Cler/Druid/Monk/Wiz: +2d8 Middle Age: 45 Old: 68 Venerable: 90 Max: +3d20 |
#19kuje31Jul 08, 2004 20:08:08 | Originally posted by Uratoh These are the same ones that first came out in the Player's Guide to Faerun. ![]() |