Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1theredrobedwizardMay 31, 2004 22:18:29 | Alrighty fellow Dragonlancerians, the time has come for me to run my first real DL campaign. What better way to start than with the newest offering from the people who created the setting? By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Christopher and the rest of the Sovreign Press people for the awesomeness that is this module. I mean, dang, anything that replaces RttToEE as my favorite adventure of all time deserves a large amount respect and admiration. So here's the deal, I'm going to post "updates" in this thread regarding what my group is going through in the getting ready stages of the campaign, followed by a nice week by week account of how far we get and what we get accomplished. So here goes. The game starts in approximately 2 months. I gave everyone some guidelines which I will now post.
#2cam_banksMay 31, 2004 23:42:54 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard The issue here isn't that focused spellcasters can't multiclass with each other, it's that they can't have more than one patron deity. A wizard who has yet to take the Test isn't required to have a patron deity, and a ranger who has yet to attain high enough levels to cast spells isn't either. In addition, a favored soul of a nature deity can multiclass as a druid, ranger or cleric of the same deity, and so forth. I use the favored soul in my own Dragonlance campaign, and replace the cleric spell list with the druid spell list for the nature deities (such as Habbakuk). I don't see an issue with such a character also picking up druid or ranger. It'd be a silly thing to do, as would most of these class combinations, since the character would miss out on a lot of higher level spells early on (and in some cases it's just not worth the trouble). Cheers, Cam |
#3karui_kageJun 01, 2004 0:40:37 | Well, its a matter of preference really. I don't believe there is any hard facts one way or the other in the sourcebooks. For some, its wizards who are wizards period have to have the moon as their deity, or else they aren't granted spells. Some say it isn't till you become a wizard of high sorcery. I personally go with the former. On the matter of the druid/cleric, I'd agree there. If the cleric was a cleric of the respective druid deity, then he would still be serving the same deity by multiclassing. Unless of course there is some rule that says otherwise. I just have yet to see it. |
#4theredrobedwizardJun 01, 2004 7:41:02 | The reason I did the Multiclassing like that is because I have a lot of Dragonlance newbies in this group, and thus it is really easier to explain things that way. I'm having enough trouble trying to make the guy who's thinking about playing a cleric choose a god. It always devolves into him saying "but the PHB says I can just choose two domains and I don't have to choose a god." Wherein, I quote the line from the DLCS that clerics do in fact need to choose a god. The other issue I was having is very minor, but reather comical. The Silvanesti Wizard I mentioned in my previous post was discussing what has changed since he read DL (Summer Flame). So I explained some things that happened during the War of Souls. Me: "Well, for one thing, the creator of elves and patron of almost all that is Lawful Good was made mortal; as was Takisis." SW: "Whoa, Solinari is mortal? How do you make a moon mortal?" Me: "Not Solinari, you pregnant goldfish. E'li. The Platinum Dragon." SW: *blank stare* Me: "Paladine." SW: *blank stare* Me: "The god that used Fizban as an avatar." SW: "Oh, ok." Mildly frustrating. Oh well, could be worse I guess. Thanks for the input guys, I'll take your suggestions into consideration. I think I'll keep the multiclassing restrictions for now, but if anyone in the group comes up with a reason that they feel they might want to multiclass, I'll look it over. Remember, don't cross the bridge until you've burned it... or something like that... -TRRW |
#5karui_kageJun 01, 2004 12:28:05 | I am *so* calling my friend a 'pregnant goldfish' now. XD |
#6zombiegleemaxJun 01, 2004 23:05:33 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard Awesome. Looking forward to reading how your campaign develops. ![]() |
#7kalanthJun 01, 2004 23:32:52 | The only thing I would ever say, and I will use in every Dragonlance game I run in my life, is no Dwarven Wizards/Sorcerers. I am a die hard, 2nd ed fan who brings that rule of not ever race can be every race. And unless you want to be the Daeregar (sp), you cannot cast arcane magics as a dwarf. Course, if you go dark dwarf, then I need to make an evil game, unless you got a great story to go along with the character. So in essence, I am saying that I would make sure that none of them take a Dwarven Sorcerer/Wizard, other wise, happy day. Actually, add Kender (non-aflicted Kender) into that mixture. I remember hearing once, that if a normal Kender were ever to gain the secrets of magic, the curiosity of such a thing would cause the world to be destroyed, and the last sound you heard would be, "Whats this spell do?" So I won't allow kender sorcerers/wizards either, unless they are aflicted. Just my two cents. |
#8theredrobedwizardJun 02, 2004 8:54:19 | I tried to post this last night, but my computer got all flakey and such. No fun in that whatsoever. ---------- I got some complaints from players that they can't think of anything to play in this game... jaded much? Anywho, I sat down and in 45 minutes, came up with this list. 16 pregenerated PCs; 8 male, 8 female. Every class allowed is covered, as is every race in the "doesn't need DM approval" list. Without further adu, THE LIST: Jon Roth – Human (Civilized) Male / Neutral / Fighter 1 Any 8 of these would make a pretty decent party, I think. Thoughts, suggestions on these? ------ So far, here's the list of what people are talking about playing: - Civilized Human Mariner - Silvanesti Wizard - Civilized Human Favored Soul of Kiri-Jolith - Kagonesti Druid - Civilized Human Sorcerer The person I mentioned as wanting to play a noble in the first post decided against it, because "whoa, the inspire abilities don't work on the noble. heck, even bard songs work on the bard. that's so +++++++ +++." She's now looking into the Mariner. That's all for now, I'll probably post more in the next couple days. -TRRW |
#9karui_kageJun 02, 2004 15:35:22 | Originally posted by Kalanth I agree in that Dwarven arcane casters are very very rare. I still believe they are possible though. They probably would be exiles, but it says under the Wizard of High Sorcery, for example: "Dwarven wizards are extremely rare, but not unheard of. Dwarves of the Theiwar and Daegar clans were once seen at the Towers of High Sorcery or engaging in the study of magic. Dwarves from other clans occasionally show an aptitude for magic, but since magic is highly distrusted by dwarves, these dwarves are usually outcasts." - page 71, DLCS So, like I said, while I agree they would be very rare, I don't think they should be outlawed entirely. I'd require a very good background, personally, but it's possible. On the line of kenders being wizards, I agree that is very unlikely. However, I think a rare few could become sorcerers, due to the more chaotic-ness of the class (as opposed to the lawful bent of wizards). Again, a good background would be needed, but its possible. ![]() |
#10theblackrobedarchmageJun 02, 2004 18:46:48 | It's not my fault that I didn't know that Paladine was a mortal, if a certain green robed sorceror would finish reading Fallen Sun, or I remembered my time line, we wouldn't have such issues. By the way, I hate you, stupid lover of Lunitari, pregnant goldfish my arse. |
#11green_cloaked_sorcererJun 02, 2004 23:46:10 | TRRW Chalk up one Favored Soul of Habbakuk, for our KoD campaign. I am repsecting your wishes and not reading any reviews so as to not spoil it, you may wanna make mention of that to The Black Robe we all know how tretcherous and back stabbing he can be. I mean.... uh no wait back stabbing is right. Not sure what I am going to Prestiege into yet. But hey it'll be interesting to be a healer for once. But I do promise an excellent backstory. Ummm lets see anything else worthless I can post here....... Ummm, i hope I am DMing ok, as I said several times b4 I am just good with story line you know how to work the magic. Oh yes smaller paragraphs TRRW please!!! |
#12theredrobedwizardJun 03, 2004 20:31:10 | I've been thinking lately about how I'm going to get the characters to know each other. It's almost always the hardest part of any new campaign. I came up with an interesting idea for what to do. Most classic adventuring groups meet in a tavern and end up risking their lives to protect each other within two days, right? I figure, why not run with that. The characters all meet in the Five Dragons tavern in Pashin. They have to figure out why their character is in town, where they're staying, etc. Here comes the fun part. Everyone sits around a long table in my garage, as that's the most open area in my house. I put some candles around the place for a medieval atmosphere, get some old CDs of RPG mood music (intrumental stuff) and have the players basically spend the evening getting to know each others' characters by having in character discussions over drinks (juices and the like) then over a meal (I'll be preparing it, probably getting some of the recipies from's Fan Recipes area and taking requests from the players). It should be an interesting way to start things off. Sample Menu: - Roast beef with gravy - Modified Otik's Spiced Potatoes - Various breads and rolls - Steamed carrots with honey The following week, I thought about having all the players bring some kind of snack from their character's home culture. Silvanesti elves could bring some "Elven Wine" (sparkling white grape juice), plainsmen could bring jerky or trailfood, etc. Comments? Suggestions? Recipe ideas? -TRRW |
#13theblackrobedarchmageJun 03, 2004 20:35:32 | Comment: This wizard is hungry! Suggestion: Allow some (other campaign) character influence. |
#14iltharanosJun 03, 2004 22:33:31 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard Wow. You really put a lot of effort into setting the mood. I'm such a lazy DM by comparison. ![]() |
#15theredrobedwizardJun 05, 2004 8:58:15 | Another stumbling block. One of my players *REAAALLY* wants to play a centaur, but I've had to tell them no several times because of the Level Adjustment. That got me thinking the other day, and of course, I sat down and tried to fix it. So here we have the new Dragonlance Race: the Steppe Centaur. -------------------------------------------------------------- Steppe Centaur racial traits: Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity. Steppe Centaurs are hardy, but not as agile as other races. Medium-size: As Medium creatures, Steppe Centaurs have no specific modifications. As quadripeds, Steppe Centaurs can carry 1.5x the normal amount that other Medium sized creatures with equivalent strength can carry. Steppe Centaur base movement is 40 feet. Keen Senses: +2 to Spot and Listen Checks. Poor Climber: Steppe Centaurs have a -6 Racial penalty on Climb checks. Superb Jumper: Steppe Centaurs have a +2 Racial bonus on Jump checks. Increased Consumption: Steppe Centaurs require 2 times the food required by humans and other races. Natural Attack: A Steppe Centaurs' hooves can cause 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage. This may be combined with a normal attack as a secondary attack at a -5 penalty to hit. Creature Type: Monstrous Humanoid. Armor: As nonhumanoids, armor for Steppe Centaurs costs 2x the normal cost listed in the PHB. A Steppe Centaur may not wear horse barding, as the humanoid torso would not correctly fit into the neck space of the barding. Automatic Languages: Common Bonus Languages: Goblin, Draconian, Elven. Favoured Class: Ranger. -------- Steppe Centaur backstory ---------- Steppe centaurs were not originally inhabitants of Krynn. After the Chaos War, when the Alien Dragons appeared, a small group of Steppe Centaurs found themselves in the valley near Neraka. Being generally trusting, the Steppe centaurs approached the city. The Dark Knights didn't fire on them, as the Steppe centaurs were unarmed, but they did take the centaurs into custody. For nearly a generation, the Steppe centaurs were held in captivity, forced to do menial labor for their Nerakan captors. Finally, they orchestrated an escape plan under their leader Nunavut. She led them out of the valley under cover of darkness into the Khur desert. There, they made a meager living as hunters and guides. Their race is slowly dying because of malnourishment and outside factors. Every year they send out 5 of their best young scouts to nearby towns to try and find out just where they came from and how to get back. After the War of Souls, an avatar of Chislev appeared before the central council of the Steppe centaurs. He asked them if they'd like to go back to where they came from. Most of the elders said yes. Those who were born and raised on Krynn, however, decided that this was their home now. They stayed behind, content at their meager existance. ---------- Comments? Observations? -TRRW |
#16karui_kageJun 05, 2004 16:46:31 | It looks good, but why don't you just use the savage species centuar and update it for 3.5? If you don't have SS, lemme know, I'll be more than happy to send you the details. It takes 6 levels to complete, of course, but that way he/she can have a level 1 centaur. ![]() |
#17green_cloaked_sorcererJun 05, 2004 17:40:55 | I keep telling TRRW we need to get Savage Spieces, but he won't listen, well this settles it i'm going out and getting it. See RRW I told ya! Its well worth getting. But no never listen to GCS noo that would be too easy. Media Play here I come, godbless gift certifacates. HAHAHAHA, made you eat your parents, HAHAHAHA! |
#18green_cloaked_sorcererJun 05, 2004 18:30:47 | As I know you and I have discussed on several occasions you knowledge on the mechanics being far suprior to my own, I think this race seems too have too many pluses not enough draw backs to keep it from being a +1 character, What if they had a minus on their diplomacy or charisma checks in general for being a more savage race, and being a newer race maybe not as trusted, not to mention not many people had seen centuar on Krynn. Like I said I don't know as much as you, but I think the race has too many postive effects. |
#19theredrobedwizardJun 05, 2004 23:31:39 | Evil stupid Savage Species... oh well... whatever... the thing is, I wanted the centaur to be Medium sized instead of small, hence why I created this race. Also, GCS, I based this race off Minotaurs, as they were the only ECL +0 race with a natural attack I could find. And how is a -6 to climb not a drawback? Look at freaking Dwarves "Ooh, we get a -2 Charisma because we're dour and taciturn." Bleh. Those buggers should have a LA. -TRRW |
#20theredrobedwizardJun 05, 2004 23:40:38 | [edit: blasted double post] |
#21cam_banksJun 05, 2004 23:40:39 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard That's also why we have the wendle centaurs in the Bestiary! Might I suggest that the best way to handle this is just to accept that a centaur's not going to work without some serious effort? Because you're starting the campaign from 1st level, a centaur PC is a lot of hassle to incorporate with a group of standard race characters. There are quite a few scenes in the adventure which will work to the centaur's disadvantage, even if you make a +0 ECL variant, so the player should consider something a little more along the lines of the other races. I told my group that I wouldn't be allowing any minotaur characters or races with a level adjustment, and they worked with that. I'd suggest the same here. Cheers, Cam |
#22theredrobedwizardJun 05, 2004 23:47:03 | *sigh* I figured that'd be the way things would work. Oh well, I just hope she takes the descision well. Otherwise I could be in for a world of pain. -TRRW |
#23cam_banksJun 06, 2004 0:08:46 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard If she's adamant that she needs to play a centaur, consider applying a conditional penalty that starts equal to her overall effective character level adjustment (not counting her clas levels) and must be bought off by acquiring enough experience points to reach the character's ECL. This penalty applies to all skill and ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws, and effective level for the purposes of level checks and anything based on character level. When she earns enough XP to reach 2nd level, this penalty is reduced by 1, and so forth until the penalty is gone. So, at the start of the game, she's a 1st level centaur character (with an ECL adjustment of of +6, from 4 HD +2 level adjustment) and suffers a -6 penalty to skill and ability checks, attack rolls, etc. This shouldn't be that drastic, given that she's also got 5 hit dice, is large, and enjoys significant ability score adjustments to begin with. Once she's reached 1000 xp, the penalty drops to -5, and then -4 at 3000 xp, -3 at 6000 xp, and so forth. If you've got the Bestiary and choose to go the wendle centaur route, you're only looking at a beginning ECL adjustment of 3 (2 HD +1 level adjustment) which may be much easier to stomach. Plus, given that the Wendle Woods were wiped out by Malys and the wendles are a nomadic race, its even appropriate. Cheers, Cam |
#24theredrobedwizardJun 08, 2004 8:11:32 | Any thoughts from anyone who's run Key of Destiny on how a group of 8 PCs will work? Suggestions or comments on changes? -TRRW |
#25cam_banksJun 08, 2004 8:47:27 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard My group's currently at 7, although it may drop back down to 6 at some point. It's not hard to accomodate this change. Figure that any doubling of party size means they can handle challenge ratings 2 higher than normal, and you'll be able to configure your encounters with that in mind. In other words, an encounter level of 6 is about right for a party of four 6th level adventurers, but for a party of eight 6th level adventurers you really want an EL of 8 or more. Also, tossing in additional thugs/mooks/lackeys is always a good idea. Some characters are created to deal with lesser opponents in large numbers - this is what Cleave is for - so rather than replacing a monster with a bigger, scarier monster, consider adding in a number of servants or thugs with a CR of 3 or 4 less than the monster. The kind of opponent which you think your characters can take down in one or two hits is great, especially if they can whittle away at the party's hit points enough that the central creature is more of a threat. Cheers, Cam |
#26theredrobedwizardJun 09, 2004 9:33:56 | So last night I got two more "most likely's" for characters... - Human (Khur) Druid - Human (Civilized) Ranger Combined with the other players; - Human (Ergothain) Favored Soul of Habbakuk - (Unknown Race) Druid We're shaping up to have a very nature-happy group. Should be interesting. 3 or 4 players to go, one of which is nailing down his character choice pretty soon. -TRRW |
#27zombiegleemaxJun 09, 2004 18:57:26 | Ok well first off I would like to say Hi to TRRW,GCS,and TBRW (or whoever you are) and now I need to find something else to play as because two druids are two to many and as this is a nature loveing group I will find something different TRRW so I guess you no longer have (unknown race) Druid. I will do my best to nail down another character shortly. |
#28green_cloaked_sorcererJun 10, 2004 10:36:37 | Ah, welcome my dear friend Gorthank, How is Bahamut, or is it Paladine, hmm guess it depends on the world. Anyways, just because we have two druids doesn't mean we have too many, nor too nature orianted a group. Basically the druid would acctually work better with the group b/c, well it doesn't make much sense to have a nature orianted group except one guy who tottally is oposite as the group. It also make sense as it will be a good reason why we are all get along. Also if you really wanna try a druid try being a druid, its about what makes you happy, not what fits well into a group. I mean look at our group now, what a rag-tag bunch of hoolagians, but its what people wanted to play. So just go with what u wanna play, not what goes well in the group, this is part why TRRW and I keep ur characters secret until everyone knows what they wanna play. Snooch to the Nooch, GCS |
#29zombiegleemaxJun 10, 2004 20:03:43 | Hey gang, I've decided to go with a (female) Kagonesti Elven Ranger. TRRW I'm considering using the Westwind Foxblood pre-created character of yours, although the CHA 6 scares me a little, she'd have the personality of a tree! No wait, a tree would have more personality!? Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard DRAGON SNOT SOUP!! Now where did I put that recipe... -fanpythonmonty (aka Erroll the Swashbuckler; aka Nadya the Half Elf Rogue) |
#30theredrobedwizardJun 10, 2004 20:44:24 | Greets and salutes and such. So here's the revised group rundown: Green_Cloaked_Sorcerer: Ergothian Favored Soul of Habbakuk fanpythonmonty: Kagonesti Ranger Gothank VoB: Solamnic Mystic hardware_jedi: Half-Elf Druid buck316: Abanasinian Ranger kessakember: (unknown) theblackrobedarchmage: Kender Cleric of Branchala Lackey421: (unknown) Interesting group to say the least. Still trying to get some kind of answer from the other two. Group dynamic would be really easy if these are the final choices for everyone... mostly a very naturey group. They'd work together well. All we really need now is a meatshield and a sneaky-sneak, and we're set. -TRRW |
#31theredrobedwizardJun 11, 2004 12:48:26 | So I talked with kessa today about her character, and she's finally made a choice: Half-Kender Rogue / Hexblade Starting off with a few levels of Rogue, then throwing in some Hexblade for flavor. Should be an interesting character. Looking over the characters, I can see already how a few of them might work together. Examples: - TBRA and KK's characters are probably both from Hylo. - GCS, HJ, and FPM's characters are most likely from Southern Ergoth. That leaves GVoB, L421, and B316's characters. I figure it shouldn't be too hard to get them together somehow. All that's left for the players (besides L421) is to figure out why their character is in Pashin. -TRRW |
#32zombiegleemaxJun 11, 2004 18:43:25 | Westwind Foxblood - Kagonesti Elf Female / Chaotic Good / Ranger 1 Str 14 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 6 Feat: Iron Will So here's my thinking on this, I want to switch the Con & Wis scores since they aren't affected by modifiers, maybe change the last name, not sure yet. I think, if I read the DLCS right, a Kagonesti Elf's base languages are Elven & Sylvan--Common is only available as a bonus language, so with her Int score she couldn't speak Common unless I spent a skill point to "learn" it right? I am hoping at least one other member of our group speaks either Elven or Sylvan (I believe we have a Half Elf?), because I wasn't planning on "buying" Common until a later level and someone needs to translate. My plan is to use her "low" Int and lack of understanding of Common as the reason she ends up at the tavern and meeting the others. I believe she will initially be searching for a family member and end up misunderstanding directions and getting on a wrong boat, maybe she meets a nice Kender who SWEARS he knows the exact way back to Southern Ergoth and they end up in Pashin? (And there he leaves her?) How's that sound? |
#33zombiegleemaxJun 11, 2004 19:09:58 | Originally posted by Kalanth Can I be a Kender Sorcerer instead?...with a Rod of Wonder? :D |
#34theredrobedwizardJun 11, 2004 23:23:49 | Kender Sorcerer, possibly... Rod of Wonder, too danged expensive... *thbbbt* -TRRW |
#35green_cloaked_sorcererJun 12, 2004 0:58:41 | eeee i'm already scared having a Kender Cleric.. i could just see the little thing running around healing rocks to see if they come to life. A Kender Sorcerer would be the end of the would as we know it, trying to get infront of his or her own fireballs, or jumpping off cliffs just to practice feather fall. Charming everyone just to have lots of friends, and if it got its hands on a precious artifact, IE time journeying device, well.... lets just use our imagination....... |
#36zombiegleemaxJun 12, 2004 7:33:38 | ![]() I don't quite understand the horror everyone has for a kender. What could be so bad? ![]() |
#37theredrobedwizardJun 12, 2004 8:34:47 | Think Stimpy from the old TV show "Ren and Stimpy"... "OOOOoooh... what does THIS button do?" (end of the universe) -TRRW |
#38zombiegleemaxJun 12, 2004 11:32:46 | Don't worry, I'm sticking with my Kagonesti Elven Ranger. On a serious note, do any of the current characters speak Elven or Sylvan so they can translate for her? |
#39zombiegleemaxJun 12, 2004 13:02:48 | I'm playing a Half-Elf (Kagonesti) Druid, so yes I can speak Elven. So this should work out well, methinks. |
#40zombiegleemaxJun 12, 2004 14:44:43 | Originally posted by Hardware Jedi Hmmmm. By chance would you be interested in being a cousin to my character, or at the very least from the same little tribe? I was thinking of having her sent out by her family to find out what happened to a family member who went "adventuring" and never returned home, that could be adjusted to a tribe-mate. I don't know if you've worked any on your backstory. We could always say the two ran across each other shortly before everyone gathers at the tavern in Pashin? Just a thought. |
#41zombiegleemaxJun 12, 2004 15:28:53 | Originally posted by fanpythonmonty The cousin idea would work great. In my back story, both of my parents were killed and you could be looking for my mother, who was the elf. If you need any more information on my back story let me know. ![]() |
#42theblackrobedarchmageJun 12, 2004 19:26:54 | So there I was wandering around in the woods and looking for ways to appreciate my god when I happened upon a half-kender... Now, those are very rare, my people don't typically get the chance to breed with other people you see, so they really are a one in a million shot, so where was I? Oh yes, Branchala, good chap that God of mine... Well I was looking for ways to venerate him when I happened upon that Half-Kender lass and this Ergothian gent who seemed to be lost, and of course I know the way back to Ergoth, I have a map provided by my Uncle Tasslehoff, who on some of his other adventures just so happened to run square into a minotaur, and killed him, and that's how he became known as the minotaur slayer.... Anyways, to venerate Branchala, I decided that it would be fun if I took them back to Ergoth, of course I used my map so that I could take them the long way around, there's the tricky part you see - and that's how he does it anyways... well, I took them the long way around and apparently my map was backwards anyways, it appears I was tricked there, and so that's how we showed up here in Pashin, which is absolutely a wonderful little town.... reminds me of another place I've been......... (Just a suggestion) |
#43zombiegleemaxJun 12, 2004 20:53:33 | Hardware Jedi and theblackrobedarchmage this could work... Well my mother's sister left our little tribe and everyone wondered how she was doing since we haven't heard from her in awhile and my mother sent me off to see my aunt in the last place we knew she was. So I get there and find out my poor aunt is dead and I have a cousin out there somewhere. Someone in town tells me where he went and I head there but can't find him, so I decide to head home. On the way back I get a bit lost and stop to ask this nice Kender fellow for directions and he graciously offers to lead me back to Ergoth, he even has this great map. Apparently I wandered farther than I thought, because it's taking us forever to get back and now here we are in this Human infested town called Pashin... OK, first off theblackrobedarchmage, does your Kender speak Elven or Sylvan? Because those are the only two languages my character speaks right now. And Hardware Jedi, would it work if Pashin was were we meet? I should probably see your backstory, if you happen to already be in Pashin, we could call it a fluke that the Kender actually ended up leading me to the right place? How does that sound anyone/everyone? |
#44zombiegleemaxJun 13, 2004 6:30:19 | Originally posted by fanpythonmonty This would work as well. I'm already on a mission, given to me by the High Druids of my circle, to go to Pashin. We can meet there with no problem. How's this sound? *Excerpt from the Journal of Kaydrin Cloudground* --I’ve arrived in Pashin three days ago. I don’t like the feel of this city. This could be that I don’t like cities at all, but this feeling runs deeper than other times. Upon searching for the clues that would help me in my mission, I found a vision from my past. In the middle of the road stood a woman that reminded me of my mother, and she had the oddest traveling companion, a Kender, She looked at me as if she recognized me as well, but the meeting was to brief to make to deep an assumption. The Kender seemed to be defending his map, which brought a smile to my face. Directions are never perfectly true. There is always a reason our paths deviate from what we plan to take, although we sometimes aren’t meant to know what those reasons are. I am sure that our brief meeting was not an accident. FPM--I'll send you my backstory to you thru email. |
#45zombiegleemaxJun 13, 2004 11:01:45 | I like it--and your backstory as well. Now I just need to get to work on mine. |
#46marius4Jun 13, 2004 16:34:19 | is anyone in the group worried about not having an arcane spellcaster (as of yet at least)?? i'm asking b/c i have a group of 1st-level PCs w/o arcane or divine magic and i'm worrying about their chances of survival. the party is currently a rgr, brb, nbl, and mnk, but i may have them create new characters for KOD. it's funny b/c in my previous campaign my group (different players) was 2 wiz, 1 sor, 2 clr, 1rgr. how does the standard rogue/fighter/cleric/wizard balance play out for your gaming group? |
#47theredrobedwizardJun 13, 2004 16:37:11 | Not too worried, rogue with lots of Use Magic Device can use scrolls... plus, we've got 8 people... *shrug* Plus, Clerics and Druids are better at destructive magic than arcane casters are anyway... -TRRW |
#48green_cloaked_sorcererJun 13, 2004 19:56:38 | Sorry I havn't gotten to you about my characters back story yet. I don't have all the details worked out because of my crummy work schedual, and various other angering items, such as this board not allowing me to post. So it goes somthin like this.. Name: Aremen "Habbi" Glaxo I'll write more later this is mostly just a test..... |
#49green_cloaked_sorcererJun 14, 2004 2:31:45 | Ok, So Aremen's parents were both druids, totally devoted to Habbikuk. They lived in Southern Ergoth until the arrival of the great Dragon's and the Ogers, inwhich they knew they should flee. One day not long after the Gods came back Aremen was sitting in thier dwelling having a conversation seemingly with noone. When his parents asked whom he was talking to he said it was the great god Habbikuk. At first the parents thought he was just playing around, as he didn't have many friends his parents being nomadic people since they fled. They though it was just an "invisible buddy" so they thought nothing of it. Until one day when they were starting to wonder about his sanity a great maricle happened *insert random maricle A here* Then they knew thier son was favored by Habbikuk. So they took him to town and he began healing others with his new found powers, eventually he came to the age where he knew he needed to leave his parents. Going around he did the bidding of Habbikuk all over Ansalon, mostly minor maricles such as healing sick children or injured animals. Until one day Habbikuk appeared b4 him, somthing he hadn't done in a long time, and told him he had an important mission he needed him to tend to, and that he was to go to Pashin, and meet with some unlikely companians....... |
#50zombiegleemaxJun 14, 2004 9:07:38 | I've got a rough outline/background of my character going, and by the way I changed her name from Westwind Foxblood to Westwind Stalkingwolf. I was thinking at fourth level when she gets an animal companion it would be a wolf--perhaps a family tradition of all the Rangers in the family having wolves as animal companions. I think I'm going to do the actual backstory I "turn in" as first person, like Hardware_Jedi did--I like that sytle for some reason. Later. |
#51cam_banksJun 14, 2004 9:28:06 | Have you folks thought about starting a Yahoo! Group to discuss characters and campaign notes? It would certainly make it easier to share files, engage in conversation and other things. At this point this thread is becoming more focused on actual campaign prep and not a community discussion so it would probably be a good idea to relocate it. Cheers, Cam |
#52theredrobedwizardJun 14, 2004 9:48:16 | Totally forgot about those crazy Yahoo! Groups. I didn't plan on this turning into the "place to share your characterstuff" thread, but it looks like that's the direction its going. I'll get right on that Yahoo! Group, Cam. Check it out, here. -TRRW |
#53theredrobedwizardJun 17, 2004 22:09:34 | So I thought up a way for any lazy PCs to get to Pashin if they can't think of a reasonable way. ----------------------- *ripple dissolve Dream Sequence effect* Standing before you is a man, probably around 20, dressed in simple white robes. In the crook of his arm, he holds an old musty tome. He opens the book and scans the pages. He then looks up and begins to speak. "You are one of Those Chosen. You will be among the Heroes who will rid the world of the Dragon Overlords forever. I have, in this book, the beginnings of your quest. It will be up to you and your future companions to find the means to the end in order to finish the story." He turns a few pages in the book and begins to read aloud from it. "Among Those Chosen will be two elves; one an outcast who follows the red moon, the other a tracker and hunter of Dragons. Also among them will be two of mixed blood; a follower of Chislev who is of Elven descent and an expert of Kender stock. Three humans are also of their numbers; the first is one of the favored of the Kingfisher, the second follows the power of his heart, and the third is one who hunts those deserving justice. Last among the heroes is a Kender devoted to the Bard King. They alone will find the Key and stop the Great Dragons once and for all." He clears his throat and closes the book. "Seek out those others mentioned in the town of Pashin. There, a traitor holds the Key you must recover to begin your journey." *ripple dissolve Dream Sequence effect* ----------------------- None of the characters are required to have had this dream, it's just a suggestion I brought up. Comments from the masses? -TRRW (Just in case anyone is wondering, that's the Herald of Solinari speaking to them.) |
#54zombiegleemaxJun 20, 2004 9:40:49 | The "prophetic dream"! It is a good way to get a character to a place they wouldn't normally be going--and adaptable to any campaign idea. |
#55theredrobedwizardJul 18, 2004 22:03:19 | So it looks like we may be starting Key of Destiny as early as Tuesday. w00t. Any advice from DMs who've ran this adventure so far? Non-spoilery advice would be prefered :D -TRRW |
#56cam_banksJul 18, 2004 22:25:43 | Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard Make your players the central element of the story. If they give you backgrounds, do your best to incorporate them into the plot if the adventure, even if it means changing aspects of the plot or bringing in entirely new parallel plotlines. Feel free to bend, twist, add to or subtract from what's in the book, so that it can be as much about your player characters as it is about the NPCs and encounters. Also, don't be afraid to take a little time to get between chapters. I gave my players a week in Ak-Khurman as downtime, and even then I could have given them more. The story should only be progressing as fast as you need it to. You've probably already worked all of this out, but I figured it would be nice to repeat. ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#57zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 7:19:53 | I actually have TWO |