Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1karui_kageJun 01, 2004 14:44:01 | I posted these questions on another thread, but never got a response. Hopefully I can get some help with a new thread. :D ----------- (From the other thread) ----------- I plan on running the KoD as soon as I get the book and have a chance to read it. Already though, I have a few characters, 5 in total to play. The first is a Human Cleric of Kiri-Jolith, seeking to become a Knight of the Rose. He (as a player) styles his character after Sturm, with a few changes to account for the changes in the measure. The next is a Kender Rogue (of course), who wants to become a Kender Nightstalker. After that, a Hill Dwarf Wizard, seeking to become a Wizard of High Sorcery, Red Robes. (LN character) Then, there's the Gnome Fighter who's Life Quest involves the study of dragons, mounting systems, and ways to advance the technology of dragon warfare. His character is perfectly made for this. 15 Strength, 13 Dex, 14 Con, 18 Int, 7 Wis, and 13 Cha. He wants to eventually become a Dragon Rider. Needless to say, this concept has given no end to the laughs and ideas. (He is using the Gnomish Invention Rules on, which I will link in a moment.) The last character is a Kagonesti Elven Ranger. He hasn't chosen a prestige class yet, but is taking the archery combat style. He may not even take a prestige class ever, but we'll see. The thing with him is his only languages are Elven and Sylvan (average int, so just auto-languages), and that, to my knowledge, no one else in the party speaks either. So, this may not be the place for it, but here are a few questions maybe some of you with the module (or even without) can help with. 1. Any idea on how to get this party together? I want it to be as non-cliche as possible, though some will always work. They will be meeting in the town Pashin, the intro adventure being the Sylvan Key from the back of the DLCS. They are a very diverse group, so any ideas on how to get them together would be great. They will all begin the game in the town, but not necessarily know each other. 2. Concerning the Knights of Solamnia prestige class. Does anyone know if the quest requirements (Journey of so and so length, tests of honor, wisdom, etc.) overlap with each other? For example, if he completes all of his tests to qualify for the Sword Knight, will they pass over to the Rose? Such as, if he needs 300 miles of a journey for Sword, and 600 for the Rose, then will he only need 300 more after becoming Sword, or another 600? We both think that it seems to be the latter, and they do not overlap, but any suggestions are welcome. Our thought process is the knight going up to the council with "Well, guys, you remember a few months ago, that test of wisdom I did there? Yeah, well, I wanna bring it back again, if that's cool." Hehe. 3. Will there be ample enough undead and ghosts (friendly too) for the Kender Nightstalker to find herself happy with? I know she eventually gets two cohorts, so will I need to work that in myself or will there be a conveniant point(s) for it? 4. Concerning the gnome and his inventions, here is a link to the site I plan on using for them. It seems to be balanced enough, and so I allowed it for now, with the condition that if they prove overpowering, we will work the rules out of the game for something else, or just change them to suit our purposes. I would welcome any and all opinions on if it is too powerful or if it is balanced instead, provided that they are not things like "Pft! Its way too powerful! Dont use it!" or "Its balanced." IE: Reasons for the above are very good. 5. Back to the gnome again, I imagine it would be quite unique for a gnome dragon rider to exist. As I am almost certain there are dragons in the module, does anyone know if there would be some that could suit him? He is LG, and although he won't be able to begin the Dragon Rider progression till after level 7 or 8 (The base attack requirement, its something around +7 or 8), he still needs to have ridden a dragon before he can take it (special requirement). It would be neat if it was the same dragon he eventually rode later, so any advice is helpful. I know I'll be getting the module soon, but I'm eager. 6. On the dwarven wizard. Any idea on how his test of high sorcery would be? I don't need specific ones really, I don't expect anyone to help with that until I know his background, weaknesses, strengths, etc. However, if there is a site where they have some sample Tests of High Sorcery, or if anyone wants to suggest one, that would be most appreciated. 7. Lastly, as the player was asking, is there a good prestige class for the Kagonesti Ranger? He pondered being sorcerous for a bit, and doing the Acadamey Sorcerer deal, but he may prefer something that was Ranger-esque. We have been preferring to use things that were from Dragonlance itself, so to keep with the flavor, but any 3.5 Official prestige class would work. (WotC approved = official. Not just something someone made up on his site. Yeah, I know its closeminded, but its easier on me.) Suggestions for this would be great. I think that's everything. All help would be appreciated, and any advice offered would be received gratefully. Thanks for reading! |
#2kipper_snifferdoo_02Jun 01, 2004 15:59:20 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage Let me give this a shot. Hmm well let's see a Cleric of Kiri-Jolith, he could be on a mission from his temple to deliver something or maybe he recived a divine vision or maybe his family are traders and are in the area. Kender? Well he's on wanderlust so that makes it easy enough. ![]() Hill dwarf wizard. Well he's automatically an outcast. Maybe he recieved his training from a red robe Silvaesti Dark Elf near the border of the Silvanesti Forests which is right next door to Pashin. Gnome fighter... the only reason I could think he would be in Pashin is if their was some report that he could encounter a dragon there or perhaps he has been captured by Dark Knights or even works for them willingly in order to advance his technology they are funding his projects. The Kagonesti is easy because he can come straight from the Silvanesti forests, but it's probably very dangerous for him to be openly walking around Pashin. He would need a darn good reason to enter the town, maybe he is a companion of one of the others or perhaps he is tracking down the kender who borrowed something from him...
Not sure on this one.
Uhmm.. yes. Very. Between Hurim and Kendermore there are plenty. ;)
You might want to check this out as well. It's a generator that uses the same rules. Invention Generator
Uhmm.. no I don't think there are any that would suit him. But you are crossing the desert so maybe you could introduce a brass dragon into the game at some point.
Yeah this really can't ba answetred until you have more info on his background and prsonality. Ask again when you get all that and I'll be happy to offer my opinion. ![]()
Well if he took some sorcerer levels I think he would qualify for the Arcane Archer in the DMG. He wouldn't need to go to the Academy for training. (Considering it doesn't exist anymore.) Other than that I would need to leaf through some books for more ideas.
Hope that helps some! |
#3kalanthJun 01, 2004 19:48:42 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage Ok, first, there were a lot of things I wanted to say, but instead of running through the post and saying how I would run the game, I will be usefull instead. There were a few ideas running through my head on this one. I don't know his Alignment, and not sure if it would truly fit into the KoD (because I don't have it yet), but the Skylord from the Book of Exaulted Deeds might work. Its a hint over the top, being that he has to be righteously good, and a few other things. After that extreme come the Deepwood Stalker (In 3.0 this was the Deepwood Sniper), and the Order of the Bow Initiate, both from the Complete Warriors Handbook. The stalker gives the player the Ranger bow stylings, with a hint of Rouge like tendancies (Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack). On the other hand, the Order of the Bow Initiate (don't be to worried about the title, you don't need to join some non-exsistant cult that Dragonlance does not house) is a bit more agressive in its combat abilities. Sure, neither really improves on the Ranger that already exsists, but with the Order, he would gain some nice combat abilities (Ranged Precision up to +5d8, Greater Weapon Focus, Close Combat Shoot, etc.) These would all allow some nice options for the Ranger. Obviously, there are more, but I don't really want to dig through my collection of everything that is 3.5, that would take to long. Oh, another thought, take a look at the special version of the Ranger in the Unearthed Arcana. I have not really looked at it to hard, but I do know that it might offer a different outlook that the player did not think of. |
#4karui_kageJun 02, 2004 15:25:55 | Thank you both for the many ideas. I've presented them to the players, and some are definitely using them as a basis for backgrounds. Kipper, one comment. On the gnomish invention generator you have, my friend (the one playing the gnome) commented that it appears the costs were done wrong. He mentioned something about the cost needing to be multipled by the size category of the object. He went offline before I could get any more details, but I do seem to remember something like that in the invention rules. Perhaps you know more? Kalanth, good ideas on the prestige classes. Unfortunately, he can't really do any arcane magic at all (Int 8, Cha 6), so he's pretty much stuck with his divine ranger abilities. Thereotically he could do clerical in his nature god, but I don't think he's pushing for that path. Most likely he'll do either the ranger pure or one of the prestiges you suggested, maybe more if we find them. Thanks again for both your help. ![]() ![]() ---------------------------------------------- From 'KoD First Impressions', Page 4 ---------------------------------------------- I'll post this question here, and in my thread as well, in the hopes that I can get some advice. I have been reading the module (which is great, imo, despite the few errors. They've been corrected on here, so I have no problems with the adventure at all), and have been able to find a niche in it for nearly every character. I only am having problems with two, both of which require 'outside' time. Currently, I have a dwarven wizard who is seeking to become a Wizard of High Sorcery. I also have a cleric of Kiri-Jolith who wishes to become a Knight of Solamnia, striving for the Rose Knights. Both of these characters require some time to do their respective 'tests'. The wizard is slightly more simple than the knight. For him, I just need to find one point where he can take his test of high sorcery. Since some of the creators of the module are here, I was hoping to get their help. So, question one. 1. Where would be a good place for the wizard to take his test, and where? I know that the test could virtually happen anywhere, but perhaps you could give some suggestions? I am currently on chapter 3, so I may be coming up soon on something obvious, but my curiosity gets the better of me. ![]() The second question is a bit more difficult, as it involves the Knight and his progression through the Knighthood. We went ahead and figured out that, in a best-case scenario, his character would end up as a Cleric 6 / KoC 1 / KoS 3 / KoR 10. However, this poses some problems. Question 2. 2. He can qualify to petition for knighthood at level 4, effectively. This can be held off till level 6, but in order for him to take full benefit of the above levels, it would be best for him to have it by then (The KoC level, that is). Granted, he could wait a bit longer, and just not have all the KoR levels that he wishes, but it'd be preferable for him to begin his path between levels 4-6. Is there a point where he can petition for his knighthood around that area? The more difficult part is, of course, the other two petitions. After only one level of Knight of the Crown (possibly more. The above levels may be adjusted depending on how long it takes him to fulfill his requirements. Clr 4 / KoC 3 / KoS 3 / KoR 10, or something) he will qualify for Knight of the Sword. Then after three levels of that, he can qualify for Knight of the Rose (possibly, again, he needs to complete the RP requirements). So, all in all, thats a total of three times he needs to petition for knighthood. So, this is divided into two questions really. 2A. When can he perform these three petitions? As it stands, I only really need to know the first, possibly second time he could petition, as he could thereotically become a Knight of the Sword before the module is over (Clr 4 / KoC 1 / KoS 1). If you could point out where two good places for him to petition would be, temporary breaks from the module, that'd be great. Again, I'm only on chapter 3, so there may be something that is just obvious later on, but, curiosity killed the cat. It won't come up in this module, but if you could let me know if he'd have a time to petition in the second module, that'd be great as well. ![]() 2B. This came to me after thinking of the first question. Where does he go to petition anyways? I always thought it was in Palanthas, but that's under control of the Dark Knights at this point. My other thought was Solanthus, but that seems to be set far away from where the adventure currently is. The only other place I could think of was Castle Uth Wistan, but that's even farther than Solanthus. Any thoughts on how I can handle this? 2C. I guess I lied, looks like a third question just popped up. I'll keep this last one short, but do you have any ideas on why the Knight would stick with the group and the adventure? I imagine I could answer this one myself, but I always like advice. Ten heads can think up more ideas than just my one can. ![]() Alright, I believe that's it. This question was kind of posed towards those who helped create the modules, but any advice from those who have read it as well will be most welcome. Thanks for reading everyone! ![]() ---------------------------------------------- |
#5kipper_snifferdoo_02Jun 02, 2004 15:47:37 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage Hmm... I'll have to check the rules again. If I am missing something have your friend email me at [email][/email] and let me know what should be changed. I'd be happy to fix it.
Well I'll do my best, but I do think my name is somewhere in those credits. :D (At least I hope so I won't see my copy until tonight!!)
The easy answer is that for wizard there is a wizard in Ak-Khurman (Zoe Lefthand I think) that can give the Test for your wizard. So just do your best to time it so the wizard is ready by then. If not then Zoe could contact him at the appropriate time and hold it anywhere. The same goes with your knight. In Port Balifor there is a Knight of the Rose you can contact and I'm sure Chris will add additional spots through the other modules that will offer places to contact the Solamnic Knights to allow for that progression.
Well a debt or relationship with someone in the party. If he feels that Kiri-Jolith is served through his actions by taking up the quest that should be enough. |
#6brimstoneJun 02, 2004 15:55:11 | Originally posted by Kipper Snifferdoo Don't sweat it, Kip. Your name is there. ![]() |
#7karui_kageJun 02, 2004 15:56:43 | Great! Thanks for the responses :D I probably should have just read ahead then. Also, you may indeed be in the credits. In truth, I really don't always know who is associated with what on here unless they say it bluntly. ![]() |
#8karui_kageJun 02, 2004 22:39:42 | Originally posted by Kipper Snifferdoo Hmm. I looked all over in the Port Balifor section, but I can't find any mention of this knight. I saw his stats in the Chapter 4 NPC section, but can't find him mentioned at all in the chapter. Any suggestions? I really would like to have this guy here for my knight player to meet. ![]() |
#9cam_banksJun 03, 2004 0:22:20 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage It looks like he was cut from the final version of the Chapter. It's possible that his encounter (and some others) will be made available by Sovereign Press as web enhancements for the adventure (which ended up being very large indeed!). Cheers, Cam |
#10kipper_snifferdoo_02Jun 03, 2004 6:58:47 | 1. I got my KoD last night. *Does a little dance* Woot Woot! 2. Karui_Kage wrote: Also, you may indeed be in the credits. In truth, I really don't always know who is associated with what on here unless they say it bluntly. I didn't see Kipper Snifferdoo, but then, I doubt that's your real name. Ack, sometimes I forget I don't have it in my sig. I would be the guy right under Cam's name. ![]() 3. Karui_Kage wrote: Hmm. I looked all over in the Port Balifor section, but I can't find any mention of this knight. I saw his stats in the Chapter 4 NPC section, but can't find him mentioned at all in the chapter. Any suggestions? I really would like to have this guy here for my knight player to meet. Wha?!? Bleh well from what I remember he was supposed to be undercover in Port Balifor and was assaulted by draconians (a sivak or more) in a dark alleyway. As the PCs go by they make a spot or listen check and are hopefully drawn into a fight against the dracs. Then they can speak with Sir Auchuran who is with the Clandestine Circle and was headed out of town when he was stopped. This was the knight that a PC could ask about joining the knighthood. So you could do something along those lines. Like Cam said hopefully we'll see a package put together with things like this before you need to run it. |
#11karui_kageJun 03, 2004 16:41:45 | Thanks for the information on the knight. As I will be running the game online, hopefully the erratta will be posted before I need it. ![]() Also, I did note your name in the credits, after finding it at the bottom of your Kender Handbook that my girlfriend was showing me. Its good to have a lot of feedback from the people who helped create it. On another note, what does it take to get into this business? ;) Personally, working on DnD related items, whether it was editing, creative-design, or formatting would be one of the best jobs I could see. Unfortunately, it seems a bit difficult to get into. I won't post my life story or resume here, as Im sure no one wants to hear it, but I would be interested on how one could get to work on these kind of projects. ![]() |
#12brimstoneJun 03, 2004 16:56:51 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage with a lot of jobs...being at the right place at the right time is a always good start. :D |
#13zombiegleemaxJun 03, 2004 18:46:41 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage I've always been curious about this too, but just like Karui I do not wish to post any kind of resume or what-not as this is not the place to do that. |
#14zombiegleemaxJun 03, 2004 18:52:39 | Oh, and Kauri how exactly do you play a D&D game online? I'm genuinely interested, cause that would solve a lot of problems with my old college group. |
#15karui_kageJun 03, 2004 20:09:06 | sirrah. Just check out the DnD section. My game is Faith and Fortune: Chronicles of Destiny. I was pondering using the site for another game, but unfortunately they have a rule against DMs running multiple games. is another one, though I prefer the first. |
#16zombiegleemaxJun 04, 2004 10:12:07 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage For me, it was all about knowing the right people. I was friends with Jamie Chambers before either of us made a living from the game industry. He moved up to WI to work for Sovereign Press. He was here for about six months and some one he knew was looking for a magazine editor. My background is in journalism, so I was recommended for the job and I got it. After about 2 1/2 years and three game companies later, my friendship with Jamie and Margaret, and the fact that I'm a decent writer and editor, got me a job at Sovereign Press. In short, most of the time it's all about who you know. Not always, but, in my experience, knowing the right people certainly helps. That and having the skills that a game company would look for. |
#17karui_kageJun 04, 2004 19:30:55 | Good advice. Unfortunately, most of the people I know aren't involved in the gaming business at all, save for the extent I am in purchasing their products. I'm not sure if you could really call that involved though. Is there any way to get into them via long distance? Im up in WA, and as there aren't many gaming companies up here, it's a bit difficult. I've known a few people who do their work long distance, but I've never been sure how to get into that. For me, the extent of my jobs have been going to a local business and handing in a resume. |