Goblyn and vampyre?



Jun 08, 2004 23:29:05
How are we supposed to pronounce goblyn and vampyre?


Jun 09, 2004 8:38:25
We do it "gob-LYNN"(like the girl's name), and sometimes "vam-PIER"(long walk off a short...), emphasis on a fully formed second second syllable.


Jun 09, 2004 19:40:11
We are pronounce and write (on Russian):


Some pronounce it as:



Jun 10, 2004 0:45:19
FWIW, I say them as

goblin = GOB-în (short i)
goblyn = gob-LEEN

vampire = vam-PY-r
vampyre = vam-PEER


Jun 22, 2004 11:29:48
Synce I do not use goblins yn my RL campaygns, only Goblyns, I pronounce yt exactly the same.

As for Vampyres, I thynk pronouncyng yt any dyfferently ys moot. Your random commoner yn RL probably wouldn't be educated enough to know the dyfference, let alone that there are a bunch of dyfferent kynds of vampires. They'll react exactly the same way to beyng told of a vampire, as they would to beyng told of a vampyre.


And yes, I am makyng fun of thys rydyculous thread by usyng "y"'s ynstead of "i"'s.


Jun 22, 2004 11:37:14
Synce I do not use goblins yn my RL campaygns, only Goblyns, I pronounce yt exactly the same.

As for Vampyres, I thynk pronouncyng yt any dyfferently ys moot. Your random commoner yn RL probably wouldn't be educated enough to know the dyfference, let alone that there are a bunch of dyfferent kynds of vampires. They'll react exactly the same way to beyng told of a vampire, as they would to beyng told of a vampyre.


And yes, I am makyng fun of thys rydyculous thread by usyng "y"'s ynstead of "i"'s.


Jun 22, 2004 11:38:26
Sorry for the double post, my browser's being weird.