Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1havardJun 14, 2004 9:10:04 | Does anyone or has anyone ran a Mystara Campaign using a different (non-D&D) rules system? If so, which one have you used? I have ran a campaign with SJgames' GURPS later converted into WEG's MasterBook system. Some other systems that might be interesting to try out: Dragonlance SAGA I'm a big fan of this system and would have loved to try it out for Mystara. Too bad it is out of print. I have most of the books though. Exalted If I were to go with any incardnations of White Wolf's Storyteller System, id probably go for a variant of Exalted. Might require quite a bit of work though. Dungeons and Zombies Eden Studios is planning on releasing this supplement to All Flesh Must Be Eaten, which will allow for any sort of D&Desque game with their Unisystem. I already own Buffy, Angel and WitchCraft, all of which use the same system and which probably could be used in a Mystara campaign without too much work. Any other systems that could be used with a Mystara campaign? Havard |
#2CthulhudrewJun 14, 2004 11:16:13 | I've always toyed with using the Amber DRPG rules for a Mystaran campaign, with a Glantri/Alphatia focus (Glantri as Amber, Alphatia as Chaos). The d'Ambrevilles, of course, would be the Mystaran equivalent of the Amber family. The Radiance would correspond with Pattern imprint (with some sort of Alphatian version of Logrus). The various nations and things would be Shadows located between the two regions. I never actually got around to it, though. A big problem for me was that, with Pattern Imprint, it would be theoretically possible to travel to any Shadow desired (like in the Amber books/game) and so it seemed strange to have the other nations "locked" in place. Although, I suppose they'd simply be like the Golden Circle nations around Amber (from the second series- it being next to impossible to shift shadow in the vicinity of Amber, and there being a series of immediate shadows "tied" to Amber itself). I suppose that could work, and the Isle of Dawn would be a sort of midway point between Alphatia and Glantri... Hmmm... |
#3havardJun 15, 2004 6:26:03 | Originally posted by Cthulhudrew Some of these ideas are quite interesting. I especially like the whole idea of the Radiance being similar to the Pattern Imprint. Beyond you'll have alot of problems making things fit though. Perhaps it would make more sense to make the Shadows into the Multiverse and Chaos the equivalent of Entropy instead? I have never played the Amber RPG though, and from what I've heard about it, it sounds really weird..... ![]() HÃ¥vard |
#4zombiegleemaxJun 15, 2004 16:33:30 | Originally posted by havard I use Rolemaster a lot lately, but finding all the rulebooks are a pain. Still missing a couple, but that's what I currently use in my campaign. I really prefer the critical charts and the ability to give xp points for just about anything. Not too difficult to convert really either. I also love the spell lists, though I altered that to my own liking on how they are learned and used. |
#5zombiegleemaxAug 13, 2004 18:57:24 | I just started converting over to Fantasy Hero. I've played Champions off and on for a few years and really like the freedom of the point based system to make whatever type of character you want. I just ordered the books during Hero's half off damaged sale and am still wanting for the books to arrive, so I've only done some brief notes on a bunch of package deals. Everything that I've read so far about the system has got me really excited for them to get into my hands so I can get started though. Can't wait. Darn snail-mail... |
#6zombiegleemaxAug 14, 2004 19:09:23 | Favorite systems I would consider: Mutants & Masterminds, HERO, BESM. Heck, I'll use just about anything but D&D for my D&D these days. ;) |
#7zombiegleemaxAug 15, 2004 6:14:06 | Since you ask, I wonder if it would be possible to use 3rd edition Runequest. The different types of magic (battle magic, spirit magic, sorcery) could be used for different cultures or for clerical/wizard separation. Take a bit of work though. If I were going to use a different system, my first choice would be GURPS for its simplicity yet flexibility (again, magic - there are various alternate rules that could be used to give flavour to cultures; did you try this?) Why do you ask? |