Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1lily_knightJun 19, 2004 5:41:22 | Just putting out a query to see if anybody would like to play a Dragonlance campaign over the internet. Basically, the campaign will be done over the boards, and we will be using this page for all rolls. It will be set during the early Age of Mortals, around the time Sorcery is discovered. Therefore I would be allowing the use of the following classes: Barbarian (PHB) Bard (Divine spellcaster/Mysticism) (PHB) Fighter (PHB) Mariner (AOM) Mystic (DLCS) Noble (DLSC) Ranger (Spell-less version, the one in Complete Warrior) Rogue (PHB) Sorcerer (PHB) coupled with the following races: Human (civilised and nomad) Elf (Qualinesti and Kagonesti) Dwarf (Mountain, Hill and Gully) Kender (Normal and Afflicted) The beginning level would be 1st with a 30 point buy system. All alignments are allowed, Maximum hit points at first level, Average starting gold, Feats from PHB, Monster Manual, DLCS, AOM House Rules: none. |
#2zombiegleemaxJun 19, 2004 8:03:41 | YAY! i'll take the kender rouge, eventually aiming for nightstalker (I see dead people)! when do we start? chat room based? (Would rather not) IM based? (doesent work at all for me) Message boards based? (best for me) i dont get to play much, just DM, so playing would be great. give me info (I.E. to the aforementioned questions) and i'll roll up a character. P.S. are the aprentice level rueles in the DMG (i.e. multiclassing at first level) allowed? P.P.S. what is 'this page'? the link is broken |
#3theredrobedwizardJun 19, 2004 8:59:49 | P.S. are the aprentice level rueles in the DMG (i.e. multiclassing at first level) allowed? ACK!!! Those are horrible. I don't understand the purpose of starting out like that. It's just not good. Secondly, you're going to want to fix that link by taking out the first http:// in it. -TRRW |
#4zombiegleemaxJun 19, 2004 9:13:44 | the rules are awful, but the idea is neat |
#5zombiegleemaxJun 19, 2004 10:36:11 | I would be willing to play. Contact me at [email][/email] |
#6zombiegleemaxJun 21, 2004 9:40:42 | I'm interested in hearing more about it. My contact info is [email][/email] How many are you trying to gather? |
#7shnikJun 21, 2004 10:22:00 | It would be interesting, for sure. Any estimated length for the campaign? |
#8zombiegleemaxJun 21, 2004 19:54:06 | Color me intrigued. Feel free to drop me a PM. Is Qualinesti Bard (divine/mysticism based is a great choice! I was confused as to why DLCS took away bardic healing when the descriptions of bardic and and mystic magic and almost identical, to me bards are very Fifth Age) taken yet? |
#9hatrelJun 21, 2004 21:15:28 | I may be interested... Would need to know more specifics of course... |
#10lily_knightJun 23, 2004 6:13:21 | Hey guys, sorry about the delay, I was just finishing up with university exams and the like. I will be holding the campaign over the wizards boards, the exact forum is Real Adventures: Real Roleplaying and I plan on updating and giving more player/character information every night at around 23:00 gmt. So get on before that so me can have an effective campaign! It will only be a shorter campaign, most likely taking PCs up to six or seventh level. If we are all having lots of fun, then I will definiatly continue on with the story. For details, the starting Year is 405 AC (22 SC) and we will be using the variant rules for unreliable spell casting: DC 15 + Spell Level; Success -2 spellcaster level. To help people out, and offer advice in general I am allowing the following feat: RESIST SPIRTUAL DRAIN (General) Benefit: You recieve a +4 bonus on all checks made to resist the draining effects of spirituals during the fifth age, and the special ability of the bound spirit template (See AoM for more details). Starting location will be in Sanction during the time of Hogan Bight's rule. PCs can be of any race so long as their ECL remains at one (1). Classes are limited, due to the conditions of the Fifth Age, and I will be leaving it up to player descretion as to how their character class will be affected. Players can always ask for advice, but only in this thread, as the other one will be for gaming purposes only. Finally any d20 content is allowed, as long as a source is presented when you write up your character and it is conductive towards fleshing your character out. Please before you start, take a couple of moments to read through other threads in the forum, as they contain basical presentation rules and an example of how our play is doing to be formatted. I will be taking up to six (6) players. |
#11lily_knightJun 23, 2004 6:18:46 | Check out this site too: Readme for Real Adventures |
#12zombiegleemaxJun 23, 2004 8:57:01 | do you have a thread posted there? if not, when will you? and when do you need character details? i am decided. i will be a kender rogue aiming for nightstalker. Char name: Katt Nightstalker a note to the dm: since my character will be aiming for Nightstalker, can you put a Int 3 or greater undead in near the begining? PLEASE. |
#13shnikJun 23, 2004 9:24:13 | How do we go about creating characters and such? Do we post them on the Real Adventures thread (when it's up)? I'd probably go for a Half-Elf Mariner. |
#14katt_nightstalker_02Jun 23, 2004 10:28:50 | note: this is CNEFD, posting my character.Character Name: Katt Nightstalker yes, I know the gods are gone, however, Katt still venerates fizban. She will begin the adventure looking for her "missing" hoopak (that she never had in the first place) Did i miss anything? |
#15zombiegleemaxJun 24, 2004 11:46:46 | contact info for CNEFD (aka katt nightstalker) is [email][/email] |
#16zombiegleemaxJun 26, 2004 14:52:27 | Have you gotten many replies? |
#17katt_nightstalker_02Jun 26, 2004 20:16:20 | this ever gonna happen? |
#18zombiegleemaxJun 26, 2004 22:46:10 | Originally posted by Katt Nightstalker Known languages? |
#19zombiegleemaxJun 27, 2004 8:45:41 | Originally posted by Ithilorien thanks. i'll fix that. |
#20zombiegleemaxJun 27, 2004 11:18:36 | WIS: 6 (-2) That's a fairly hefty penalty you're giving your character, if you're wanting to take nightstalker. Their spells are wisdom based, although off the top of my head I don't recall how many other abilities are tied to wisdom. Wisdom that low means little in the way of spellcasting. Plus I think you're some skills short. You've got 11 there, and rogue (8) and int 18 (4) is 12. |
#21sweetmeatsJun 27, 2004 15:05:50 | Hope I don't get into trouble for mentioning this... but SSS (Sword & Sorcery Studios) has a free Java based chat that they let people use to run their own games. Can be found here: They are good folks, and don't mind if you run games that arn't one of their's (Scarred Lands for instance). Plus the site has a DB for characters and its own Dice Roller. Just a thought. |
#22zombiegleemaxJun 27, 2004 20:25:41 | Originally posted by Amaron Blackthorn well? |
#23zombiegleemaxJun 28, 2004 7:27:00 | Originally posted by SweetMeats yeah but chat means we all have to be on at once . . . pddisc: wiscom only governs spells, none of the other nightstalker abilities. NOTE: about skills, ur rite. ill add 2 more languages. |
#24zombiegleemaxJun 28, 2004 8:53:08 | Personally, if it isn't impossible to get everyone together at the same time, I'd prefer a chat-based game to a post-based one. |
#25lily_knightJun 29, 2004 6:02:40 | I have sent emails out to six people, and out of that, I have recieved one email in reply, and that was to tell me about dropping out. I didn't think the support was out there!!! ![]() So if anybody is truely interested, I can run Key of Destiny (that will make it easier to get the webmaster's approval). The trouble with setting up a DL game is that their is too much background knowledge. I had hoped to recruit people in this forum, as they know what is happening in the world. Newbies who usually play in homebrew would have no clue as to what the War of Souls was, nor understand recent plights. So if you are interested, PM me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Cuz I would absolutly love to hold a Dragonlance game! |
#26katt_nightstalker_02Jun 29, 2004 10:31:44 | i want to play! |
#27zombiegleemaxJun 29, 2004 10:53:48 | Me too! My proposed character: Valenthalas “Valen” Lanthaloran Male Elf (Silvanesti) Ranger 1st level Chaotic Good Strength 12 (+1) -> (4 pts) Dexterity 16 (+3) -> (6 pts) Constitution 12 (+1) -> (6 pts) Intelligence 14 (+2) -> (4 pts) Wisdom 14 (+2) -> (6 pts) Charisma 10 (+0) -> (4 pts) Hit Points 9 Armor Class 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12 Initiative +3 Base Attack Bonus +1, Grapple +2 Speed 30 (base 30, armor category: light) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2 +2 Melee, longsword (1d8+1, crit 19-20/x2, 4lbs., one-handed slashing) +2 Melee, dagger (1d4+1, crit 19-20/x2, 1lb., one-handed piercing) +4 Ranged, longbow (1d8, critx3, range 100 ft., 3lb., piercing) +4 Ranged, thrown dagger (1d4+1, crit 19-20/x2, range 10 ft., 1lb., one-handed piercing) Size: Medium, 5'5" tall, 107 lbs., 82 years old Blond hair, green eyes, white skin Speaks common, elven, and sylvan. +6 Heal (Wis) 4 ranks, +2 Wis +7 Hide (Dex, armor check penalty) 4 ranks, +3 Dex +6 Knowledge (nature) (Int) 4 ranks, +2 Int +8 Listen (Wis) 4 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 racial +7 Move Silently (dex, armor check penalty) 4 ranks, +3 Dex +8 Search (Int)4 ranks, +2 Int, +2 racial +8 Spot (Wis) 4 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 racial +6 Survival (Wis) 4 ranks, +2 Wis Feats - Point Blank Shot (+1 bonus on ranged attack and damage within 30 ft.) - Track (use Survival skill to track) Elven Traits - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. - Immune to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. - Elvensight can see twice as far as humans in moonlight or starlight and darkvision up to 30 feet. - +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it. - +1 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks. - Favored Class: Wizard. Ranger Abilities - Favored Enemy (Ex): Undead. +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks against creatures of this type. +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. - Track: A ranger gains Track as a bonus feat. - Wild Empathy (Ex): May improve the attitude of an animal just like using a Diplomacy check. Roll 1d20 and add ranger level and Charisma modifier to determine result. Armor: Leather Armor (light, +2 AC, Max Dex +6, ACP 0, Speed 30 feet, 15 lbs.) Weapons: Daggers (2) (1d4+1, crit 19-20/x2, 1lb., one-handed piercing) Longbow (1d8, critx3, range 100 ft., 3lb., piercing) Longsword (1d8+1, crit 19-20/x2, 4lbs., one-handed slashing) Equipment: Backpack with waterskin, bedroll, and flint and steel. Quiver with 40 arrows. Belt pouch with 7 steel pieces. |