Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJul 13, 2004 17:22:27 | Hi, I changed the content of this post for something more productive and interesting, if we play the game... ![]() See my last post on this thread. Just have to find a main coordinator, some co-writers for encounters, npcs, and ideas in general. I thought of an underwater adventure in one of Oerth Ocean, with some pirats, sharks or megalodon, and a batyscaph to explore an underwater wreck with the help of some water breathing potion. It may be an original dungeon, just have to add some sea elves and sea barons or even th scarlet brotherhood (what may be hidden in this old ship..?) , but any other ideas is wellcome! Nevertheless i leave the original post wich was: "Does any of you have any interesting material/scenario in doc rtf or pdf format he wrote for his greyhawk campaign? Would you like to make a list of home written scenario or drawn maps available for those who may be interested? 10 years ago i wrote lots of adventures in the world of greyhawk, but it was on my atari st... and i don't have those files (nor the atari ![]() But i (and some others may) would be interested by npc, maps, modules, dungeons, etc written by YOU for Greyhawk. I am sure lot of the people posting here should have wrote very good things. ;)" |
#2zombiegleemaxJul 14, 2004 9:59:46 | Er, that's what Canonfire is... |
#3zombiegleemaxJul 14, 2004 15:07:35 | Lol, you don't miss an opportunity abysslin! Yes, i know about canonfire, but i was thinking about writers who may not dare to submit stuff to canonfire. But apparently theres not so much here.. So i'll go back on canonfire, you right. |
#4MortepierreJul 14, 2004 16:15:51 | Makoma, I am sure there are quite a few GH DMs out there with original ideas and/or modules. The problem is that if they are anything like DMs I know, most of those are rough notes. Posting them here would mean transforming those notes to computer files, checking them for errors, spelling mistakes, etc... Not to mention that some of those DMs might entertain the notion of sending them to Dungeon Mag. or a publisher one of these days... Still, was worth a shot ;) |
#5zombiegleemaxJul 15, 2004 2:38:47 | Yes you are right... I may be too generous. ![]() Won't it be cool some Dms posting here to write a scenario and debate here together? one for each part, the other for the maps etc? i think it' would be a good example and it may produce very interesting product. Don't need to be a tremendous project, a little scenario for beginner or intermediate level players, with lot of references etc.. In fact i would like to read and play something wrote using true greyhawkers experience, instead of reading " this is crap etc etc..." (wich is often true). Erik or Rob may give there opinion during the scenario construction, and, why not, if it's something lot of people like, use their influence to publish it! To sum up i would like to see positive and productive things getiing out of all the knowlegde and experience present in this forum. Maure castle is a good example, maybe too big, but why not trying to build something ourself? I am sure it may be very positive to The world of Greyhawk, on all point of view. |
#6MortepierreJul 15, 2004 3:53:14 | True .. but then you'll have to make sure none of your players sneak around here ![]() |
#7themannamedmeeJul 15, 2004 9:08:03 | A bold project proposal, makoma. Out of curiousity, what geographical area would you think is a good place for this adventure to take place? |
#8scoti_garbidisJul 15, 2004 13:30:26 | I would be willing to help with a group effort to make a scenario/dungeon. I work nights so i can't participate in any greytalk chats but I am a faithful msg board reader/writer. I have 10 years experience in D&D, 5 years solid. I run my own Greyhawk campaign and play in another, I just celebrated my 2 year campaign anniversary this past may. I am not a seasoned verteran but sometimes the new blood brings new ideas. i will keep checking for posts here. I am excited. |
#9zombiegleemaxJul 15, 2004 15:51:05 | As i stated before, i first thought of an underwater scenario, something beginning in a port, PCs shipping in an ocean (tropical, near amedio jungle) for some reasons to detail, and an event that may lead Pc's to investigate underwater using a kind of "batyscaph". They may discover it in a weird cargo connecting pirats to scarlet brotherhood, or may even be contacted by savages who have discovered this strange object on the beach after a wreckage. A relation with Drawmidj underwater fortress may also be possible. And give the players an opportunity to meet him or some of his servant. 592 CY seems the easiest date to use, but everything is possible. I would like to include Olman or Touv, the exploration may be near a lagoon or a reef barreer to give the adventure an exotic touch... Others parties may be interested by the shipwreck to investigate, especially the ones the batyscaphe was made for. WHO is interested, why, what kind of secret may be buried at the bottom of the sea, what kind of interesting encounters and challenge to propose, that's the kind of question you may answer. And i would also like to have a list of the "officials" volunteers for this module, and the kind of job they can do. Of course you can propose something completely different like trolls attacking Pc's on trollmade bobsleigh in the corusk, i am totally open. But something fresh and creative, and strongly greyhawk related. |
#10zombiegleemaxJul 17, 2004 8:28:42 | Ok, seems most greyhawkers more attached to the past than the future.. but: May i retain: Scotti Garbidis, The ManNamedMee and Mortepierre for beginning the skeleleton of the scenario? If you are ok, submit any info, orientation, ideas, about what you would like to co write. Once we will be agree ( ![]() Of course other Dms are wellcome, even for suggestions. |
#11scoti_garbidisJul 17, 2004 9:43:59 | Ok, I am all for the underwater adventure but other than the batyscaphe, what other devices are we going to have in the adventure for the characters that will help with the issue of water breathing. Also what do people think of involving a Sahuagin layer, they can be a pretty vicious underwater encounter. I also involving the Kraken would definitely raise the intensity meter also. Those are my ideas for the base of the Adventure so far. |
#12MortepierreJul 17, 2004 11:04:44 | I had volunteered?! Hmm .. *ponders* On one hand, by choosing an underwater setting, you eliminate from the start 75% of the potential criticism such scenario could receive from *cough* some GH fans. On the other hand, making it underwater kind of remove all connections to the GH setting other than through the NPCs since – to the best of my knowledge – underwater adventures never rated high in GH (a shame too..) Anyway.. I must confess I had thought some time ago of an underwater adventure in which the PCs would use a kind of “improved†version of the Apparatus of Kwalish. I had even christened it the “HMS Speedy Lobster†*chuckles* Got to think about this some more… ![]() |
#13MortepierreJul 17, 2004 13:37:07 | OK, if we’re going to do this I would suggest avoiding the usual pitfalls. By that I mean not using what has been overused to the point of making every player yawn in despair. No Sahuagin. No one will make me believe these guys are the only villains worth their salt underwater. No Kraken. As fun as that monster is, it figures in nearly every underwater adventure. No half-dragon. Anyone familiar with Dungeon Magazine will know why .. (sorry Erik, couldn’t resist ;) ) Let’s try to construct something around two species which haven’t been put to good use in a while. Say, the Locathah (MM I) and the Ixitxachitl (MM II). What do we know about the two? Locathahs - Usually N-aligned - Dwell in warm coastal waters - Not usually aggressive but do not trust surface dwellers - Lack natural weapons so require manufactured weapons Ixitxachitls - Usually CE-aligned - Dwell in coral reefs turned into mazes - Wage war on Sahuagins, Locathahs (ah ha!), Merfolks and coastal humans - Universally despised - Take captives for slave-labor - Colony usually led by a vampiric specimen or a cleric (usually of Erythnul) (in the old days, they were minions of Demogorgon so that’s a good choice too for fans of the Book of Vile Darkness) The second species has a name that sounds Olman. Combined with warm coastal waters and coral reefs, that points us to the Amedio or Hepmonaland coast. Looking at available maps (such as those included in The Scarlet Brotherhood) I see Xuxchan Bay (western coast of Hepmonaland) with a place called “Breeka’s Teethâ€. Sounds promising… Description of the Bay mentions “strange water currents making it dangerous for shipsâ€, “pockets of smelly, silty water, some foul enough to sicken anyone approaching†(that ties in with the fact that Ixitxachitls despoil their environment), “attacks by red-skinned octopi using weapons†(female Tako, from Oriental Adventures?), and “keels springing leaks with no discernible source†(ah ha! asocial underwater dwellers such as Locathahs) Nearby, we have the two cities of Cuhuetla and Xolapeqa that try to live in peace but war on each other to placate Suel slavers roaming the coast. Plus, even nearer, we have the small town/village of Chebikav. Probably a fishing community. Now, we need a juicy gadget to drawn the PCs in (just in case they’re not in the habit of saving foreign species just because that’s what is expected of heroes). That gadget needs to be an item that will tip the balance of power between our two species. Since the Ixitxachitls have trouble using most items, that leaves the Locathahs and we already know they need weapons in order to fight effectively. Plus we have the Scarlet Brotherhood nearby .. hmm .. *ponders* Say .. *snaps fingers* .. unless I am mistaken, five of the 9 Swords of Answering are currently lost (as per Dungeon issue #106). One in White Plume Mountain (a bit far), one in the Bandit Kingdoms (still a bit far), two in unknown locations (sounds good to me), and one near Irongate (ah ha! a potential link to the SB). Let’s say the one lost near Irongate was “found†by the Scarlet Brotherhood. That’s Last-Quip (the LN-aligned one). Let’s also say that the SB has run into a lot a trouble lately when trying to cross Xuxchan Bay. Sounds reasonable to me that they would try to find allies - underwater ones at that - to help them, no? And the SB is very good at securing allies by making gifts… So, what kind of local problems do we face here? a) Chebikav villagers could be “buying†the protection of the “water spirits†(read: make sure their fishermen aren’t attacked) by sacrificing people. They could tie them on the beach or perhaps on the reef closest to shore (since the Ixitxachitls aren’t likely to come out of the water to fetch them). Of course, foreigners are preferred since it means villagers get to live a while longer… b) Warbands of Xolapeqa are already leaving captives (taken from Cuhuetla) on the shore in the hope that SB slavers will take them and leave their own people alone c) SB ships trying to cross the bay to collect slaves run into constant trouble d) Locathahs are at war with the Ixitxachitls for control of the entire bay but don’t have access to enough quality weapons to make a difference e) A local tribe of Tako is probably also living in the bay and, from the look of it, is xenophobic to the point of being aggressive (could they be warrior-slaves of the Ixitxachitls?) f) The SB, unable to deal with the Ixitxachitls without committing more resources to the task, tries to ally with the Locathahs by supplying them with steel weapons. The SB could even be after something that was on a ship sunken by the Ixitxachitls, and now they need the Locathahs to get it for them. Perhaps they gave Last-Quip to the leader of the Locathahs in order to win him over? What possible motivations do we have for our valorous PCs? - prevent the SB from enslaving more people - help Cuhuetla and Xolapeqa avoid going to war (works especially well for Touv PCs) - prevent the SB from gaining powerful underwater allies (that could later be used to attack merchant ships from other nations sailing around Hepmonaland) - retrieve Last-Quip for the mayor of Irongate (or for the cult of Kelanen, or themselves) - retrieve the something lost by the SB - etc... *********** That’s just a few wild ideas mind you but methink they could be developed in a scenario where PCs would run into a “shades of grey†(rather than “Good vs Evilâ€) conflict. Would make for some nice role-play ![]() |
#14ArgonJul 17, 2004 16:06:46 | Are you kidding me someone mentions an underwater campaign and the one person I know who runs about a 100% underwater or water based campaigns is Aeolius. I am quite surprised he has not visited this particular thread. Now with that said Mortepierre has put together some well thought out ideas for your scenario makoma. I'd like to see where this story goes. I don't have anything to add at this point but keep the ideas coming Mortepierre it sounds good. |
#15AeoliusJul 17, 2004 16:50:32 | Originally posted by Argon Call me tardy. ;) I took some time off, some voluntary and some otherwise, getting used to my third child; a daughter born in December. Then I had the opportunity to buy some land, which took most of my time and energy to coordinate ( ). Now I am dealing with architects and builders. So yes, reality can interfere with one's game time. For the past 2 weeks, I have been writing and rewriting Chapter 118 of my undersea campaign (link in my Signature below) and am just about to post it, to bring things back up to speed. |
#16scoti_garbidisJul 17, 2004 20:55:59 | Alright, I am willing to take the beating for suggesting Sahuagin & Kraken. Sorry, Like I said I am new to this game and have used all self-written games until about a year ago. So sorry if i picked too common of monsters. Also I am willing to work with both of the other underwater races, no skin off my back. But I am not familiar with the "Apparatus of Kwalish." Can somebody fill me in? Just want to keep up with this incase I can actually contribute something. I'm trying..... |
#17MortepierreJul 18, 2004 3:28:09 | Originally posted by Scoti Garbidis Sorry Scoti. I wasn't trying to insult you or make fun of your suggestions. Sahuagins and Krakens are fun underwater monsters. My first move would have been to go for them too, just like you did. It's just that I don't want people to think "ah, another U3 ersatz". My apologies if my first post sounded disparaging ![]() Please, do continue to contribute. Besides, as I said, what I wrote before is just a bunch of wild ideas. I am not trying to bully anyone into using them. As for the Apparatus, here it is (straight out of the SRD): Apparatus of Kwalish This item appears to be a large, sealed iron barrel, but it has a secret catch (Search DC 20 to locate) that opens a hatch in one end. Anyone who crawls inside finds ten (unlabeled) levers: The device has the following characteristics: hp 200; hardness 15; Spd 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC 20 (-1 size, +11 natural); Atk +12 melee (2d8, 2 pincers). Operating a lever is a full-round action, and no lever may be operated more than once per round. However, since two Medium characters can fit inside, the apparatus can move and attack in the same round. The device can function in water up to 900 feet deep. It holds enough air for a crew of two to survive 1d4+1 hours (twice as long for a single occupant). When activated, the apparatus looks something like a giant lobster. Strong evocation and transmutation; CL 19th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, continual flame, creator must have 8 ranks in the Knowledge (architecture and engineering) skill; Price 90,000 gp;Weight 500 lb. Lever (1d10) Lever Function 1 Extend/retract legs and tail 2 Uncover/cover forward porthole 3 Uncover/cover side portholes 4 Extend/retract pincers and feelers 5 Snap pincers 6 Move forward/backward 7 Turn left/right 8 Open "eyes" with continual flame inside/close "eyes" 9 Rise/sink in water 10 Open/close hatch Note that the way PCs will go through this underwater adventure will depend very much on their average level. Lvl 1-4 would need heavy help (potions, scrolls, or the apparatus), probably "lent" by whoever is sponsoring them. Lvl 5-6 with access to Water Breathing spells and the like will have an easier time (still no piece of cake though). Lvl 7+ where the PCs get Freedom of Movement too would make for the most enjoyable trip in an underwater environment but will force the author to either use numerous monsters OR advanced monsters to increase the difficulty. |
#18zombiegleemaxJul 18, 2004 6:47:34 | OK, ![]() Very interesting stuff on your post Mortepierre, i think we have the same concept/approach of what an original scenario must be. And , like you, i stopped the all good vs all evil long time ago, i leave it for other campaign world.. ![]() So ===> 1)THe Ixitxachitls: i love that, really an interesting and poorly exploited creature. Will we have to detail their colony, their organisation, numbers, allies, underwater temple ? 2)The locathah: their neutral aspect is really constructive from a roleplaying point of view. Same question than for Ixitxachitls, with some originalities on manufactured underwater tools and weapons 3) The apparatus of Kwalish: i used it once, it was very interesting, but we need to use a 4-5 rooms versions. Or to use 2 appartus. Inside several potions of water breathing and maybe a cloak of manta ray may be availble. This appartus won't belong to the Pc's, i will propose something later on this post. And must have an access to sea from underwater via a waterproof room 4) The intrigue: SB can be involved in a very productive way in your idea Mortepierre. The sword of answering (i don't have dungeon 106) is not my favorite idea. I would prefere something related to water control or portal , but quite powerful. Either to control water elementals, or others ancient and powerful denizen of the ocean. The Sb ship, bringing the "artifact" at home has been crashed by current or pirats, or unknown reason, some days/weeks ago. All the crew is dead, eaten by sharks , and the ship lay by 30 meters deep. The locatatha know about, and are very interested about all the weaponry on the boat for leading their war against the Ixitxachitls. BUT: after 1 or two raids near the boat, they have been attacked by a powerful creature attracted by some emanation of the artifact. The place is now too dangeous, because the creature choosed to live near the ship. And the locathah are crazy about that. The Ixitxachitls may be aware of the powerful objects in the ship, and planning to attack the creature. Inside the ship some creatures are living, allies or not of the big one outside. I suggest creatures captured by teh scarlet, some abominations and other marine creatures. Currently some may still be trapped in the ship and other are surviving on eating the drown corpses, but they are now VERY hungry.... And the presence of the big one trap them inside. By the way the pcs may discover some horrorful cross breed. The ship must be big, and interesting places may have been trapped, and/or magically locked by the scarlet. The sacrifice concept is particulary interesting. IMO, the Pc's shoudl arrive by boat in the village or a little island surrounded by a reef barrer, disguised as sailors. All their equipment can be hidden in a portable hole (lent by a someone, see motivations), they are in a dangerous place, they don't have to attract attention. First they have to pretend some fish buying or shp reparationa at the little port. In fact they come to inquiry about the lost ship. They have a secret ally in the fishermen community, who known the emplacement of the appartus (underwater access that lead to a air filled ) cave on a nearby island. But they also known some SB agent may be in the village, looking for info. Important: They must understand very quickly it's quite dangerous to stay in this village, because of the sacrifice periodicity and the population attitude. Lot of tension must come from that. Without the locathah help pc should soon realize it maybe quite impossible to find the ship, so they will have to contact and befriend them (won't be so easy). The pc's will also have to discover the Olman sacrifices reason and try to stop it. (good reason to help the Locathah for good aligned pcs) Sooner or later the pcs may encounter pirats or a Sb ship. Or both. As mortepierre wrote Ixitxachitls may also have humans allies, it can be interesting (may on the volcaning island where the appartus is hidden). They may breed underwater mounts and plan something on their own. I suggest the scenario designed for 7-11 lvl players. We need a map of the village, the island and cave where the appartus is hidden, the Ixitxachitls and locathah community, and the ship. We need a random encounter table for tropical water. We have to work about npcs, relations, motivations for the pcs. And of course, feel free to modify anything, this is an open source scenario ![]() And, of course, We need bikinis for female pcs. |
#19MortepierreJul 18, 2004 11:45:26 | Sounds good. Alternatively, the SB ship may have sunk in Tako territory and the latter prevent anyone from approaching it. With a party of PCs specialized in Diplomacy, I would go that way. That said, I like your idea of the powerful creature guarding the ship so I’ll second it ;) Looking at the map, I am left to wonder what a SB ship carrying a powerful item was doing so far south. No, the most likely explanation is that it was coming from the West. So, either it was a SB ship headed for the Tilvanot Peninsula that was blown off course by a storm OR it wasn’t a SB ship at all. Hmm .. *ponders* You know, the Fiend-Sage of Rel Astra is always collecting rare items, spells and creatures for Drax. And the latter bears the SB no good will. How about .. a Rel Astran ship was bringing home not only your powerful item but also rare creatures captured by agents of the Fiend Sage and the SB heard about it. SB ships pursued, expecting the ship to head straight East. However, the captain – aware of the SB’s blockade – decided to make his way around Hepmonaland to reach destination safely. As he was passing near Xuxchan Bay, he encountered pirates (from the nearby Pirate Isles). Unable to loose them, he entered the bay and made for the shore. Unfortunately, his ship ran into reefs and sank. Some of the crew escaped and were rescued by villagers from Chebikav. The survivors - some wounded - know where the wreck is but are held captive by the villagers who are very happy to have found “volunteers†for the traditional sacrificial ceremony to the “Sea Spirits†(read: Ixitxachitls). If the PCs manage to rescue the sailors, they’ll learn a bit more about what the ship contained and where it can be found. The Locathahs know about the sunken ship and want to reach it because they think they’ll be able to put their hands on enough steel weapons to help them destroy the Ixitxachitls once and for all. The cleric-leader of the Ixitxachitls can sense the powerful item lying in the wreck and wants to get it to conquer the Locathahs. The SB has finally tracked the ship to the general area of the Bay but has been unable to locate it precisely so far. The ship sank into an area traditionally controlled by the Tako who keep everyone at bay because they are xenophobic. However, the major creature released when the ship sank is keeping even them away from the ship. That way, we get two obstacles to reach the ship. However, since the “creature†is also killing Tako, the PCs could potentially negotiate a deal if they agree to get rid of the monster for them. I can certainly think of a few things in the DMG that would get the SB (and Drax) drooling, but I want to keep the GH flavor of this adventure. So, why not use (an updated version of) an item described in the old (2E) Greyhawk Adventures hardcover? Possible choices include: Fire Wand of Suloise, Horn of the Azure Sea, Sceptre of the Forgotten City, or Trident of the Oljatt Sea. As for the “creature†.. how about using a Gingwatzim? (updated to 3E in Dragon #295) It could have been found by the Rel Astran explorers in its item form, dormant. When the ship sank, the shock of being engulfed in water woke it and, responding to the instructions of its ancient master, it assumed its creature form. Its orders could be simple, such as “if you find yourself in the possession of strangers, assume your animated form and defend yourself till I retrieve youâ€. If we use a (advanced) Naranzim, its spell-like abilities could prove quite surprising to adventurers, especially if they mistake it for another creature due to the form it assumed. I wouldn’t include too many other creatures in the sunken ship. It would seem strange that an expedition was carrying so many underwater monsters. That said, we could certainly include the drowned corpses of many weird creatures (perhaps to be animated by the Ixitxachitl cleric?) As for maps, there are plenty for free here just begging to be put to good use. For instance: 2004: Coastal Dungeon Maps 2000: (9/21) Undersea Caverns (heck, there is even a sunken ship here!) If the PCs are lvl 7-11, they won't really need the Apparatus but we could always say they were hired by Drax and he lent them one. I still like the idea of SB allying with the Locathahs because it puts the PC in the difficult position of dealing with a non-Evil but also non-cooperative race. The Locathahs don't care which surface dwellers they ally with as long as they get steel weapons to deal with the Ixitxachitls. You know, if this wasn't so specific to WoG, I would say we should turn it into a cooperative adventure to be sent to Dungeon Magazine ;) |
#20cwslyclghJul 18, 2004 13:45:15 | You know, if this wasn't so specific to WoG, I would say we should turn it into a cooperative adventure to be sent to Dungeon Magazine Erik has no problems excepting adventures specific to the Greyhawk on occassion, if it turns out good enough I say send it in. |
#21AeoliusJul 18, 2004 14:55:25 | Granted, the Apparatus of Kwalish is designed for air-breathers to explore the realms below the surface of the sea. For water-breathing races, an alternate mode of mass transportation might be devised. In BPAA I placed the Shellship, a gargantuan oyster in which the party travels. The Shellship is maintained by a Mollusklord (Marine Lord), who tends to the oyster's unique dietary and lighting needs. I also placed the Spawn of Kwalish, undersea constructs devised by Kwalish to seek out and destroy all of the "false" Apparati. i.e. those he had not personally constructed. |
#22zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 0:18:40 | Confounded hair trigger reply buttons! Double post - full version with out typos below. ![]() P. |
#23zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 0:22:35 | If you were going for a Rel Astran vessel, why not make it the caravel that turned up in Hardby a few years ago after apparently rounding the southern tip of Hepmonaland? It apparently vanished on the return leg. Not only is it bound to have lots of interesting items (from the Touv kingdoms etc), but logs and charts of the Hepmonaland coast stowed in conveniently waterproof containers. Perhaps also some survivors ashore or marooned on an island, including the all important navigator...? The SB of course would not want any of this information making it back to Rel Astra to encourage the other naval powers to come and interfere with its monopoly of the coasts of Hepmonaland, while Drax or other maritime powers (Keoland and their Explorer's Society for example) would be very keen indeed to get their hands on such information. If you think sea charts aren't glamourous treasure - just look at the effort martime powers in Europe took to get their hands on the sea charts of their rivals during the Age of Exploration. Given that they were the key to overseas commerce and empire they were far more valuable than gold or other shiny-shiny stuff. Knowlege is power. P. |
#24scoti_garbidisJul 19, 2004 8:22:43 | Ok, Like I said I am new to the game. I dug up an old map of Hepmonland off of canonfire. But I have never actually used the program to edit maps... what I want to do is zoom in on the area we are working on, cut that out, blow it up and maybe even save it as something like a bitmap or jpeg. I am using the campaign mapper that came with the AD&D 2nd Ed CD-ROM program. If anybody has any tips, let me know. I am stressing with the constant refresh on my campaign mapper as I navigate the map. Thanks ahead of time. I'm not sure how much I can contribute but I know I can build NPC's so when we reach that step I can be of assistance but so far I am gonna listen and learn a little. You guys have had some great ideas. I was going through one of the monster manuals last night and came across the Morkoth. I saw that another monster had already been suggested as the big guy inside the boat but just to the north in the Densac Gulf Morkoths are found and maybe one could be found in the Xuxchan Bay and taken up residence in a secluded section of the wreck. I am sure it could find a part of the ship not controlled by the biggie and would make for one of the smaller filler encounters at the sunken ship site. |
#25themannamedmeeJul 19, 2004 9:29:55 | Okay, I for one can not help but remember the Gord series in which Gord befriended a group of Sea Lions and was being hounded by a sea hag. It's been about a decade since I last read the books so all of the names have escaped me at the moment. Anyway, I think incorporating these two creatures would draw some of the old-schoolers out. Also, someone made mention of a possible Olman connection. What about a sunken temple setting? The artifact could have been removed from the temple causing a series of nasty disasters (earthquakes, tidal waves, devasting rip-tides, etc). Creatures (Tako. Ixitxachitls, and/or Locathahs,etc) living under the water have reasoned that surface dwellers are the cause and are "wrecking" havoc on all shipping vessels. Players need to find the artifact (now sunk and guarded by a sea hag and her minions) and return it to the sunken temple. By the way, makoma, I assume you will be directing the storyline. I think there are a lot of great ideas posted but we are going to need you to streamline it so that all participants are focused on the same adventure story. This has potential to be an incredible undertaking! |
#26MortepierreJul 19, 2004 12:16:57 | TheManNamedMee, I believe you’re referring to Udyll, the Sea Hag that rides a pack of sharks and can summon a “hellstormâ€, and to Leoceanius, the Sea Lion king. ***** OK, let’s try to sum up what we’ve got so far... Main location for the adventure Xuxchan Bay, off the western coast of Hepmonaland Possible locations for the “treasure†- sunken ship (SB or Rel Astran) - sunken temple Possible “gruesome†guardian for the “treasure†- Kraken - Morkoth - Naranzim (Gingwatzim subspecies) - Sea Hag & minions Possible “encounters†in the Bay - Ixitxachitls - Locathahs - Pirates - Sahuagins - SB ship(s) - Sea Lions - Sharks - Tako - Villagers (Olman/Touv) Possible “secondary†locations in the Bay - Hide-out of the undersea vehicle - Maze of the Ixitxachitl colony (underwater) - Settlement of the Locathahs (underwater) - Settlement of the Tako (underwater) - Village of Chebikav (on shore) Possible main “treasure†- ancient Olman artefact - magic item dealing with the ocean or underwater monster(s) - sea charts - updated magic item from Greyhawk Adventures Possible “sponsor†for the adventurers - Any nation interested in sea charts - Drawmij - Drax (of Rel Astra) - SB agents (that would be just like them to trick PCs into doing the dirty work!) Possible means of exploring underwater - Apparatus of Kwalish - Shellship (from Aeolius campaign) - Standard magic items & spells (Freedom of Movement, Water Breathing, potions, scrolls, etc...) |
#27MortepierreJul 19, 2004 13:41:32 | Let’s see if we can combine some of these elements successfully and integrate yet more GH lore ... DMGR4 Monster Mythology reveals that Ixitxachitls worship Demogorgon. In The Scarlet Brotherhood, we learn that between 3000 and 1700 years ago a civilization of Troglodyte-kin prospered in the Amedio jungle. They worshipped a variety of demon princes, Demogorgon included. The same book also explains how some Olmans were later changed into the first Yuan-Ti by an evil god. Since we’re still lacking an origin for our ray-like monsters in WoG, why not apply the same logic? One of the reptilian cities, presumably located on the shore of the Vohoun Ocean, was in danger of being eradicated by another stronger one. Its priest-king appealed to Demogorgon to save them. The demon-prince heard and granted the request, albeit not in the way his worshippers had hoped for. They were transformed into a fish-like race, the Ixitxachitls. Thoroughly evil, they retained the same social structure they had adopted as land-dwellers. Namely: a priest-king ruler. Perhaps Demogorgon had foreseen that he would one day need worshippers of his own to counter Sekolah’s sahuagins under the sea... They spread first to the Isles of Axuxal, and from there to the whole Densac Gulf till they reached the western shore of Hepmonaland. There, they discovered a city of the bat-like humanoid race (which, according to the book, predated the Olman civilization). Though that race didn’t threaten them, the Ixitxachitls didn’t want any competition. To them, both the oceans and every land bordering them were their rightful dominion. So, they called upon their “god†once again, sacrificing many captives (Locathahs?) to power up a spell mighty enough to destroy the “heathensâ€. Again, Demogorgon answered. An earthquake shook the coast, sinking part of it into the bay. Today, the city lies in ruins at the bottom of the bay, except for its main pyramid that the Ixitxachitls have converted into the temple-palace of their vampiric priest-king (linked, of course, to their usual maze into the nearby reefs via tunnels dug by slaves). That way, we can have both a sunken boat AND the sunken temple TheManNamedMee suggested ;) |
#28zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 13:59:26 | Good Job ! and very good sum up Mortepierre. I think the Pc's must have a mean of underwater transport, but i also think the apparatus of Kwalish is not the most appropriate. I want something quite simple, not very dangerous. I don't know about the Shipshell, can you give me some info? I would like something like a pocket submarine the pc's will use for transport or escaping... But they must feel the "insecurity" of being immerged under dozen of meters. And for the exploration, they will have to quit the ship and to go in the water! It's not their element, they may overload their charater to stay at the bottom, or choose to swim for 3D combat. Don't forget blood is attracting lot of species underwater... And communication underwater( and spell!!), even if they have water breating potion, will be quite difficult with the locathah, i think it's intersting for the roleplay. I also defintely like the idea of the underwater temple and the stolen artifact. May have been stolen by SB. But wich god, what kind of artifact, what purpose for the sb? THe sea hag sounds also good for me, with some minions and drown sb crew re animated it can be quite frightening. But i also like the gingwatzim... About directing the storyline, i can do a lot of things, but english is not my native tongue, and i need someone quite fluent. This "hell under the beach" scenario have to be well written. I want the pc's to feel like in Polynesia, with the coconuts and the Olman tribe dancing and singing each night near the beach (for obscure reasons and rituals, as Mortepierre sacrifices idea ,wich is great!.. ). We must create an "atmosphere" my english level doesn't give me acces to. About the NPC Scotti don't worry you ll have plenty to make, as for the maps! The sponsor is also important. I like the idea of Sb fooling the pc's. That can make a very big surprise at the end when they gonna give back the "artifact"... And explain the low activity of reseach from the sb in the area. Yes, quiet a good idea. |
#29zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 14:27:37 | If we retain the sb fooling pcs, the pcs have no ally in the Olman village. But they will meet quite quickly an old fisher,a good guy, who diving alone near the volcaning island for fishing shells or ursins, or fantastics creatures. He never adventured on the island cause he has seen some curious men ( Ixitxachitls allies) or because he's just scary of the volcano. BUT, one day he discovered a stange cave underwater, and dived in. He found the submarine (got to find an history for being here, must be easy), and left the place frightened. FRequently he comes back to this place, but doesnt' dare to touch the "godship" and has never spoken of it to anyone at the village. But he may be lead to speak to the pc's (because he's against the sacrifice and thinks they may stop it) |
#30scoti_garbidisJul 19, 2004 15:43:06 | It could be an ancient version of the gnomish submersible. We may have to invent something of our own. Our the old bell technique of days past. They could use a bell to get down deep without using the parties spells until absolutely necessary. While this is a very primitive way of exploring the deep, I believe it fits the technological period of WOG 591/592 and would also help in simplifying the transportation matter. I only suggest to simplify because it seems that eventually the party is going to have to go without the submersible at some point. The thought of using a tried but not true bell method might also help raise the danger factor in the minds of the PC's. |
#31MortepierreJul 19, 2004 16:38:50 | I love the diving bell idea! Fact is, it was used once already in Dungeon Magazine to great effect (issue #18, “Whitelake Mine†by Willie Walsh). I am sure that if we credit the original author, he won’t mind us using his design. Eh, come to think of it, we should credit Leonardo da Vinci as the original designer ;) The “godship†idea is equally intriguing Makoma but I can’t quite find an explanation as to why it would exist in the area. Wouldn’t it look a wee bit too .. ah .. convenient? Yeah, we went looking for a sunken ship and - presto! - we find this weird submarine some forgotten native left to rot in a cave nearby. Talk about a lucky break! IMHO, whatever device we use in the end, the PC need to bring it along. If they are hired to rescue something in a sunken ship, it’s logical to assume whoever is sponsoring them will provide them with the means to succeed in their mission. Oh, and let’s remember that if we’re talking coastal waters, the depth isn’t going to be extraordinary (especially if the Bay is full of reefs). However, that brings back the question of the average party level. Adventurers lvl 7-11 will just look at the DM and ask “why are we supposed to use this crappy contraption when can snap his fingers to make us breathe water or polymorph us into merfolks?†Another question that I feel needs answering is: “where do we go from here?†With this adventure getting on the rails, this thread is bound to become bigger and bigger. Should we move it to another forum better suited to handle it? Perhaps here? Also, what are we planning to do with it once it’s over? Offer it on the GH forum? Send it to Canonfire? Send it to Dungeon as the first example of cooperative adventure ever? Keep up the good work guys! |
#32zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 16:52:21 | Yes Mortepierre you are right, too convenient. Let's the pc sponsor lend them the submarine. It's more realistic. ABout the Pcs lvl, even at lvl 7-11 i think pcs, not knowing how many times they wil have to spend underwater and maybe wanting to keep dry and to avoid useless encounter (as sharks) would prefere to use this batyscaphe. It remains a good place to bring or to keep their materials, non waterproof one, or to protect wounded etc... Better than to have to swim back 3 kilometers, wounded, with a water breathing spell going off, and lot of hungry creatures around you. Needless to say that dead or incouscious pcs underwater are in are very very bad position. So i think they will prefere the sub About depth, yes, the ship will be behind the reef bareer, but not deeper than 30 meters. Where water is clear as crystal.... About the scenario, I think we should offer it for any one who want it, and even Dungeon mag, for free, if they think it deserve it. It will be a good example. And maybe a beginning for a creative line of greyhawk product. About the way to handle things once everything will be defined, i think we must assign each co writer a task. The main one being of course to recompile all infos and to type description etc... for ecah section. So, i need to know now who's ok for doing what. Please answer on this thread, it'll be easier for others to know what remains to do. If we have a good artist also? |
#33MortepierreJul 20, 2004 3:24:37 | Well, at least we already have a title.. Hell under the Beach :D I can do NPC stats, monster stats, maps (not my strong point), treasure, or background story. As long as someone tells me what they want and how they want it, it's fine. After all, we still have to decide which of the suggested elements we'll keep for the story. As for "fluff" (read: descriptions to be read to players), I would prefer to leave that to a native english-speaker :embarrass |
#34zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 4:45:18 | Here's a suggested chronology, feel free to modify: 1- Title an overview of the scenario, intrigue, and region. 2- Sum up of underwater rules (spells, rules etc..) 3- Chap 1: Pc getting contacted by Sb agent presenting as someone else (to define) for a mission under the coconut. A cargo to retrieve underwater, very important the SB don't got it ![]() A secret ally wait them in the viallage , he got important ressource to help them (the batyscaphe and some info). The gant lent them a portable hole for their equipment and for the object to take back. A quick description of its emplacement on the ship, but he pretends to know little about. Pc's may get paid for the mission if it's needed. 4- Chap 2: PC sails to the olman village, disguised as crew. The true crew are Sb agent, but they are VERY friendly with pcs. Stats needed. Maybe encounter during the trip, not very important. The captain is in contact with is superior to ive info about Pcs investigation evolution. They are quite weak, they are just here to fool the pcs and report their action, and eventually take them back in the Sb basket at the end. Of course No sb ship attacks them during the trip. 5- Chap 3: pc's arriving to the village, pretexting boat reparation, and etablishing at the inn. Map needed, simple description of leader and important person in the village. Fishers Village quite nice when they arrive. They got new flesh to sacrifice! Until the next full moon (when sea is high and people bound to a pole on the beach get immerged), no problemo. Buit they Pc's may begin to guess something is hidden behind this little paradise. The SB kidnapping may be mentionned, but nobody knows of the sunk ship. If the Pc's investigate underwater they must realize it's getting nowhere, the ocean is great. Ok, it's very beautiful, but the bay reveal to be qite dangerous also! Got to map the bay, low and high scale, with village. 6- Chap 4:they meet their contact, a sb agent usually used for giving info for kidnapping Olman. Very nice also, he lead them by night to a nearby island ona small fish boat( pirogue), and invite them to dive near the coast to get what theikr sponsor can lend them, the submarine. Underwater they acced to an air filled cave where the sub is, half immerged. The Olman Sb spy, know little about, just you can enter from above and got out from behind underwater in a "buffer room". The sub can host up to 8 persons, is commanded by a trigger that is magically transmuting water to air in left and right ballast. The magic is also renewing the air inside the sub. A long metallic tail is magically animated and the pc can direct the sub quite easily from inside, they have a large glassee steel cockpit wich offer panoramic view. a nice toy, to map and draw. 7- Chap 5: the Pcs begin their investigation ( the village tension was getting hottter and hotter) underwater. We need an encounter table. don't need to be randomized, Dm will have to choose the most adapted creatures. Quickly they will fall , behind the reef, upon a loacathah/ Ixitxachitl skirmishs. They should get involved. And lead to help the locathah (they can help the Ixitxachitl , but...). The locathah will remain neutral, even after their help, that's up to the pcs to realize they have an unique opportunity to learn a lot more about the bay. If they are good enough, the locathah will bring them, unarmed (they have water breatingh potion in the sub) to their settelment to meet their king. 8- Chap 6 : Roleplay (underwater, lot of gestures for non telepathic pcs!!!) and discussion with the king.. Maps needed. and stats of the locathah. The locathah KNOW about the ship, and where it is. But, in exchange of the info, they want to have all the weapons inside. They will also explain their war against Ixitxachitl and may know about the olman sacrifice. They may also what the pc's to help them to lead an attack against the Ixitxachitl temple fater they get the weapon on the ship. They will have to say that something is guarding the ship... 9- Chap 7: PC's got to the ship, following in their sub the locathah. They land it 500 meters away, and the locathah leaave them quickly. Here the pc have to edal with the creature. Have to choose wich one. Map of the boat( large one), and stats for occupants, traps etc.. Personnaly i prefere a quite stupid creature creature, otherwise it would have serach the boat and took the artifact, and leave the place! I see something stupid who is considering the sunk ship to be his propriety. Pcs fight, explore the boat, learn some infos about sb etc, lot of things possible, and finnay came upon the artifact. Wich is protected of course. Have to choose it now.. 10- chap 8: the locathah came back after the cretaure death and begin collecting weapons. Pc's now can: get away to the Olman village, or help the locathah. 11- Chap 9a: War leaded against the Ixitxachitl pyramid (i retain your idea Mortepierre, and i love demogorgon ![]() 12- Chap 9b: the pcs betray the locathah abd escape with teh artifact. The locathah won't get able to stop them, but it's now a question of morale and aligenement. Sacrifices will continue, etc.. If they do it and the campaign is good oriented, let them have a nasty encounter during their way back ![]() 13- Chap 10: back to the village, evereybody happy , happy end?? no no no.... Once in the ship, the sb crew lead them to a trap. Their sponsor is supposed to meet them on the sea (they learn it by a magical dream, it was supposed to be this way, they can trust it). Once in the ocean, they change boat to come back on this larger vessel, and give the artifact to their nice sponsor. ANd the masks fell down. Hard fight. If the pc have helped the locathah they may be helped..... After.... they have to come back to the coast ![]() SO? we finalize dark parts and do it piece by piece ok? |
#35MortepierreJul 20, 2004 6:25:29 | About parts 5 & 6 .. I am still a bit puzzled by this. If I understand you correctly, the PC sail to the Olman village as part of the crew of a (disguised) SB ship. Then, at the village, they meet a SB agent that leads them to the underwater ship they are supposed to use to explore the bay. Correct? My question is: why did the SB hide the submarine in the bay rather than put it on board the PC's ship? I mean, the SB went to the trouble of actually bringing a submarine all the way to the bay but then left it there and went back home? The only reason I can think of to explain that is that the submarine is a dangerous experimental craft. Even then, why not simply put it in the PC boat? The PC are bound to use it anyway (if they trust their sponsor, that is) If this is done only to insure the PC visit the Olman village, there is an easier way to do it IMHO. Simply have their sponsor tell them that there is a village of natives along the coast and then suggest that they could use it as a base of operation. That would allow them to replenish their food & water supplies AND to ask the natives about the bay (their fishermen are bound to know it). If the PC ignore the suggestion and insist on anchoring in the middle of the bay, have monsters attack the boat regularly. Heck, they could even discover (if the party's rogue looks around a bit) a survivor of the sunken ship's crew held secretly captive by the natives for their big sacrifice ceremony. As for the sponsor to their mission, I suggest the SB agent poses as someone working for either Keoland or Irongate. A group of G-aligned PC would probably refuse to work for Drax (of Rel Astra), Rary (of the Bright Desert) or the Sea Barons. Nyrond, Onnwal and Sunndi are bad candidates because they don't have the means to back up such an expedition at the current time. |
#36zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 7:28:28 | Yes you re totally right about the sub. I was thinking the same thing this morning just after posting.. ![]() They can bring it on the boat, it's not a problem. I liked the idea of the secret immerged cave. The reason of the sub presence could have been that the sub utilisation is a problem for the Sb suloise. That would also explain why they use the pcs instead of their own force. Maybe they bring the sub here before, began research and have been forced to stop and to let the sub in the cave (elements the pcs may learn undirectly). Or the sub origin, or utilisation put them in trouble. Or they may fear something in the area, i don't know yet. We can find something. We also must not forget that Olman absolutely dont trust (and fear) Suloise, if there was some in the Pcs... It may also help pc to discover some things. About the creature , finally, it's better to use the Hag from Gord. (ok i changed again). because she can be full of minions undead she resurected amongst the drown crew, the creatures transported, the slaves, the monstrous beings captured and experimented by the Sb. They will fight for the hag, and roam in the ship. The hag may be interested by the artifact, but not able to take it, or simply not aware of its presence. About the SB the pc may find strange that a Keoland or Irongate agent work in this village. They may also find weird the fact their crew attitude, and maybe some clue of a recent use or arrival of the sub by the Sb ( "a big ship stationned in this area last week/month" ) provided by Olman or locathah etcetc.. Depending their intelligence and research, they may be aware at the end of the mission that something is not clear. THe Ixitxachitls importance must not sum up to the "bad guys", they must involved somewhere (with the artifact or the Sb). I would also like (but i can lean on you on this point Mortepierre) to have a max of greyhawk canon reference. And may i have Mr Mona feelings about that ?? ![]() Thank you all on this thread for all that have been done so quickly. And new ideas are wellcome! |
#37scoti_garbidisJul 20, 2004 8:14:45 | It is possible that the sponsor has the sub in a cave near the sunken ship site. The initial supplies could all be setup in a campsite near the village and this could also incorporate an NPC who sending information back to the SB. He could be waiting for the group when they arrive and have everything ready to go. He could pose as a geographer, historian or whatever part the group might fall short in. This way they wont be suspicious and we found a way to have a SB stick close to the group. This would still include the underwater cave that Makoma had thought about (which i like the idea also) and it could incorporate an encounter with one of the underwater creatures they may have made enemies with. Just another idea I had thought of. This would also help the game move more smoothly if the PC's didnt have to bother with getting supplies at all and would also make the job that much more interesting to PC's because they have low cost and possible high treasure. ![]() |
#38zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 8:36:24 | It works for me Scoti ![]() About the reason the SB don't use the sub it can simply be that they don't want to stay in this area and attract attention on the artifact. The sub may also be of Baklunish origins they repulse to use. |
#39themannamedmeeJul 20, 2004 10:03:52 | I'm still a little uncertain about using a sub-type transport to manuever around the bay floor. I was never a big fan of items such as the Apparatus of Kwalish. I hate to sound like a spoiled sport but it seems a little too Jules Verne-ish to me. The diving bell works for me, I guess, but I think if pc's don't have the means to explore the watery depths, then magic items (rings, necklaces, potions) should be made available to them through their SB contact (on loan, of course). I'll still contribute in any way, just thought I'd try to keep the storyline from spinning to far. I know this is not my project and I apologize if I have offended anyone.![]() |
#40MortepierreJul 20, 2004 11:13:37 | Originally posted by makoma Er .. but if that was the case, then by using it, the PC would attract attention to the artefact, no? If the sub was of Baklunish origins (a real possibility if we're talking about one of Kwalish's inventions), I think the SB would be rather glad to use it. Using something devised by their nemesis to get to an artefact that will help the SB get stronger would seem like poetic justice to any Suel with a wicked sense of humor. If no one objects, I would like to volunteer to flesh out the Ixitxachitls. The devil fishes really inspire me, especially since I got my hand on that old "Ecology of.." article by Ed Greenwood. Another thing we need to think about: Morkoth, Ixitxachitls, etc .. aren't in the (current) SRD (only MM 1 monsters are). By posting their stats directly here (or elsewhere on the net), aren't we risking a copyright problem? Sending a draft to Dungeon wouldn't be a problem but leaving it on a forum .. I am not sure ![]() Oh, and Sea Hags can't animate dead. A hag covey could, or a sea hag with Cleric or Sorcerer levels, but no "ordinary" sea hag. EDIT: Small clarification: when I was talking about a Keoland (or Irongate) sponsor, I wasn’t envisioning him awaiting the PC at the local Olman village. I thought the PC would be contacted somewhere in the Flanaess, go to the nearest port and there meet the “sponsorâ€. That said, you can still include a SB agent among the natives of Chebikav. Remember Xolapeqa? Their warriors are capturing folks from Cuhuetla and leaving them on the coast for SB slave-ships to pick up. How about saying that those slaves-to-be are left in Chebikav. The locals guard them till the SB slave-ships arrive. In exchange, they get to keep - say - one slave out of 5 to do as they please (read: use them in their sacrificial ceremonies). Heck! The SB could even have promised them that they would get the PC once the latter had captured the artefact. That way you have smiling and helpful natives at the beginning of the adventure and dangerous cultists at the end ![]() |
#41zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 12:07:05 | Originally posted by TheManNamedMee Hey, you don't have to apologize, it's no more my project than anybody else on this thread, differents opinions are quite useful! I understand your position toward the sub, but really, without it's really a pain for the Pcs. Waterbreathing is just one problem, but what about non waterproof spell book and components, items rusting, potions implosing under pression, and all the useless and dangerous encounter Pcs will have to deal with if they swim for one or two days? food, equiipment, if they travel by boat they will never found the wreck and meet the locathah. IT's ocean, big waves, storm, maybe typhoon, it's not a big lake. So i really think the sub can be an underwater base for them, they can even sleep inside, regain spell , eat etc.. It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, and more magical related than technic. Again Mortepierre you are right about the SB attitude toward a baklunish item. Let's say they simply fear the hag and they prefer the pcs to die than them? About the hag, riding a big shark, let's give her some cleric lvl. A bad bad girl to meet at the beach... About the sponsor and the slaves left at the village KEEP it exactly as you wrote, for me it's perfect. The artifact now? Related to the Ixitxachitls or Demogorgon, stolen to them?? Other idea? After that i think we can began piece by piece. I can overview it, but we need someone to write down infos. About the copyrights maybe someone on this forum have an idea???? Remember it's a free project. |
#42scoti_garbidisJul 20, 2004 14:58:20 | Ok I am just trying to sum up what we have so far- 1. Party is contacted by representative of the sponsor 2. Party meets sponsor in a location yet to be decided 3. Party is transported to the Xuxchan Bay on Western Coast of Hepmonaland 4. Here the party is given use of the submarine 5. The party begins the endeavor of finding the wreck 6. Party encounters Localoth / Ixitxachitl Battle 7. Either learn info from Localoth or continue on search of bay 8. Arrive at sunken ship and encounter large creature 9. Recover artifact 10. Party more than likely double crossed by SB and a battle commences or the Scarlette Brotherhood quietly dissappears with item. That was very brief and I know I could have very well left some parts out but I would like to have a finished outline of the adventure before we begin. |
#43MortepierreJul 20, 2004 16:16:46 | That was about perfect Scoti, thanks! About the artefact, I wouldn't link it to the Ixitxachitls. It would seem a bit strange that a SB ship sailed up to Hepmonaland with a devil-fish artefact on board. That said, it could easily be an item linked to Demogorgon, or one of its enemies (Orcus or Sekolah). Both would prove very tempting to an Ixitxachitl demon-priest. But I am still convinced involving an old GH item would be best. The Fire Wand of Suloise is perfect because the SB would do anything to get it back. The Horn of the Azure Sea would be my second choice because both the Sea Hag and the Ixitxachitl high priest would be drawn to its necromantic aura. |
#44AeoliusJul 20, 2004 17:08:22 | Originally posted by Mortepierre In the undersea adventure I am placing in the Solnor (Turucambi, Jungle of Lost Ships, Sinking Isle) I have placed the tome "LAMENT FOR LOST THARIZDUN" (as mentioned in "Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth") in a sunken flagship of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Needless to say, that region is now Tainted. |
#45MortepierreJul 20, 2004 17:12:24 | For the intro, may I suggest the following basic background? A SB ship returning to the Tilvanot Peninsula from, say, the Hold of the Sea Princes (perhaps with a few stops along the way in SB ports of Amedio?) was blown off course by a storm while crossing the Densac Gulf. The ship was badly damaged during the storm. Needing a place to repair, the captain looked at his maps and saw that a fishing village in Xuxchan Bay (Chebikav) serves as a regular stop for SB slave-ships. He tried to steer his ship there but, while crossing the bay, ran into hostile Tako that damaged the hull to the point where the ship started to sink. Those sailors who didn’t drown were killed by the Tako. Only the captain managed to escape, using a door as raft. Through sheer luck, he managed to reach Chebikav. However, badly wounded, he had only time to whisper a few words to the locals before dying. When a SB slave-ship showed up a few weeks later and the natives told its captain what the dying man had said, the SB became aware that the ship they had been searching for in the whole Azure Sea had sunk in the Xuxchan Bay area. However, the SB knows the bay is unhealthy to surface-dwellers. Several undersea species (Ixitxachitls, Locathahs, Tako, etc..) use it as a battlefield and none of them look kindly upon interlopers. Indeed, the SB slave-ships had avoided trouble so far only because Chebikav is located on the northern border of the bay and the SB ships hug the coast to reach it. |
#46scoti_garbidisJul 20, 2004 17:21:00 | After writing up my brief outline I noticed that the only place the Ixitxachitl are mentioned is in a battle with the Localoth. Are we still wanting to involve an Ixitxachitl? If so I would say that the party finds the wreck first, then encounters the Localoth .vs. Ixitxachitl and if they help the Localoth they then learn that the Ixitxachitl captured an artifact and using it against the Localoth. Party figures out that this must be the artifact they are hired to find and have to infiltrate the Ixitxachitl city/temple/palace. Then the adventure continues as already stated. Just a thought I had... makes no difference to me whether we go to a Ixitxachitl temple or not but I thought that we wanted to make them an intregal part of the adventure. Currently it seems this adventure focuses more on the SB and while that also interests me, I want to make sure I understand where this adventure is going. |
#47MortepierreJul 21, 2004 3:47:11 | You raise a good point Scoti. IMHO there is no need to give an artefact to the Ixitxachitls. Actually, the way I understand it, both the Locathahs and the Ixitxachitls will be keenly interested in the wreck. The former because they think it holds enough steel weapons to give them an edge, the latter because their priest-king will have sensed the presence of a powerful magic item in the sunken ship. Both are held at bay by the creature(s) guarding the wreck (sea hag + minions?) If the PC start exploring the bay for any length of time, they'll run into patrols from both species. Those patrols will be hostile at first. There is a way to turn this to our advantage though. We could state in the scenario that the first time PC run into a patrol of one species, another patrol (from the other species) arrive, say, 1d4+1 rounds latter. No matter how the battle with the PC is going by then, the Locathahs and the Ixitxachitls will leave them alone to slaughter each others. The PC should be impressed by the sheer hatred between the two species. If they help the Locathahs, the latter could suggest an temporary alliance. If the PC agree to wipe out the Ixitxachitls, the Locathahs will help them locate the sunken ship. Not to mention that they could maybe put in a good word for the PC with the Tako to insure the PC's ship isn't attacked while cruising in the bay. From the Locathahs' point of view, it's a win-win scenario. If the PC attack the Ixitxachitls and wipe them out, the Locathahs are finally rid of their ancestral enemies. If the PC attack the Ixitxachitls and lose, the devil-fishes will still have sustained losses. That could give an edge to the Locathahs in their war. Same thing for the wreck (the Locathahs won't mention it is guarded of course) but they will ask for all steel weapons on board. If the PC defeat the guardian(s), the Locathahs get to have steel weapons without suffering any casualty. If the PC are defeated by the guardian(s), the latter will still have sustained injuries thus increasing the Locathahs' chances of gaining access to the wreck. Yes, it's not fair to the PC but then an adventurer's life never is. Hmm, come to think of it, the title of our scenario should be Treachery beneath the Waves ![]() |
#48MortepierreJul 21, 2004 4:58:03 | May I suggest we all use the following stats format for encounters? It’s the standard one used in Dungeon Mag. so I don’t think we can go wrong with it. Monster Name, Sex* Race Class(es) level(s) (Deity worshipped*): CR; size type (subtype*); HD; hp; Init; Spd; AC, touch, flat-footed; Base Atk; Grp; Atk (damage); Full Atk (damage); SA; SQ; SR; AL; SV Fort, Ref, Will; Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha. detailed SA detailed SQ Skills: Feats: Spells Known/Prepared:* Domains:* Possessions:* Tactics: * if necessary Example: Diwenro, Male Locathah Adept 1 (Eadro): CR 1; Medium humanoid (aquatic); HD 2d8 + 1d6; hp 12; Init +1; Spd 10 ft., swim 60 ft.; AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk Longspear +2 melee (1d8/x3); Full Atk Longspear +2 melee (1d8/x3); SA spells; SQ – ; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 11. Skills: Craft (net) +6, Heal +4, Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +8 Feats: Dodge, Weapon Focus (longspear) Spells Prepared (3/1+1; save DC 11 + spell level): 0–cure minor wounds, detect magic, mending; 1st–cure light wounds, sleep. Possessions: Holy symbol (Eadro), longspear, scroll of comprehend languages, spell component pouch, wand of detect evil (12 charges remaining). Tactics: Diwenro was recently assigned to long-range patrol. Though still young and inexperienced, he takes his duty seriously. During encounters, his main role is to act as healer. He will stand in the back, ready to swim in to help fallen warriors. If things go very badly for his patrol, he won’t hesitate to use his sleep spell to buy them time to escape. Faced with air-breathers, he will first use his wand to determine if they pose a significant threat. If they take no hostile action and seem willing to talk, he will use his scroll to understand them. Note that this is just an example. I didn’t put much thinking in it. Were I to prepare this NPC seriously, he would probably look very different. |
#49zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 5:24:34 | ABout the artifact i will have a little preference for the horn of the azure sea (i don't know about the "lament for lost Tharizdun" wich may be very interesting, what is it?) The background and the rescued captain story sounds good for me, i think we have to keep it, it brings infos the Pcs will have to retrieve from the Olman community. FOr the Ixitxachitls (damned name to write!!!) the pcs will surely attack their temple allied with the locathah. And their leader is one more reason for good character to do it. I prefere the locathah to help the pcs to find the ship in exchange of weaponry and services, its more productive from a roleplaying point of view. And another thing Mortepierre, what is a TAKO???? never heard of them sorry... (i know taco bell but i dont think it's related) The stat format is perfect. FOr big encounter (as the shipwreck and the Ixitxachitls temple) i suggest to use what i call a battle sheet. Added to the scenario, it's a page where all the protagonists are summed up (hp bonus ,abilits, place to write dmg) geographically (who is where, who protect who etc..). All their standards action/interaction in the round is quickly detailed. It helps the dm a lot during a big encounter (not to forget a creature round, or priority), and is visually very quick to assimile. The title is good, i thought also of something like " Paradise island...?" or "Don't forget your tan lotion" etc.. ![]() I will keep Mortepierre's locathah behavior toward pcs, it's true they have nothing to loose, it's the most logical way to deal for them. And as neutral creature Pcs will better have to be ... correct. |
#50MortepierreJul 21, 2004 6:29:21 | Thanks for the compliments Makoma ![]() Ahem, the title I suggested was a joke, nothing more ;) OK, so is this the new outline? Background: 1. SB ship sails to Tilvanot Peninsula 2. Storm blows ship off course to Densac Gulf 3. SB captain tries to steer damaged ship to village of Chebikav 4. Tako attack ship, sinking it and killing crew. Captain escapes on a raft 5. Captain reaches Chebikav but dies of wounds after revealing who he is 6. SB slave-ship reaches Chebikav to take its usual shipment of slaves 7. SB crew learns, through natives, that one of their ships sank in Xuxchan Bay 8. SB leadership decides to launch a rescue mission Adventure: 1. PC are requested to meet someone at the nearest port 2. That person turns out to be a agent (actually, a SB agent). He hires the PC to locate the sunken ship and retrieve an important item in it (just a general description, no details about its powers). He provides the PC with a ship and a crew (both SB) 3. PC sail to Chebikav 3a. PC hide submarine in underwater cave near village 4. PC are greeted by helpful and smiling natives who tell them about the dead captain (but don’t mention the SB since they are allies) 5. PC start searching the bay underwater for the wreck 6. PC run into an Ixitxachitl patrol. While they are fighting, a Locathah patrol arrives and starts battling the devil-fishes 7. (hopefully!) PC help Locathahs. After battle, the fish-folks propose an alliance. If PC wipe out the Ixitxachitls, the Locathahs will guide them to the ship and help them secure it in exchange for any weapon on board 8. Big battle at the sunken temple of the Ixitxachitls (hopefully, with a PC victory) 9. PC & Locathahs go to the sunken ship 10. They run into the guardian(s). Big battle (hopefully, PC win) 11. PC secure item and go back to Chebikav 12. Natives thrown a big party for PC. During the night, natives try to subdue PC to offer them as sacrifice to the Ixitxachitls (if some of the latter escaped alive, the PC are in for a nasty surprise!) 13. PC escape and run for their ship. Set sail for 14. During return trip, encounter a SB ship. While PC prepare for battle, their own crew turns on them, finally showing their true color 15. Big naval battle Is this correct? About the agent and the story he’ll tell the PC, he can even be half-honest and say it was a SB ship carrying an important shipment. The authorities of became aware of it too late but, now that it has sunk, are determined to be the first to secure it. A half-lie is always better than a lie after all... As for the Tako, as I mentioned before, they are a species detailed in Oriental Adventures. Basically, they are intelligent semi-civilized octopi. Here is a picture. I thought to include them because the description of Xuxchan Bay (in The Scarlet Brotherhood) mentions them (or, at least, something very similar to them). EDIT: - Point 4a added to account for the sub EDIT 2: - Point 4a replaced by 3a to account for Makoma latest idea |
#51scoti_garbidisJul 21, 2004 7:17:25 | Great Outline Montepierre, I only have one question, did we decide to put the sub on the boat or not? I don't see where the PC's will get the sub in your outline unless it is alreayd on the ship. Also, I don't have much terms of Greyhawk specific books, so i can't be much help in picking the artifact unless somebody tells me about the different artifacts available. I know somebody had mentioned about half a dozen of them early in this thread and I will search for info on them on the internet. Other than that I think we are ready to go. |
#52zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 7:51:41 | Yes, Scoti is right the sub is missing? ANd i want the sub!!!! And in the cave ! ![]() It's better you edit your post Mortepierre to include it , so we ll have a complete outline in one post. Thanks for the Tako, i don't have OA. (the 1st ed yes...). Now the last thing is to choose the artifact. I retain 3, the wand, the horn, and the tharizdun related i don't know of. but tomorow i 'll forage in my old books... And to definetly choose the guardian. I vote for the sea hag with prietress lvl (of nerull/incabulos/ a witch god (in Monster mytho there must be one), rided on a great white shark(maybe an undead one also). And sea zombie (in GH harbook), and other Sb drown crew and creature transported re-animated by the witch. |
#53AeoliusJul 21, 2004 8:18:45 | In "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq", which began as a 1e AD&D pre-Wars GH campaign, the main antagonist is Syliah, a sea hag demi-lich witch fiend of blasphemy. She rules over four coveys of hags - thirteen hags in all. Imagine this swimming up next to you... ![]() |
#54MortepierreJul 21, 2004 8:58:27 | Great Zagyg! That's one cool pic you have there. Did you draw it yourself? And what's that thing in the water? A skeletal Anguiliian? That said, I don't think a Sea Hag demi-lich would work for this adventure. Our target level is 7-11 after all... Makoma, I edited the events listing to account for the sub. However, I am still unclear on how it got there. I am sorry to play devil's advocate once again but I can't imagine how the sponsor will explain it to the PC Sponsor: So, you see, you have to get there as quickly as possible before the SB finds the wreck PC: OK, how do we explore the bay? Sponsor: I have been entrusted with a contraption that will allow you to do just that. PC: Wow! I suppose it is waiting on our ship? Sponsor: No. We already sent it to Chebikav. It's waiting for you there, hidden. PC: Wait .. you told us speed was crucial here and that you recruited us as soon as you heard about the sunken ship. And, now, you're telling us you had time to send another ship already, with a sub in it, and that, when they got there, they just hid it and came back?!? Why? It is because it's not safe to use? Oh, by the way, Drowned Ones were updated to 3.5E on p.49-50 of Dungeon issue #106. |
#55AeoliusJul 21, 2004 10:16:33 | That would be the demi-lich herself. Instead of a skull, she is a bejeweled spinal column. I did the image using Bryce and a few imported models. Hags are the central focus of most of my campaigns. In fact a "clutch", a lesser covey sponsored by a hag, has formed amongst the PCs. The three are an oceanid (daughter of a salt hag and triton, salt hags being the daughters of sea hags and sea elves), a haggle (a hivemind school of small fish formed from a hag's eye talisman during the destruction of a covey), and a human host to a fish hag (the original shellycoats, now extinct) symbiote and grafts. |
#56themannamedmeeJul 21, 2004 11:57:42 | Okay, how about initial encounter with the locathah happen by the pc's coming across one who is struggling on the beach after having narrowly escaped from a battle with the ixitxachitl. Locathah's can survive temporarily on the surface but struggle supporting their weight and take damage due to slow suffocation. After having used his scroll of comprehend languages, the locathah listens to the pc's intention to find the sunken ship. The locathah decides he will help the party by providing them with information on the location of an ancient craft that lies in an underwater cave. Of course, the craft is either guarded by a Big Nasty or contained by collapsed rubble. I know it sounds too convenient but a lot of scenarios carry the "too convenient" tag. |
#57MortepierreJul 21, 2004 12:05:19 | Writer guidelines: Since we’re nearly ready to start working on the adventure itself, I would like to suggest a few things in order to facilitate the exchange of info: 1. We need a complete list of those who are ready to do the actual work. If you volunteer, please be serious about it 2. Those on that list will have to exchange email address in order to get in touch. Posting stats, descriptions and such repeatedly on any board would waste bandwidth. Not to mention that by doing so, we could risk copyright issues. Our coordinator (Makoma?) can post regular updates on the board to let everyone know how this is going but the rest is best kept between the co-authors till the first draft is complete 3. As soon as we have finished filling the blanks in our current storyline, each of the co-authors will have to volunteer to flesh out one (or more) parts. We could have someone in charge of all the cartography if necessary but that person will need to be in frequent contact with the others 4. Save your text as a .rtf file. No matter what program you use, it should be able to handle at least that 5. Use the Times New Roman font (size 12 for normal-sized letters) 6. Use the US Letter (21.59 x 27.94 cm) for sheet size 7. If you are using a source beyond the 3 Core Rulebooks (PHB/DMG/MM1) for monsters/magic items/spells/etc.., make sure to include the relevant reference and all necessary data. I think confining ourselves to WotC (or TSR) accessories would work best (Dragon & Dungeon Magazines are ok too) 8. Please use the most up-to-date version of whatever accessory you’re using. That means D&D 3.5E, including all the errata and updates available on the WotC website. If you are missing some of the Core Rulebooks, remember that the entire SRD is available for free here |
#58zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 12:10:11 | Originally posted by Mortepierre OK. Let's make my brain working a little. Ok, we can simplify, the sub is in the ship, with equipment and food. But The sponsor knows the sub will surely frighten natives, and don't want it to be shown too much. The Sb know about the cave existence, for some obscure reason. Whatever it is, they will tell the pcs that they know of a cave , on a very near island, wich was, longtime ago, used by pirats to hide stolen treasure ( Pcs may imagine a new track). And the sub would surely have an easy access to it. When the ship came near the island( wich is near the village), they put the sub in water at night, and lead them to the cave underwater entrance. Wich is now completely empty (or it would lead to another scenario!! ![]() Once in the village, they will have to gather information, and eventuallly to rent/buy a little boat to go to the island. I said "we can simplify"...? ![]() |
#59MortepierreJul 21, 2004 12:13:17 | ok but you just volunteered to flesh out that particular part of the adventure :D |
#60zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 12:30:12 | LOL, i would like Mortepierre, but my english is definetly to bad to write something correct! About your idea ManNamedMee it's interesting but Locathahs, IMO, don't trust easily humans. And the fact that the pcs help them in a fight against their worst enemy is something that may be important for them. Maybe one of the only things that would lead them to comminucate with Pcs. About the scenario construction, let's considerate that in 2 days everything is ok, only minor modifications would be accepted. We have now to decide about the artifact, before saturday. If nobody is against we keep the sea hag prietress. Once we have a volunteers list ( 1 english native at least plz! ![]() For now, as mortepierre and i don't feel good enough in English, we need a final writer. Scoti, ManNamedMee, Aeolius, Argon, or anybody else?? |
#61AeoliusJul 21, 2004 16:05:30 | On a side note, my undersea campaign, "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq" is back from hiatus and looking for new recruits. The campaign is a 3e D&D World of Greyhawk message-based game (Play-by-Post) set beneath the surface of the Dramidj Ocean. The current level of play is between 5 to 7. New players are welcome to create characters ranging from levels 3 through 5. The campaign, which uses the “core rules of 3e, select supplements from 2e, and the heart of 1eâ€, is designed for those interested in participating in a work of coauthored interactive fiction. For more information, visit and look over the New Player and Background links. |
#62zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 18:29:45 | Hiya Folks! I'm now up to date with your scenario, and I'd like to help. Been a DM for nigh on twenty three years, and 'most all of it in Greyhawk. And yes, Anglais is my lingua, so to sprach ;). So tell me how I can be of service...I am currently out of work, and have all the time in the world... Joe 'Bugscuttle' Jechenthal |
#63scoti_garbidisJul 21, 2004 20:01:25 | As stated before I am still definitely in on this project. I live in the U.S. and would like to think I have a handle on the English language. I am willing to work on mapping initially but I am not experienced with CC2 or other mapping programs. I do all of my own mapping on graph paper. So I may be more useful in the writing department of this project. I have all 3.0 books but have linked my computer to the updates on the wizards website. So i should be up to par on all the stats. I check the Greyhawk message board daily and I am willing to trade emails and Instant Messaging Handles also. I use AOL Instant Messenger if anybody else is interested in real time chatting about the project. Also I have a website with a chatroom on it that we can use to have discussions. I work weird hours with my job so I have hard time with setting times for chatting but am willing to try it if people wan't to go that route when we start splitting up the workload. I am really excited about this and can't wait to get started. |
#64MortepierreJul 22, 2004 3:13:49 | Originally posted by Aeolius Shameless plug, eh Aeolius? :D |
#65AeoliusJul 22, 2004 6:55:19 | shameless topical plug ;) |
#66zombiegleemaxJul 22, 2004 7:10:52 | Ok, after some research about the artifact, i will stay on Mortepierre first proposal, the suloise fire wand. (Gh hardbook by jim Ward) The false irongate agent is ok( it's not very important in fact), and i think, unless someone got to modify/add something that everything is ok. Still just a question about the copyrights but we didnt have any answer... AS i mentioned before, i wait till saturday and we'll begin to assign work ![]() |
#67MortepierreJul 22, 2004 8:27:24 | OK, I'll work on its conversion to 3.5E. It's not every day I get to write the stats for the wand of absolute doom! :D By the way, I would really like the Ixitxachitl chapter assigned to me. I am already half-way through it ;) EDIT: if we're serious about sending the end result to Dungeon Mag., I suggest downloading the writer guidelines available here (scroll down a little). They answer all possible questions. |
#68scoti_garbidisJul 22, 2004 10:33:57 | All i ask is that we post a final outline somewhere here at the end. This way I will know exactly what parts I am working on. I am as ready as I can be. Huzah! I have been tinkering with my campaign mapper program and think i might be able to draw the sunken ship or at least give it a try if nobody else is more experienced with the mapping on the computer. Also not sure what kind of boat the Scarlet Brotherhood use because i do not have that source book. If we are looking for a certain type of ship please let me know. This also brings up an interesting point. Do you think there is a chance the party might find objects on the boat that link it to the Scarlet Brotherhood? (i.e; maps, flag, gear) |
#69zombiegleemaxJul 23, 2004 4:58:43 | Here's the final outline, pasted from Mortepierre's one, with little addings: 1. PC are requested to meet someone at the nearest port 2. That person turns out to be an Irongate agent (actually, a SB agent). He hires the PC to locate the sunken ship and retrieve an important item in it (just a general description, no details about its powers). He provides the PC with a ship and a crew. The crew majority is hired, they know nothing (precaution), an the agent is wearing an esp amulet. A sub is in the ship. But it will be presented in 3a. 3. PC sail to Chebikav (AREA MAPS needed, possible light encounters, no SB, maybe just weather) 3a. PC hide submarine in underwater cave near village, on a nearby island surrounded by a lagoon(2 or 3 miles from the village). They leave their equipment , food etc in the cave. THey arrived as sailors having problems with the boat.( or needing food) 4. PC are greeted by helpful and smiling natives who tell them about the dead captain (but don’t mention the SB since they are allies). Everything is so beautiful.. (to be real..) 5. PC start searching the bay underwater for the wreck. It seems impossible without the sub, but they may find some clue. THey have a Olman contact in the village( Sb agent who report everything to the boat captain) who provide them a boat to go for the cave with the sub. 6. PC exploring sea bottom behind the reef run into an Ixitxachitl patrol. While they are fighting, a Locathah patrol arrives and starts battling the devil-fishes 7. (hopefully!) PC help Locathahs. After battle, the fish-folks propose an alliance. If PC wipe out the Ixitxachitls, the Locathahs will guide them to the ship and help them secure it in exchange for any weapons on board 8. Big battle at the sunken temple of the Ixitxachitls (hopefully, with a PC victory). Ixitxachitls priest know there is something hidden in the wreck, he sensed it. But the hag is already here , and seems dangerous. 9. PC & Locathahs go to the sunken ship 10. They run into the guardian(s). A big nasty Sea hag with priest lvl. She rides a big shark, and has several undeads minions. They are drowed sailors, creatures modified by the sb and drown when the boat sunkBig battle (hopefully, PC win). The hag was not aware of the artifact presence, she choosed the place for being her new castle. 11. After exploring the wreck, wich still may hide some creatures and infos about sb (maps, corpses, etc), PC secure item, a Suloise Fire wand (wich was heavily protected and trapped) and go back to Chebikav 12. Natives thrown a big party for PC. During the night, natives try to subdue PC to offer them as sacrifice to the Ixitxachitls (Pcs may not know what this sacrifice is for) (if some of the latter escaped alive, the PC are in for a nasty surprise!) 13. PC escape ( or are "saved" by the captain and their sailor.. ;) ) and run for their ship. Set sail for Irongate 14. During return trip, encounter a SB ship. While PC prepare for battle, their own crew turns on them, finally showing their true color 15. Big naval battle I think there's nearly everything, still one day to change anything, after we'll begin work. Woesingertold me he'll have an "exterior" look on it before we finished. He got some experience and may give you some advices. I asked him about copyrights, i ll tell you as soon as i ahve an answer. See you sunday or saturday nigh( GMT of course!! ![]() |
#70MortepierreJul 23, 2004 5:14:48 | OK, if I am not mistaken this should be the adventure’s synopsis: I would suggest the year 591 CY. That way, we’re up to date with the LG Gazetteer but don’t have to worry about what happened since then in the various regions of Living Greyhawk. Background part: A team of SB adventurers, while exploring the Sea of Dust, recover the Fire Wand of Suloise in an old ruin. They return to the Hold of the Sea Prince (via Slerotin’s Tunnel) Reaching Monmurg with some difficulties (the entire area is experiencing civil war after all), they deliver the artifact to Elder Brother Hammandaturian. The latter, eager for any mean of regaining the favor of the SB leadership (after the disastrous events of 589 CY), immediately orders a ship to transport it to the Tilvanot Peninsula. While crossing the Azure Sea, the ship encounters a terrible storm that not only damages it but also blows it off course far to the south (into the Densac Gulf). When the tempest finally abates, the captain of the ship finds himself west of the Xuxchan Bay area. Consulting his sea charts, he decides to plot a direct course to Chebikav, an Olman village on the western coast of Hepmonaland, which is regularly visited by SB slave-ships. Unfortunately, given his ship is damaged, he is forced to cross Xuxchan Bay directly rather than sail around it. While doing so, he enters unknowingly a territory fiercely defended by a tribe of Tako. The latter attack the ship and sink it, slaughtering any survivor. Only the captain manages to escape using a door as raft. By miracle, he reaches Chebikav a week later. Alas, heavily wounded and suffering from dehydration, he has only time to pass along two pieces of info to the locals: his name and the fact that his ship sank somewhere into the Bay. Meanwhile, the SB leadership is told (via sending) to expect the arrival of the artifact in the near future. When the ship fails to show up after a month, the Father of Obedience becomes angry. After berating Brother Hammandaturian for not having told them of the artifact before sending it, he orders every SB ship to start searching for the missing ship. Needless to say, he is very afraid of the artifact falling into enemy hands. Some time later, a SB slave-ship puts into port at Chebikav. The crew is informed by the locals of what the captain said before dying. The ship sails back immediately to the Tilvanot Peninsula to relay the info. Once aware of the approximate location of the sunken ship, the SB leadership decides to launch a rescue mission. However, the Bay is dangerous and the submarine they will have to use is still experimental. Not to mention that the SB is unwilling to jeopardize its good relationship with Chebikav whose natives warned them of not trying to “disturb the sea spirits†(read: Ixitxachitls). The solution, of course, is to hire unsuspecting adventurers to do the dirty work. Adventure part: EDIT : deleted my own synopsis given Makoma just posted one. Suggestions: 2. SB agent should pose as Irongate if PC are in Eastern Flanaess, or as Keoland if PC are in Western Flanaess (makes more sense geography-wise) He tells the PC that the SB recently lost a magical item that could help them win any future war. is determined to get their hands on the item first. No, the PC need not know what the item does. They shouldn’t even try to activate it if they find it as it’s extremely dangerous. All they are told is its description. An explorer ship recently discovered the approximate location of the wreck. needs the PC to go there, search the area underwater and recover the item. To that end, a new secret submarine - perfectly safe! - will be made available to them. They are told about the natives of Chebikav and their weird taboo concerning going underwater. So, the PC will have to hide the submarine underwater somewhere near the village to avoid antagonizing the locals. 6. Alternatively, the PC could run into an Ixitxachitl-Locathah battle. That makes it less easy for them to decide who to help at first. 10. Sea Hag should be cleric of Nerull for her minions to be Drowned Ones (as detailed in Dungeon #106) 15. At this point, the PC’s only hope might be to try to use the artefact against the other ship. The SB agent who conned them should be on board the attacking ship and be the one who orders them to surrender. That way the PC can’t fail to understand what’s really going on. |
#71MortepierreJul 23, 2004 5:16:18 | LOL! You beat me to it by a few minutes! That'll teach me to look before posting :D |
#72zombiegleemaxJul 23, 2004 6:00:14 | About 15): Given the fact that Sb know th PCs are quite powerful (after all they beat the sea hag) and don't want to take risk, they must send a very powerful team against them. The fight beetween the 2 ships will give a "pirat attack" flavor i am not against. So i suggest, if they are really in trouble and if they helped the locathah, that those ones may give an help against the sb in this fight (with theirs new steel weapons they gained thanks the pcs!), it's a kind of joker the Dm can use or not if the Pcs actions deserved it. I like Mortepierre "-perfectly safe!-" submarine, really ![]() RECENT EDIT ABOUT CO WRITERS FOR NOW, I RETAIN: Scoti & Bugscuttle (both english/american), they will have to write down the scenario with the pieces we will provide them (and they will also provide by themselves!) Mortepierre and I will work on particular parts of the scenario. I know Mortepierre wants the Ixitchatils and the artifact (and he 'll have them ! ![]() I have an idea of what i would like to design, but we will assign those things saturday or sunday. However, if any your (readers of this post) want to design a particular piece let it know quickly. There are: -the SB/Irongate/Keoland Ship with all his crew, captain and second included(only them belong to SB) ,stats and room description. about the ship, better to have one for being printed, see later why. Depart harbor to choose. -An encounter table for the sea trip to the village. Weather/creature, and scanned map of existing material of this regions. -The Sub, how to use it, whats's inside. -THe cave and the island, MAP and access, and underwater tropical encounter table. -A small scale MAP with the village, the island with the cave, the reef barreer, the wreck location, locathah and Ixitchatil temple. -A MAP of the village, with legends. Quick description of the fishermen community, numbers, leaders, shops (if any), SB agent the Pc have to contact to get the little boat to go back by night to the island. -THe ixit and locathah first encounters, stats when the pc arrive in their sub. Descrpition of the locathah underwater village where the pcs will have to deal with their "king". i don't think a map is needed. -THe IXIT temple , MAP priest, organisation, ressources, etc... -The Wreck , MAP, sea hag, undead shark, minions, treasures, traps, creatures dead, alive or undead trapped inside. - THe BIG SB ship, the PC surprise at the end. Stats for the whole crew ( + MAP, better to print a paper ship to cut if you use miniatures,more convenient). And the Stats for the locathah"rescue team", if any. I hope i forgot nothing, i may, don't hesitate to tell me, i'll add on this post. And again, if there is someone to draw some pictures, artworks, it's a good opportunity to be known ( by the hundreds thousands people who gonna play this scenario :D ) |
#73MortepierreJul 23, 2004 7:30:16 | Nice idea Makoma! ![]() You should receive the details about the (updated) artifact within 24 hours (watch your email!). May I suggest every prospective co-author sends his email address to Makoma? He could put together a list and broadcast it to all members of the team. |
#74zombiegleemaxJul 23, 2004 16:48:50 | Greetings Makoma! My Email is [email][/email] - any one of you may feel free to email me with your ideas on how to proceed. I work best in taking bare-bones ideas and fleshing them out to a T. So, where shall we begin? |
#75MortepierreJul 23, 2004 17:04:47 | I would suggest making the SB agent who recruits the PC a wizard. That way, by including him in the crew of the SB ship that attacks the PC at the end, that's one less NPC to flesh out. Stats for the Locathahs and the Ixitxachitls battle (point 6) should reference the complete stats found under the chapters describing both races' settlements. Whoever prepares the PC ship should remember there is no need to "flesh out" the whole crew. Generic stats for the sailors and full stats for the captain should be enough. Oh, and the Arms and Equipment Guide contains two examples of submarine .. but they aren't cheap ones ![]() |
#76scoti_garbidisJul 23, 2004 18:14:15 | Like I have said I don't have a lot of Greyhawk specific books yet. I am slowly gaining them, so fleshing out the SB might be hard for me to do without going outside the canon published material. But I know I can handle the following map and encounter. My only question is whether the SB use a specific kind of ship when sailing. If anybody has information about that I could use it. Other than that, I have already been toying with my Campaign Mapper Program with drawing ship maps and did some investigation into sunken ships on the web yesterday. So i would prefer this to be my first part of the project. Below is exactly what Makoma posted as a section to work on.... let me know anything specific about SB ships or anything you definitely want the ship to include (example: SB documents and such) I am going to assume that a few things got left behind that careful players could find when searching the wreckage. Let me know what you guys think. I am gonna get started on it as soon as possible that way i might be able to move onto another section. -The Wreck , MAP, sea hag, undead shark, minions, treasures, traps, creatures dead, alive or undead trapped inside. |
#77MortepierreJul 24, 2004 5:41:03 | Scoti, if you need specific info on GH, contact me. Makoma should have sent you my email address by now but if you haven't received it yet, use the one linked to my posts. |
#78scoti_garbidisJul 24, 2004 7:59:00 | Thanks Mortepierre, Right now I think I am fine with my initial part of the project but if i need info for another part later, I will definitely let you know. I emailed out what sources I have access to but forgot to mention the Arms & Equipment guide. I am planning on using that for my initial ship layout and then gonna base my wrecked ship from the drawings i come up with. Also, I don't fancy myself an artist but if i can get my hands on a scanner I might have some renderings of my own to include with this first part I'm working on. |
#79zombiegleemaxJul 25, 2004 15:07:59 | And now, no more posts, we are all working on our project. But we ll be back in a few times, to give infos about advancement. Hoping you will like it! |
#80zombiegleemaxJul 29, 2004 9:37:23 | maybe you should try the underdark with many ithilds or in your under water adventure you could add a rivil of the main player useing the under water potions. maybe evenadd a ****** off white dragon in a cave close to the ship. and you sould also add the water presure against the players. |
#81scoti_garbidisSep 01, 2004 9:37:07 | Just thought I would post that the adventure is coming along nicely and that we are in the final edit stage for all but one or two sections. Not sure how we will go about releasing the adventure but more information will be posted here about the whole project in the near future. Thanks for all your patience. |
#82zombiegleemaxSep 01, 2004 10:23:08 | If you guys need a release outlet, Canonfire is fully available to you. |
#83scoti_garbidisSep 01, 2004 17:10:43 | I was kinda hoping that might be the case but am curious about copyright info.... of course all sources used will be listed but no money rights have to be paid if it is free on the net, am i correct? |
#84zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2004 9:06:15 | How would this project differ from Wesley submitting a mini-module? It's just bigger in scale is all and no $ involved. Ofcourse, I am not a lawyer by any means so who knows? |
#85ThramzoreanSep 10, 2004 10:06:01 | Howdy, would like to help and one area perhaps I can do so, now that it's all coming together, is some storyline material. Short paragraphs just like the Eberron campaign setting has with each class in italics giving a bit of feel and flavor. Some fluff to go with the crunch you guys have already done at this stage. [email][/email] |
#86zombiegleemaxDec 03, 2004 14:18:00 | Curious! What's up with you guys and this project now-a-days?! |
#87cwslyclghDec 03, 2004 17:40:44 | as far as worring about WotC, as long as you guys do not make money off of it, or copy parts of copyrighted material, such as sourcebooks in it... you should be fine. |
#88MortepierreDec 04, 2004 4:56:28 | Curious! What's up with you guys and this project now-a-days?! I would say the work is done at 80%. The core of the module is rock-solid. Scoti has been doing a terrific job with tactical maps and.. ah.. "converting" what Makoma and I wrote into real english ;) Makoma has been enthusiastic and I really like what he has been doing with Chebikav ![]() Now, it's more a question of getting a consensus about some key issues of the plot before writing the last parts ![]() Well, that and creating some additional maps. Tip to aspiring authors: avoid sea adventures like the plague! Creating multiple ships (that don't look like clones of each others) will drive you crazy ![]() Plus, all three of us have been unexpectedly busy in our respective campaigns (and families) so the project has suffered from some delay. Will go better in 2005. I am reasonably confident we should have it wrapped in the first half of next year. Sorry for the delay folks! ![]() |
#89zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2004 9:24:12 | That's np, you should see how late some of my Canonfire projects are! haha Hit us with an update in March. ;) |
#90ividDec 05, 2004 7:15:33 | Let me just tell you that I think your work is absolutely amazing! I would have been willing to join your writting group, but I fear that the area in which your campaign goes on is nothing too known to me! ![]() ![]() ![]() My deepest respect for your teamwork spirit! ![]() |
#91MortepierreDec 05, 2004 10:47:00 | Let me just tell you that I think your work is absolutely amazing! Thank you for the compliments but methink it would be fairer to wait for the final product first :P I would have been willing to join your writting group, but I fear that the area in which your campaign goes on is nothing too known to me! Eh, neither did we at the beginning! Apart from the recent Dungeon issue that "translocated" the Isle of Dread in the same general area, almost nothing had been written on the subject (apart from a few hints). Weirdly enough the background for the Dungeon's module fits perfectly with ours! In a way, it was exciting because we didn't have to worry about canon too much and could literally blaze new ground ![]() My deepest respect for your teamwork spirit! Ha! Now, I must say participating in such a project really teaches you a thing or two, especially in the "using diplomacy to tell someone his idea just won't work" department :surrender Kidding! I don't know how other cooperative projects have been going but, so far, I am very happy about the teamwork. Everyone has been willing to listen and everyone has contributed. So, I can guarantee the end result truly will be a thing born of mutual respect ![]() And now back to work... :fight!: |