Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1true_blueJul 19, 2004 2:55:41 | Does anyone use any d20 material in their games. I really havent had to use any d20 material because first of all I dont have much and also because Wizards produces enough variety that I have plenty to choose from with them. But..I did just buy the Tome of Horrors 2, and while it isnt spectacular, it does have a few monsters I'm probably going to throw at my party. Especially some of the undead, which my party is currently taking on. I also got out my Avatar's Handbook, which is another sorceror-type cleric, but there are differences which I like. They have a base attack like a wizard, light armor proficiency, and a theme of summoning celestials. I was looking over the class again and really did like it and thought about offering it to my players. I realize there already is the mystic. But I do find it kind of lacking a little bit. One domain just doesnt really give him much flavor. I'm pretty sure I saw where Cam stated that he had a PC use the Favored Soul class with a slight difference of druid spells. The Favored Soul looks good, but they revere a god also. I think the Avatar would be a nice variation of a mystic. Just was wondering if anyone used much stuff from other companies because if you sift through enough of it..there are sometimes a few very neat ideas heh. |
#2zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 2:59:12 | by d20 do you mean open game material? or just any d20 material? So far I´ve only used the materials published by either Wizards or Sovereign Press (which isn´t really open game content since they pubish the Dragonlance books under license) |
#3true_blueJul 19, 2004 3:26:16 | I'm talking about anything not made by Wizards of the Coast or Sovereign Press. I guess I might as well add stuff made for other campaigns too. I look over a lot of stuff from Forgotten Realms, especially prestige classes, magical items, and feats. Just was wondering what other people add to their games that isnt core and Dragonlance stuff. |
#4iltharanosJul 19, 2004 7:28:26 | Originally posted by True_Blue In my current campaign I've let PCs use a few things from Dragon & Dungeon magazines (which may or may not fit into your definition of "Core"). Besides that, the only other third-party d20 resource I've allowed is Fantasy Flight Games' Sorcery & Steam (for any gnome PCs). Otherwise everything is either WotC or Sov Press material. |
#5cam_banksJul 19, 2004 8:26:20 | AS True_Blue stated, I've had the favored soul in play in my campaign, although the player has recently replaced that character with a dwarf ranger, using the non-spellcasting ranger variant from the Complete Warrior. The party's tank fighter, Katja, now has 2 levels of marshal (from the Miniatures Handbook) and will probably end up as a platinum knight (from the Draconomicon). I don't have any objections to using non-WOTC/SP d20 material, as I do own quite a large library of d20 books. My wife's playing a swashbuckler/akashic/half-janni, for example; the swashbuckler's a Complete Warrior class, the akashic is from Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed, and the half-janni is something I created myself with some inspiration from Savage Species and Arcana Unearthed's racial classes. It's usually on a case-by-case basis that I incorporate these things. I've never had a problem borrowing from other sources or mining non-Dragonlance products for ideas, and I encourage others to do the same in their home games. For the purposes of "official" writing and the preservation of continuity, however, I'm very much a stickler for WOTC's take on things. I have to keep that philosophy separate from the one I use as a DM. Cheers, Cam |
#6zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 11:30:32 | personally, I dont always like to put every opion in every world came (DL included) because I think that each world has its own flavor and c'mon DL does have a variety of PrCs. In fact, they were the ones who began the whole system way back in 1st edition. |
#7cam_banksJul 19, 2004 11:40:05 | Originally posted by Amaron Blackthorn Actually, no. That would be the bard from the 1st edition Player's Handbook, followed by the thief acrobat "split-class" in Unearthed Arcana. The knights and wizards in Dragonlance Adventures took their cue from those early classes. Cheers, Cam |
#8zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 12:32:21 | Personally I don´t use d20 material in my campaigns. But I try to keep an open mind. If my players have a feat, spell, PrC they´d like to use, they usually run it by me, and if I can fit it into Dragonlance flavorwise I´ll allow it in the campaign. |
#9zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 12:32:21 | Personally I don´t use d20 material in my campaigns. But I try to keep an open mind. If my players have a feat, spell, PrC they´d like to use, they usually run it by me, and if I can fit it into Dragonlance flavorwise I´ll allow it in the campaign. |
#10DragonhelmJul 19, 2004 13:28:49 | In my game, I've got a player who is playing a swashbuckler from Complete Warrior and I have a healer from the Miniatures Handbook as an NPC. Good thing I incorporated her, too, as the swashbuckler had the stuffing knocked out of her (literally!) last game. ;) I'm fairly open to options as long as they make sense in-world. For example, I could see using Monte Cook's alternate bard as I've found a way to incorporate it. The Complete Book of Eldritch Might would be a good resource for arcane spellcasters in Krynn, having a number of new spells and options in it. I could definitely see using some of the classes from Arcana Unearthed for Dragonlance as well. A plainsman or kagonesti totem warrior, for example, would be a neat fit. I think some of the champion subclasses would be a good fit, as would the magister (WoHS anyone?). Tome of Horrors is a good monster book to use for any game. There's tons of books out there that could be helpful to one's Dragonlance game. Just look for the options that best fit you and your group. |
#11true_blueJul 19, 2004 14:51:14 | I do use a lot of Forgotten Realms stuff, because they just have so many cool things to choose from. the Realms may be more highpowers than Dragonlance, but they still have a lot of neat prestige classes and magical items. Just need to make sure someone doesnt just give out anything and everything. I've actually incorporated one feat so far from the Eberron. One of my players wanted her druid to eventually be able to call a Unicorn for her animal companion and they have a few feats to enhance druids. Working out pretty well so far. Now, on other products, I havent bought a bunch of non-Wizards stuff, I usually have to comb through them all to try to find good stuff. I bought Pale Designs: A Poisoner's Handbook because the DMG is lacking when it comes to stuff like that and I've been fairly happy with it. As I said before I just bought Tome of Horrors 2 to give my players a few more things to worry about. The Avatar's Handbook I'm still looking over and will need to convert over to 3.5, but I really like the concept in it. I use Traps and Treachery from the Legends & Lairs series. This one was very helpful. Oh, and now, I have one of my players who just made up a Hexblade. Shes not happy with multiclassing a fighter with wizard levels. |
#12DragonhelmJul 19, 2004 15:00:42 | Originally posted by True_Blue Glad to hear it. I was a contributor to that book myself, and was amazed at all the various poisons and such that the designers came up with. |
#13true_blueJul 19, 2004 15:06:49 | heh...I never really look at the Designers names. I just looked in it now and theres your name. I've been really happy with it..with only a few small minute problems. I usually go over any third party book over and over again anyways to make sure if I let something in it fits or is balanced. There was one prestige class I flatout didnt allow, which was the Bondsman..and because I banned it I always have a player who will ask if they can play it heh. The thing is unbelievable in powers. I really like the Sniper and some others..and some of the spells for Assassins. They need more spells for Assassins in my opinion. But as I said before, posion is really lacking in the core books. This is one reason why I like 3rd party stuff, if osmething is lacking you can bet there will be a book somewhere that will attempt to fill that void. Its just your job to go through them and make sure they match the feel and balance of your game. |
#14zombiegleemaxJul 19, 2004 15:10:22 | The books we are CURRENTLY using in my ongoing AoM campaign are as follows: The Draconomicon The Miniatures Handbook The Quintessential Rogue The Book of Vile Darkness The Complete Warrior The Age of Mortals sourcebook The 3E splatbooks There MAY be a few more although I cannot recall them at the time. ![]() ~~~ |
#15true_blueJul 19, 2004 15:20:48 | You know I like the Miniatures Handbook and I liked a lot of stuff that was in it. But some stuff I just found overpowering. The Sudden Metamagic feats really bother me because I feel no one will take the regular metamagic feats. They just seem a little bit too much with just applying on the fly. Some PrC's allow this, but at least they have to work a little bit for it by getting in the prestige class. But I'd be interested to see if anyone let them in and thought they were great. The one spell that I thought was just way too good was a second level spell..and if you cast it, all your allies got an extra attack right then on your turn. i dunno, maybe people disagree but I thought that was a little too much. There was a lesser version of the spell as a 1st level spell that let you choose one persona nd they got an extra attack. I could see letting that one happen..your using a spell and giving up your turn to let someone else have one attack. maybe if the 2nd level version was bumped up a few levels I could see it,. just never felt like tweaking with it. |
#16zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 6:56:01 | Originally posted by True_Blue Really ? Well my group uses it(The Miniatures Handbook) and has NO problem with it in the least. ~~~ |
#17zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 11:11:15 | Does using outside sources cause trouble for the game? |
#18zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 11:17:08 | Originally posted by Amaron Blackthorn That depends on WHICH outside sources you use. I have had no problem incorporating elements from the # of books I have listed above. My advice is to be as familiar as possible with the setting that you are using and READ in depth each accessory you are planning on using within the setting. For instance, In the MHB(Miniatures Handbook) there is a War Mage class, which I have disallowed for use in my campaign since there is already a War Mage PrC in the Age of Mortals sourcebook. ~~~ |
#19zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 11:24:29 | Do the players enjoy these options |
#20zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 11:29:48 | Originally posted by Amaron Blackthorn Yup. As a matter of fact they usually shoot optional ideas at me and I do my research on them to see if they can fit in with my DMing style and the DL setting. For example, The first time I saw the MHB I KNEW that I could use this in ONE of my v.3.5 campaigns. After reading that Cam Banks was utilizing this jewel in his campaign, by allowing one of his players to use the Favored Soul class, I figured I could easily slide it into mine as well. Btw, I just want to thank Cam Banks for providing me with the idea(Of using the MHB.). ~~~ |
#21cam_banksJul 20, 2004 11:39:51 | Originally posted by LordofIllusions It's one of my favorite books, even if I ignore half of it. I'll use the mass combat system from Eden Studios' Fields of Blood next time I run a large skirmish or battle. Cheers, Cam |
#22zombiegleemaxJul 20, 2004 11:42:43 | Same here. I have not had any use for the Mass Combat Rules as of yet and I only use two classes from the MHB, namely the Favored Soul and the Marshall. The Healer is not needed since the DLCS already has the Mystic in addition to the clerics of Krynn and you have read my standpoint on the War Mage class. ~~~ |
#23zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 10:49:34 | What is the MHB? |
#24zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 10:52:03 | Originally posted by Amaron Blackthorn Miniatures Handbook. ~~~ |
#25zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 11:50:20 | Originally posted by Cam Banks What racial modifiers come into play for your Half-Janni race ? I have seen Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed in the book stores but never really looked into it. Is it a good buy ? ~~~ |
#26iltharanosJul 21, 2004 12:17:24 | Originally posted by LordofIllusions Eh. I know others enjoy that book, but it just seems ... weird to me. The five players in my group have all looked over the book and have reached a similar conclusion to my own. Mechanics-wise it seems sound, thematically it just doesn't strike a chord with me. |
#27zombiegleemaxJul 21, 2004 12:30:09 | Originally posted by iltharanos What is it just another optional rule fest ? ~~~ |
#28iltharanosJul 21, 2004 17:30:06 | Originally posted by LordofIllusions Yep. Alternate races. Alternate classes. Alternate magic. Alternate campaign setting. |
#29cam_banksJul 21, 2004 17:35:06 | Arcana Unearthed is billed as an "alternate Player's Handbook". You're supposed to be able to use it instead of the core PHB. It has its own implied setting, much as D&D core has Greyhawk, but it isn't specifically set anywhere (or rather, there's really not that much in there which would prevent you from using it in any other fantasy setting). I'm not big on the races, but there are some interesting choices in character classes, spell systems, and more. Useful at least for somebody like me who writes D20 stuff as a freelancer. Cheers, Cam |
#30DragonhelmJul 22, 2004 23:35:51 | Arcana Unearthed, to me, works best as a player's companion, rather than an alternate PHB. There's some neat ideas in there, especially with magic, although that wouldn't fit DL too well. I was looking at the book for a little bit tonight, and I was thinking that a champion of light would make for an excellent Knight of Solamnia. It's got good will saves, and the skills are just right. The class feels more knightly than multiclassing between fighter and cleric. Anyone else think of using the champion with the KoS? |
#31zombiegleemaxJul 23, 2004 11:12:59 | Personally I dont like to use other D20 products in DL because I think that they take away from the flavor of a DL campaign. |
#32true_blueJul 23, 2004 12:17:11 | I used to think the same thing. I only wanted to use "official" Dragonlance stuff when DMing my group..because I have read all the books and knew what "belonged and didnt". Than I couldnt really use stuff like the Beastiary then..because some of those monsters werent in any other books either. Some are newly designed. And then I looked over other books..and saw that there was plenty of stuff you can incorporate. Having a different kind of undead that your group faces doesnt take away from the feel of Dragonlance where knighthoods are viaing for land, dragon overlords are cowering from gods, and wizards are establishing their dominance once again. I've almost always been a stickler for rules and always want things to be perfect, but after reading over so much material..I start to like things that end up not being "official" and sometimes I dont see anything wrong with incorporating them into Dragonlance. I like psionics but I dont use em.. but I'd let someone play an Avatar from the Avatar's Handbook..or pick some spells, feats, or poisons from Pale Designs: A Poisoner's Handbook. |
#33zombiegleemaxJul 27, 2004 11:32:04 | I noticed that on the [b]Dragonlance[/b] site they used the Miniatures Handbook to create an NPC named Alyssa Glanowin. I had always strayed away from using the healer class in my Dragonlance campaign since I felt that it would unbalance the campaign by having way too many classes with the healing ability. I am starting to second guess my ruling though seeing this. ~~~ |
#34zombiegleemaxJul 27, 2004 11:38:35 | What is the point of having a healer when you have clerics of mishakel? |
#35zombiegleemaxJul 27, 2004 11:41:08 | Originally posted by Amaron Blackthorn That was the main reason that I was not utilizing the healer class from the MHB. I felt that it was overkill. You have the Mystic and the clerics of Mishakal so why would you need the healer as well ? ~~~ |
#36cam_banksJul 27, 2004 13:26:04 | The healer class is an excellent choice of priests of Mishakal. The focus is more heavily on healing and support, less so on the undead turning and other broader spells of the standard cleric. It's well-designed, although the celestial unicorn is a little odd. I'd replace that class feature with a celestial companion of equivalent power, or something else entirely. Mishakal's not known for her unicorn emissaries. Cheers, Cam |
#37zombiegleemaxJul 27, 2004 21:11:51 | I allow feats out the Ulimate Feats book by Mogoose and few feats and PrCs from the Scarred Land and an assortment of other sources. I don't allow entire books and settings though. Everything is taken on a case by case basis if the player wants something from outside WotC and DL that I haven't already Ok'd. I think it adds a bit of flavor to the campaign and it allows the players to feel like their characters are unique which means they generally roleplay better (except for my one Rules Lawyer that won't go away):sad: |