Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1jihun-nishJul 28, 2004 1:30:08 | I'd like to start a thread in which all of us who'd like to make a comment/suggestion/thought/revelation/new idea/you name it, on the Rhul-thaun subject, would write it down on this thread. It can be anything: as long as it concerns or as a connection with the race proper, the area in which they live, their way of life, etc. You are welcome to discuss the Rhulisti here as it would enrich the Rhul-thaun's history. Exemple of subject: 1--Everything written in the Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs 2--Dolphins (In the Blue age Rhulisti and Dolphins were *good neibors*:D 3-- The Kreens 4--The Pterrans 5--The Messenger(please do not mention the Giant hamster thing) 6--What interaction had the Rhulisti with the underwater world(in the Blue Age) 7-- Feel free to suggest any area you think was an island in the Blue age 8--Feel free to suggest Rhul-thaun rituals(elaborate if you do) 9--What sort of lost Life-shape vehicule/tool/graft/shelter would you like to see resurface, where and why. 10--Do you think the Rhulisti are natives or an out of this world race that settled on Athas. If it is the later, what made them do so in the first palce and how would you explain their incapabilities to go back into *space* when the Blue age was at an end??(I know this is a long shot but it is what you think as a possibility, please write it down here) Those are mere suggestions. If you have any other concerning the thread's subject....well... tell us ![]() The reason I'm doing this is to help me even more in writing a novel which most of you(possibly all) will learn to apreciate and .... ask for more ( A human without dreams is called *a poor thing*) |
#2jihun-nishJul 28, 2004 1:53:36 | Ok here goes. We all know that the comet named The Messenger as not made its *passing* like any other 77 years in the past. Now my question wont be: do you think it's a space halfling ship. But rather a suggestion. What if the messenger was in fact a ?****? with a single task: to prevent something from happening here on Athas. So it was tasked to return every 77 years. But now that it as failed on the givin task, *The Awakening* begins. Doesn't anyone knows when did the Messenger made its appearance for the first time??(was it part of the creation of the setting or did it came with the second(revised) DS box set??) also... Has anyone of you ever consider the following scenario?? 1--A powerfull *X*race creates a planet(a.k.a. the genesis method) 2--from that creation Mindë (DNA of life on Athas thus unique life energy: not found in any other known world) is born and starts its unconscious cycle of life. 3---Same X race populate the planet(Athas) with a new intelligent race:the Rhulisti) 4--The Messenger is later created by the X race for unknown purpose.(the Rhulisti may have known why but the knowledge was lost eons ago.) I'm asking you this because it could end up being the starting point of my novel (the messenger part) and well... I'd rather like to know if you like the idea strait ahead. Keep in mind that this is not an official DS novel so if you wouldn't consider it as such(official) but would still be interested on the outcome of the Awakening, tell me so. ----Thank you for your time. Jihun Edit Reading The People's thread on his silicon-based life-forms just gave me the following idea. The X race was a Highly evolved silicon-based life-form and their purpose for creating Athas would have been of course, the study of an organic life-form (Rhulisti) and how they would evolve and interact with each other if left alone . Imagine the Life-shaping ritual art of the rhulisti being a major discovery on Halfling evolution (By the way, maybe they were not halfling in the first place)which made the X race's studies worth wild. ---Just a thought |
#3zombiegleemaxJul 30, 2004 12:35:52 | Apparently not much is known about the Rhul-thaun! :D |