ToHS Sourcebook Preview 6?



Jul 28, 2004 7:14:02
Usually, every wednesday at this time, we have already had a post by Serena Darkmist (Darkmyst? DarkMiSt?) showing us the new preview for the ToHS. Not seeing one this morning when I got onto these lovely boards, I travelled over to both The Nexus and; neither of which had the preview.

This leads me to the next logcal conclusion: Jamie Chambers or someone else for Sovereign Press will announce today that ToHS will ship on Friday.

Failing that, they may just be waiting a bit longer today to post the preview.

Either way.



Jul 28, 2004 9:27:42
I think there were only 5 previews planned.


Jul 28, 2004 9:50:52
Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard
Usually, every wednesday at this time, we have already had a post by Serena Darkmist (Darkmyst? DarkMiSt?) showing us the new preview for the ToHS. Not seeing one this morning when I got onto these lovely boards, I travelled over to both The Nexus and; neither of which had the preview.

This leads me to the next logcal conclusion: Jamie Chambers or someone else for Sovereign Press will announce today that ToHS will ship on Friday.

Failing that, they may just be waiting a bit longer today to post the preview.

Either way.


Gotta sleep sometime y'know! ;)
But yeah, to my knowledge there were only five previews would be awfully sweet to start seeing WotL Previews wouldn't it? Only time will tell...


Jul 28, 2004 11:07:11
Too bad, another preview would be great. That might mean that the book will soon be on the shelves of our bookstores.


Jul 28, 2004 12:05:28
Yes Amaron I do believe both of those exact same statements were acctually in the opening post of this thread. Did you really need to waste space and put them again?

Also i say just post all of WotL i can't wait for it! Plus I thought others in the Preview 5 post were saying there was going to be one more. None the less an update on the release would be great. So Jamie whats the word? If its not done yet I suggest tempting people with raises, usually makes them work faster, and at the least free food, always works to get me moving.

mmmmm free food,


Jul 29, 2004 14:25:32
Also i say just post all of WotL i can't wait for it! Plus I thought others in the Preview 5 post were saying there was going to be one more. None the less an update on the release would be great. So Jamie whats the word? If its not done yet I suggest tempting people with raises, usually makes them work faster, and at the least free food, always works to get me moving.

You have already said this. Why are you repeating this from multiple threads.

Dont like the treatment now do ya?


Jul 29, 2004 21:19:39
Okay, Mr. Blackthorn, I will sit silent no longer.

For many days you have posted irrelevant topics and have inspired the ire of myself and my brother, the Green Cloaked Sorceror.

We advise you to stop your random, and utterly useless posting, and come back when you have something worthwhile to say, lest we summon the largest area of effect spell we can conjure and utterly and effectively destroy you and your little world.

The true mages have spoken, let us not be brought to further action.


Jul 30, 2004 11:04:09
Uh-oh. I am scared really I am! If you and your brother dont like what I have to say or my posts or topics dont respond. It is really all that simple.

But then again, common sense is not so common!


Jul 30, 2004 11:09:39
Wait a sec here i had nothing to do with my brothers post he put stuff in there about me with out my permission. I do agree i find MOST of your posts worthless, irrelevent, and a waste of space, but I would not threaten to destroy anyone. Well maybe that kid whose face i bit off but thats all. I would just like to not come on here and see every last post by Amaron Blackthorn on every thread and have the posts not even be worth the time of looking at. Thats all Mr. Blackthorn I'm assuming you too are a mage, so I respect you, but much like Dalamar my brother can be a douche. So please forgive his foolish tryades and just conisder others while posting. Thanks and heres some rose petals.



Jul 30, 2004 11:14:14
GCS, thank you for your kindess. Your brother enjoys causing dilemas?


Jul 30, 2004 11:17:32
Look, Amaron, the thing is, you do sometimes contribute something quasi-useful to the thread; even if it is just a question.

The problem that people have with you is when you don't post anything that hasn't been said by four or five posters above you.

I had thought of making a program that would watch the DL boards, and whenever you posted anything, it would post a message that said "me too!!!1one!!1!". Then I realized that, though funny, it wouldn't be a prudent thing to do.

So I'll make this brief. From this point onward, I'm starting off with a clean slate with everyone on this board. No grudges held over from before or anything of that nature.

BUT, if you continue to post replies to threads that are only one sentence long and/or needless "me too!" posts, I will have no choice but to resort to childish methods of annoying you back until you either stop posting needless crap, or leave.

Keep in mind that some one sentence posts are, in fact, useful. Such as Shink's post earlier in the thread. He answered the question posed. Had he expanded on it more, that would be more desireable; but hey, this isn't Something Awful. I can't expect everyone to use good grammar and spelling.

The above goes to any aliases you may have, or any other posters on this board.

I am sick of the boards that I've read and posted to for so long becoming a haven for people who have nothing better to do than post to EVERY THREAD ON THE FRONT PAGE with needless and blatantly idiotic replies.

Here's a tip: Take some time, think about the content of a reply that you wish to make, THEN post it. All posts should be a minimum of 3 lines. If your post only needs one line, make sure someone else hasn't said it yet, then post it.

tl;dr: Amaron Blackthorn and his aliases need to post less messages with more content.



Jul 30, 2004 11:19:53
My aliases? What do you mean by that follower of Lunitari?


Jul 30, 2004 11:29:30
I'm closing this thread down. I think we've deviated from the topic enough.

I understand there's an issue here, and I will attempt to resolve it in private. If there are any concerns, please either e-mail me or send me a PM.

Good day, and happy gaming.
