Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1dea_ex_machinaAug 02, 2004 0:57:07 | I'v been lacking in D&D of recent and I truly have been wanting to play a game online. Though after checking out Real Adventures forum on this board for some time, I find no one wants to go out and play a Dragonlance campaign. Does anyone around here have a link to another roleplaying site that enjoys a good kender loving girl? |
#2karui_kageAug 02, 2004 6:00:22 | I think Cam should run an online game on for Dragonlance, with 6-8 players. First come, first serve, provided they can put up a character in a day or two for approval. Did I mention I've been looking for a good 3.5 game to play in for a while? <_< |
#3cam_banksAug 02, 2004 7:41:31 | Originally posted by Karui_Kage I think Cam doesn't run online games, because Cam's family is already wondering if he spends enough time with them already. ![]() Thanks for the vote of confidence, though. Cheers, Cam, Family Man |
#4dea_ex_machinaAug 02, 2004 12:15:23 | Dea and Karui think that Cam should use a Jedi mind trick on them. If not then we will use a Jedi mind trick on Cam. ;p *pounces on Karui* You better inform me if you find a good Dragonlance game before I do. |
#5zombiegleemaxAug 02, 2004 13:46:56 | I´ll join the "Cam for Online-game-runner!" crowd! I´ll create some cool banners and then we´ll set camp outside his house! Ravenmantle |
#6karui_kageAug 02, 2004 19:57:05 | Woot! There's three of us al-ACK! *is pounced* what the...erm, hi. *waves* How are you today? Raven, make those banners! We WILL get Cam to run! On a side note Cam, I currently run an online DL game, and it only really requires a half hour a day to actually run. The campaign stuff can be done really during any free time. The bonus of running an online game. ![]() Please run. I need to play again. ;-; And this girl is still sitting on me. *ponders this into silence* |
#7zombiegleemaxAug 02, 2004 20:24:23 | I'm game for it. I really need to play in a DL campaign rather than running one. I know a certain kender that would probably be interrested as well. |
#8karui_kageAug 02, 2004 20:36:48 | Good that people are interested. I say we first convince Cam to run a game for us (hehe, just kidding Cam. We won't bug you TOO much if you're fully against it, but I will bring up points to any reasons you don't wish to....just to try and explain more of it, really). If this is successful, then he should make the game on, and have it open for applications. Then people can send in their apps, and he can pick and choose. -shrug- Simple, yase? :D |
#9zombiegleemaxAug 02, 2004 20:41:01 | CAM FOR PRESIDENT! CAM FOR PRESIDENT! er...hmmm...wrong forum? Seriously though I´d enjoy playing some online Dragonlance! It´s been far too long! Ravenmantle |
#10dea_ex_machinaAug 02, 2004 20:46:43 | Don't you dare get any ideas Karui or I will stick my hoopak staff someplace that will make it hard for you to sit for a week. ![]() Whats that site like? I havn't used it before...*clicks and goes to explore* |
#11karui_kageAug 02, 2004 21:02:42 | HOOPAKED No worries. My mind is clean. (That's a lie. It's always in the gutter, but I'll be good.) One of my games is Faith and Fortune: Chronicles of Destiny. The other one isn't hard to find, but shhhh, DMs are only suppoesd to run one game each on there. >_> |
#12dea_ex_machinaAug 02, 2004 21:13:26 | Who actualy listens to rules like those? I mean, I'm always compelled to make more then one charecter if they say I can only have one. Oh, a thought just struck me. What type of Perform check would a Hoopak fall under? |
#13karui_kageAug 03, 2004 5:30:23 | It depends on what you're using it for. If its for that bullhorn quality, I'd just say "Perform (Hoopak)" would be fine. Like Perform (Flute) or something. |
#14zombiegleemaxAug 03, 2004 7:32:54 | Perform (Bullroar) like in Crocidile Dundee II. I like to assign a Will Save DC 5 + Perform check + Char level to avoid being creeped out by the sound. |
#15karui_kageAug 03, 2004 12:26:45 | Dear lord no way. That would mean a 10th level rogue with full ranks in perform, a 14 charisma, and a hoopak would have an average DC of 5 + 10 + 15 (30). Heck, on a nat 20 that becomes 40. Way too high. Especially when it means that level 20 characters could be 'creeped out' by a friggin hoopak. ;) Just don't bother with a save and make it for effect only. |
#16dea_ex_machinaAug 03, 2004 12:28:31 | Hey, we all know Fizban would be creeped out by it. He is just the type of bumbling god to do so. ;p |
#17karui_kageAug 03, 2004 12:48:40 | Well, he may *act* it, but I doubt the god himself would be. ![]() Then again, as a god, even with a 'low' charisma, that'd still be around 25-28 or something. So even with no ranks in perform he'd do well. XD |
#18zombiegleemaxAug 03, 2004 19:42:46 | I only do it when the rest of the party starts picking on the kender for being useless and getting them into trouble. Of course they never let the kender try and get them out of trouble. |