Monster Manual Compatibility



Aug 02, 2004 8:11:19
Besides Orcs and Drow which are unknown on Krynn, even as creatures of legend, which monsters listed in the 3.5 MM are unusable in the Dragonlance setting? There's a few that I could think of for practical reasons, but I'm intrested if there's actually an official list.


Aug 02, 2004 8:16:58
This is a very frequently asked question, which means it should probably be in the FAQ! ;) Here's what I said in another thread which asked for the same information as you're asking:

You are unlikely to encounter lycanthropes, mind flayers, drow, derro, svirfneblin, orcs, half-orcs, half-dragons, duergar, githyanki, githzerai, driders, couatls, halflings, lammasu, titans, or the tarrasque in the world of Krynn. Previous sources may or may not agree with this list, but they have either since been revised or declared non-canon. For example, the tarrasque is in the Lord Soth/Dargaard Keep adventure in DL16 but nobody really considers that to be part of continuity (especially since it turned Kitiara into a penanngalan, a flying head trailing her entrails).

The above monsters can of course be introduced into your Dragonlance campaign if you so wish. Once the game's in your hands, it's yours, after all.
