


Aug 02, 2004 19:23:26
I´m starting this thread so as not to mess up the "Fizban - the Renegade" thread too much.

In that thread Serena mentioned something about the now mortal Valthonis taking the test...and then I started thinking. How do I see Paladine-turned-mortal? Well I´ve pretty much seen him as the mysterious ranger, helping people in need (with his band of Faithful). How do you guys see him? A the wizard? As the ranger? What?



Aug 02, 2004 20:11:53
Actually she was talking about Gilthanis taking The Test, but this is a good topic since Fizban is no more and never will be again.

I haven't really seen Valthonis except in DoVM and in the DLCS so I'm not even sure whether or not he's a spellcaster. I think you're on the right track with him being a ranger doing good, but because of his former life he strikes me as more of a knight. Where he does good, but he's not stuck following an arcahic code. Maybe a ranger would be correct. Does he appear in any other books besides DoVM?


Aug 03, 2004 9:48:36
Yes...but I also made mention of Valthonis taking the test. And, while I dont see him doing that, I do agree with Ravenmantle....I just long ago before Valthonis was fleshed out imagined him takin up the mantle of Head of the White Robes......but now we have Coryn, and Valthonis the Wanderer.


Aug 03, 2004 10:11:15
I don´t really see him as a wasn´t his portfolio as a god...defending the weak and all the other icky good stuff was. Valthonis spending time in dusty laboratries and arguing over the politics of the WoHS...I just don´t see that.

And he was (is) rather fond of the forest-dwelling elves, hence my view of him as a ranger roaming the forest, doing good deeds. I know I´s very VERY stereotypical! But then again he was a rather stereotypical god (except for his Fizbanic seizures ;)) ...
