Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1moogle001Aug 06, 2004 22:47:59 | Alright people, Chapter 5 needs to get on its way pronto. However, if we're going to do this chapter right we need a surplus of new spells that fit into the Planescape cosmology. This includes similiar spells to those found in the BoVD, BoED, and the Planar Handbook. So what I'd like everyone to do is post to this thread any spell ideas/descriptions they have, even spells they've designed elsewhere but never got used. We're looking for creativity, not merely utility, and spells with a definite Planescape feel to them. Don't bother with anything from Planescape: Torment or those found in PS2E, but feel free to make spells based off of them if you come up with a new twist. If you can please post any ideas here: Thanks! |
#2nedlumAug 07, 2004 0:04:14 | Limbo Blade (Transumtation [Chaos]) Wiz/Sorc 3 Range: Touch Target: 1 weapon Length: 10 Minutes+1 per level Save: None Your weapon's metal changes to the stuff of Chaos. You may reform the weapon with a move action into any other weapon of an equivilant size: from a heavy mace to a Flail, for example. Alternativly, you may switch it to a different sized weapon with a standard action: from a dagger to a Greataxe. Weapons keep any enhancement bonus. A weapon crafted in this way does not count as metal for purposes of Druid restrictions. |
#3voldenuitAug 07, 2004 1:03:25 | Interesting idea, although I'd prefer a real *karach* blade to the spell for flavour reasons. Maybe you should add the [Chaos] descriptor to the spell - it' should be harder to cast it on Mechanus or Acheron (for that matter, why are there no restrictions on casting Chaos-aligned spells on Lawful Planes in 3E?) |
#4nedlumAug 07, 2004 7:55:15 | Well, unless you're a Gith, that'd be difficult. You're right, though. [Chaos] it shall be. |
#5Shemeska_the_MarauderAug 07, 2004 7:56:27 | Originally posted by Voldenuit Because 3e, while having more streamlined and simplified rules, completely and utterly lacks a soul. God forbid you have flavor based restrictions on anything. ![]() |
#6voldenuitAug 07, 2004 9:30:12 | Originally posted by Shemeska the Marauder Well, while I do agree to an extent, I am glad not to have to track every spell school for every individual plane, not to mention spell keys. And once you add psionics into the mix, it becomes even harder to balance things. That said, I do implement logical restrictions on Magic on the Planes (at least, restrictions *I* consider logical ^_^). Aligned planes are considered Impeded Magic/Psionics for any spell/power with an opposing subtype and Enhanced Magic for aligned subtypes. Naturally, some planes have more specific effects (such as the inability to Plane Shift out of Carceri). |
#7Shemeska_the_MarauderAug 07, 2004 23:42:54 | Originally posted by Voldenuit Whilel the spell school alterations were interesting, I've never really used them on a firm basis and I never used spell keys and power keys in anything more than a oneshot game. I never played a 2e game either. Some of the spell alterations got a bit, pardon the pun, arcane in PS. |
#8rikutatisAug 08, 2004 17:48:09 | I personally like the way PS handled magic in the planes. Even though I made the transition to 3e, I still use the old rules for school alterations by plane. It may take some extra effort to determine all the modifications that take place in each individual plane, but it adds a lot of depth to planar hopping, specially if there are conjurers in your party. Players will have to do some extra research before travelling around, prepare in advance and find creative ways to adapt in case their favorite spells are modified. Spell keys can be used as interesting rewards or even drive entire adventures. As long as they aren't overused. I think the way 3e tackled the issue with impeded/enhanced magic is functional but a bit simplistic. It restricts the way planes can alter magic too much in these pre-defined categories. For example, casting spells in the 2e version of the Abyss always had the chance of attracting something. That was a characteristic of the plane. It's more fun and creative than just saying that spells with the fire descriptor are maximized. Just as an example, I know fire spells aren't enhanced in the Abyss. On the other hand, the alignment trait was a nice touch added in 3e. I'm not sure if 2e actually had rules similar to those, I don't remember reading about anything like that. But it makes sense that a chaotic character in Arcadia would be hindered by the very nature of the plane. I'm curious to see how the whole issue of magic in the planes will be handled by Planewalker, and I'll be sure to contribute to the spell list if I come up with something. |
#9zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 6:37:13 | While this may be slightly off the topic, I'd love to see charms a la Torment. You know, rat tail charms and the like. So how 'bout a new feat called Create Charm. It'd function just like Brew Potion feat but instead of creating a flask of some concoction that you drink to get magical abilities, you'd fashion some kind of... thing... out of twigs or slaadi tongue or... To activate, you break it, kiss it, or whatever it is you do to activate a charm in Torment. One shot deal, just like potions, but more... Planescapey? Just an idea... |
#10zombiegleemaxAug 22, 2004 12:30:25 | Check out The Artificer's Handbook by Mystic Eye Games. This gives rules for more versatility in item creation, and charms are very much possible with there system. |
#11zombiegleemaxAug 22, 2004 12:32:07 | Check out The Artificer's Handbook by Mystic Eye Games. This gives rules for more versatility in item creation, and charms are very much possible with their system. |
#12taotadAug 23, 2004 11:22:13 | *double post* |
#13taotadAug 23, 2004 11:51:15 | Food spells should be more common on the planes due to the incredible difference in eating-habits: - Delicacy A spell that creates a delicacy based on the special preferences of target creature. - Disgusting Dinner A spell that creates the worst possible meal one could prepare to the target creature. Other ideas: - A Dream of Sigil A spell that seeds the dream to wander the multiverse in target creature. Devastating if used on petitioners. - Army of Mephits Summons MANY mephits and binds them to target creature, making it impossible for the person to be effective in any social gathering. - Canttalk (no pun intented) Turns your cant into its own language for the duration of the spell, understandable only to long-time residents of Sigil and members of the Xaositects. - Flash of Understanding Often the alien thoughts and motives of the many different planar beings confound wannabe investigators. This spell offers a brief insight into an apparant meaningless action undertaken by an Outsider. You must have observed the actions of an outsider of similar race before casting this spell. - Detect Clueless This low-level spell finds targets that are new to their surroundings. This spell is often used by touts to discover who needs their "help". I'm sorry if there is no design layed into these spells. I very rarely use numbers in my Planescape games. Thanx for keeping the project alive! |
#14taotadSep 03, 2004 5:07:46 | Portal Residue Middle Level When people use intertravel portals some sort of residue remains on their clothes and persons. Using this spell makes the caster aware of these residues on a single target giving him the ability to identify the last portal the individual used. The caster does not know where the portal is, but if he passes within 10 yards/caster lvl of it he'll know it is the portal the target used. Portal Spy Low Level This spell targets a single permanent portal. When that portal is activated a mental alarm goes of alerting the spellcaster of its use. The Portal Spy also gives a brief physical description of the portal-user if the caster is on the same plane as either end of the portal. Portal Dreams High Level Every portal has a dream. The portal doesn't dream its own dreams, but instead feed upon the thoughts and ideas of the ones that use it. This spell lets you identify the dreams of a portal, but more importantly gives you the ability to isolate a portion of the dreams unique to a single individual. The isolated dreams are usually limited to what the subject portal user thought of when using the portal. Passing through portals is for most people a time when they think about their next destination, and review their goals and prepare for something different. The potential for learning motivations and goals are nearly limitless. |