Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 2:08:20 | After reading some of the novels, this had me thinking. i believe Tika in Summer Flame mentioned something about a Gnomish machine that had taken into its mind that it was Human and aacted Human, but was not. Now this could have just been an exxagerationn, but how advanced is their technology? I know most of it does not work right, and I even admit the currentgame I am runnign is in the Forgotten Realms. I know a lot of you are going to hate comparing the tow, but they do have about the same technology level, although DL to me actually seems a bit ahead. Now, since my game is in the FR, the technology in general works like it is supposed to. So, would it be too much if i had a steam powered crab like machine that had very powerful pincers with sharp blades in them, and that could fire cannon balls out of its mouth. The Gnome woud be behind a shell of sorts that protects him from harm. The reason I did not ask this on the FR forums is because I never seem to get an answer there, and cause I like DL better. I am just stuck running a game in FR. This thread in general also poses the question asked in the topic line. |
#2zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 4:05:20 | Hey Apparatus of Kawalsh(sp?) from 1st & 2nd edition and you're almost there without gnomes at all. If one goes by the Dragonlance Adventures from 1st edition, you can pretty much get anything you want from gnomish technology. Part of the greygem story is that a gnome built a device to goto a moon, then there is the device of time journeying, and of course the submarine. From a storytelling point of view, you could concievebly invoke nearly anything under the guise of gnome-tech. Hell a Dragonlance campaign in the War of Souls featuring the adventures of 4 gnomish ghostbusters in Palanthas would probably be pretty fun, and almost fitting. The problem comes when a player wants to make something, and you're using gnome invention rules. The more interesting it is, the better the chance for lethal consequences. Nearly any non-trivial player offered invention being all but doomed to failure. |
#3zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 4:12:35 | Bound to happen eventually. |
#4zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 6:01:15 | i have heard of all sorts of weird gnomish inventions... like the ladder to the moon, a couple of gnome spaceships, etc... It doesn't seem that they are above using magic in their inventions either... |
#5zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 7:39:57 | I don't recall the gnomes of dragonlance ever using magic to do anything technical, I could be wrong since I read very few 5th Age books. I know that there are some gnomes who have had their curse lifted by Reorx and now pusue interests than inventing, and that's where we get the "mad gnomes" from. There were even some tinker gnomes who wanted to study magic from a technical aspect to see if it could be miminc using mundane technology. Magic and tinkering tinker gnomes, I just don't see it happening. |
#6zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 8:19:44 | Rules for creating gnomish technology, originally intended for the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, are currently being re-worked for inclusion in Races of Ansalon due out next summer. We are also considering other race-specific options--such as Kender Pocket Grab rules. Jamie Chambers Sovereign Press, Inc. |
#7zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 8:36:12 | Are we also going to see racial weapons as well...for say....KENDER, elves, and minotaurs?!?! I've been using the stats given on, but it would be nice to see something offical from SP. No offense to Kipper or anything, I just downloaded the Kender Handbook. Love the Kender story of creation. Where was I??? Are we going to see the Kirath handled in Races of Ansalon and maybe some nice race specific feats???? |
#8zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2004 8:53:37 | Well, in a Gnome story in Search for Power, they have pianos, which are exceptionally well advanced. Spelljamming craft, which may or may not have been included under the umbrella term of 'spaceships' were partially powered by clerical magic (partially by giant miniature space hamsters... assuming they were actually a part of the system, rather than enthusiastic additions that GNDN). Then in Siege of Mt Nevermind, they invent the perpetual motion device... |
#9cam_banksAug 09, 2004 9:23:35 | Originally posted by Koranith This would be the book for it. ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#10ferratusAug 09, 2004 10:22:39 | I think gnomish technology has a knack for coming up with unique anachronistic devices that don't impact on Krynn itself (except for the craters), and is quickly forgotten by the gnomes themselves when a new discovery takes the gnomish community by storm. |
#11iltharanosAug 09, 2004 11:38:16 | Originally posted by Koranith There is one instance of magic and gnomish technology being fused into one seamless whole; the gnomish civilization on the continent of Taladas did just this with their Sky Citadels ... of course, it didn't really work all that well, what with one shooting off into space, another exploding, a third crashing, etc. |
#12DragonhelmAug 09, 2004 11:54:58 | Originally posted by Koranith The idea of mad gnomes is seen in Dragonlance Adventures. The book is written in a way so that you could take your existing D&D character into DL. Mad gnomes in DLA were presented as gnomes who came from beyond, who had little to no interest in technology. Those that did created things that worked. The concept grew and was incorporated into Taladas as the gnomoi, which in turn became the basis for the thinker gnomes. Now we've sort of come full circle with the mad gnomes as presented in the DLCS. There were even some tinker gnomes who wanted to study magic from a technical aspect to see if it could be miminc using mundane technology. Magic of Faerun has a prestige class called the gnome artificer that does this basic thing. It's a good PrC, and with a bit of tinkering ( :D ), it could be used in DL. |
#13zombiegleemaxAug 10, 2004 2:33:07 | I could see Gnomes using Clerical magic in their inventions, what with their love of Reorx and all. Is becoming a Cleric of Reorx and accepted proffesion in Gnomish society? I do think however that they would refer just pure technology for their inventions. P.S. I know we are not supposed to discuss novels here, but is the book, "The Siege of Mount Nevermind" a good source for ideas on gnomish inventions? |
#14kipper_snifferdoo_02Aug 10, 2004 10:22:04 | Originally posted by Galeros I think that there MUST be at least a guild or two that would be in charge of experimenting and studying magic, both arcane and divine. It seems odd they would ignore it entirely and that there would never be a gnome that would experiment with it. So I think the gnome artificer and even inventions powered by divine magic would be plausible. P.S. I know we are not supposed to discuss novels here, but is the book, "The Siege of Mount Nevermind" a good source for ideas on gnomish inventions? Not really. I can't think of many that stand out by themselves. They are often glossed over. But I have a couple hundred ideas over here. |
#15zombiegleemaxAug 10, 2004 23:59:55 | Stupid double post![]() |
#16zombiegleemaxAug 11, 2004 0:00:16 | If anybody is wondering why I like Minoi so much. It is because I am a lot like one. I am scatter-brained and love technology. I also have a bad habit of adding more to something when it looked good in the first place.![]() |
#17iltharanosAug 11, 2004 15:06:14 | Galeros, The (mad) gnome civilization of Taladas is rumored to be the most technically advanced civilization on Krynn. Examples of their technology include their regular use of steam power, iron-hulled lava sea vessels, steam-powered lava guns, and skyships (i.e. zeppelins). Since the rulers of the Taladas gnome civilization are mad/gnomoi/thinker gnomes instead of minoi/tinker gnomes, their inventions work exactly as intended ... though of course they keep the minoi in the creative loop due to the sometimes unexpected genius demonstrated by the tinker gnomes. |
#18zombiegleemaxAug 11, 2004 15:34:37 | Originally posted by iltharanos COOL!!!!:D Even the last part os sort of like me, I come up with good ideas every once in a while. ![]() Where did you get that info anyway? |
#19iltharanosAug 11, 2004 15:36:59 | Originally posted by Galeros It's all right out of the Time of the Dragon boxed set circa 1989, which I still own. :D God I love the maps in that boxed set. |
#20zombiegleemaxAug 11, 2004 15:38:33 | On my Krynn, gnomes are the only ones capable of building advanced tech. It's the side-effect of Reorx's curse upon their race, and the other gods decided to let it stick. --me, I hate mad gnomes with a passion; long live the tinker gnomes!! NB |
#21zombiegleemaxAug 11, 2004 15:56:53 | From what i've read and what my rp goes by most of the time: Gnomes are a greygem race, so, they arent allowed by most wizards to become a wizard of high sorcery. They are obsesed with technology, trying to improve everything with steam power and other things. When a gnome invention works and doesnt break, they get cast out and get called a mad gnome. so, Gnome = inventions work for awhile then break, always need improving Mad Gnome = a invention works and doesnt break, there for needing no improving. In the DLCS i believe, it says you can be a mad gnome who creates things that work. |
#22zombiegleemaxAug 11, 2004 17:18:07 | Originally posted by cloud04 Graygem races are allowed to become WoHS. For example, there are Dwarf wizards, who most certainly a Graygem race.......wait...gnomes are not a graygem race. They were cursed by Reorx, but the Graygem had nothing to do with their'll see a few Dwarf WoHS......I beleive there are some Minotaur ones as well. |
#23zombiegleemaxAug 11, 2004 18:40:38 | if you read my post carefully..... it says: " they arent allowed by most wizards " this is due to the fact that most wizards dont want to spend time trying to teach gnomes or kender, even dwarfs. I never said they couldn't, i simply said most wizards wont allow it. |
#24zombiegleemaxAug 12, 2004 9:15:10 | Originally posted by cloud04 The dwarf race produces next to no wizards simply because their culture distrusts arcane magic, not because the Conclave's members distrust them. Kender take a pretty big hit on their Concentration skill, thus few would make good spellcasters, period, let alone wizards. Thus, it's not a career choice many kender opt for. And as for gnomes, it's like dwarves, in that it's a cultural reason why few gnomes head to Wayreth. Gnomes are so obsessed with technology that few of their race ever bother with arcane energies. --but alas, a few gnomes have become wizards and sorcerers NB |
#25gamileoAug 12, 2004 12:03:55 | I seem to remember reading somewhere that a gnome had constructed a atom bomb and just didnt know what to do with it so went on to something else. I m pretty sure that in mt nevermind since they say simply 50000+ that there is probably a gnome studying everything, from sorcery to divine, and all in between. I like the gnomes, i think they re fun. heh. |
#26iltharanosAug 12, 2004 14:54:19 | Originally posted by gamileo Yeah, I remember that short story. I believe the gnome was the only known evil gnome as well ... hehe. I tend to chalk that story up to a "kender tale" ... since it stretches the whole medieval flavor of Krynn when gnomes start producing atomic age pieces of tech. Zeppelins I can deal with, atom-bomb raining zeppelins are a whole other matter! ;) |
#27zombiegleemaxAug 12, 2004 17:26:42 | Originally posted by iltharanos Or it could be true. ![]() |
#28zombiegleemaxAug 13, 2004 0:06:10 | Iltharinos and I have had this discussion before, regarding Gnome Technology before. Obviously, with the Gnomes already at the point where Steam weaponry is in it's infancy come the War of the Lance, it seems that the Gnomes may well be on their way to developing GunPowder someday, with all the benefits and sorrows that it reapns and sow's. In My DragonLance Campaign, well, I used to be a huge fan of WARHAMMER FANTASY and as such, have many a times tried to integrate aspects of it to my campaign. For example, I have both the Dwarfs and GNomes have already developed GUnpowder (the reason it is not widespread is it requires materials only found in the most deep recesses of Krynn and also requires a blessing of a True Cleric of Reorx and since they all disappeared before the cataclysm, that is why it does not appear in modern time Ansalon. I have the Dwarf Engineering Guild using Cannon's and Mortars. Dwarf Engineer Guilds also have developed Muskets for their own personal use as well. And all Dwarf WarMachines can be enscribed with mystical Runes, applied by Dwarf Runesmiths. Gnome Engineer's I have with a smaller caliber Gnome Cannon; and then have them with all the 'bizzare' looking weapons from WarHammer, like the Flame Cannon, Organ Gun, Repeater Bolt Thrower, Hellblaster Volley Gun, Death Rocket, DoomWheel, and so on. I have fun with it. |
#29zombiegleemaxAug 13, 2004 8:49:25 | Originally posted by iltharanos While it could happen it'd be much more likely that they blow themselves up, hopefully not too far up in the atmosphere...Nuclear Winter. That or the proximity fuse or triggering mechanism wouldn't work properly and then they'd just be dropping large metal objects onto Do the Gnomes have any enemies to drop anything on anyways???? Despite being one of the most annoying races, next to the Kender of course, no one seems to take issue with them. |
#30iltharanosAug 13, 2004 10:24:28 | Originally posted by Koranith Well, there is that insane great wyrm red dragon that has "conquered" Mount Nevermind, a mr. Pyrothraxus if I recall correctly. ;) |