Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2004 20:41:19 | I need some Help. I either need some ravenloft converted stats on the Headless Horsemen or if someone actually has 3rd edition stats of him it would be great thanks |
#2zombiegleemaxSep 07, 2004 19:43:26 | Given that the headless horseman is more plot device than true encounter I think his stats need to betailored to the group of PCs whom you are judging. A few quick thoughts: He's an undead, possibly ghostly horse rider, probably fighter (though levels of blackguard and or highwayman from CoD seem like good PrCs). His horse could be corporeal undead, incoporeal undead or a nightmare. He's primarily armed with a keen or vorpal Sickle (ghost touched if incopreal) which IMO shouldn't work for (N)PCs other than the horseman. Adjust his stats to make him deadly to your PCs (perhaps average party level +4, plus perhaps the ghost template). After he passes, waves of ghostly severed heads follow - treat as magical beasts of an appropriate HD with a bite attack (HD perhaps equal to the average PC level -2?). Mounted Combat, Ride by Attack, Skill Focus - Riding & (Great) Cleave are a must for feats. -Eric Gorman |
#3The_JesterSep 08, 2004 5:19:10 | Just use Sheriff VonZarovic. That way he's good for something... ;) |
#4zombiegleemaxSep 11, 2004 19:34:24 | Sheriff VonZarovic??? |
#5bloodycardSep 11, 2004 22:28:47 | A distant cousin of Strahd in Champion of Darkness |
#6zombiegleemaxSep 12, 2004 5:49:26 | I need some Help. I either need some ravenloft converted stats on the Headless Horsemen or if someone actually has 3rd edition stats of him it would be great thanks When I made tha path of the HH cross with the one my players were on, I didn't invent any statistics: I only made out a BAB (REALLY HIGH ;)), and some DCs for the saving throws against the horseman and heads' abilities. He had just to appear, strike (almost killing one of the PCs), then go away. Horror Cheeeeeeeeck! :D |
#7zombiegleemaxSep 13, 2004 0:21:21 | thanks i need to get me that book I am missing a few for my collection |
#8rotipherSep 13, 2004 9:28:36 | Actually, the HH might work better in 3E/3.5E as a *hazard* than as an NPC or monster. He's supposed to be invulnerable, he can't be grappled or held or otherwise restrained, and he only strikes at a given target once. So treat him as a high-CR deathtrap rather than an opponent and it'll be a lot simpler, plus PCs will at least get a few xps out of surviving his attacks (even if they don't "defeat" him). Those Who Follow, OTOH, are best treated as monsters, to be fought in the conventional manner. "Danger: Flying Heads, Next 1/2 Mile" ![]() |
#9zombiegleemaxSep 14, 2004 4:23:01 | Condensed conversions according to the Conversion Booklet: AC:20 BAB:+7 STR 19 DEX 17 CON - INT 9 WIS 8 CHA 5 Heads AC 17 BAB +1 Medusa Heads AC 15 BAB +3 Maedar Head same as Medusa but then, stats for all the Darklords are underpowered anyway. I agree with the use as a plot device- any creature that can make the road move beneath your feet if you try to get off of it is not a typical monster. |
#10zombiegleemaxOct 06, 2004 10:45:25 | I apologize, I'm new to third-edition. What is this conversion booklet? It sounds awfully useful! |
#11zombiegleemaxOct 06, 2004 20:06:07 | I apologize, I'm new to third-edition. What is this conversion booklet? It sounds awfully useful! Download this, from the Wizards main D&D page: |
#12zombiegleemaxOct 07, 2004 8:33:42 | You are a gentleman and a scholar! |
#13zombiegleemaxNov 04, 2004 19:36:56 | Actually, Moscone, since The HH's STR was originally 18/00, the conversion booklet would put his new STR at 23. And, as stated in the adventure From the Shadows (adventure #RQ3) he is not truly an undead so would be counted as a humanoid, thus his total BAB would be +12. His conversion stats would be: Headless Horseman Medium Humanoid HD: 8d8+24 Inititive: +7 (Dex, Improved Inititive) Speed: 60 ft. AC: 20 (+7 Natural, +3 Dex) Attacks: Sickle +13/+8 melee Damage: Decapitation (See Below) Face/Reach: 5 ft by 10 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Decapitation Special Qualities: Immunities Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 5 Saves: Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +5 Skills: Spot +5 Listen +5 Feats: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (Sickle), Improved Inititive Climate/Terrain: Any Road Organization: Solitary (Unique) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: None Alingment: Chaotic Evil Advancement Range: None Decapitation (Su): Any successful hit by the HH's sickly automatically decapitates any creature that has a discernable head. If the to hit roll is missed by 1 then the victim is slashed in the neck and damage is 1d10, if missed by 2 the victim is bashed in the head and damage is 1d6 (1d4 if helmeted), if missed by 3 the victim is slashed in the face and damage is 1d4. If missed by more than three, then the victim is missed. Immunities (Ex): The HH is immune to all magic, and can in fact even move freely through walls of force, stone, etc. Nothing can diminish his speed, and he can not be knocked off of his horse. The information above was gathered from the Second Edition Darklords book and the From the Shadows adventure useing available conversion rules. |