Lesser Known Greyhawk Gods



Sep 08, 2004 16:37:12
I remeber in an old Dragon issue there were a few. I am talking decade plus. Anyone have a complete listing somewhere?


Sep 08, 2004 16:45:46
There's the Baklunish one who has been supressed by the other gods for granting the Baklunish people the Rain of Colorless Fire and now walks the Plains of the Paynims, but I can never remember his name, heh.

Grodog and I laugh about him every once in awhile when similiar subjects are brought up, as neither of us ever remembers his name.


Sep 08, 2004 17:27:43
You might wish to look here, and/or to acquire the LG Journal, issue #3.


Simply click here


Sep 08, 2004 17:36:26
Living Greyhawk Journal #3 details many lesser known gods such as Azor'alq Hero-god of Light, Purity,Courage and Strength, Charmalaine hero-goddess of Keen Senses and Narrow Escapes, Daern, hero-goddess of Defense and Fortifications, Daoud hero-god of Humility, Clarity and Immediacy, Gadhelyn hero-god of Independence, Outlawry, Feasting and Hunting (part of the fey mysteries and forgotten elven pantheon member), Gendwar Argrim hero-god of Fatalism and Obsession (a dwarven hero-diety), Johydee hero-goddess of Deception, Espionage and Protection, Kelanen hero-god of Swords, Sword Skills and Balance, Keoghtom hero-god of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy and Extraplanar Exploration, Kuroth oeridian hero-god of Theft and Treasure-Finding, Kyuss hero-god of Creation and Mastery of Undead, Murlynd hero-god of Magical "Technology", Nazarn half-orc hero-god of Formal and Public Combat, Roykyn gnomish hero-goddess of Cruelty, Tsolorandril the Etheral Walker hero-deity of Wave Motions and Vathris the Transfixed hero-god of Anguish, Lost Causes and Revenge specifically. But you might also consider the 1e source of this, Dragon issue number ? (sorry cover has been ripped off) March 1983, pgs.19-22 detailing Heward, Keoghtom, Murlynd and Kelanen (sorry thats the spelling of his name).


Sep 15, 2004 18:54:52
The Living Greyhawk Gazateer has many gods and goddesses within its pages.


Sep 19, 2004 2:27:41
Grodog and I laugh about him every once in awhile when similiar subjects are brought up, as neither of us ever remembers his name.

Still don't remember, and not likely to do so with the GT Archive down ;)