History of Sirrion?



Sep 19, 2004 14:52:43
Anyone know of any DL sources for good legends/stories dealing with Sirrion (the deity of flame)?


Sep 19, 2004 15:26:27
there arent any.


Sep 21, 2004 12:17:22
Sirrion, Shinare, and others have had precious little written about them.
Paladine and Takhisis monopolized almost all of the attention that was given to deities in any work, which is why we should all give the Fates a rousing, standing ovation for the fact that the both of them are dead, or as good as.
Let the other gods enjoy a bit of the limelight, rather than just having the two Bahamut and Tiamat look-alikes play out their ancient battle again and again.