


Sep 24, 2004 17:04:48

I'm new to the Spelljammer forum, but I have been with the game for a long time.

I recently bought the SJR2 Realmspace on an online auction, but it did not include the color poster map advertised on the back. I have been waiting to buy this product for years, but I could never find it in stores.

Does anyone know if the advertised color poster map actually exists? I wonder if the guys back at TSR advertised it but never got around to putting it in the final product.

Thank you for any help you might provide. Please let me know if you can help solve this puzzle (




Sep 24, 2004 22:33:37
Does anyone know if the advertised color poster map actually exists? I wonder if the guys back at TSR advertised it but never got around to putting it in the final product.

Realmspace does indeed come with a poster map. The map is of realmspace as seen from an angle, with the planetary orbits as ovals around the sun. The map itself is a "classical aged" look, with a couple of pictures of ships on it as well. Really nice to look at, but not very useful in any meaningful way.
