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#1zombiegleemaxOct 03, 2004 19:47:03 | I am not sure if any of you have used the B.O.I.N.G. system over at Kencyclopedia(link below) but here are some of the inventions I have made using it. G.T.C.D.(Gnomish Tactical Combat Device) This device is nearly the size of a mountain and has just been rcently developed by the Gnomes. It consists of an enlarged Human corpse that has somehow been brought somehwta back to life. They body has only limited sentinence and can not make decisions on its own without its Gnomish operator telling it what to do. The body itsef it well-built. The body is outfitted with form-fitting armor that is usually rather colorful. The armor usually consists of many clockwork parts and steam engines. The most special thing about the armor is that it is linked to the Human bodys nervous system(A famous Gnome from the Biology guild found out about this system, unfortunately he can now no longer feel anything.) In the creatures back is inserted a egg-shaped capsule that contains the controls for the device. This is also where it is linked up to the nervous system of the body. The body has many weapons attached to it, these being a Colossal sized greatsword, two gargantuan sized axes, and a fifty huge daggers. It has 88 AC and gets four attacks per round. They are +80/+60/+40/+20. Specifications The total DC of the Invention is 22. It is the size of a Township and incures a +9 to your Craft skill check when constructing it. The Invention performs the following functions: Causes Damage (1d100 hp), Moves Itself (150 feet), Extended Duration ( Permanent), Ammunition (Optional Rule) You can use up to 11 shots of ammunition with this device before having to reload. Reloading your device takes one full round action assuming you have the proper ammunition on hand. Some ammunition may be retrivable (nets, spears) and some ammunition will be lost when fired (barrles of oil, cannonballs). Parts and Construction The invention uses a total of 22 parts { Pulleys, Shafts, Gears, Belts, Screws, Blades, Fins (Vanes), Rods (Steel), Glass Rods and Panes, Bellows, Pumps, Tuning Forks, Counterweights, Coiled / Wound Springs, Waterwheel, Windmill/Coal Fire, Steam Pipes and Boiler, Sun Mirror, Stonework, Wood Frames, Iron Frame, Clockworks} and costs 8360 stl to build. Construction time is 4d12 months. If you use elementary material (cut wood from trees for frames, cut gears from sheets of metal, etc.) it will cost you nothing to build but it will double the construction time. At the end of the construction period, the gnome character must make a Craft skill check to determine whether he has created the device as designed: Craft Skill Check for successfull build: 1d20 + +9 + Craft Skill Modifer (Craft Skill Modifier = skill rank + Int modifier + miscellaneous modifer) If this check fails, the gnome character should make an Intelligence check (same DC as the device). A success indicates that the device simply fails; however, a failure indicates that the device suffers a mishap. Success: This means that the device works as intended. It will move, inflict damage, send messages, heat food, make light, or whatever it was created to do. Failure: The device totally fails to function. Any gnome whose level is equal to or greater than 22 can attempt to repair it with a modifier of +9. The repair time is 44 hours. However, each time that the device fails, a –1 modifier is subtracted from the Craft skill check. Mishap: The device does not act as the designer originally intended. The precise effects vary. A misfiring device may be repaired as above. Roll 1d20; if the roll is equal to or less than the gnome's level, then the player may choose any result from the list below. Otherwise, apply the result rolled. Mishaps (1–8) Needs Another Part The device requires another device to be built before it can function properly. The new part must be a useful device in its own right and have a demonstrated use other than merely fixing the original invention. This second device must be built using the same rules as any other device. For example, a gnome who gets this result while attempting to construct a catapult now declares that he must first build an automated can opener before he can finish the catapult. Of course, if a mishap occurs while building the can opener, the gnome may need to build yet another device… (9) Communication Glitch If the device was designed to communicate, it will function in unexpected ways at the discretion of the DM. If the device was not meant to communicate, it will do so in an unexpected way. Options include sending messages directly to foes and enemies with perfect clarity; randomly changing messages in such a way that their true intent is never trustworthy; or only sending every second or third word. (10-11) Improper Alteration If designed to alter an object, the machine will do so improperly. If it is not designed to alter an object, it will do so badly (at a level equal to 22 - 1d4) in an unexpected way. Options include reducing finished goods to their base elements; creating something of limited use in the current situation; or doing the reverse of its intention. (12) Unexpected Glow The machine suddenly begins to glow so brightly that the operator and anyone within 190 ft. of the object is blinded for 10 rounds. No other functions occur. (13) Olfactory Malfunction If the device was designed to change the state of the surrounding atmosphere, it will have the reverse effect: machines designed to clear the air will pollute it, and machines designed to create fog may clear it). If not so designed, it will create a stinking cloud effect within a radius of 190 feet. The gas is produced as long as the machine continues to function, and remains for an additional 1d6 minutes thereafter. (14) Unbearable Temperature Change If designed to create a certain temperature, the device will have the opposite effect (for example, an oven will refrigerate). If not, then the device will produce heat (50%) or cold (50%) to a degree equal to Gas to Solid. This may result in the destruction of the machine itself should the temperature rise to the point of burning or melting its components. (15) Horrendous Sound The device makes a horrible deafening noise within a radius of 190 feet. All creatures within this area must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) or flee the area at one. Any who remain suffer a –5 penalty to attack and Armour Class until the sound ceases. The noise continues as long as the machine continues to function. (16) Uncontrollable Movement Regardless of the intention of the device, it suddenly takes off on its own at a speed of Forward and Backward in Time per round. If the device was designed to fly, it actually digs or submerges; otherwise, it runs or flies in a random direction at a speed equal to Forward and Backward in Time per round. No directional control is possible. The device continues to move as long as it is turned on. (17) Hazardous Malfunction The device inflicts 1d100 hp of damage upon the nearest character, and then fails. The machine must be repaired before it can be used again. (18) Pursuit The device attacks its operator for 1d100 hp of damage and unerringly chases the operator for a number of rounds equal to 1d6+5 or until it is shut off, whichever comes first. The operator of the device must make a Dexterity check (DC 15) to turn off the device. The machine attacks with an attack bonus of +22. (19-20) Explosion! The machine explodes, inflicting 1d100 hp to all creatures and objects within a radius of 190 feet. The machine is then broken and must be repaired before it can be used again. G.Z.M.(Gnomish Zombie Maker) G.Z.M.(Gnomish Zombie Maker) This device is the zie of a large cabinet and has many glass containers filled with strange liquids and tubes coming from the glass conatiners. Most of these containers are visibile from the outside of the device. In order to create a zombie, the device needs to be "fed" a corpse of any race through the hole on the middle of the device. Once the corpse is inside, the machine will make many loud gurgling noises and some of the liquids from the glass containers will be drained into the machine. The end result is a standard zombie from as from the Monster Manual. Specifications The total DC of the Invention is 22. It is the size of a Large Cabinet and incures a -1 to your Craft skill check when constructing it. The Invention performs the following functions: Makes Sound (Roar), Extended Duration ( Permanent), Alters Object (Processed Food), Alters Object (Raw Ore/ Raw Food), Ammunition (Optional Rule) You can use up to 11 shots of ammunition with this device before having to reload. Reloading your device takes one full round action assuming you have the proper ammunition on hand. Some ammunition may be retrivable (nets, spears) and some ammunition will be lost when fired (barrles of oil, cannonballs). Parts and Construction The invention uses a total of 22 parts { Pulleys, Shafts, Gears, Belts, Screws, Blades, Fins (Vanes), Rods (Steel), Glass Rods and Panes, Bellows, Pumps, Tuning Forks, Counterweights, Coiled / Wound Springs, Waterwheel, Windmill/Coal Fire, Steam Pipes and Boiler, Sun Mirror, Stonework, Wood Frames, Iron Frame, Clockworks} and costs 8360 stl to build. Construction time is 2d20 months. If you use elementary material (cut wood from trees for frames, cut gears from sheets of metal, etc.) it will cost you nothing to build but it will double the construction time. At the end of the construction period, the gnome character must make a Craft skill check to determine whether he has created the device as designed: Craft Skill Check for successfull build: 1d20 + -1 + Craft Skill Modifer (Craft Skill Modifier = skill rank + Int modifier + miscellaneous modifer) If this check fails, the gnome character should make an Intelligence check (same DC as the device). A success indicates that the device simply fails; however, a failure indicates that the device suffers a mishap. Success: This means that the device works as intended. It will move, inflict damage, send messages, heat food, make light, or whatever it was created to do. Failure: The device totally fails to function. Any gnome whose level is equal to or greater than 22 can attempt to repair it with a modifier of -1. The repair time is 44 hours. However, each time that the device fails, a –1 modifier is subtracted from the Craft skill check. Mishap: The device does not act as the designer originally intended. The precise effects vary. A misfiring device may be repaired as above. Roll 1d20; if the roll is equal to or less than the gnome's level, then the player may choose any result from the list below. Otherwise, apply the result rolled. Mishaps (1–8) Needs Another Part The device requires another device to be built before it can function properly. The new part must be a useful device in its own right and have a demonstrated use other than merely fixing the original invention. This second device must be built using the same rules as any other device. For example, a gnome who gets this result while attempting to construct a catapult now declares that he must first build an automated can opener before he can finish the catapult. Of course, if a mishap occurs while building the can opener, the gnome may need to build yet another device… (9) Communication Glitch If the device was designed to communicate, it will function in unexpected ways at the discretion of the DM. If the device was not meant to communicate, it will do so in an unexpected way. Options include sending messages directly to foes and enemies with perfect clarity; randomly changing messages in such a way that their true intent is never trustworthy; or only sending every second or third word. (10-11) Improper Alteration If designed to alter an object, the machine will do so improperly. If it is not designed to alter an object, it will do so badly (at a level equal to 22 - 1d4) in an unexpected way. Options include reducing finished goods to their base elements; creating something of limited use in the current situation; or doing the reverse of its intention. (12) Unexpected Glow The machine suddenly begins to glow so brightly that the operator and anyone within 90 ft. of the object is blinded for 10 rounds. No other functions occur. (13) Olfactory Malfunction If the device was designed to change the state of the surrounding atmosphere, it will have the reverse effect: machines designed to clear the air will pollute it, and machines designed to create fog may clear it). If not so designed, it will create a stinking cloud effect within a radius of 90 feet. The gas is produced as long as the machine continues to function, and remains for an additional 1d6 minutes thereafter. (14) Unbearable Temperature Change If designed to create a certain temperature, the device will have the opposite effect (for example, an oven will refrigerate). If not, then the device will produce heat (50%) or cold (50%) to a degree equal to Gas to Solid. This may result in the destruction of the machine itself should the temperature rise to the point of burning or melting its components. (15) Horrendous Sound The device makes a horrible deafening noise within a radius of 90 feet. All creatures within this area must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) or flee the area at one. Any who remain suffer a –5 penalty to attack and Armour Class until the sound ceases. The noise continues as long as the machine continues to function. (16) Uncontrollable Movement Regardless of the intention of the device, it suddenly takes off on its own at a speed of Forward and Backward in Time per round. If the device was designed to fly, it actually digs or submerges; otherwise, it runs or flies in a random direction at a speed equal to Forward and Backward in Time per round. No directional control is possible. The device continues to move as long as it is turned on. (17) Hazardous Malfunction The device inflicts 1d100 hp of damage upon the nearest character, and then fails. The machine must be repaired before it can be used again. (18) Pursuit The device attacks its operator for 1d100 hp of damage and unerringly chases the operator for a number of rounds equal to 1d6+5 or until it is shut off, whichever comes first. The operator of the device must make a Dexterity check (DC 15) to turn off the device. The machine attacks with an attack bonus of +22. (19-20) Explosion! The machine explodes, inflicting 1d100 hp to all creatures and objects within a radius of 90 feet. The machine is then broken and must be repaired before it can be used again. |
#2zombiegleemaxOct 04, 2004 20:31:40 | Nobody likes the B.O.I.N.G. system? ![]() |
#3zombiegleemaxOct 07, 2004 22:07:19 | ![]() |