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#1caulOct 04, 2004 14:20:22 | So, I really like the Psionic Endowment feat from XHP, but I though that it would be interesting in Dark Sun to allow the feat to be used on spells as well, similar to the psionic enhancement that was (more or less) common in the older editions. Or does anyone think that perhaps it should be a separate feat, perhaps as follows: Spell Endowment (Psionic) You blend the power of your mental abilities with your spells. Prerequisite: Power point reserve, Knowledge (psionics) +4 Benefit: You may expend your psionic focus to add a +1 circumstance bonus to the DC of any spell you cast. |
#2elonarcOct 04, 2004 16:08:04 | Nice idea for converting the feat and not a bad idea for a mechanism for a psionic enhancement of magic. But... I think the blending of psionics and magic, in whatever form (the feat is not that powerful...) should be solely available to advanced beings. Ability to cast 9th-level spells and 6th-level powers should be a minimum requirement. I like the idea, though. |
#3SysaneOct 04, 2004 16:17:59 | Nice idea for converting the feat and not a bad idea for a mechanism for a psionic enhancement of magic. I think Xlorep is working on this idea of spells being pumped up by psionics. It works more along the lines of how XPH psionic powers are augumented by spending further power points, but it would be appled to spells if I'm not mistaken. |
#4xlorepdarkhelm_dupOct 04, 2004 17:29:33 | Yes, for Advanced Beings. The mixing of Magic and Psionics is solely in the power of an Advanced Being. A character can use both, but only the Advanced Beings can mix them together, and do things like that. |
#5jaanosOct 07, 2004 19:01:51 | Hey Xlor; Just a couple of quick questions: 1. Is the epic beureau going to make epic prestige classes and / or new type of advanced being or powerful undead? 2. Have you considered the possibility of allowing grey / black creatures to substitute spell slots (grey / black energy) for PP? |
#6xlorepdarkhelm_dupOct 07, 2004 19:26:12 | Hey Xlor; I'd like to think so. I mean, there's more to Epic than just the Advanced Beings. 2. Have you considered the possibility of allowing grey / black creatures to substitute spell slots (grey / black energy) for PP? Not for PP, because they already are substituting life energy for gray/black/cerulean storm energy. However, an Advanced Being which uses those laternate sources, they will be able to use the laternate sources while using Psionic Enchantments. |
#7jaanosOct 07, 2004 22:06:32 | Thanks and Thanks. Reason for raising substituting grey / black (and as you pointed out, Cereluean) energy for PP is it's a good way of explaining how some powerful undead creatures can use psionic powers "at will" - something that allways miffed me about 2e.... i remember saying once to one DM: "it's total C-Rap, i mean, how are they powering these powers? they are drawing power from somewhere dammit!" ![]() |
#8xlorepdarkhelm_dupOct 07, 2004 23:54:44 | Umm... can those undead still do that in 3.5? I haven't bothered looking at the monster write-ups for undead in a very long while. |
#9PennarinOct 08, 2004 10:14:52 | Yes, some creatures in 3.5 have a Spell-like Abilities or Psi-like Abilities entry that reads something like this:Psi-like Abilities: at will―clairvoyant sense, 3/day―metaconcert. The way I understand it, the designers sacrifice a more powerful ability usable less often for a less powerful one usable at will. If you look at the Balor entry in the MM, you can see that the "at will" abilities are of a useful nature, and that the "1/day" abilities are destructive in nature (inflicts dices of damage or death effects). |