MMIII and Planescape



Oct 07, 2004 23:36:26
Arcane Ooze
Found with alarming regularity in the depths of Sigil Below, among the ooze puddles of the Hive Ward, and among the open gutters beneath wizards' towers. Occasionally spotted in the wild soup of Limbo and in planar cities with a great deal of magic going on, such as the City of Brass, Maladomini, Yetsirah, and the Citadel of Ice and Steel.

Ever in search of new experience, armands are often found in the planes. Particularly, they gravitate toward the Sensates and the Seekers.

Astral Stalker
Thought to have sprung from the drifting corpse of an ancient god of the hunt, now the astral stalkers breed naturally. Females occasionally go into heat during particularly intense hunts; they mate with the male able to single-handily bring down the most dangerous game. On the Astral Plane they make nests among the dead gods, but more commonly they roam throughout the planes, using their knowledge of portals - hard-won over the millennia - to make their way through the worlds and realms. In Sigil, they sometimes go to the Guildhall Ward and advertise their services to those in need of a capable hunter. Githyanki hate the astral stalkers and would attempt to exterminate them if they were not preoccupied with the githzerai and illithids. Bladelings recognize them as fellow hunters, and there is a great deal of mutual respect. This does not, however, prevent astral stalkers from hunting bladelings on occasion.

These earthen creatures have spread to planar mountains, both precipices on the edges of massive air and mist pockets on the Plane of Earth and great cross-planar peaks like Olympus and Dwarven Mountain in the Outlands.

These vegetable war machines are sometimes created by defenders of planar towns in the forests of Arborea, the Beastlands, and Outlands.

Brood Keeper
Insectoid terrors, these beasts are found on the Prime world known as the Lizard Kingdoms. Axiomatic versions of these creatures are sometimes found in the outer plane of Arcadia.

Cadaver Collector
These constructs often scour the cubes of Avalas, bringing corpses back to the generals of the plane for reanimation or, occasionally, food for the troops.

Half-dopplegangers do well in Sigil, Faunel, Xaos, Ribcage, Automata's undercity, and many other places, often joining groups of rogues and assassins. Their god, the Traveler, wanders the planes as do the changelings themselves.

These spidery vermin hunt in the polluted slums of the Hive, in Bedlam and Plague-mort, and in the wilds of the Beastlands and Carceri, among other places.

These elementals of cold are native to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, where they serve the prince of elemental evil Cryonax. Spellcasters sometimes summon them and bring them elsewhere, or Cryonax may send them on missions.

Cinder Swarm
These tiny elementals are common pests in the Elemental Plane of Fire. Sometimes they spread elsewhere, such as Sigil's Lower Ward, which has many gates to fiery regions.

Conflagration Ooze
This odd species is thought to be the result of experiments of the efreet. It is now found throughout the hot elemental planes. A variant, the infernal conflagration ooze, has been adopted by fiendish powers such as Fierana and Mephistopheles.

Most deathshriekers serve the goddess of banshees, Kiaransalee, though since his return Orcus has forced a number of them to his service.

Demon, Arrow
Arrow fiends are forced by hezrou to serve as artillary in the Blood War. Those who don't are punished by chasme or killed by molydei. They are thought to be creations of Laraie, a prince of the Plain of Infinite Portals called Lord of the Unerring Bow, though it is possible Laraie merely found them in some deeper layer.

Demon, Sorrowsworn
These tanar'ri commonly serve the Abyssal lord Raum, a grim figure called the Harbringer of the Apocalypse, and the mindless Abyssal god of madness and sloth known as Apathy. Some planar sages speculate they are tanar'ri who have been too long fighting in the Gray Waste and twisted by its hopeless nature.

Dinosaur (Battletitan, bloodstriker, fleshraker, swindlespitter)
These terrible lizards are often used as mounts and companions in the Prime world known as the Lizard Kingdoms.

These vicious predators are found in the Prime world of Rublia, as well as the Lizard Kingdoms.

Dread Blossom Swarm
In their plane of origin, the Beastlands, travelers are sometimes warned off by celestials if they have proven themselves friends to nature. On the other hand, the deadly blooms are an integral part to the Beastlands' wildness, and guardian spirits are willing to protect them against those who would destroy them for no reason. Those who show little comprehension of the Beastlands' nature are sometimes led to the dread blossoms and their death by vengeful natives of the plane, while those who fully understand the Beastlands have no need of their help.

A batallion of these watery zombies have been made into a mobile fortress of horror in the Astral's Living Sea. It must have been torn from the Bonecloud, also in the Astral, but by what agency is not known.

Dust Wight
These hateful undead are common hazards on the Plane of Dust.

Elemental, Storm
Natives to the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning, storm elementals are also found in the Elemental Plane of Air in the service of the noble djinn.

Feral Yowler
Vicious beasts, the feral yowlers are often found in the service of the dark god Malar in his realm in Carceri.

These terrible giants are found serving Karontar, god of fomorians, in his realm in Carceri. They have also been identified as slaves in the realm of the giant god Memnor in Gehenna.

Giant, Death
These giants have also been seen serving Memnor, and in the negative elemental planes. A few have joined the Dustmen in the hope of finding relief from their curse.

Giant, Eldritch
Eldritch giants are the most favored of Memnor's worshippers, honored above even the cloud giants who make up the majority of Memnor's flock.

Giant, Sand
Long time rivals of the genies, sand giants are now under a slow-acting curse give to them by the dao that inexorably turns them to stone. The youngest are still fully flesh, while the most ancient can barely move. Within a few generations, there may be no more young.

The vampiric fey known as glaistigs must sacrifice every thirteenth victim to the Queen of Air and Darkness in Pandemonium. As well as the Prime, they often live in the demiplane of Faraenyl, especially in the realm of Spring.

The anthropomorphic creatures often called ibixians are sometimes hired as guards and mercenaries in the City of Doors, and even the Blood War. They get along well with bariaurs, and can often be found carousing with them in bariaur taverns, though neither people acknowledges any blood connection between their two races.

Goblin, forestkith
Fiendish versions of this race hunt in the forests of Carceri.

Golem, Gloom
Most commonly, these constructs are creations of the night hags, who use them to guard their hordes of larvae. They have also been seen accompanying wandering baernaloths, though it isn't clear whether the baerns created them or traded secrets for them with the hags.

Golem, Alchemical
Alchemical golems have been banned in Sigil by the order of the Harmonium after several went berserk in Sigil's Alchemist Quarter in the Guildhall Ward. The Xaositects immediately purchased as many as they could, and some are still thought to lie in storage in the Hive, ready to be unleashed.

Golem, Hangman
The marilith Jaranda, mistress of the Abyssal town of Gallowsgate, uses hangman golems as enforcers of her will.

Golem, Mud
Mud golems are servants in the palace of Baron Bwimb II in the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze.

Golem, Prismatic
These constructs are creations of the quesar, who fell upon the secrets of their construction while trying to make more of their own kind.

Golem, Shadesteel
Although the alien metal used in their creation is mined on the Plane of Shadow, shadesteel golems are most commonly used by wizards on other planes. The heavy use of negative energy in their creation is evidence that their creators have a very unbalnced view of what Shadow is all about. The gnomish miners who mine the shadesteel do not share the location of their mine with outsiders, though predators of the Plane of Shadow are a problem.

Golem, Web
The secret of these constructs is held by the elves of Grandfather Tree, who guard the former home of the goddess Araushnee when she lived among the Sethanine.

These paranoid undead are remnants of an ancient humanoid race that once dwelled in fortresses in the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt. They still dwell on that plane, where they summon unwilling servants from other planes to protect them.

In his early years, the Dustman factol Skall would imprison those liches who refused to sign his Dead Pact, transforming them into grisgols. Some of these mournful spirits still serve him today.

Dao slavers forced the gulgars to flee the Plane of Earth long ago, where they took refuge in the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Mineral, the Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze, and the Material Plane. In Sigil, they have adapted well, finding employment as laborers in the Lower Ward. Some still suffer as slaves of the dao, and their exiled kin hope someday to rescue them or buy their freedom.

Harpoon spider
These pseudo-arachnids are among the terrors of the Demonweb Pits, Lolth's realm in the Abyss.

Although native to the Material Plane, harssafs are often found both that plane and the Plane of Fire as servants of the efreet. They often serve proudly in efreet armies in their wars against the djinn and rival powers of fire. In this, they are more willing and fanatical than the efreet themselves. Because hassafs are made as much of sand as flame, the dao consider them to be their rightful servants as well, and many hassafs labor for the dao as unhappy slaves. Hassafs consider themselves to be rivals of firenewts, and sometimes use zezirs (q.v.) as mounts.

Thought once to be members of the ancient race known as the vaati or the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, the justicators were transformed by a god of law in search of a breed of aasimon-like proxy who would oppose chaos in the way true aasimon oppose evil. Many gods of law now have justicator servants making trouble on the chaos planes.

Also known as tengu, kenku have networks of thieves, monks, assassins, and spies in Sigil, Union, and throughout the great planar cities. As masters of disguise they compete with dopplegangers, changelings, and protean scourges.

Bizarre ape/spider hybrids, they have been spotted in the Beastlands, and in some regions of stabilized wilderness in Limbo.

Living Spell
Also known as spellhaunts, living spells are remnants of spells that were cast someplace they shouldn't've been tried. They can be found in any place where the rules of things are strange. In fact, they can be found any place, since sometimes a spell that appears to fizzle in one plane creates a sympathetic reaction in a completely different part of the multiverse.

Lizardfolk, Blackscale
Large, barbarous humanoids, they are among the many reptillian species found on the Prime world known as the Lizard Kingdoms.

Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk
Smaller than their blackscale kin, poison dusk lizardfolk are also natives of the Lizard Kingdoms.

The lumi believe themselves to have formed from the primal light of the creation of the multiverse. Light is indistiguishable from truth in their minds, and they have made it their mission to destroy all falsehood from the multiverse. Ultimately, this means the extermination of everything outside the Positive Energy Plane and the Plane of Radiance, but for now they rally their numbers to concentrate on those who wield negative energy and shadow, and known deceivers.

The lumi respect positive energons and positive plane genasi. They dislike, but tolerate, radiance mephits. They get along well with tsnng, strangely enough, seeing the tsnng's place as manifestations of the primal sound of the multiverse's creation to be complimentary to their own natures. The tsnng, for their part, see the lumi as gullible pawns to be manipulated to their will.

The lumi are immortal unless killed, and they reproduce at a rate only matched by fire bats, facets, and kobolds.

Lurking Strangler
The tiny aberrations known as lurking stranglers are often sold as pets in the market wards of Sigil, Torch, Plague-mort, Union, Carrigmoor, and Ribcage. They don't make very good pets, unless you're a beholder, but fashionable barmies buy them anyway.

The zenthal mindshredders are smart and organized enough to occasionally bring their minions to Sigil in search of magic and slaves. No one pays them much mind.

Natives of Pandemonium, mivilorns are brought to the Abyss and the other lower planes by tanar'ri as mounts in the Blood War. Yugoloths occasionally bring them to Acheron for the same reason. Because they aren't inherently evil, they are somewhat popular as mounts even in the City of Doors and the Outlands beyond.

These undead horrors are born from the plains of bones in Thanatos, in the Abyss. They are sent forth to the Material Plane, the Outlands, Carceri, and elsewhere to kill and grow. Gamagin, lord of the Jagged Tor of the Final Reckoning, occasionally sends necronauts out with much finer precision than Orcus does, there to swallow specific targets and return.

Needletooth Swarm
These tiny dinosaurs hunt in the Prime world still called the Lizard Kingdoms.

Night twists
These leafless, nightmarish trees can survive on estates in the Gray Waste, or protecting buildings alongside Sigil's Ditch.

Some think the odopi are related to the hecatoncheires, the hundred-handers imprisoned by the titans and then the Olympians long ago. If so, they do not seem too concerned about their relations. Rarely are they seen with them, and the two races of horrors never cooperate.

Originally created during the first wars between the efreet and djinn, the omnimentals now roam the inner planes with no regard for the genies. They are pitied by other elementals, who seek to destroy them so that they can once again be seperated into their four constituent elemental spirits.

Otyugh, Lifeleech
These aberrant creatures are often found wild in Sigil's Hive Ward and along its Ditch, and in Sigil Below. In the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze they thrive in the refuse fallen through Sigil's ooze portals. They are also commonly used as guardians and garbage disposals in the City of Doors.

These tiny fey dwell throughout the faerie demiplane of Faraenyl, especially in the realm of Summer.

Plane-touched descended from phoenixes, phoelarchs wander throughout the planes of chaos and good from Limbo to Elysium. Even more so, they live in the Plane of Fire, where they aid the allies of the good archomental Zaaman Rul in opposing the efreet, salamanders, and the minions of Imix, prince of evil. In the Outer Planes, they are strong allies and friends with the githzerai. They often aid the githzerai in fighting their hereditary foes, the illithids. They will not fight the githyanki, although they will not ally themselves with them either unless they end up coincidently fighting the same group of illithids. Djinn are also fond of phoelarchs. Phoelarchs often make trips to the Lower Planes to fight baatezu.

Plague Brush
These plants are terrible natives of Carceri. On occasion they spill into Curst and Sigil; they are difficult to keep out.

Plague Spewer
These mindless undead are a recurring menace in Plague-mort, and occasionally in Sigil Below.

Protean Scourge
Fiendish in appearance, the protean scourge fits in well with the tieflings and rogues of the planes. In Sigil, their greater magical powers enable them to rise to the top of doppleganger-infested assassin groups.

These bizarre creatures wander the Outlands near Glorium, where they battle both the beholders of Gzemnid's realm and bariaurs from Ysgard.

These fey are common near incursions of the Blood War in the Lower Planes, the Outlands, and the Prime. Since the Faction War they have also occasionally appeared in Sigil, especially in the Slags.

Rakshasa, Ak'chazar
Ak'chazar go wherever rakshasa plots extend. Their home is in Acheron, but most of them train in the Three Courtly Schools, in the Celestial Bureaucracy's Fourth Court of Hell. They use their necromantic skills to create boneclaws, charnel hounds, necronauts, and more.

Rakshasa, Naztharune
Naztharune rakshasas are found throughout the planes as servants of the ak'chazar, agents of the great rajahs of their people, as allies of common rakshasas, and as masters of the criminal underworld. They are native to Acheron.

These psychotic fey often dwell in the demiplane of Faraenyl, especially in the realm of Autumn.

The reikar are native to Caina, the eighth circle of Baator. Or so they say. Perhaps they are the last creations of the Ancient Baatorians before they were frozen by the Hellfrost that consumed the layer.

Salt Mummy
These undead are common threats in the Plane of Salt, sometimes as servants of the grimwierds.

Originally from an unknown Prime, seryulins are now common mounts in the Elemental Plane of Water.

In the planes, these lycanthrope-descendants most commonly gravitate toward the Outlands town of Faunel. They are also found in the realms of lycanthropic gods like Daragor, Squerrik, Balador, Ferrix, and Eshebala.

Shimmerling Swarm
More inhabitants of the demiplane of Faraenyl, in the realm of Spring.

Deadly constructs common in Acheron, especially Ocanthus. The Doomguard made heavy use of them during the Faction War.

Shrieking Terror
A magical crossbreed of hydras and vargouilles, shrieking terrors are thought to be further experiments by Rozvankee the Strategist, or one of her students. They are growing more common both in Carceri and in the watery abyssal layer to which Rozvankee has retired.

Siege Crab
For some reason, the sea elves of Arborea have begun creating siege crabs in mass. Chant is, they're planning an invasion of Panzuriel's realm in the Gray Waste.

In Sigil, these twisted fey have learned to transform kidnapped orphans into razorvine, since razorvine is the only thorny plant that can easily survive in Sigil. Because razorvine is so virulant and ubiquitous, it is very hard to tell which plants are transformed victims of the splinterwaif and which aren't; they will often intertwine with one another overnight, disguising the features of the former mammals.
In Feyraenyl, splinterwaifs are relatively common in the realm of Autumn.

Although not native to the Elemental Plane of Earth, stonesingers are often found there, sometimes as slaves to the dao. Much more intelligent than humans, stonesingers have found their way to the outer planes, hunting dwarves and illithids in the Outlands and coming to Sigil to trade items or find work as bards.

Summoning Ooze
The bane of planewalkers, summoning oozes often snatch planar travelers from what they are doing in order to force them to fight.

The warrior-fey are found throughout the demiplane of Faraenyl, particularly in Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

These negative-energy parasites sometimes form symbiotic relationships with positive-energy creatures called shimmerskins (MMII). Trillochs feed off the ensuing death, while shimmerskins enjoy the thrill of battle.

These undead are prized by doomguard, who believe they hold the secret of degrading reality and even time itself.

Vermin Lord
These giant insectoids are found in the Prime world known as the Lizard Kingdoms, rivals to the formians who are invading the plane.

More commonly known as parai, visilights are thought by a few to be descendents of a rogue modron who evolved into something very different. Thus, each contains a piece of the energy formally controlled by the One and Prime, and each visilight destroyed returns that much more energy to the modron collective.

Voidmind Creature
These slaves of the illithids are often used to infiltrate Sigil in areas where they fear githzerai and githyanki will kill them, or in extralegal activities there. The gith races have gotten good at spotting them, however, and have lobbied the Hall of Speakers into declaring them non-people, in order that they might be killed with impunity with the full force of Sigil's law behind them.

Common in Acheron.

These reptillian humanoids are scouring the desert of Pelion, hoping to find remnants of the lost original language. In Sigil they often work as enforcers for the Sodkillers or Harmonium.

Reptillian predators of the plane of Elemental Fire, zezirs are often ridden by the harssaf.


Oct 07, 2004 23:37:44
Lots of references to Beyond Countless Doorways above, by the way.


Oct 08, 2004 1:15:49
Lots of references to Beyond Countless Doorways above, by the way.

1) You rock for the above post.

2) Damn I want BCD once it comes out in print.


Oct 08, 2004 4:54:40
1) You rock for the above post.

2) Damn I want BCD once it comes out in print.

*seconds #1*

BCD is out - holding it in my hands right now.


Oct 08, 2004 5:36:46
What immortal hand or eye
dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

I find myself smitten with the odopi.

This many-handed horror is listed as hailing from Colothys, a mountainous layer of Carceri. But I could just as easily see them rolling across the desert plane of Minethys like deranged tumbleweeds.

Their true home though should be the jungle layer of Cathrys. Man, these things were born to brachiate!

Can you just see them infesting the jungle canopy swinging from tree to tree? Reaching down from above to snatch up unsuspecting adventurers high up into the tree tops? With their many hands, they should be able to cover the mouth of any victim while they snatch him up so that he appears to his companions to have silently vanished from amidst the group...

I personally would ignore any half-speed climbing penalty for them. They should be able to move vertically up through the trees as fast as they move across the land.

And these things would be so much scarier in the darkness of a jungle than out in the open on a mountain face. Their multi-limbed silhouette would be perfect camouflage in the jungle, it would be nigh impossible to discern their shape from among all the vines and branches.

I so want to use one in my campaign somehow. I can imagine a trail-guide from Mezro telling tales of a mysterious terror brachiating through the jungles of Chult. Or a harper scout reporting how his party was devastated by some many-handed horror from above that has infested the High Forrest.

How doth the little odopi
Improve his shining nails,
And drench its fingers in the blood
of PC's it assails!

How cheerfully he seems to grin
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes little harpers in,
With gently smiling jaws!



Oct 08, 2004 22:32:01
Gray Richardson, I really like your take on the odopi. Initially, I had been thinking of them as Far Realm creatures clumsily shoehorned into Carceri to make them fit with the Great Wheel cosmology, but now I think they could fit into Carceri well.

To avoid some possible confusion, I also referred to Green Ronin's Book of Fiends Volume 2 (Armies of the Abyss) in a few places above, and the god Apathy is from Mongoose's Slayer's Guide to Demons.

I would like to add a few things:

Manufactured in large quantities for the wars in Acheron, warforged are common sights on the front lines in Avalas. In the refuse piles of Thuldanin they are almost as common; often broken and shattered warforged can be spotted among the ruins, still pathetically twitching as they slowly turn to stone.

Many decomissioned and AWOL warforged have fled to the gate town of Automata, where they make up a sizeable ethnic minority.

Rot Reaver
Centuries ago, the Incantifer faction fought a war with a rakshasa rajah and his ak'chazar lieutenants, and in the process they unveiled a new weapon they claimed to have created - rot reavers, aberrations that fed on the undying.

In the years since the Incantifers' fall beneath the shadow of the Lady of Pain, the rot reavers have spread throughout existance. Although they love to transform the living into undead delicacies, they are still driven to places haunted by negative energy - the demiplane of Moil, for example, and in the Silent Kingdom beneath Sigil. In the City of Doors they are vehemently disliked by the Dustmen - at least, as vehement as the dispassionate Dead can be about anything. Still they enter the Cage freely, and unscrupulous parties have been known to hire them there.