Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1PennarinOct 24, 2004 1:26:19 | Magic Item Descriptions This new wondrous item supplements the magic items found in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Palm Bracelets An old and enduring fashion amongst noblewoman is the wearing of hand or "slave" bracelets. This piece of jewelry, whose position on the body is over the back of the hand, is made of thin cords―either leather, metal wire or small metal chain links―that link from the wrist to one or more fingers forming a web design. Usually hand bracelets are beaded and laced, forming intricate designs. Unbeknownst to the nobility, practitionners not of etiquette but of sorcery also wear a very similar item: a palm or "master" bracelet whose position is over the palm instead of the back of the hand. While woman’s hand bracelets are often both delicate and intricate, sorcerers' palm bracelets are rather simple and sturdy. Central to these palm bracelets is a plaque―often of polished ivory or metal―fitted with a gem that enhances the power of certain spells cast. Palm Bracelet: A plaque resting in the craddle of the palm and attached to the wrist and fingers, a palm bracelet has a hole in its middle in which a gem can be mounted. A wizard with a palm bracelet and casting a spell might enhance the spell if it is of the descriptor or school that the currently mounted gem is set to enhance. Swating a mounted gem for a different one takes 1 minute. Only one gem may be fitted to a palm bracelet at a time. Although a bracelet can be worned on each hand only one can be used on each spell. Palm bracelets are considered gloves when determining how many magic items a character can wear. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 7th level; Price 16,000 Cp. Gems and Palm Bracelets Any of the following gems can be added to a palm bracelet. See page 175 of Magic of Faerûn to get examples of what gems can do and what prices they come at. Tear of Badna: Blue sapphires said to be the cobbings from the Star of Badna’s gemcutting, they come from the mines of Raam and can be bought in that city. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell with the mind-affecting descriptor cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 1,000 Cp. Corpse Stone: The bladder or kidney stones from such creatures as faels and dune runners, these smooth accretions albeit mundane in appearance are said to hold some of the power of the dead. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any necromancy spell cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 1,000 Cp. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#2PennarinOct 26, 2004 3:05:55 | ![]() No one's commenting? Qs: - Is this right for your campaign? - Have I seen too many Stargate episodes? - Have you seen Brom's drawings of wizards with rings on their middle fingers? (pages 18 & 78 of The Wanderer's Journal, in the first box; those could be double rings or loops of leather that serves to hold the palm bracelet in place...) |
#3methvezemOct 26, 2004 7:35:04 | I find the concept of palm bracelet quite interresting. Here are some more type of stones unique to Athas that can be fitted into a bracelet or used as precious stones for the next noble or high-ranking templar your players stumbles into: Lifestone: The opaque, smooth blue-green gem is said to have been formed by the immense pressure of the ancient oceans that covered part of the world in the past. Most have been found in bare stone area of the Sea of Silt where the wind has striped down the dust from the bedrock. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any transmutation spell cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 1,000 Cp. Slave Crystal: Also called Drakestones, these pearly, colorless gems are found in small groups near area devastated by the passage of the Dragon. When looked into, one seems to see small, vapor-like swirls eddying into the depths of the stone. Folklore believes that these are the imprisoned spirits of the slaves taken away by the Dragon, waiting for their total dissolution. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell with the fear descriptor cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 1,000 Cp. Dream Citrine: This rare orange amethyst is only found on the slopes near the Lake of Golden Dreams. Urikites believes that each of the gems is the crystalization of the dreams and nightmares of the people who once lived in city at the bottom of the lake. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any illusion spell cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 2,000 Cp. Fire Vermilion: Veins of this scarlet cinnabar are found in rocks surrounding the Lava Gorge. The translucent stone continues to generate heat for years after being mined and some ssuran tribes bury one, called in their language 'sasslassir', near their egg clutches believing that the nest will be blessed by brighter than usual offsprings. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell with the fire descriptor cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 500 Cp. |
#4PennarinOct 26, 2004 14:32:28 | ![]() Great fluff and names Methvezem!! More great ideas will help make this item a potential item for DS3, maybe the first ever magic item to be part of core DS3... |
#5jon_oracle_of_athasOct 29, 2004 10:15:53 | Cool concept. |
#6flipOct 29, 2004 11:20:18 | Indeed. Though I think there may be a need to think over the costs a bit more. While some of the stones apply only to spells with a certain descriptor, others apply to entire schools of magic. I think there's a pretty clear disparity between the two, which should probably be addressed with an increase in the price of the school-affecting stones. |
#7PennarinOct 29, 2004 13:19:46 | Thanks. Though it was a no-brainer really. Brom's pics of double-ringed wizards and the article in Magic of Faerûn were two things I wanted to implement for a long time, so I killed two birds with one stone. As for the prices, they're straight from Magic of Faerûn and used as a broad way of seperating the two categories of stones: inately valuable (5,000 Cp) or rare (1,000 Cp), and +2 to DC (5,000) or +1 to DC (1,000). Thinking of it you're right, there should be a third category: broad and specific in its application. For the prices I'd go from 500 Cp to the rare, specific stones to up to 5,000 Cp for the valuable, broad-effect stones. Say a stone affecting mind-affecting spells would be specific, and a stone affecting necromancy spells would be broad in effect. Also, the descriptors (besides the schools) associated with spells that a gem can enhance are those found in the PHB: acid, air, chaotic, cold, darkness, death, earth, electricity, evil, fear, fire, force, good, language-dependent, lawful, light, mind-affecting, sonic, and water. There could be three types of applications for stones: - low-price: affects a specific descriptor - medium-price: affects an entire school of magic - high-price: affects spells part of the schools listed under either the Path Dexter or Path Sinister feats; the application of the effects of the stone would be very broad, affecting 2 schools |
#8SysaneOct 29, 2004 13:29:45 | Could these palm braclets be used or applied to psionics as well? |
#9PennarinOct 29, 2004 13:32:54 | Sysane: the palm bracelet is already represented in the XPH by the Psionatrix entry. I changed the requisite spell in the creation process for a straight caster level, so now even divine spellcasters can manufacture palm bracelets. Go templars! Ok, I developped the following price formula for the stones, depending on what they enhance: Descriptor/Subschool (max 2/stone, any combination): 500 Cp each Also, here are the descriptors, schools and subschools and paths: Descriptors: As such here are the new prices: Corpse Stone: 1,000 Cp. Dream Citrine: 2,000 Cp. Fire Vermilion: 500 Cp. Lifestone: 1,000 Cp. Slave Crystal: 1,000 Cp. Tear of Badna: 1,000 Cp. |
#10methvezemNov 01, 2004 6:23:37 | During my travels across the wasteland that is my home, one thing I found that fascinated all the peoples I encountered was the beauty that seems to lie inside each gem one see. Given the rarity of precious metals, precious stones are often used as currency but lately have came aware of a more subtle use for them: to enhance one’s spell casting. After many fruitless (and dangerous) inquiries, a Veiled friend of minefinally told me of the power possessed by some beautiful stones coming from the four corners of Athas. Tralis Ruby: Once in a while, slaves quarrying obsidian on the Mountain of the Black Crown fall upon a deposit of deep, transluscent blood-red stone, the raw form of tralis ruby. Inevitably, it reaches the expert hands of the Enameser clan in Makla, a dwarven family specializing in gem-cutting since Tralis Enameser, seven generation ago, who turn uncut gems into flawless masterpieces before selling them to the higgest bidder. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any evocation spell cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 1,000 Cp. Desert Varnish, Athasian: Desert varnish areas, which are frequently discovered in the rocky badlands on the eastern side of the Ringing Mountains, are said to be the fossilized remnants of an organic taint that befell the ancients before the ancients and that begun to drink away the water from our world. While thought to be cursed and that few ever want to touch one of these rock surfaces, once a piece is polished, one get a smooth, oval stone of brown with speckled dark orange coloring. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell with the death descriptor cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 1,000 Cp. Girasol: This gem seems to have a patch of floating light inside, like a miniature yellow sun. They are more common in Balic because they are often found near the marble quarries from the Silt Side Mountains, near the dwarven village of Ledo. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any abjuration spell cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +2. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +2 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 2,000 Cp. Silk of Guthay: Contrarly to what some believe, the silk of Guthay is not an expensive fabric weared by Draji women but a grayish white pearly stone with a vague pale green shimmer just beneath the surface. It’s believed to have fallen on Athas when silk wyrms hatches on the moon Guthay, in reference to the old elven legend of Uncle Tontor. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell with the teleportation or electricity descriptor cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 500 Cp. Note : I wonder if the use of gems in a palm bracelet could be used to gain the free use of a metamagic feat like the lesser and greater metamagic rod from the accesory Tome & Blood or if a new item is more appropriate. |
#11PennarinNov 01, 2004 15:40:59 | I just thought that one stone can probably have many descriptors or subschools (but not many schools, unless its a Path stone) that it enhances, but for each the corresponding price must be paid (Descriptor/Subschool: 500 Cp, School: 1000 Cp). So a stone affecting one descriptor and a subschool would cost 1,000 Cp. |
#12PennarinNov 01, 2004 18:08:41 | At first I thought of making palm bracelets into defiler-only items that gave the use of Raze feats or that increased a defiler's abilities somehow... But would probably tell us that such items need be simple Wondrous Items, like Bracers of Archery, or a Monk's Belt, that give access to a feat you don't have or boosts one you already have. As such I gave up the idea and chose the far-better path of gems + a central item, since it does add a lot to the flavor, what with the similitude to noblewoman's fashion and the origin of the gems. Note : I wonder if the use of gems in a palm bracelet could be used to gain the free use of a metamagic feat like the lesser and greater metamagic rod from the accesory Tome & Blood or if a new item is more appropriate. Even though rods and wands are not much athasian, they still have to be used (my rendition of Dote Mal Payne uses the skull of a Gulg shaman as a wand) as they are; but one could always change their form like I did for the wand, on a case by case basis. But yeah, a kind of Monk's Belt for defilers would be a blast! |
#13PennarinNov 01, 2004 18:31:10 | Dexter Stone: Not really a gem but a rare white stone-like porous material, this stone is exclusively found on the sea bed when storms lift the silt from the ground. These stones are found attached to the sea floor, as if they had grown there long ago. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell from the path dexter (see page 31 of the DS3 core document) cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 2,000 Cp. Sinister Stone: This jagged piece of obsidian is of the highest quality and bears faint unseen resonances when shown to practitionners of the Way. Sages believe they are fragments of larger psionic items that have shattered. Mounting such a gem in a palm bracelet causes any spell from the path sinister (see page 31 of the DS3 core document) cast by the wearer to have the save DC against it increased by +1. If no saving throw applies or is allowed, it instead adds +1 to the effective caster level of the effect. Material Cost: 2,000 Cp. |
#14PennarinNov 01, 2004 19:32:33 | Ashbound Scarab Ashbound Scarab: This device appears to be a copper medallion in the shape of an agony beetle, with verdigris encrusting forming the transverse lines of the beetle’s shell. The penalties suffered to attacks, saves and skill checks for being caught in the scarab’s possessor’s defiling radius increase by one. This effect stacks with Agonizing Radius and the painful radius class ability. Plant creatures also suffer an additional 2 points of damage per spell level. This effect stacks with Exterminating Raze. If donned by a character with the life-draining radius class ability, living beings caught in the defiling radius suffer an additional 1 point of damage per level of the spell being cast. Moderate necromancy and transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, blight, symbol of pain, vampiric touch; Price 20,000 Cp. |
#15methvezemNov 02, 2004 8:41:39 | [b]Ring of the Land’s Desolation [/b] Ring of the Land’s Desolation: The first of these rings was created by Ashaam the Black, a lieutenant to the Champion Uyness of Waverly during the Cleansing Wars. Is addiction for the life energy gathered while defiling was legendary and knew no bound. This lead ring topped by a small, perfectly smooth sphere of obsidian grants the wearer the ability to gather even greater life energy from the soil and plants surrounding him. Plant creatures within the defiling radius of the ring’s possessor suffer an additional 2 hp damage per spell slot level expanded (A 0-level spell inflicts 2 hp damage). This effect stack with the Exterminating Raze feat, bringing the damage to 6 hp per spell slot level expanded (A 0-level spell inflicts 4 hp damage). Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Forge Ring, raze*; Price 15,000 Cp. * forthcoming spell, conversion of the 4th level raze spell in The Age of Heroes . PS: Take a look at the cover of Dungeon magazine 110, the sorcerer-queen possess one of your palm bracelet1 :D but with a new kind of stone that will have to be described ;) (Edit: sorry Pennarin, didnt remember that you already told the folks about this pic) PPS: Pennarin, this thread is beginning to look like an addendum to the DMG magic items section for the DS setting. |
#16PennarinNov 02, 2004 13:42:52 | Ok, you're gonna hate me Methvezem, but I simply forgot to add the damage to plant creatures in the Ashbound Scarab description... Sorry! ![]() I did a lot of Edits of the earlier posts on this thread, including adding the Dungeon Magazine pic reference (so you didn't make a mistake after all Methvezem). Just right now I edited the Scarab to add the plant damage and to repair its screwed-up aura, caster level and price. Now its more based upon the Monk's Belt. I'm still not confident about the price range of the stones. I think it should be doubled or even quadrupled. (I got no talent for judging these things, I was basing my prices on Magic of Faerûn...) P.S. Damn right. :D This is a long awaited addition to DS 3rd. (Only items I could find were those in CSoD...) |
#17methvezemNov 03, 2004 8:10:12 | Raze : Converted from The Age of Heroes Necromancy Level: Wiz 4 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Area: See text Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No This spell causes a circular area of vegetation to give up its potential for magical energies and turn to defiler’s ash. The life-draining effect causes plant creatures to suffer 2 hp of damage per level of the caster and creatures except the caster caught within the area of effect at casting time experience pain and suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks and saves, lasting one round. The area of effect is a burst 5 ft plus 5 ft per caster level in radius for a defiler and 5 ft plus 5 ft per 3 caster level for a preserver. A preserver casting this spell must make a Will Save as if he had cast a spell by defiling or become a defiler. Material Component: A handful of ash from a previous raze spell or normal defiler magic and a pinch of salt.. And two new items for the wizard who fear for is self-being (justly so ;) ) and try to not get caught casting: Necklace of Secretiveness Necklace of Secretivness: This necklace is composed of a red rectangular piece of cinnabar upon which are drawn some mystic signs attached to a few string of giant’s hair. The magic of the necklace enable the caster to use thrice per day the Silent Spell feat on any spell of 6th level or lower he can cast. The spell being silenced uses its normal spell slot and can be further augmented by other metamagic feats provided the caster uses the required spell slot. Moderate (no school); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Silent Spell; Price 21,600 Cp. Armband of Quiescence Armband of Quiescence: This bronze armband is composed of a single strand of rounded wire coiled into a double spiral of figure of eight design, each spiral tightly wrapped around itself. The magic of the armband enable the caster to use thrice per day the Still Spell feat on any spell of 6th level or lower he can cast. The spell being stilled uses its normal spell slot and can be further augmented by other metamagic feats provided the caster uses the required spell slot. The armband of quiescence take up the bracers or bracelets spot on a character Moderate (no school); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Still Spell; Price 21,600 Cp. About the pricing of the stones, I’d put the price for the palm bracelet to 16,000 Cp (spell enhancer 4th level squared x 1,000Cp) and keep their material cost as it is since, lets not forget, without the palm bracelet, these are just gems and possess no magical power by themselves, only the potential. |
#18PennarinNov 03, 2004 17:38:31 | About the pricing of the stones, I’d put the price for the palm bracelet to 16,000 Cp (spell enhancer 4th level squared x 1,000Cp) and keep their material cost as it is since, lets not forget, without the palm bracelet, these are just gems and possess no magical power by themselves, only the potential. Spell enhancer is no longer a part of the creation process. Don't forget to post your creations in the following thread when they're finished: New Items, Materials and Artefacts. |
#19PennarinNov 04, 2004 0:25:34 | Swarm Form Amulet Swarm Form Amulet: These flat iron amulets are shaped in the form of dozens of intermingled animals, usually birds, snakes or vermins. The wearer can take the form of any swarm at will, as with the swarm form† spell. (Wearers with the undead type take the form of undead swarms exclusively.) † This spell can be found on page 42 of Dragon Magazine #280. Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, swarm form; Price 23,000 Cp. |
#20jon_oracle_of_athasNov 04, 2004 2:49:52 | If this productivity rate is upkept, I'll look into the possibilities of a compilation and hosting on How does that sound? |
#21methvezemNov 04, 2004 7:54:50 | Originally Posted by Pennarin Sorry Pennarin, I was just giving the reason why I’d put the price for the palm bracelet higher. It’s the equivalent of a 16,000 Cp item and without any gem attached to it, you won’t get any bonuses. The reverse is also true, the gem without the bracelet are only worth their ordinary value since no one will be able to tap their mystic energies. Oracle, if Pennarin continue to be such a font of inspiration for me, I will do my best to bring under the light of the Dark Sun new items of power. And everyone out there, please let us know if you have created magic items from or for Athas. Thanks. [SIZE=5]Brazier of the Gray Calling [/SIZE] Brazier of the Gray Calling: This basalt brazier consist of a clawed tripod connected by a vertebral column-like support to a bowl surrounded by four equidistant skulls with green peridot gems for eyes. When burning coal and the skull of a dead intelligent creature are put into the bowl, the user can speak with dead with this creature, if it can speak and understand the language known by the creature while alive. The spirit will answer up to five questions and no matter the alignment of the user, it’s not allowed a Will save to resist the spell. The skull must be intact for the contact to be made with the spirit of the dead. The same creature cannot be spoken to more than once a week and the fire burning inside the brazier does not destroy the skull used. (An image of the brazier of Gray calling can be found on the cover of Dungeon magazine no110) Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, speak with dead; Price 25,000 Cp. [SIZE=5][color=Sienna]Figurine of Wondrous Power: Obsidian Beetle [/SIZE] [/color] Obsidian Beetle: This magical figurine functions identically to those detailed on page 256 of the DMG. When animated, an obsidian beetle transforms into a giant stag beetle under the command of its possessor. If slain the beetle cannot return for one full week. Other than that, the owner can call upon the beetle twice a week for no more than 6 hours per use. It enlarge and shrink upon speaking the command word. (An image of this figurine can be found on page 36 of the Dragon Kings hardcover) Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Price 10,000 Cp. |
#22PennarinNov 04, 2004 13:10:38 | Brazier of the Gray Calling: If it allows for 10 questions, shouldn't the CL be 20th? since the spell states 1 question/2 levels... (I might be wrong, I'm new at this) Necklace of Secretiveness & Armband of Quiescence: Take a look at the Aquamarine of Spell Extending and the Armband of Maximized Healing in Magic of Faerûn. Its nearly identical but the balance is a little different. (I suspect you did take a look though) |
#23methvezemNov 04, 2004 13:19:16 | Brazier of the Gray Calling: If it allows for 10 questions, shouldn't the CL be 20th? since the spell states 1 question/2 levels... (I might be wrong, I'm new at this) Oops, my mistake. I think I must have read the contrary (2 questions/1 level). I'll edit my post thanks. And I am as new as you at this magic item creation, and one of the thing I have found hard to get correct is the pricing. Personnaly I go by comparison with already existing item and with the (somewhat vague ![]() Necklace of Secretiveness & Armband of Quiescence: Take a look at the Aquamarine of Spell Extending and the Armband of Maximized Healing in Magic of Faerûn. Its nearly identical but the balance is a little different. (I suspect you did take a look though) You are right, I did look into my books for inspiration (including Magic of Faerûn ;) ) but also the Tome&Blood accessory for the metamagic feat rod of silence . That must be why I came with a different balance. I even found the Stole of Mercy from Spells&Magic by Bastion Press. In fact, I was looking for items giving the use of metamagic feats for the user and I wanted my item to help wizard ply their trade in cities and village without being discovered by the somewhat mundane objects they carried. I also needed items that had a correlation with the power given as a necklace for the verbal component of the spells and the armband for the somatic one. Hope it helps you understand my approach for these two items. (And you should see the piles of book I reference and use during these creation, everywhere around my computer...) |
#24PennarinNov 04, 2004 13:39:13 | Heheh! Wanna trade pics of our mutual computer environments?! Necklace of Secretiveness & Armband of Quiescence: You increased the price range to account for passing from 1/day to 3/day (shouldn't you triple it instead of double it?), but the Magic of Faerûn ones have a CL of 17th, while yours have 7th. Btw the metamagic rods are now in the DMG. ______________________________________ The following item appears in another thread but I've updated it: Orb of Storms, Athasian This orb is an athasian variant upon the standard orb of storms found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Orb of Storms, Athasian: This glass sphere is 8 inches in diameter. The possessor can call forth all manner of weather, even supernaturally destructive storms. Once per day she can call upon the orb to use control weather or control wind. Once per week she can use either glass storm or sirocco. Once per month she can conjure a storm of vengeance. The possessor of the orb is continually protected by an endure elements effect and a limited eye of the storm effect that protects only the possessor. Strong varied; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather, control wind, endure elements, eye of the storm, glass storm, sirocco, storm of vengeance; Price 65,000 Cp. Weight 6 lb. |
#25methvezemNov 05, 2004 6:44:19 | Necklace of Secretiveness & Armband of Quiescence: You increased the price range to account for passing from 1/day to 3/day (shouldn't you triple it instead of double it?), but the Magic of Faerûn ones have a CL of 17th, while yours have 7th. Let me see: Necklace of Secretiveness: CL 7th; 6th lvl-, 3/day, Silent Spell any spell; 12,000 Cp. Armband of Quiescence: CL 7th; 6th lvl-, 3/day, Still Spell any spell; 12,000 Cp. Armband of maximized healing: CL 17th; 1/day 6th lvl-, Maximize Spell conjuration (healing); 7200 gp Aquamarine of spell extending: CL 17th; 1/day 6th lvl-, Extend Spell any spell, 7200 gp Metamagic feat rod of silence; CL 17th; 3/day 6th lvl-, Silent Spell any spell, Strong (no school); 11,000 gp (normal) I guess I ‘ve seen CL 7th while it should have been CL 11th (see below). I will keep moderate (no school) but I think that 12,000 Cp is about in the same range as 11,000 gp for the metamagic rod of silence (same number of uses per day for the same spell level). I will lower it back to 11,000Cp to keep them in line with the rod. Btw, I remember now why CL 7th: it’s the minimum level before you can get Craft Wondrous Item but CL 11th is more fitting because it is the level a wizard is able to cast 6th level spells (as opposed to 17th level wizard for 9th level spells, as a greater metamagic rod is capable of enhancing) You’re constructive criticism and questionning is always welcome is I try to keep the items I create balanced and logical vs those already existing. I also see that you've changed the price for the palm bracelet to 16,000 Cp, glad to be of any help ![]() Cassock of Ordinance Cassock of Ordinance: This brocade templar’s cassock is sewn with the symbol of the sorcerer-monarch’s templarate. Any person found in possession of such a cassock without being a member of the templarate will be hunted down and given an exemplary punishment, often in public, therefore adding to the fear of those normally wearing these cassocks. The magic of the cassock give the wearer a +10 competence bonus to Intimidation checks, and the use of doom at will, hold person three time per day, and greater command once per day, all of these as cast by a 10th level templar. The cassock of ordinance take up the robe spot on a character Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, scare, doom, hold person, greater command; Price 42,000 Cp. [FONT=Papyrus]Jug of Clear Water [/FONT] Jug of Clear Water: This ordinary looking sandstone water jug causes any liquid put into it to be cleared of any poison and impurities, making it safe for consumption. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, purify food and drink; Price 2,000 Cp; Weight: 5 lb. |
#26PennarinNov 05, 2004 19:42:28 | I guess I ‘ve seen CL 7th while it should have been CL 11th (see below). I will keep moderate (no school) but I think that 12,000 Cp is about in the same range as 11,000 gp for the metamagic rod of silence (same number of uses per day for the same spell level). I will lower it back to 11,000Cp to keep them in line with the rod. Btw, I remember now why CL 7th: it’s the minimum level before you can get Craft Wondrous Item but CL 11th is more fitting because it is the level a wizard is able to cast 6th level spells (as opposed to 17th level wizard for 9th level spells, as a greater metamagic rod is capable of enhancing) Craft Wondrous Item (prerequisite: caster level 3rd) Craft Rod (prerequisite: caster level 9th) Both lesser and greater rods have a 3/day use. Both lesser and greater rods require caster level 17th to craft. Both the Armband of Maximized Healing & the Aquamarine of Spell Extending have a 1/day use. Both the Armband of Maximized Healing & the Aquamarine of Spell Extending require caster level 17th to craft. Both those items have a price of 7,200 gp, while a Rod of Silence of corresponding power has a price of 11,000 gp. Well, I don't know about you but this is funky WotC requirements and pricing. The only conclusion I can draw is that an item that allows at least 1/day free metamagic alteration to spells requires caster level 17th to craft, and that a wondrous item doing the same job as a rod should cost more because the Craft Wondrous Item feat can be had earlier that the Craft Rod feat and that the rod feat is more limited in scope than the wondrous item feat (thus one can refrain from spending a feat to build rods by building a similarly working wondrous item). |
#27methvezemNov 07, 2004 18:17:53 | Here is my latest version for the caster level and pricing of the necklace of secretivness and the armband of quiescence (the post containing the information on both item is already edited). necklace of secretivness CL 17th; 21,600 Cp armband of quiescence CL 17th; 21,600 Cp Caster Level is more on par with the one of comparable items while 21,600 Cp is for 3 uses per day, if you can get one for 7,200 Cp. Parching Weapon Melee weapon special ability: Parching: When a parching weapon strikes an opponent, it drains the water from its body. The opponent is dealt +1d6 points of subdual damage and is considered fatigued as if he was suffering from thirst. He must drink the necessary amount of water or make a Fortitude save each following hour (DC10, +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d6 points of subdual damage. Further hit to the same opponent deal the subdual damage and increase the DC of the Fortitude check by +2. Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armors, sunstroke; Price +1 bonus. |
#28methvezemNov 08, 2004 7:25:00 | Here's another weapon ability very useful on Athas [FONT=Papyrus][SIZE=5]Shattering Weapon [/SIZE] [/FONT] Melee weapon special ability: Shattering: This enchantment is only found on slashing or bludgeonning metal weapons. A shattering weapon works only against weapons made of bone, stone and wood. When the wielder attempt to sunder an opponent’s weapon, he is considered to possess the Improved Sunder feat. The wielder and the defender make opposed rolls as normal but if the attacker succeeds, the defender’s weapon is automatically destroyed and rendered useless. Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armors, shatter; Price +1 bonus. |
#29PennarinNov 08, 2004 11:18:51 | Warding Necklace The defiler of the Black Sand Raiders tribe, Fevil, possesses an exemplar of this item that he has been using to pay regular visits to the creature that dwells in the ruins under the camp, the raaig known as Er'Thork. Warding Necklace: This necklace is made out of a series of small parallel bones tied together with dried sinew, with a black ivory medaillon shaped into a screaming skull. Upon command the magic of the necklace renders the wearer immune to incorporeal and semi-corporeal touch attacks and their effects for 24 hours. Once activated it needs 24 hours of inactivity before reactivation. Moderate abjuration and faint necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Persistent Spell, ectoplasmic armor†, halt undead; Price 20,000 Cp. † This spell can be found in Chapter 4 of Libris Mortis. |
#30methvezemNov 09, 2004 7:01:04 | Upon command the magic of the necklace wards the wearer against incorporeal attacks of undead with the incorporeal subtype for 24 hours. The wording seems almost correct, I refered to the MM creature with the incorporeal subtype (allip, ghost, shadow, spectre and wraith) and the undead from Terrors of the Dead Lands and I would go with this wording: [INDENT]Upon command the magic of the necklace render immune the wearer to incorporeal and semi-corporeal touch attacks and their effects for 24 hours.[/INDENT] Another possible name : Necklace of Discarnate Presence? The feat for a 24 hour spell is Persistent Spell (Tome and Blood accessory) which use a spell slot 4 level higher than the spell's actual level. The CL will be at least 13th level because halt undead is a 3rd level spell made Persistent so 7th level minimum caster level needed: 13th. Don't know about the level of ectoplasmic armor so can't be of any help for that one. |
#31methvezemNov 09, 2004 12:54:45 | The Black Portal The Black Portal: Few of these items are known to exist, most often found in the possession of reclusive shadow wizards. They appear to be deep blue-black cube 3 inches to the side and inscribed with mystical sigil. The cube is carved from the fused bones of at least two shadow giant and drenched at creation in the blood of a Black-infused creature. When the Black Portal is used, cold, black fumes flow out from the sides. The Black Portal use the spell trigger activation method and possess 50 charges when created. It has an AC of 9, 30 hit points, a hardness of 6 and a break DC of 24. The cube allows the use of the following spells: [INDENT]Animate shadow (1 charge) Armor of darkness (1 charge) Claws of darkness (1 charge) Shade’s sight (1 charge) Shadow shield (1 charge) Curtain of darkness (2 charges) Shadow storm (2 charges) Shadow walk (2 charges, holder move into the Black)[/INDENT] While the portal has charges left and the possessor hold it in his hand, he is immune to cold and can use change the size of existing shadow from 1/10 to 10 times its normal size as distort shadow at will. The Black Portal is surrounded at all times by an unnatural aura like the one surrounding a Black-touched creature. Both wild and domesticated animals can sense the unnatural presence of the portal at a distance of 10 feet. They do not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within range. Strong varied; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate shadow*, armor of darkness† , claws of darkness† , curtain of darkness*, distort shadow*, protection from energy, shade’s sight*, shadow shield#, shadow storm*, shadow walk; Price 148,000 Cp; Weight 3 lbs. † These spells can be found in Chapter 2 of Forgotten Realm Campaign Setting; * These spells can be found in Relics & Rituals; # This spell can be found in Dragon #322 page 67. |
#32methvezemNov 10, 2004 8:14:43 | Here's a psionic item for those who are often embroiled and engage in the city-states power games: Sycophant Vestment Sycophant Vestment: This fine attire is woven from the highest quality cloth most often used by the rich and powerful of the city where it was created. It is worn primarly by nobles and templars who often engage in intrigue with their political opponents. While worn it adjust the attitude of everyone encountering by the wearer by one step in a positive direction and gives a +10 competence to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. The wearer can also make a psionic suggestion once per day with the subject being entitled to a Will save DC 15. Faint telepathy; ML 3rd; Craft Universal Item, psionic suggestion, telempathic projection; Price 14,000 Cp. |
#33PennarinNov 10, 2004 8:55:23 | I suggest making the robe a psionic item instead, so using it, creating it and paying for it is less of a crime/heresy. About the urikite silk: you're better off making it raamin silk from the queen's silk worms. Plus, the vizier class wears silk clothing, so... Denier’s Pipe Denier’s Pipe: This small ivory blowpipe is delicately carved in the form of a gasping figure with hands at its throat, its angled mouth serving as the blowpipe’s mouth. When defiler’s ash is inserted in the tube it becomes a powerful sorcerous poison. If blown on a wizard it causes the loss of the ability to gather or access energy, no matter the source, for 1 hour. A wizard is entitled to a DC 19 Will save to negate the effect. When attempting to blow the ash on a target, treat the blowpipe as a blowgun with half the range. Filling a blowpipe is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Strong abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field; Price 100,000 Cp; Weight 2 lb. |
#34methvezemNov 10, 2004 13:42:36 | Pennarin, about Denier's pipe: Do you need to make a ranged touch attack to hit the opponent wizard? if yes, is there a penalty to aim for exposed flesh? Just to be sure, does it prevent the gathering of energy from living sources only, by preserving or defiling, or also from the Gray and the Black? Shadow wizards, necromants and ceruleans could still cast with their alternate sources but not by normal means. |
#35PennarinNov 10, 2004 15:14:21 | I cleared up the text, made it more apparent that the application of the ash is made through treating the pipe as a blowgun, thus making an attack roll, etc... "the loss of the ability to gather energy, no matter the source" <-- Pretty clear already. ![]() Mmm, make the robe a vestment, more appropriate for a large population of rich and influential folk: besides, vestments can basically look like anything while as for robes... Also, Veiled Alliance says only the vizier caste dresses in silk. Noblemans and others dress in inferior materials. |
#36PennarinNov 11, 2004 6:13:31 | Methvezem, here's a description for an item I find too cool to erase, yet I can't fathom what it would be used for... Wanna help? You can change any part of it, any at all, as long as it ends up being useful. This round metal plate, usually made of a precious metal with a high melting point, has a square depression in the middle of one side. This item is used by wizards who want to carry on the very flesh of their body the spells in their repertoire. Before activating it, the user must first scribe the spell he wishes to inscribe upon himself on a piece of parchment or vellum, roll it into a scroll and place it vertically on the plate. Lighting afire the scroll lets the ashes come down on the plate. Then the user applies a small red hot branding iron to the depression in the plate. As the tip of the iron touches the plate it molds itself into a square that contains a single mystical symbol representing the spell that was burned. If this iron is applied to the flesh of the person who wrote on the scroll then it leaves a small branding half an inch on the side. The wizard can then read the mark with its eyes or by passing its fingers over it. |
#37methvezemNov 11, 2004 6:13:35 | I changed the text to reflect a vestment that could be from and used anywhere without looking too suspicious. I thought that the term gathering energy was refering mostly to plant energy, not cerulean energy, Gray energy or Black energy and that's why I wanted to be sure. ;) For the item you suggested, the first thing that come to mind is a way to pass the Green Test for a defiler without defiling while casting a spell. Could be used by myrmeleon to infiltrate Alliance chapters. |
#38methvezemNov 11, 2004 7:58:07 | An item found in The Obsidian Oracle, used by Tithian and his balikite pawns: [b]King’s Eye King’s Eye:[/b] This large flatten cone of solid glass is used by putting the broad end of the cone in front of one’s eyes. It is used by officiers of the balikite silt fleet to see through the silt haze on windy days across the Sea of Silt but also by land travelling caravan masters who get caught in a sandstorm and want to get an unobscured view of their surrounding. The user of the king’s eye gain normal and low-light vision regardless of the atmospheric condition prevailing around him. Moderate divination; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Price 6,000Cp; Weight: 1 lb. I will also try to come up with a psionic version of the shipfloater dome from the same book. ![]() |
#39PennarinNov 11, 2004 9:04:19 | This is the metal thingny I was talking about. Thanks Methvezem! King’s Boon King’s Boon: The crafting secrets of this item are known only to templars and royal defilers who use it to better infiltrate the Veiled Alliance. This smooth, palm-sized bronze disk has a bulge at the center of one side, about an inch in width. To activate its magic one must put the disk on a flat surface, bulge-side up, place a rolled-up magic scroll upright on it and light it afire; the scroll burns unnaturally fast and hard, quickly becoming ashes. Removing the ashes reveals the bulge to be red-hot and boasting a mystic rune. If the bulge is applied on a creature within 5 rounds of the scroll’s burning it brands the creature's flesh with the rune. Only a creature with an Intelligence score of at least 5 and a Wisdom score of at least 9 can be so branded. The creature gains the use of the scroll that was burnt on the disk as if it were using an actual scroll, by touching the brand; after activation the brand dissapears. Treat activating the brand as activating a scroll (the requirements for activating a scroll still apply). Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability; Price 56,000 Cp; Weight: 2 lb. |
#40methvezemNov 12, 2004 7:59:04 | An item for kreen-hating elves everywhere... [FONT=Papyrus]De’utko Armor [/FONT] De’utko armor: This elven suit of armor, which name means sleepless in their tongue, is fashioned from the chitinuous shells of slain thri-kreen by the tribe's best artisan. It is etched with marking symbolizing the glory of the hunt and slaying of the hated insect-men. Only kreen slayers done this armor to hunt and protect their tribes for long periods of time, without fear of letting their guards down in face of the sleepless mantis warrior. This +2 improved silent moves chitin armor free the wearer of all spells and effects that restricts his movement and gives the benefit of sleep immunity (as the thri-kreen ability) for 7 days + Constitution modifier in days after which 8 hour of sleep is needed before beginning anew. A spellcasting or manifesting wearer must rest as usual each time he want to prepare new spells or regain spent power points. Strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an elf, freedom, silence, wakefulness ; Price 68,250 Cp; Weight: 25 lb. |
#41PennarinNov 14, 2004 11:02:50 | Add the spell wakefulness or dedication, from DS3, as a requirement for the armor. Nah, no need for a ring of sorcerous knowledge when one thinks of it. Oh well, if someone really wants to get himself all four rings of wizardry he just gotta take the Extra Rings feat from Eberron. :D |
#42PennarinNov 15, 2004 7:39:15 | Ok, I think my ring is not worth it and broken. Ring I is too costly for low-level increases in power, and ring II, being over 200,000 Cp in cost is automatically an epic item... If no one gives suggestions as to how to fix this then I'll edit-out the item. |
#43methvezemNov 15, 2004 8:22:38 | Sure I'll give a suggestion before it's too late because maybe your ring can still be saved by making it a little less powerful, but not much. Mnemonic enhancer is a level 4 spell that allows you to prepare up to three additional levels of spells. The spells prepared fade after 24 hours if not cast. It could be reworked to allow a certain number of spell slot per day to be utilized without giving necessarly the double of each level. Perhaps one or two spell slot for each applicable level would be enought and not that costly. So Ring I for 0 and 1st level spells and Ring II for 2nd and 3rd level spell? |
#44PennarinNov 15, 2004 8:57:38 | Ok, the idea was to squeeze a maximum number of rings of wizardry into a few rings. The same would be done with rings of epic wizardry. The option you gave, of giving a few bonus slots a day for each applicable level, does seem reasonnable but is dearly underpowered compared to rings of wizardry. But it might make a cool item if it cost less and required a lower CL than an actual ring of wizardry. I'll look into it. Thanks. |
#45methvezemNov 15, 2004 9:15:07 | Hope you can get something done with these rings of yours (The Ring of Wizardry I to IV were a long way out of my mind when a replied to your post ![]() I've added wakefulness to the requirements of the de'utko armor. Thanks ![]() Do you think that since DS is so interwined with psionics, it'd be ok to put universal (psionic) items into our creation list? The sycophant vestment is already present but as you remarked, many magic items would be considered illegal or heresy within the villages and the city-states, if not the wilderness. I was also thinking about the shipfloater dome which will be an universal item. ...and an item for the tempesting ceruleans: [FONT=Papyrus][color=Sienna]Fulgurite Pendant[/color][/FONT] Fulgurite Pendant: This pendant is made of multiple gold wires circling a two-inch long piece of blue-green with rust colored specks fulgurite: sand fused into glass by the power of a Tyr Storm’s lightnings. A cerulean can use the pendant as a focus which causes any spell he cast with the electricity descriptor to have the save DC against it increased by +1. It can also be used as a spell trigger item to cast shocking grasp three times per day, a shatter resembling a thunderclap once per day and chain lightning once per week. Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, chain lightning, shatter, shocking grasp; Price 16,000 Cp. ![]() |
#46PennarinNov 15, 2004 11:27:30 | Sure. Shurn-out any kind of item you feel like creating, psionic or otherwise. Why not an item combining magic & psionics if the fluff is good enough... Concerning the the shipfloater dome, you got the Dragon Magazine issue that described the item and the spell, right? "A spellcasting or power-using wearer must rest as usual each time he want to prepare new spells or regain used power points." = A spellcasting or manifesting wearer must rest as usual each time he want to prepare new spells or regain spent power points. The Fulgurite Pendant rocks man! ![]() [EDIT] Damn, sound burst is a Brd/Clr spell, thus it would take a cleric on Athas to cast it, while this item is for cerulean wizards... Maybe changing it to some other similar spell? |
#47methvezemNov 15, 2004 12:08:54 | Concerning the the shipfloater dome, you got the Dragon Magazine issue that described the item and the spell, right? I've got every Dragon Magazine issues since number 177 + 75 other various issue + Dragon Magazine CD-ROM, how can I have missed that! I don't remember seeing the... It's coming back right now, its the article about sailing the seas of silt. I've got to read that article and see if there something salvageable for us ![]() "A spellcasting or power-using wearer must rest as usual each time he want to prepare new spells or regain used power points." = A spellcasting or manifesting wearer must rest as usual each time he want to prepare new spells or regain spent power points. I edited the phrase and added a link to the fulgurite pendant that inspired me to create this item :D I also replaced the spell sound burst by shatter: same level but not the same caster list, and the sonic descriptor (for the thunderclap) stays. Finally, do you keep or ditch the Rings of sorcerous knowledge? |
#48PennarinNov 15, 2004 12:53:31 | Nah, I scrapped it. It was munckinism anyway. On the other hand I'm trying to find a way to better the black portal cause I think its partly lacking somehow, but its one of the most evocative item we came up with. I hope you're receptive! ![]() |
#49methvezemNov 15, 2004 12:58:40 | I hope you're receptive! Yes I am as always open for the betterment of our project :D I'm also reworking the black portal to give it more appropriate powers and abilities. Have you seen the spell Pact of Darkness in D&P p81? Could be used for inspiration or for a conversion. |
#50PennarinNov 15, 2004 13:06:42 | Heheh, I asked a question about this very spell a few moments ago in the Ask thread! Same line of thinking here! The black portal needs a central ability. I'm thinking something related to...portals? Either it allows for creating a pact as if the spell had been cast or it gives you the service of a shadow giant, say for one hour per month. |
#51PennarinNov 15, 2004 15:00:46 | The Bold proper names in the item descriptions mean that the characters in question appear in Faces of Athas (well, it will in the future :D). Major Artifact Descriptions These new major artifacts replace those found in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Animus Circlet Animus Circlet: This minor artifact is an ivory and white onyx circlet worn around the neck, with a bronze clasp and hinge. Created by the sorceress Amiska half a King’s Age ago, the circlet was given as a gift to the Veiled Alliance of Tyr. The artifact vanished with its wearer a few years afterward in suspicious circumstances. The organization considers them lost. The wearer was in fact intercepted by the Order, informed by the city’s local member on the nature of a strange new psionic creation in the hands of the Alliance. Comprised of psionic purists, the Order protects the dogmatic truth of learning and growing into one’s own psionic power with zeal, often hunting down psionic abominations and destroying or putting away psion or sorcerer’s foul inventions, which was the case for the Animus Circlet. The preserver’s body was disposed of and the circlet spirited away in the vaults of the Order, never to see the light of day. For those who put on the circlet, all psionic classes become favored classes. Also, if for a reason or another the wearer has a penalty to XP while advancing in a psionic class, it sees its penalty erased as long as experience is gained while the circlet is in its possession. The penalty to XP is not lifted if advancing in a psionic prestige class. Strong psychometabolism; ML 20th; Weight 1 lb. Korgunard’s Annulus This item is based off of descriptions found on pages 66-67 of Dragon Magazine #284. Korgunard’s Annulus: Known simply as Korgunard’s Annulus, this device is a solid round bar of silver two feet in length whose extremities nearly join in a closed circle. On its surface are carved intricate flowing figures of mythical beings part human, part cloud. This is the only artifact that Korgunard ever crafted, using an ancient relic of the time of the Great Pantheon, a gift from Oronis. The object had been unearthed long ago from the elven ruins open which Oronis’ city was built. Since the death of Korgunard, the Annulus as been in the hands of a brown elf named Xaymon, a preserver apprentice of Korgunard, now on the run from Hamanu’s forces, hiding in the avangion’s secret retreat. Wielding the Annulus by its middle reveals its properties to a user without the taint of defilement. At its most basic it is a spellbook of spells meant to rejuvenate nature and reinforce it. The spells are divine in nature, but count as arcane for the owner. The spells cannot be learned but can be prepared as with any arcane spell using the Annulus as a spellbook, by holding it and concentrating. It contains the following spells: create water, nurturing seeds, plant renewal, purify food and drink and rejuvenate. Arguably its greatest power is insight. Someone who has owned the Annulus for a year starts to occasionally and inexplicably gain flashes of insight about past, present, and future events when dreaming (a character immune to sleep might gain the flashes if it concentrates in calm for an hour). This ability cannot be controlled and serves as a plot device. Ultimately, the artifact is meant to facilitate the transition into an avangion. Oronis, unwilling to give a copy of the metamorphosis spell to any other student after the death of Nerad, was convinced by Korgunard to inscribe the spell into the item that would later become the Annulus. Any good-aligned owner of the Annulus, provided he meets the spell’s requirements, can at any time initiate the casting of the [insert name of the first avangion metamorphosis spell] spell, requiring the artifact as a spell focus. But the knowledge of the spell is not imparted on the owner, and as such can’t be learned or copied to another medium. Overwhelming divination, transmutation and psychometabolism; CL 20th; ML 20th; Weight 10 lb. Veiling Amulet Veiling Amulet: This unique item is a piece of copper cut into the shape of Farcluun’s personal arcane mark and attached to a bandoleer. Farcluun created the Amulet as an attempt to hide himself from the eyes of the Sorcerer-Monarchs and the Order. With a mental command it can shroud the wearer in a glamour that functions exactly like the permanent image spell; the nature of the glamour can be changed as a free action once per round. Spells and powers able to see through illusions, such as true seeing, do not reveal the glamour. Furthermore the artifact hides the alignment and level of the wearer as per the power aura alteration; the apparent level of the wearer can be made higher by a number equal to one-half the wearer’s character level (rounded down) or lowered as many levels as desired. The auras of items, or of permanent powers or spells on the wearer’s person, Amulet included, can also be masked if so desired. Emanations such as abilities or spells that generate auras, like an arch defiler’s tainted aura, are blocked. The subject is also under the protection of a mindblank effect. Metafaculty can pierce the protective quality of the Amulet but only if the character attempting to obtain information from the wearer succeeds at a caster or manifester level check against a DC of 11 + the item’s caster or manifester level (as appropriate), or the wearer’s if its higher. Overwhelming illusion and clairsentience; CL 20th; ML 20th. |
#52methvezemNov 16, 2004 0:47:40 | Mmm, Impressive! I think I will rework a little your Ring of Sorcerous Knowledge, the name's too good to be wasted but it will be much less powerful, inspired by mnemonic enhancer, if you don't mind. About the Black portal, I was thinking about you get the ability to summon a shadow giant but you must deal with him, by giving him obsidian balls for exemple, before he perform services for you, negociable after a certain amount of time. Kinda like the relationship between Umbra and Maetan of Family Lubar in The Crimson Legion. The shadow giant called is always the same until slain and the portal offer no protection to the user in case of enmity between them. Ideas, ideas... |
#53methvezemNov 16, 2004 7:28:10 | Here's a reviewed version of the ring of land's desolation: [b]Torc of the Land’s Desolation Torc of the Land’s Desolation:[/b] This item is made of the intertwined supple branches, or hard and twisted brambles, from a plant that turned into an undead creature after having been almost destroyed thanks to the actions of a defiler. It is worned around the neck or upper arm. Plant creatures caught within the defiling radius of the torc’s wearer suffer an additional 2 hp damage per spell level. This effect stacks with the Exterminating Raze feat. Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, blight; Price 2,000 Cp. Thanks Pennarin |
#54methvezemNov 16, 2004 8:02:28 | Her's a first version of the shipfloater dome (tried not to complicate things too much while keeping the flavor) : [b]Obsidian Engine Obsidian Engine:[/b] The obsidian engine, also called the shipfloater dome, is the central part of a psionic-powered silt skimmer, keeping it from sinking into the dust. It’s a flawless, symetrical piece of obsidian, most of the time a half-sphere, located in the middle of the deck of the ship, from which a psionic web of thread-sized invisible conduits radiate to cover the entire hull. For as long as a psionically focused creature touch the engine, it enable a skimmer with up to 5000 lbs of cargo (not including the weight of the engine) to stay afloat on silt and generate a movement rate of up to 60 feet per round. The engine absorb one power point from the user for 10 minutes of utilization. The last power point spent without renewal will cause the ship to slowly sink in the silt over next minute as more and more energy is dissipated within the psionic conduits. If the user stop touching the engine or lose its psionic focus, the ship stop moving and began to sink over the next minute. The user can also send mass missive at will with other users of obsidian engines present within a mile radius. Strong psychokinesis; ML 15th; Craft Universal Item, mass missive, psionic telekinetic sphere; Price 175,000 Cp; Weight: 1,000 lbs. (Freely inspired by the works of Denning and Stigliano) |
#55methvezemNov 16, 2004 8:26:12 | The new version I came up with for the ring of sorcerous knowlege: [b]Circlet of Sorcerous Knowledge Circlet of Sorcerous Knowledge: [/b] This plain looking circlet is useful only to wizards, and often used as another method by royal agents to infiltrate the Veiled Alliance. The wearer gain the use of three additional levels worth of specific arcane spells per day. The energy utilized by these spell is gathered when the wizard stores the chosen spells in the circlet. Cantrips counts as one-half level for this purpose. Casting a stored spell is a move-equivalent action provoking an attack of opportunity. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer; Price 56,000 Cp. |
#56PennarinNov 16, 2004 10:11:21 | The storing of previously gathered life energy is already expressed by the Myrmeleon's Orb of Energy, which is a class ability. Wouldn't the end result be similar if the ring confered spell-like abilities? Something like...a wizard prepares his spells for thew day. That done, he transfers three spell levels out of those prepared spells into the ring. The magic of the ring allows the prepared spells to be cast without energy being needed*. * Or maybe the ring, well, another type of item would be better, could allow the defiler to cast as a preserver for a number of spell levels per day? |
#57methvezemNov 16, 2004 13:14:57 | Didn't do my homework here, I hadn't read about the myrmeleon PrC in the PrC document. Done so and the ring is really the same as the orb of power so I'll go with your last idea for an item replacing it: This new cursed item complement those found in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. [b]Specific cursed item Bracelet of Life Bracelet of Life:[/b] This wide inix-leather bracelet has finger length splinters of agafari wood woven into it. It is used by druid to hinder unrepentant defiler from destroying nature. Since then, it has been donned willingly by royal agents to help infiltrate Veiled Alliance cells. A defiler casting a spell while wearing this bracelet is prevented from taking too much energy from the surrounding plant life. He does not defile while casting his spells but suffer from a –1 penalty to caster level. He cannot extend the casting time of her spells nor use any Raze feats. The bracelet can only be removed by a druid or by the wearer receiving a remove curse. Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, conversion; Price 4,000 Cp. |
#58PennarinNov 16, 2004 16:29:18 | Wow, that cursed bracelet is a must for every myrmeleon agent! |
#59jon_oracle_of_athasNov 16, 2004 17:30:18 | Nice work, guys. Keep it up. |
#60methvezemNov 16, 2004 23:40:33 | Wow, that cursed bracelet is a must for every myrmeleon agent! Do you think the bracelet of life should be of a higher price or with a -2 caster level penalty? I based myself on the value of the cursed item in the DMG and came up with 4,000 Cp as its less powerful than a robe of powerlessness (5,500 gp). But since it can be only be made by druids, perhaps the cost is not too far off. Questions?, questions?...always. ![]() Nice work, guys. Keep it up. Nowhere near finishing, eh Pennarin? :D |
#61jon_oracle_of_athasNov 17, 2004 3:44:08 | But since it can be only be made by druids, perhaps the cost is not too far off. As far as I know, prerequisites do not affect the item creation cost directly. |
#62methvezemNov 17, 2004 6:32:27 | As far as I know, prerequisites do not affect the item creation cost directly. I was thinking more about the rarity and the disponibility of the bracelet. Every myrmeleon wants one but it's relatively rare since it take a druid to create one, and they won't do it out of generosity toward any asking defiler, so perhaps the price can be higher to reflect this. |
#63methvezemNov 17, 2004 7:19:05 | [b]Hullan’s Tar Sphere Hullan’s tar sphere:[/b] This warm 4-inches glass sphere is filled with tar taken from the bubbling pits near Giustenal. When successfully thrown at an opponent as a ranged touch attack, the sphere breaks and boiling tar engulf the target, causing him 2d6 points of fire damage in the first round and 1d6 points of fire damage for the next 5 rounds. In addition, the target is considered under the effect of the slow spell for the same length of time. Moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball, slow; Price 1,575 Cp; Weight: 2 lb. |
#64jon_oracle_of_athasNov 17, 2004 8:31:24 | I was thinking more about the rarity and the disponibility of the bracelet. Every myrmeleon wants one but it's relatively rare since it take a druid to create one, and they won't do it out of generosity toward any asking defiler, so perhaps the price can be higher to reflect this. The market price as listed in the magical/psionic item description should not account for rarity or other factors than those in the item creation formulaes. Period. If a DM wants to inflate the price, that's his decision. |
#65methvezemNov 17, 2004 12:34:00 | All of the items I provided so far have a price based strictly on the power they provide and the power of already existing items of the DMG. When I can, I also use the guidelines provided there. So I will keep the cost as it is, unless I found that it's too high or low for the power of the item. ![]() |
#66jon_oracle_of_athasNov 17, 2004 16:08:55 | Then we agree! |
#67methvezemNov 18, 2004 8:51:28 | Here's an universal item for (psionic) cat lovers: [b]Cloak of the Tagster Cloak of the Tagster:[/b] This short cloak is made from the spotted, yellowish-brown pelt of a tagster. It is often found in the possession of bards who uses its power to fulfil some darker contracts. It allows the wearer to land on its feet as per the catfall (20 ft) power at will and bestow a +10 competence bonus to Balance and Jump check. In addition, the cloak grant the ability to transform the wearer's hands into claws of the beast once per day for up to five hours, each dealing 1d6 points of damage, and use cloud mind, once per day, on one creature for up to 5 minutes. These three powers can be used as swift action. Faint telepathy; CL 5th; Craft Universal Item, catfall, claws of the beast, cloud mind; Price 78,000 Cp. |
#68PennarinNov 18, 2004 9:41:21 | Sorry, I'm kind of out of ideas right now. It will come back to me in time. :D Maybe something: simple but very useful magic items for familiars, either boosting the familiar (you can use the familiar-related spells in The Complete Book of Eldritch Might) or the master/familiar connection. 2E AD&D had lots of those, especially in Dragon Magazine, but I believe appropriate athasian applications for the items, and a definite athasian look in the description would make all the difference. Not many wizards have familiars, so maybe the few that do also have items to ensure they don't lose their raven familiar to a cloud of hungry kes'trekels... Kamelion said he'd developped an Improved Familar feat for athasian wizards, so maybe items that would more benefit those superior familiars? |
#69methvezemNov 18, 2004 13:20:16 | True, it's hard work coming up with all these items. You're muse (not a sand bride I hope ![]() Spells and magic items for familiars have appeared for 3e in Spell & Magic by Bastion Press too. Get a look if you can. Did Kamelion post his feat? Searched for it but didn't find anything. |
#70methvezemNov 19, 2004 6:21:37 | The following item is inspired by the branding devices that can be found in The Book of Eldritch Might, but is especially designed for use on Athas: [b]Brand of Psionic Suppression Brand of Psionic Suppression: [/b] This device burns into flesh magicals marks that prove detrimental to the branded creature. The brand must be heated in a very hot flame for five minutes before it can be used; it cools after only one minute and must be reheated. A brand is applied in the same manner as a coup de grace, so it is impossible to brand someone in normal combat without first subduing or incapacitating the opponent. The brand remains effective for 5d10 days, after which the mark vanishes. The brand created looks like a brain wrapped in brambleweeds. Branded creatures can neither manifest powers nor use psi-like abilities. This brand can be used only once per day. Strong Abjuration; ML 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field, limited wish; Price 59,800 Cp; Weight: 2 lbs. |
#71PennarinNov 19, 2004 8:08:06 | If the branding is psionic in nature it shouldn't make a magical mark. The use of a physical action like branding someone, throwing stuff at them like a pinch of salt, are all reserved for spells. Psionic powers work without the physical part. At most, a power requires the manifester to touch the target when he manifests the power. I suggest making this a magic item that can be made by templars or with the aid of king's defilers, and to be used on wizards that are made into slaves for some eccentric reason. There's a spell in The Complete Book of Eldritch Might, antimagic chains, that does exactly what you want. Use it to make the item, or use antimagic field. Spells and magic items for familiars have appeared for 3e in Spell & Magic by Bastion Press too. Get a look if you can. I have Arms & Armors. ![]() Did Kamelion post his feat? Searched for it but didn't find anything. No, he said it would appear somewhere official IIRC. So in a later book or with the next iteration of DS3. |
#72methvezemNov 19, 2004 8:40:14 | If the branding is psionic in nature it shouldn't make a magical mark. Do DS3 use the Psionic is different variant or are psionics and magic equivalent? I think I saw the rule somewhere but it's not in the official DS3 document. Where can I see it? Gloves of Titan's Grip require the wearer to enter a grapple with it's opponent, so I thought that physical action was not out of question when coming to universal items. The same is true for psionic weapons abilities, such as psychokinetic burst that releases energy on a critical hit. [Edit] And there's also all the available psionic tattoos that must be scribed on the skin of the wearer. The branding could be just another sort of scribing, making the wearer affected by the power (null psionic field) without willing it. The brand that function for spells and spell-like abilities already exist in the BoEM and the same applied to psionics seemed natural on Athas with all the slaves and creatures found around possessing powers. It's normally a magical item but as noted above I didn't find the rule for the magic/psionic relation in DS3, and for the application on psionics, it seemed natural that I made the item psionic. |
#73jon_oracle_of_athasNov 19, 2004 10:16:16 | Do DS3 use the Psionic is different variant or are psionics and magic equivalent? I think I saw the rule somewhere but it's not in the official DS3 document. Where can I see it? This is a DM call. DS3 has no official stance on this at the moment. The Psionics is Different rule can be found in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, and first appeared in the Psionics Handbook. |
#74methvezemNov 19, 2004 12:48:34 | This is a DM call. DS3 has no official stance on this at the moment. Thanks for the info Jon. My question was not clear. I knew where to find the Psionics is Different rule, it's the version used in DS3 that I was searching for ![]() And there a usable list of wizard's (improved) familiars on page 36 of Noonian's version of DS, for use until the one by Kamelion get's out. |
#75xlorepdarkhelm_dupNov 19, 2004 13:20:01 | Thanks for the info Jon. My question was not clear. I knew where to find the Psionics is Different rule, it's the version used in DS3 that I was searching for Then you don't understand. There's no official selection on Psionics is Different or not, in DS3. The individual DM must decide. How hard is that to understand? Some people do, some people don't. The team don't force one way or the other on this decision, period. Understand? |
#76methvezemNov 19, 2004 13:32:20 | Yes I do understand: the Psionics is Different rule is in the XPH, there is no version for DS3 since its up to the individual DM. Easy, heh? I just thought that I saw sometime somewhere that a rule had been adopted for DS3 but I was mistaken and Jon gave me the answer I needed. Xlorep DarkHelm : Don't get mad ;) , I asked a question (even though it was not clear) and I had my answer. Thanks. |
#77PennarinNov 19, 2004 13:52:26 | Joke for Nyt and Mach: Oh, I thought that bears hybernate during the winter... Mm, my bad. Methvezem, I have that a psionic mind blank also stops the equivalent magic effects, same for true seeing, nondetection, the works. A psion using the (nonexistant) psionic nondection power should not have to worry about a wizard using a locating spell. Yet power resistance should not protect from spells. And vice versa. Dispel magic should not affect psionics. And vice versa. For the earlier item we're discussing, I did thought about items that require more than contact or that leave a physical trace on the body like a tattoo. But invisible psionic tattoos inscribed in the mind of the user does not mesh well with the pre-existing magic item rules. So psionic tattoos have to be visible so that the enemy can see them and dispel them, have to have a modicum of physicality so that they count as items on the body. And of course psionic weapons are not psychic ray guns, they have to hit to inflict the psionic effect on their victims. I think the silliness, or unnappropriatness (pfff...), of the item is only in the branding itself: that's reserved for mad jailors and grinning evil outsiders. The "mwahahahaha" kind of crowd. No such thing on Athas IMHO. The branding as a coup de grace takes one round, that's fast. If this new item makes, say...a psionic tattoo that nullifies psionic abilities, then a way to apply the tattoo in the same lenght of time needs to be found. An auto-tattooer? That sounds even sillier...did I mention my muse has abandonned me? If my muse is currently trying to syndicate herself, I might as well critique! :D |
#78methvezemNov 19, 2004 14:09:43 | Methvezem, I have that a psionic mind blank also stops the equivalent magic effects, same for true seeing, nondetection, the works. A psion using the (nonexistant) psionic nondection power should not have to worry about a wizard using a locating spell. Should we utilize this line of reasoning you described for the item creation process, mainly that psionic and magic interact only on certain level? I reworked the brand as a magical item, but I still think it could be useful for slavers and reavers who don't want to worry about their charges using psionics against them, not always the "mwahahahaha" kind of crowd. |
#79PennarinNov 19, 2004 16:18:22 | A spellsleep rod from BoEM requires antimagic field and affects magic. A similar psionic rod would require null psionic field and would affect psionics. The issue I had with that was over the fluff: branding rods seem to better fit sorcery than mindbending. If it were my item I'd not make it a branding rod at all and would try to find another wondrous item or other that would end up doing the same thing. But, one could make a powersleep rod, a magical one, that affects psionics. Since null psionic field is unavaillable to a wizard - and none of the books mention a psion contributing a power to a wizard's magic item creation process - then you have to up the level of power required to simulate that contribution: pass from antimagic field (for the spellsleep rod) to limited wish (for the powersleep rod). By choosing a spell as powerful as limited wish, or wish, one can affect psionics in a multitude of ways normally unavaillable to a spellcaster due to the Transparency rules. Same for a psion: with reality revision it can affect magic in a multitude of ways normally unavaillable to a manifester due to the Transparency rules. So members of the Order can deny a wizard his spellcasting ability by an appropriately thought out reality revision, and an epic wizard can do the same for a psion with a properly worded wish. |
#80methvezemNov 19, 2004 23:37:37 | The issue I had with that was over the fluff: branding rods seem to better fit sorcery than mindbending. If it were my item I'd not make it a branding rod at all and would try to find another wondrous item or other that would end up doing the same thing. I knew the requisites of the other rods, I'll think of another universal item to replace this object because it don't seem a very "psionic" way of stopping someone from using powers. And I don't like the fact that some magic is utilized to suppress psionics, its better if psionics is the explanation. And IMO using limited wish, wish, bend reality and reality revision should be taken only for items as a last resort. So I'll think that thru the weekend and come back with a new version next week. Aside from that, what is your impression on the cloak of the tagster as an universal item? Edit: The weekend is not even begun and I found a solution to my problem: psionic restraints ![]() |
#81PennarinNov 20, 2004 0:21:57 | Darnest darn! Sorry you ran into a WotC item that does what you wanted your item to do. I hate when those happen. I'll try to critique your cloack item tomorrow, actually compare it to other magic and psionic items. For my muse, I think I'll try my hand at making psionic and magic items for familiars. I have this epic defiler with a Black-touched viper improved familiar and I'd like to make it even better, go a little against the grain of familiar-deprived DS! ;) |
#82PennarinNov 21, 2004 14:53:07 | Cloak of the Tagster: A psychoactive skin of the claw gives the use of claws of the beast at will. Its restrictive in that only a wearer with levels in psychic warrior can use it. It costs 16,000 gp. A ring of self-sifficiency gives a continuous +10 bonus to a single skill. Price: 10,000 gp. A ring of feater falling costs 2,200 gp. For the use of cloud mind I have no idea though. Probably 12,000 gp if an item allowing that kind of use corresponds to "Use-activated" on Table 7-33. So I would price a cloak to 16,000 + 2x10,000 + 2,200 + 12,000 = 50,200 Cp Band of Familiar Protection Band of Familiar Protection: This band offers a familiar continual magical protection in the form of an armor bonus of +1 to +10 to AC. Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, protect familiar†, caster must be of a level at least three times greater than the bonus of the band; Price 1,000 Cp (band +1); 4,000 Cp (band +2); 9,000 Cp (band +3); 16,000 Cp (band +4); 25,000 Cp (band +5); 36,000 Cp (band +6); 49,000 Cp (band +7); 64,000 Cp (band +8); 81,000 Cp (band +9); 100,000 Cp (band +10). † This spell can be found in The Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc Press). Band of Friend Masking Band of Friend Masking: This band renders a familiar who wears it invisible to sight as if you cast invisibility upon it. It must remain in physical contact with its master or it becomes visible. This effect cannot be shared. Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisible familiar†; Price 6,000 Cp. † This spell can be found in The Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc Press). Mask of Fell Defiling Mask of Fell Defiling: This wooden mask is coated with ivory black and sculpted in the shape of a carbonized face. Any creature caught within the defiling radius of a defiler wearing a mask of fell defiling must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or become frightened. On a successful save it is shaken for 1 round. Creatures with 6 or more Hit Dice are immune to this effect. Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, cause fear, must be a defiler; Price 10,000 Cp; Weight 3 lb. Specific Cursed Item This new cursed item supplements the cursed items found in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Bracelet of Corruption Bracelet of Corruption: This snake-skin bracelet registers as a bracelet of protection (as a ring of protection) to detect spells unless a caster succeeds at a DC 16 Will save. It is used by royal defilers and templars to hinder the actions of the Veiled Alliance by tricking cell members into enforcing requital on their own. A preserver casting a spell while wearing this bracelet is prevented from giving energy back to the surrounding plant life, and as a result cannot preserve and becomes automatically tainted. The bracelet can only be removed by a druid or after a remove curse spell has been applied. Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, Nystul’s magic aura, creator must be a defiler; Price 4,000 Cp. |
#83methvezemNov 21, 2004 21:56:20 | Nice job Pennarin! Preservers are going to have tough lives (as if it's not already) getting defilers out of their ranks and now not calling requital on their own true members. I presume that preservers tricked into wearing this bracelet must save or becomes tainted? And creator must be a defiler should apply for a requisite as well. Templars could use them to trick wizards but do they know enough about the gathering of plant energy to create such an item? For the cloak of the tagster, I'll go with the price of 78,000 Cp, it's more comparable with the skin of the spider which gives about the same power. As a side note, I don't think psychoactive skins as very athasian so I made it a cloak. I'll post an item for familiar owner tomorrow. |
#84methvezemNov 22, 2004 6:03:43 | To complement your familiar-related items: [b]Ring of Inanimate Friend Ring of Inanimate Friend: [/b] The wearer of this ring can transform instantaneously its familiar into a tiny sandstone statue by touching and willing it. This use-activated effect is similar to a statue spell and can be used up to three times per day, lasting for 1 hour per use, dismissible by touching again the familiar. During the time spent as a statue, the familiar loses the use of the improved invasion, speak with master and speak with animals of its type special abilities. Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Forge Ring, statue; Price 36,400 Cp. |
#85methvezemNov 23, 2004 0:29:40 | [b]Dessicating Rod Dessicating Rod:[/b] This rod is crafted from the thigh-bone of a thrax, with a series of gaunt, dehydrated faces carved in a spiral around it. The dessicating rod is often used by silt and sun clerics to drain water from living creatures. The rod acts as a +1 club that deals no hit point damage. Instead, the wielder deals 1d6+5 points of Constitution damage to any creature touched with the rod (by making a melee touch attack). Oozes, plants and creatures with the aquatic subtype are more susceptible to this attack and instead takes 1d8+5 points of Constitution damage. In either case, the defender negates the effect with a DC 22 Fortitude save. Strong necromancy; CL 15h; Craft Magic Arms and Armors, Craft Rod, horrid wilting; Price 60,000 Cp. [b]Boots of Resonance Boots of Resonance: [/b] These short leather boots made from the cured hide of a sand worm allow the wearer to move without any chance of being detected by creatures using tremorsense. In addition, twice per day, the wearer can hit the ground with the sole of its boots and causes 4d4 points of non-lethal damage to all creature currently using tremorsense in a 30 feet radius. Faint psychometabolism; ML 4th; Craft Universal Item, body equilibrium, stomp; Price 19,200 Cp. |
#86methvezemNov 23, 2004 7:24:25 | I'd like to know when we make the distinction between a minor and a major artifacts since minor artifacts are not necessarly unique items, just that they cannot be made anymore, while major are unique items. ![]() Minor Artifact Descriptions This new minor artifact replace those found in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. It is a unique item. [b]The Hunger The Hunger:[/b] The artifact known as the Hunger is a 8-inches circular bronze plastron engraved at its center with the figure of a quartered and screaming man with small, smooth spheres of obsidian located at the ends of its hands and feet, and on its chest. Five equidistant slots surround the plastron, allowing leather straps to secure it to the chest of its possessor. It was used as armor by the defiler warlord Amen Thal the Devourer, general to the armies of the Champion Uyness of Waverly during the Cleansing Wars. Amen Thal’s addiction to life energy was legendary and said to know no bound. This plastron surrounds any wearer with an invisible field of force granting a +9 armor bonus and enables him to determine the location and number of orcs and orc-blooded creatures in a 1 mile radius around it, requiring concentrating as a full-round action. Only if the wearer is a wizard does the plastron’s true power is revealed: the ability to gather even greater life energy from the soil and plants surrounding him, boosting his spells. In effect, when gathering energy the caster can no longer stop its flow, and as a result cannot preserve but gains great defiling power. First the wearer’s defiling radius becomes 10 feet per spell slot level expended. Also, all plant life, including plant creatures, is utterly destroyed within the first half of the defiling radius; other creatures experience agonizing pain and suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks and saves, lasting one round. Plants and creatures in the second half of the defiling radius are subject to the normal effects of defiling. The terrain where the energy is gathered is treated as two categories better when spells are cast while wearing the plastron; in abundant terrain, the bonuses to spell save DCs and caster level checks are increased by an additional +1. Lastly, every applicable spell cast by the wearer of the Hunger is considered widened and maximized. The simple act of putting on the Hunger renders a wizard tainted, and after casting a spell with the plastron in its possession the wizard becomes an instant defiler. In addition, once the plastron is used, the wizard becomes addicted to the rush of life energy and will not cast spells without wearing the plastron, unless succeeding at a DC 25 Will save each time he wants to gather energy. Only conversion, reality revision or wish can free a wizard from the hold of the plastron. In the case of a casting of conversion, the caster of the spell must pay four times the XP cost (2,000 XP). Overwhelming necromancy; CL 20th; Weight 10 lbs (Thanks Pennarin for the editing) |
#87PennarinNov 23, 2004 10:13:24 | Methvezem, try and contact me through MSN Messenger today. I have you as a contact but you're not Online much... |
#88PennarinNov 23, 2004 10:37:57 | Dessicating Rod: are there items out there that act like a club but don't inflict hit point damage? Boots of Resonance: Ingenious and beautifully flavored! The Hungry: So you did manage to re-use the ring's fluff, I like it! If you want a curse (I normally hate those, but some are cool) for this artifact, what about every X number of uses or X amount of time after first starting to use it, the possessor runs the chance of losing control of the energies due to his acute addiction to them. He must make a DC X Will save or become an ashen (see revised TotDL or In this case it means that A) Uyness chose Amen Thal because his will was strong, and B) any other possessor that came afterward eventually lost his saving throw. Minor & Major Artifacts: Ok, I had written this long exposition about how I see them, but came to understand my definition didn't work, so I'm editing the thread to mention Major everywhere and invite you to do the same. |
#89PennarinNov 23, 2004 16:16:07 | I just saw that the artifact's name should be the Hunger instead of the Hungry. Its written "The Hunger" in the title, but "the Hunger" in the text, so that a creaure possessing this artifact writes "ring of protection +1, Hunger, brooch..." on his sheet. Brooch, Familiar’s Brooch, Familiar’s: This brooch is usually made of everyday materials―such as ivory or bone―but metal examples exist. Its is carved or shaped in the form of one’s familiar, although a wizard with a different type of familiar than the one represented by the brooch can also benefit from it. The familiar whose master boasts such an item is treated as having a master four levels higher. A familiar’s natural armor and Intelligence can increase in the epic range in this way but only familiar special abilities gained at less than 20th level are affected. Moderate transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, enhance familiar; Price 13,000 Cp. |
#90PennarinNov 23, 2004 20:22:22 | Another minor artifact. Its image can be found here. The clouting, magebane and skillful magic weapon special abilities are from Complete Arcane. Clouting: when hit, succeed at a Will save or be repelled 10 ft., or fall down if physically prevented Magebane: bane weapon against arcane spellcasters Skillful: proficiency with the weapon, BAB becomes 3/4 wielder's level Thundering: like a Flaming Burst weapon, but sonic-based The Cleaver The Cleaver: Said to have been owned by the defiler warlord Merovech during the Preserver Jihad, the sword known as the Cleaver was made specifically to crush the forces arrayed against Rajaat at the time. Not forged by Rajaat himself but rather by one of his defiler assistants, it is less powerful than its sister swords the Scorcher, the Scourge and the Silencer. Merovech survived until the Cleansing Wars, during which he served under the Slayer of Elves and is thought to have died in the siege of an elven magical fortress. The Cleaver is made of a dark gray alloy stronger than enchanted metal, known as vorpal steel. The double-edged blade ends in the way of forked tongues, with a pointed ridge appearing on each side of the blade at equidistant points between tip and guard. The hue of the alloy becomes darker near the tip, an effect from its forging process. The handle is unusually long and clearly made to be handled by two hands, its guard forged in the form of an open mandible. The Cleaver is a +6 clouting magebane skillful thundering bastard sword. The wielder gains the use of the Great Cleave feat, as well as spell resistance 21. The wielder can make a cleave attack whenever a creature is successfully driven back by the clouting effect (or falls down if such movement is impossible). Faint necromancy, moderate abjuration and conjuration, overwhelming transmutation; ML 21st; Weight 6 lb. |
#91methvezemNov 24, 2004 7:21:26 | Is the clouting effectof the Cleaver always in effect or only on a hit? The rod of withering in the DMG is a +1 club that inflicts no damage I think that some artifacts should give power but also some drawback to the user, a little like the artifacts from PAoA. [b]Blindfold of Perception Blindfold of Perception:[/b] When put over the eyes and the ears, this leather blindfold increase your perceptions. The wearer choose if he wishes to feel light or feel sound, changing from one mode to the next as a swift action. While feeling light, the wearer gain a +4 circumstance bonus to all Spot and Search checks and is immune to gaze attacks. While feeling sounds, he gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Listen checks. Spells and powers which affects the senses still work normally on the wearer. A blinded or deafened user can use the blindfold to temporarly regain its lost senses, without benefit of the bonuses. Faint psychometabolism; ML 1st; Craft Universal Item, synesthete; Price: 2,000 Cp. |
#92PennarinNov 24, 2004 17:25:23 | I edited my posts to answer your questions + I added skillful to the sword's abilities. I found in Complete Arcane a vestment, CL 18th, with mage armor as a requirement that grants +9 to armor. So go ahead and make the Hunger give +9. Kick ass and legal! |
#93methvezemNov 25, 2004 6:36:37 | I've edited the Hunger. +9 armor bonus plus some free metamagic. I wanted to create items using defiler's ashes but since you already made one such item, I continued the series of blowpipes created by the defiler Denier. ;) Please comment. Tormentor's Pipe Tormentor’s Pipe: This small horn blowpipe is carved like a spiral of teeth, all pointing toward its mouth. When defiler’s ash is inserted in the tube it becomes a powerful sorcerous poison. If blown on a living target it causes wracking pains and agony, resulting in a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks, for 1 hour. The target is entitled to a DC 17 Fortitude save to negate the effect. When attempting to blow the ash on a target, treat the blowpipe as a blowgun with half the range. Filling a blowpipe is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, symbol of pain; Price 67,500 Cp; Weight 2 lb. Languor Pipe Languor Pipe: This small ceramic blowpipe is sculpted in the form of several worn visages, with the angled mouth of the last one serving as the blowpipe’s mouth. When defiler’s ash is inserted in the tube it becomes a powerful sorcerous poison. If blown on a living target it causes extreme fatigue, making the target exhausted for 1 hour. When attempting to blow the ash on a target, treat the blowpipe as a blowgun with half the range. Filling a blowpipe is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, waves of exhaustion; Price 136,500 Cp; Weight 2 lb. (edited name and text. Thanks penn) |
#94PennarinNov 25, 2004 11:59:51 | Good ones Methvezem! As long as the effect is somewhat related to defiling than its·ni·er Pronunciation Key (d-nr) |
#95methvezemNov 26, 2004 7:05:59 | If anyone as ideas or would like some items to appears, let us know ;) [b]Bead of Agony Bead of Agony: [/b] The surface of this small, hard chitin-like sphere is graven with a pair of wings of a black-veined agony beetle, complete with dark, transverse lines. The user can throw it up to 60 feet with no range penalties. If both wings are pressed simultaneously (as a free action) just before the bead is hurled, it burst upon sharp impact, transforming into four agony beetles (see Terrors of the Dead Lands) that fly to attach themselves to the nearest living creatures other than the thrower. The beetles fight until slain or until no living creatures other than the thrower remain within 120 feet of the bead’s impact point. Producing the agony beetles by pressing the wings and throwing it destroys the bead. Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster III; Price 4,500 Cp. |
#96methvezemNov 29, 2004 6:22:11 | Here's another item to give your familiar a longer lifespan: Satchel of Safe Haven Satchel of Safe Haven: This plain-looking satchel provides an access to the Gray that can be used as a refuge for a Tiny or smaller familiar. Once inside, the familiar can only be called back by its master, as a standard action, by inserting a hand into the satchel and willing it. The familiar can remain indefinitly in the satchel, which is being airproof, water and silt-tight while sealed. A familiar within the satchel is considered phased, so cannot attack, cast spells targetting, nor affect creatures on Athas Prime, but being still aware of its surrounding within 60 feet. As the magic of the satchel keep it near its entry point, the familiar cannot move farther within the Gray. The familiar is unaffected by force and abjuration effect affecting creatures in the Gray unless they affect the satchel itself. During the time spent in the satchel, a familiar confers no benefits to its master and loses its familiar special abilities Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, familiar pocket†; Price 12,000 Cp. † This spell can be found in The Complete Arcane and Tome and Blood. |
#97methvezemNov 29, 2004 7:52:29 | This is the first in a series of four instruments: [b]Mizmar of the Fire Drake Mizmar of the Fire Drake: [/b] This clarinet is made from two hollowed out stems of burnflowers lashed together. It is often found in the hands of elven performers who use it to enhance their daily celebrations, and also to make some mischiefs against those who have wronged them or their tribe. When played by a person who succeeds on a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check, the pipes create an eerie tune enabling him to control flames as per the psionic power. Also, as long as the the mizmar is played, the user can control the intensity and movement of a Tiny nonmagical fire source present within 200 feet. For every additional round of playing, and with a successful Perform check, the size of the fire can be decreased or increased by one step toward extinguishment up to being Large in size. When the music stops, the control stops and the fire returns to its original size. Strong psychokinesis; ML 12th; Craft Universal item, control flames; Price 24,000 Cp; Weight: 3 lbs. ![]() |
#98KamelionNov 29, 2004 8:22:20 | If anyone as ideas or would like some items to appears, let us know ;) No requests but just wanted to give you guys a cheer for all the good ideas and cool items you've been knocking out. Nice one! ![]() |
#99PennarinNov 29, 2004 18:58:42 | Thanks Kam! If anyone has a request (and we like it ;)), we can make the item. We can even work at it each on our own and compare our creations, merging them to obtain the best final product. Methvezem: How did you come at the - incredibly - high price for the Languor Pipe? For the Satchel of Safe Haven, aren't extradimensional spaces on Athas accessing a zone of the Gray? (and if so, where did I read that? TotDL?) That's what happened with Tithian's magic bag in the Prism Pentad: the stuff put in there went into the Gray. For the Mizmar (cool instrument!), are there bard's instruments out there that require the user to succeed at a Perform check to activate? Also, I think the Mizmar, since it doesn't have much combat applications, should have a line or two on its application, like maybe its an elven instrument used around desert campfires, or a city bard's instrument, a little like a snake charmer's flute. |
#100zombiegleemaxNov 29, 2004 19:43:50 | Veil of the Tormented Worn by a water cleric as she turned into a Krag by being drowned by a Silt Horror, this veil creates an aura of fear. 3 times per day the veil can be lifted to reveal the face of the Krag that wore it. The appearance of this face acts as a Dehydration Curse on it's victim. Insert rules at your leisure. ![]() |
#101methvezemNov 30, 2004 6:43:05 | Thanks to all who cheer us, answered and will answer our call!Methvezem: How did you come at the - incredibly - high price for the Languor Pipe? I reverse engineered you Denier's Pipe and since it was not too far off the DMG guidelines, used it to find the others respective prices. Here are my calculation for each one of the pipes items: Denier's Pipe:[INDENT]100,000 Cp/(CL 11*spell level 6)=1,515 CP (or 1,500 Cp) so[/INDENT]Languor's Pipe:[INDENT]CL 13*spell level 7*1,500 Cp=136,500 Cp[/INDENT]Tormentor's Pipe:[INDENT]CL 9*spell level 5*1,500 Cp=67,500 Cp[/INDENT] For the Satchel of Safe Haven, aren't extradimensional spaces on Athas accessing a zone of the Gray? (and if so, where did I read that? TotDL?) That's what happened with Tithian's magic bag in the Prism Pentad: the stuff put in there went into the Gray. I will verify the text in TotDL and Wisdom of the Stars and edit my post of the Satchel of Safe Haven accordingly, ready to be revised again ![]() For the Mizmar (cool instrument!), are there bard's instruments out there that require the user to succeed at a Perform check to activate? All of the following items from the DMG: Harp of Charming, Pipes of Haunting, Pipes of Pain and Pipes of Sounding requires the user to succed a Perform check to use the abilities of the item, I based my description for the use of the mizmar on those. I'll edit the post for the Mizmar of the Fire Drake to include something about its origin. I was creating it as an elven instrument used to enhance their dances performance with some roguish uses as a bonus. (Edited) |
#102methvezemNov 30, 2004 8:14:47 | [color=DarkRed][FONT=Papyrus][b]Magic Weapon Special Abilities Chitin-Rot [/color][/FONT] Chitin-Rot:[/b] A chitin-rot weapon always use sap from the Forest Ridge’s trees in its fabrication and always seems slick with humidity, even in the hottest environment. It causes the exoskeleton of creatures like insects and kreen to become dull and streaked with gray, effectively weakening it as if suffering from chitin-rot. Any such creature succesfully hit must succeeds at a DC 16 Fortitude save or take a –2 cumulative penalty to its natural armor, down to a minimum of 0. The penalty for this effect decreases naturally at a rate of 1 point per day. Any effect that heals ability damage may also be used to reduce or eliminate the penalty by the same amount. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the chitin-rot upon their ammunition. Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, contagion; Price +1 bonus. [color=DarkRed][FONT=Papyrus][b]Penetration [/color][/FONT] Penetration:[/b] A penetration weapon is the bane of all kreen species and insects. It deals +2d6 points of bonus damage on a successful hit against all creatures possessing an exoskeleton. This enchantment is never found on slashing weapons. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the penetration effect upon their ammunition. Moderate transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge; Price +2 bonus. |
#103PennarinNov 30, 2004 16:13:46 | Satchel of Safe Haven: I reread ethereal jaunt, and here is what it says:An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half normal speed. As an insubstantial creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear on the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Sight and hearing onto the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet. So I hope you get the problem this item, or Tithian's bag for that matter, generates. Can the familiar be affected by a force spell from a caster able to see in the Gray? I'd say the first paragraph is mooth because the magic of the satchel holds the familiar in place near the exit of the bag. Mizmar: Are the other options availlable to a manifester of control flames also availlable to a player of this instrument? Chitin-Rot: By the time you mention a -2 penalty, I get the sense you have forgotten to add line of text in there. Something like: the target must make a save every day or suffer a -2, every day it fails its save it adds another -2. |
#104methvezemDec 01, 2004 6:35:00 | Satchel of Safe Haven: I reread ethereal jaunt, and here is what it says: (...) I've added clarification (I hope) to the description of the satchel regarding the effect of spells concerning creatures in the Gray. Mizmar: Are the other options availlable to a manifester of control flames also availlable to a player of this instrument? Edited the text to say the control flames act as the psionic power plus the other effects described. Chitin-Rot: By the time you mention a -2 penalty, I get the sense you have forgotten to add line of text in there. Something like: the target must make a save every day or suffer a -2, every day it fails its save it adds another -2. You're right, some words were missing. Edited the description. The effect does not continues to get worse with time, its only as the chitin-rot disease. It affect the victim when it's hit by the weapon. The item formerly know as the veil of the tormented is near completion by me and Pennarin and will be posted soon. |
#105methvezemDec 02, 2004 5:06:00 | Here's the item created from a collaboration between me and Pennarin for the request from BigBubba: [b]Tagelmoust of the Tormented Tagelmoust of the Tormented: [/b] This grayish turban is about 10 feet long when unwrapped and completely cover the face of its wearer while worn. It is fashioned from the garments worn by a water cleric turned krag after drowning in the Sea of Silt. When worn it creates a cone of terror, as per the spell fear, that causes each living creatures in the 30 feet area to become panicked unless it succeeds at a DC 16 Will save (if cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering). If the Will save succeeds, the creature is shaken for 1 round. Up to three times a day, the turban can be unwrapped to reveal the face of the krag from which the cloth originated, bestowing a terrible curse upon any onlooker. The gaze attack has a range of 30 feet and forces any living creature within its range to succeed at a DC 16 Will save or suffer from a dehydration curse. In effect, the victim must drink four times his ordinary amount of water each day, or suffer from the effects of thirst. This effect last for 2d4 days or until removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. After the round in which the curse power is used, the wearer’s face return to normal. Unwrapping the turban is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear, bestow curse, Price: 89,500 Cp. Thanks again for asking and if it pleases you or any other, give ideas for more items ![]() Veil of the Tormented |
#106PennarinDec 03, 2004 0:16:01 | Inquisitorial Chest Inquisitorial Chest: Sometimes refered to as arcanopic chests, these elaborate chests weight in at around 500 pounds and are worth at least 2,000 Cp in materials and workmanship alone. Their make, and the scenes depicted on their surface varies from one city to another. In Urik for example, an arcanopic chest is composed of a checkered pattern of lead plates and polished white onyx slabs fitted together and held with iron wire. The removable lid is made of a single slab of white onyx with encrusted pieces of crystalline sulphur shaped to depict the face of the Lion-King. Handles beneath the chest retract and are meant to help two porters bear the chest on their shoulders when moving it. Such chests are under constant guard in a templarate building, and only accessible by mid and high-level templars and servants of the monarchs. Characters with Secular Authority and seven or more ranks in Diplomacy can request the use of the chest, and those with eighteen or more ranks in Diplomacy can have it moved up to the limits of his sorcerer-monarch’s domain. Slaves oil and polish these templarate treasures daily. Only characters with Secular Authority can activate this item. If a magic item is kept in the chest for an hour while the lid is kept shut, its magical properties are imparted unto the user as if identify had been cast. An object of up to Medium size can be fitted into the chest. Once per day, upon strong utterance of the name of the sorcerer-monarch worshiped by the user, a single item put into the chest can be affected by Mordenkainen’s disjunction (save DC 23). Faint divination and strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, identify, Mordenkainen’s disjunction, creator must have Secular Authority; Price 43,300 Cp. (thanks for the help Methvezem!) |
#107methvezemDec 06, 2004 6:20:12 | This item was originally posted for the Master of All Cacti: Lord Doomspike [b]Circlet of Resolve Circlet of Resolve:[/b] Often used by nobles and those fearing that their actions will be influenced by psionic adversaries, this circlet allows the wearer to be more determined in its actions. This circlet of whitish-green olivine grants a +5 bonus on all Will saves. Moderate telepathy; ML 7th; Craft Universal Item, empty mind; Price 50,000 Cp. (edit: changed the form of the item and added a description) |
#108methvezemDec 08, 2004 6:45:29 | [b]Magic weapon special abilities Bane, Athasian:[/b] A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against the foe. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the bane quality upon their ammunition. To randomly determine a weapon’s designated foe, roll on the following table. |
#109PennarinDec 08, 2004 13:27:11 | [b]Magic weapon special ability Cleansing Flame:[/b] Cleansing flame weapons were used during the Preserver Jihad to quickly destroy the defiler minions of Rajaat’s armies. A cleansing flame weapon functions as a flaming weapon that also can cause defilers to erupt with a fire-like force that consumes life energy. A defiler hit must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or be instantly killed by white-green flames erupting from within. These white-green flames are not fire but a force that consumes their life energy, therefore not subject to resistance to fire or protection from energy (fire) and similar magic (creatures immune to death effects are not affected by this force). Defilers killed by the cleansing flames turn to ash and cannot be brought back to life as their life energy has been irrevocably destroyed. Defilers that succeed on their save, or that are immune to death effects, instead take 3d6+17 points of damage plus fire damage as normal. A defiler attempting to wield the weapon becomes affected by the force. Moderate evocation and necromancy; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, defiler scent, flameblade, heightened slay living; Price +5 bonus. [b]Psionic weapon special ability Cranial Burst:[/b] This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to cause the cranium of those it strikes to burst. Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by a successful roll to confirm the critical hit), the weapon explodes the opponent’s head (if it has one). Some creatures, such as many aberrations and all oozes, have no head. Others, such as golems and undead creatures other than intelligent undead, are not affected by the loss of their heads. Most other creatures, however, die when their heads burst. The DM may have to make judgment calls about this weapon’s effect. A cranial burst weapon must be a piercing ranged weapon. Bows and crossbows so crafted bestow the cranial burst ability upon their ammunition. Strong psychokinesis; ML 18th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armors, telekinetic force; Price +5 bonus. |
#110zombiegleemaxDec 09, 2004 5:32:37 | Keep on going guys.. .You'll end ub producing a new book of "Magical Artifacts of Athas". Some very good ideas ... |
#111methvezemDec 14, 2004 1:22:25 | Thanks Fabrício, and you put your finger right on our goal... and here's another item for those wishing some privacy: [b]Beaded Curtain of Vigilance Beaded Curtain of Vigilance:[/b] This normal-looking beaded curtain made of colored ceramic beads is about 4 feet wide and 7 feet high. When commanded to guard a doorway, it animates and attempts to grab, then grapple any Medium or smaller creature that comes within 5 feet. The owner can set a password to allow creatures to pass through without causing the curtain to attack, and can command the curtain from up to 30 feet away (though the owner needs not be present for the curtain to attack). The curtain can attack one creature at a time; unless it is destroyed, it continues to attempt to grapple or hold its target until commanded to release. Moderate transmutation and evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, grasping hand; Price 30,000 Cp. Animated Beaded Curtain of Vigilance: CR 3; Medium Construct; HD 4d10+20; hp 42; Init +3;Spd 0 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +14; Atk +10 melee touch (no damage, grab); Full Atk +10 melee touch (no damage, grab); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA improved grab; SQ construct traits; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 25, Dex 16, Con ―, Int ―, Wis 11, Cha 1. |
#112methvezemDec 17, 2004 12:54:45 | Here's an armor ability that will be used in the Martial Regalia of the Lion King of Guistenal (coming soon): [b]Magic armor special ability Life-shielding:[/b] This suit of armor protects the wearer from the effects of being caught in the defiling radius of a spellcasting defiler. The wearer is immune to all penalties associated with the defiling radius, even when augmented with Raze feats or magical items. Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, allegiance of the land ;Price +2 bonus. |
#113PennarinDec 18, 2004 2:51:33 | -- |
#114zombiegleemaxMar 24, 2007 20:23:55 | Here's one from my 2nd edition campaign. Kosveret’s Disguise Kosveret’s Disguise: This item feels cool to the touch, eventually reducing need for water consumption by ½. It is quite sun bleached, its gold coloring having faded to a bronze. Its base is tattered, and there are a few holes in it from wear, or possibly fighting. There is a yellow sun emblazoned on the back. The cloak is human sized, but barely, as if made for someone slightly smaller than average. Its effects are not immediately noticeable, but over time the character will consume less water. They just aren’t as thirsty anymore. In extreme heat conditions, the robe wearer may feel a little hot, but otherwise good, while those around them suffer. There is an unreadable inscription around the edges of the Sun, in a circular pattern. The language is long dead and the likelihood of any sage knowing it is only 1%. It says “We live and die together” and is a relic of the Cleansing Wars. These cloaks were one of many devices employed by the Mind Lords of the Last Sea to protect their lizardman friends when Keltis came to exterminate them. Created by the elf Kosveret during days when he was more lucid, it made the wearers look human, in addition to giving them extended ability to stay away from water. The former ability seems to only function for with reptilian blood, however the latter seems to be general. Some Ssuran traders have discovered these cloaks, and use them during more difficult transactions. Would a lizardman see one of these items, it would be recognized instantly and its return would be demanded. If brought to Kurn, this cloak would also be recognized by Orionis as originating from the Last Sea. He would ask how it was obtained, since he thinks this region no longer exists. A few still exist inside the Mind Lords domain. It functions as a cloak of protection +3 in combat, giving a bonus of +3 to armor class and saving throws. |
#115methvezemMar 24, 2007 20:45:18 | Great fluff Magyar_Republic! Just needs some 3.5e mechanics now... |