Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxOct 25, 2004 3:18:49 | Anyone have stats on this guy,gal ? I would like to do a campaign focused around Ivid's fall and it would be kinda cool to know what this devil is.Thanks. |
#2MortepierreOct 25, 2004 3:50:27 | That's simply an alias of Baalzebul, described p.158 of the Book of Vile Darkness |
#3cwslyclghOct 25, 2004 4:47:38 | I beg to differ... according to the 1e Monster Manual 2 Baalzephon is a pit fiend in service to Dispater (his position is Prime Minister of Dis). in 2e Baalzephon is also a pitfiend, and member of the dark eight (the ruling body of Baator in early 2e, when they temprarily did away with the concept of arch-fiends) (and note that a quick scan of the BoVD does not reveal any claims that they are the same entity.) |
#4MortepierreOct 25, 2004 5:57:56 | Actually, you could be right. I spoke hastily. Obviously, whatever the devilish ally of Ivid, he must have been an arch-devil or something very close in power given the kind of help Ivid got out of the deal. WG8 Fate of Istus reveals that "Baalzy", Ivid's god of "prosperity" is actually the archfiend Baael. According to the 2E MMII, this could be "Bael", duke of Hell and vassal to Mammon. WGR6 Ivid the Undying, however, states that Baalzephon is indeed one of the Dark Eight. The fact that 3.XE changed (again) how Hell's power structure is handled only complicated matters ![]() Note that 3.XE doesn't say that the Dark Eight don't exist anymore. I even wonder if I didn't read somewhere that they had gone from "ruling body of Hell" to "warcouncil for the Bloodwar" ![]() Another problem is that Baalzephon is hardly tough enough to handle Duke Szeffrin's abyssal lord ally. Moreover, demons and devils alike are known to have hundreds of aliases to utterly confuse any would-be conjurer. So, likely 3.XE candidates for major player in this infernal plot are: Dispater (if it's truly Baalzephon, his "prime minister"), Mammon (if Baalzephon is actually Bael), and Baalzebul (which, given his title of Lord of Lies, could be him hiding behind an alias). In all three cases, these bad guys have been described in the Book of Vile Darkness. |
#5thanaelOct 25, 2004 10:16:58 | She`s one of the Dark Eight check out the latest chapter of the Dicefreaks free published work: TheGates of Hell. Chapter Six: The Dark Ministry has full stats and flavor: Link: |
#6zombiegleemaxOct 25, 2004 11:53:09 | Wow,thank you all.You saved me a lot of research. The Dispater line fits nicely since I already have the party crossing swords with his minions previously. Duke Szeffrin's ally would make Ivid's have to be a major player also.:D |
#7cwslyclghOct 25, 2004 15:38:41 | Another problem is that Baalzephon is hardly tough enough to handle Duke Szeffrin's abyssal lord ally. just because he is a pitfiend according to the sources doesn't mean that he is a normal pitfiend... in 3.5 by advancing him HD, and/or giving him class levels you could easily make him the match to most abyssal lords or even a lesser demon prince... |
#8MortepierreOct 25, 2004 15:59:58 | True, you could advance him.. but then Dispater would have a problem :D That said, I doubt simply advancing him and giving him a few levels would make him a match for an Abyssal Lord. The latter is above and beyond a demon-prince given the abyssal lord actually controls one (or more) layer(s) of the Abyss. No easy feat, and certainly one that not all demon-princes have managed to pull off. |
#9cwslyclghOct 25, 2004 16:16:33 | I think you have it backwards... princes contol multiple layers, lords control a single layer or part of one. As for Dispater having a problem... considering that he never leaves the iron tower, and that he is virtualy invulnerable there, I don;t see him having much of one. ;) |
#10MortepierreOct 25, 2004 16:46:39 | Not sure now that you mention it.. I always thought that it went something like this: demon-lord < demon-prince < abyssal lord but I could be wrong |
#11cwslyclghOct 25, 2004 17:04:58 | Abyssal lord was simply the 2e term to describe demon lords and princes after the word "Demon" was purged from the game to make it more politcally correct to the religious right... a move which still managed to fail spectacularly... and the word Demon came back into its own with the advent of 3e ![]() |
#12gadodelOct 26, 2004 20:30:26 | just because he is a pitfiend according to the sources doesn't mean that he is a normal pitfiend... in 3.5 by advancing him HD, and/or giving him class levels you could easily make him the match to most abyssal lords or even a lesser demon prince... One can always figure in betrayal too... |
#13ividOct 27, 2004 2:27:53 | Boohoooooooo ![]() ![]() ![]() I know what this thread is about to lead to! ![]() Every two or three weekends they come to my castle, hit me with their burning magic swords, blast me with their fireballs and curse me with their wish-rings. ADVENTURERS!! :headexplo ![]() ![]() ![]() I am soooo tired of that! Why don't you slay some Bandit Kings or try to butcher the Old One? Or free some slaves from the Hellfurnaces? No way, YOU have to come to MY home and leave it a mess just to *how do you call it* gain character LEVELS. No, instead of helping your mommy to clean up the kitchen, YOU must go and hunt me through the ruins of what your friends spared when you gave me a visit the last time! If you want to exhaust your energies, I've heard of that kind little village named Hommlet. Why don't you go and bully people THERE?! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#14MortepierreOct 27, 2004 3:39:31 | Aaaaaaw! There, there I don't think you have much to fear from them now that your home city has become the only location on Oerth where the space-time continuum has been messed with hopelessly. Hmm .. that said, if it turned into a planar nexus, you could become a highly visited Planescape resort :D |
#15ividOct 27, 2004 9:25:16 | Ah, planescapers... What a pleasure will it be to receive their visits. |
#16scoti_garbidisOct 27, 2004 10:01:29 | I don't think you have much to fear from them now that your home city has become the only location on Oerth where the space-time continuum has been messed with hopelessly. Can all the info about the space-time continuum mess be found in Ivid the Undying? Hate to mark myself as a newbie but I wouldn't mind reading about that. |
#17MortepierreOct 27, 2004 12:04:07 | Unfortunately, no. Not by a long shot. You might want to read this first and then go through the websites of the Splintered Sun metaregion in search of more info. |
#18zombiegleemaxOct 31, 2004 0:34:42 | My understanding from the Book of Vile Darkness is that the Dark Eight still exist and remain the generals of the Nine Hells in the Blood War. The Lords of the Nine on the other hand are the political rulers of the Hells. This is not so hard to grasp politically. The president of the United States is not a military man and does not directly oversee wars, he has military leaders reporting to him who do so on his behalf. Baalzephon had a good reason to be interested in Oerth. With Iuz ruling an entire empire and Graz't and Pazrael nosing around the place, a prudent general would want to make sure the planet wasn't used as a base by the Abyssal forces to outflank the Baatezu. From a strategic perspective allowing that to happen would be negligent. So from Baalzephon's point of view the most attractive scenario would be to gain control of the most powerful potentially Lawful Evil nation on Oerth and use them as proxies. That would provide the devils with a beachead, as well as resources culled from the Prime to use in the Blood War. Coordinating all this would enahnce Baalzephon's political status in the Nine Hells and strengthen his position. Remember that position in the Hells is not fixed. Climbing the ladder is possible. Bel, a Pit Fiend, is now lord of the first layer for example. Baalzephon probably has ambitions that he thought could be furthered by the Aerdy as well. The weak link was Ivid who, being mad as a hatter, ended up dragging down the Flanaess's most powerful empire through sheer irrationality. However, fiendish politics would fit right in with the Machiavellian morass that is Ahlissa, and a clever devil might be able to salvage much by backing the more sane Xavener. So who knows what's going on in the halls of Aerdy power now. I doubt Baalzephon would be supporting any more gross mayhem (like the creation of animuses). But diabolic resources could be put to use in other ways... |
#19ividOct 31, 2004 9:12:21 | The weak link was Ivid who, being mad as a hatter, ended up dragging down the Flanaess's most powerful empire through sheer irrationality. :sad: :sad: :sad: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Indeed, I share Psionycx point of view. The next bigger event for the Flanaess is likely to be such a confrontation of demonlords, fighting on Oerth for the rule of hell... *Reminds me a bit of Diablo* I am currently thinking of a campaign concentrating on another big war in the former Aerdy Kingdom, a battle between Iuz and Ivid as the champions for their hellish masters. The war shall start in 598. ;) |