Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1jon_oracle_of_athasNov 15, 2004 15:31:30 | Hey. Our Spells and Powers Bureau is swamped with real life duties at the time, thus progress on updating the Powers chapter in DS3.5 to accomodate the Expanded Psionics Handbook has taken longer than anticipated. This is a call for public assistance on the matter. Please post feedback and your update suggestions in this thread concering Psionics. PS: Power Scaling has been removed from our rules - instead we use the augmentation rules in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. |
#2jon_oracle_of_athasNov 15, 2004 15:32:43 | FROM PAUL LISS Much effort was spent for 3e DS psionics in converting spells to powers so as to make a plausible rationale to explain the notion that gear exists on DS comparable to other worlds, but it is psionic in nature (instead of magical). Hence, powers like Resistance, Lesser Deflection, Deflection were added so that the "common" items like a Ring or Cloak of Protection would have a psionic basis in 3e. In 3.5e, the 0-level Cleric spell Resistance provides the obvious corollary. Lesser Deflection and Deflection still seem okay balance wise (in the opinion of this pressed-for-time author, however further review might be prudent). Adding these types of powers to the Psion power list is more of a "world balance" issue. Another important notion in the 3.5e Cleric spell list is the 0-level spell, Guidance, which provides a +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. 3.5e XPH provides Precognition, a clairsentience 1st level power that provides a +2 insight bonus to one roll. I recommend that we follow the precedent, and delete Bioflexibility and Friendly from the power list. Static Discharge, Lesser Static Discharge Static Discharge, Greater These three powers are completely obsoleted by Energy Ray (p. 103, XPH). Bioelectric Touch This power should be replaced by Shocking Grasp, Psionic. Legs of a Thri-Kreen, Lesser Legs of a Thri-Kreen These powers should be replaced by Jump, Psionic. (Paul's note: the versions I originally submitted are vastly different than what appeared in the 3.0 release. Ahem. *cough* balance *cough* defenstrated *cough*) Telekinesis, Lesser This power can be deleted from the power list. Far Hand is now an augmentable power. Alter Features This power should be replaced by Alter Self, Psionic. Hush Daze establishes the benchmark for what a 1st level power can do wrt disabling opponents. This power should be deleted or re-implemented at a higher level. Object Reading, Lesser Object Reading is now a 2nd level Clairsentience power. This is a dramatic change from 3e, and I do not think it prudent to create a weaker but mostly-as-useful version one level lower. I recommend that we delete Object Reading, Lesser. Acceleration This power should be replaced by Haste, Psionic. I would suggest restricting it to the psychoportive power list. Antidote Simulation, Lesser Antidote Simulation Poison Simulation The idea was that the Lesser A.S. would be a self-only Neutralize Poison, Psionic (3rd level). Antidote Simulation is Neutralize Poison, Psionic (4th level). Poison Simulation is Poison, Psionic (4th level). These three powers should be restricted to the psychometabolist power list. Poison simulation could also be modeled by the 3.5 XPH PsiWar power Prevenom. Crisis of Life This power should be replaced by Slay Living, Psionic. Note that there is a power with this same name in the XPH, which to my eyes appears to be Finger of Death. Wild Charge I think that this power is very similar to Psionic Lion's Charge in the XPH. Deflect Strike This is essentially the "reverse" of True Strike. Bioelectric Aura This power was designed as an electric version of Fire Shield. Whether that still works in 3.5e, I have no idea. Comfort This power was conceived as an explanation to allow humans to survive the worst heat of the Athasian day (it was presumed to be the most common wild talent in the population). I.e. This one came as a result of "world balance". Beacon, Ghost Writing, Tattoo Animation, Psionic Draw, Wild Tumbling, Wild Leap, True Worship, Psychic Tracking, Cast Missiles The above powers are Brax originals or his conversions of some WATW and DSDK classics, and I frankly don't know what to do with them. If I had infinite time, I would re-write some of the classic WATW and DSDK powers, and present them with the original artwork in some sort of one-off PDF, for nostalgia's sake. No PC psion in their right mind chooses "Ghost Writing". Paul 11-13-04 |
#3NefalNov 15, 2004 16:31:15 | Bioelectric Aura This power could be replaced by "Energy Retort". It isn't exactly the same power but the effect is "quite" similar. Or, simplier, it could be changed as "Fire Shield, psionic" as a psychokinesis power (5th level). But this last possibility wouldn't fit well with the XPH concept of "energy" powers. |
#4zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2004 21:43:50 | Antidote Simulation, Lesser Instead of two powers, I have a better idea.. Make only one power for AS and AS lesser... Make Antidote Simulation a 3rd-level power, and add "Augment: For every two additionnal power points, you can affect one other creature". And thus make it so that by default it only affects you. This way, if you pay as a 4th-level power you can affect another creature. Acceleration Altough I know that with haste it doesn't anymore gives you a "Standard Action", I always loved the fact that a Spellcaster, or Psi, could do more that attack with that power/spell... I don't know if it would be too unbalancing to add "Augment : If you spend 4 additionnal PP, the additionnal action can be any Standard Action or Move-Equivalent action instead of an attack." What do you think? As for other powers, I'm willing to help. I have some time on my hands. I never converted anything, but that can't be that bad, can it? :D K |
#5zombiegleemaxNov 15, 2004 22:17:33 | By the way.. There's absolutly no reason to change the name of powers that are taken from spells... For example Jump -> Legs of Thri-Kreen. By keeping the names already chosen, we keep a little flavour... Sure it's more simple with Jump, Psionics... But it's so much cooler to have "Legs of a Thri-Kreen" and actually seeing your legs changed too. Down with ", psionics" powers... Come on. :P Ok.. ok.. I'll be quiet now. :P K |
#6NefalNov 16, 2004 14:32:38 | Altough I know that with haste it doesn't anymore gives you a "Standard Action", I always loved the fact that a Spellcaster, or Psi, could do more that attack with that power/spell... I don't know if it would be too unbalancing to add "Augment : If you spend 4 additionnal PP, the additionnal action can be any Standard Action or Move-Equivalent action instead of an attack." I think there's already the Schism (Telepath 4) power. It allows to manifest one more (lesser) power each round. |
#7zombiegleemaxNov 16, 2004 17:02:40 | I think there's already the Schism (Telepath 4) power. It allows to manifest one more (lesser) power each round. Yeah, I know.. But it's only for powers. No spells, no movements, nothing else. I would think one of the main change in the Psi3.5 was that they tried to group certain powers... However, I do realize that if you have Schism, Accelerate and Hustle, you can, respectively, have one more power per round, an attack, or a movement. BUT, it's THREE powers, and they can't be used at the same time. (It's clearly written in the Schism power's description) Anyway.. Not my call. ;) Only a suggestion. ![]() |
#8elonarcNov 16, 2004 17:37:22 | Haste was rewritten in 3.5 because the 3.0 was so terribly broken. I strongly suggest not to reintroduce it or any power emulating "haste 3.0". |
#9jon_oracle_of_athasNov 19, 2004 15:06:30 | ![]() |
#10zombiegleemaxNov 19, 2004 21:47:55 | Yes, yes.. No need to ![]() I'm going to start with converting current powers... We'll see after if we want more.. ;) ==== "A" Powers ==== Acceleration Psychoportation Level: Psion/Wilder 3, psychic warrior 3 Display: Auditory, Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Power Resistance: Yes (harmless) Power Points: 5 Same stuff (As Haste) Augment: For every additionnal power point you spend, you may affect one additionnal target. No two targets can be more than 30 ft from each others. [Only removed the "Mental" Display and added Augment. The Augment was added because Haste Spell can affect one target/level and it should cost a little something to make it on par with the Spell] -- Alter Features [The only thing to change with Alter self is to put it in the Egoist list, as Metamorphosis, etc] -- Antidote Simulation Psychometabolism Level: Psion/Wilder 3 Display: Auditory, Material Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personnal Target: You Duration: Instantaeneous Power Points: 5 The character detoxifies any sort of venom in her body. She suffers no additionnal damage or effects from the poison, and any temporary effects are ended, but the power does not reverse instantaneous effects such as hit points damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don't go away on their own. Augment: You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways. 1. If you spend 2 additionnal power points, this power can affect any willing living creature or object of up to 1 cu. ft./level touched. 2. If you spend 6 additionnal power points, you can manifest this power as an immediate action, quickly enough to negate the first poison damage. You must not be flat-footed and be aware of the poison or be suspicious. If there was no poison, the power points are wasted as is your quickened action for the round. [Made one power with two, and added augment to affect another creature. For the second augment, I though it could be cool even if expensive] |
#11zombiegleemaxNov 21, 2004 20:05:44 | ==== "B" Powers ==== Beacon Metacreativity Level: Psion/Wilder 1 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: Light the size of a torch Duration: 10 minutes/level (D), see text Power Points: 1 You create a colored floating sphere of which sheds light (the exact color is your choice) and follows you within the limit of the power. If it leave the power's range, the sphere vanishes instantly. At it's normal state, the sphere's light is equivalent of a torch. When you concentrate, the sphere turns into a bright beacon that is visible for 100 feet away during the day, or up to 1 mile away during the night. Augment: If you spend 4 additionnal power points, this power's duration is 1 hour/level. [Modified it to be a reasonable 1rst-level power instead of 0th.. I think.. Do say if it's over/underpowered] -- Bioelectric Touch [TO REMOVE] [This power is obsolete with the power Energy Ray.] -- Bioelectric Aura [TO REMOVE] [As stated, this power can easily be replaced by Energy Retort] -- Bioflexibility Psychometabolism Level: Psion/Wilder 1, psychic warrior 1 Display: Material Manifesting Time: 1 swift action Range: Personnal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level Power Points: 1 You become flexible, malleable, almost fluidic in form. You can manifest this power to escape a grapple, manacles, rope, or other restraining effects or persons. This effectively gives you a +10 competence bonus on all escape artist checks and the ability to squeese through seemingly impossible spaces. Augment: For every 4 additionnal power points you spend, you gain an additionnal +10 competence bonus to escape artist checks. [A lot more simple. ![]() |
#12jon_oracle_of_athasNov 22, 2004 2:06:49 | Bioflexibility Wouldn't a bonus to Escape Artist make sense with this power? That's what all the features describe. |
#13zombiegleemaxNov 22, 2004 16:42:35 | Wouldn't a bonus to Escape Artist make sense with this power? That's what all the features describe. That's actually a very good idea... :D That'll teach me to convert power when I'm tired. I'm editing right now. What do you think so far? I know there isn't much done, but still.. ![]() |
#14zombiegleemaxNov 22, 2004 17:51:57 | ==== "C" Powers ==== Comfort Psychometabolism Level: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1 Display: Material Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Living creature touched Duration: 12 hours Power Points: 1 Target creature gains a resistance to extreme temperatures and aren't adversely affected by the extreme heat of the day or the extreme chill of the night. He treats extreme heat or cold as if it were only very hot or cold and abysmal heat as extreme heat. Augment: For every additionnal power point you spend, you can target an additionnal living creature. [Changes are to reflect that there is no 0-level powers, and thus need a little boost. I also used Cooling Canopy as template.] -- Cast Missile [No change] -- Crisis of Life -> rename to Heart Break (stat block remains the same) You can slay any one living creature. You must succeed at a melee touch attack to touche the subject. When you touch the creature, a ghostly hand reaches to the heart of the victim and tries to grab and stops it. The subject must succeed at a fortitude save to avoid death. If he succeed, he instead takes 2d6 points of damage. (Of course, the subject might die from damage even if she succeeds at her save.) [This is actually the same mechanics as Slay Living, but I added a little flavour.] ==== "D" Powers ==== Deflection Deflection, Lesser [Both are now obsolete with the power "Precognition, Defensive"] ==== "F" Powers ==== Friendly [As stated by Paul Liss, Precognition can replace this. And it is more difficult to convert a power that needs a level jump.] ==== "G" Powers ==== Ghost Writing -> Replace by Slave Mark Metecreativity Level: Psion/Wilder 1 Display: Material, Visual Manifesting Time: 1 minute action Range: Touch Target: Living creature touched, See text Duration: Permanent, See text Power Points: 1 Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: Yes This power allows a psion to mark a living creature with a chosen Slave Mark. The mark can be recognized by any member of the family or house using the specific mark or by a Knowledge check. (Note: The check still needs to be chosen, as the DC..) The creature must be either willing to be marked or restrained, thus allowing no saving throw. The Mark is permanent until removed. The owner, a high member of the house, a templar, or a psion using Dispel Psionics specifically targetting the mark, can free the slave. Dispeling the mark is an illegal act punished by all City-States exept in Free Tyr. If the slave chages owner, the original owner must first remove the mark. Some slavers often hire a Psion to remove other's marks and claim the slave as their own. [Ok.. I changed a useless power, Ghost Writing, into a very usefull and flavourfull power... Cheers] |
#15jon_oracle_of_athasNov 26, 2004 19:08:34 | There has to be others than just Kurkamor who can contribute? And to Kurkamor - Keep up the good work! |
#16jon_oracle_of_athasNov 26, 2004 19:15:15 | I've posted a request for help on the psionics boards. If anyone new to this thread is reading this, you can get the Dark Sun 3.5 rules at |
#17Tempest_StormwindNov 26, 2004 19:58:30 | I can't promise a lot of results, but I can certainly give some of these conversions a shot. I'm downloading your rules PDF now. I've been fascinated with Dark Sun (and Spelljammer, but that's another story) for a while now, even though my introduction to D&D was in 3rd edition. The very first experience I had with D&D rules in general, though, were a series of CD-games back from the era when game companies used CDs to hold anything that would have fit on five or more discs -- Dungeon Hack, Fantasy Empires, Unlimited Adventures, Stronghold, and Dark Sun: Shattered Lands. The last three in particular caught my interest, even if I was too young to fully grasp the rules at the time. (So, in a roundabout way, my initial D&D exposure was due to Dark Sun. It's partly because of this that I want to help.) (By the way, the words to describe Bioflexibility are "You become flexible, malleable, almost fluidic in form." I have a bit of a knack for vocabulary and embellishment; it's saved my arse on more than one last-minute essay.) EDIT -- I'm assuming that the H powers are being converted as I type. I'll do the L-P powers instead. Legs of a Thri-Kreen Psychometabolism Level: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1 Display: Vi (see text) Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Power Points: 1 This power psychometabolically augments your legs' musculature to resemble that of the idealized Thri-kreen. Your legs may actually manifest some kreen-like qualities for the duration of this power, but such visual changes are purely cosmetic. You gain a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks. AUGMENT: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the enhancement bonus increases by +5 (+15 at 3 pp, +20 at 5, etc). Legs of a Thri-Kreen, Lesser (This power has been subsumed into Legs of the Thri-Kreen due to the removal of 0-level powers.) Object Reading, Lesser (This power has been subsumed by Object Reading, in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. If you want to move it on the psychic warrior list, I'd put it at level 3 and shorten the duration a bit. Or, of course, just use Expanded Knowledge.) Poison Simulation (This power is functionally similar to Truevenom or Truevenom Weapon, but strictly better (more damage and a touch attack). I'm uncertain how to convert this power without input from another source; offhand I'd leave it as it is or maybe add it to the psion list. Psionic Draw Psychokinesis Level: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1 Display: Vi Manifestation Time: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You and 1 weapon on your person Duration: Instantaneous Power Points: 1 You psychokinetically draw a weapon from anywhere on your person, and instantly weild it. You can manifest this power instantly, quickly enough to arm yourself when needed, even when it is not your turn -- for example, to make an attack of opportunity. Manifesting this power is an immediate action, similar to manifesting a quickened power, and it counts toward the normal limit of one quickened power per round. (EDITOR'S NOTE: I know Dark Sun is a low-equipment game, but what about the extradimensional spaces? Was this power in it's 0-level incarnation intended to draw a weapon from those? If yes, then no changes are needed. If not, I'd suggest a 2-PP augment to reach those places.) Psychic Tracking Clairsentience Level: Psion/Wilder 1 Display: Au Manifestation Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Power Points: 1 This power allows you to track a living creature by the mental “footprints” left behind by its thoughts. You may use your Psicraft skill in place of Survival to “track” the psychic imprint of the creature that you are following. Tracking using this power follows the rules listed under the Track feat and the Survival skill, unless listed here. The base DC is 20, -1 per point of intelligence the quarry has (treat nonability intelligences, like those of vermin, as 0). The modifiers for weather and visibility do not apply to this check, but creatures immune to mind-affecting effects or creatures resistant to mind-reading (such as those under a Mind Blank or Conceal Thoughts power, respectively) leave virtually no imprint to follow (+20 DC). A concious creature can also attempt to "hide" its imprint by stilling its thoughts, which requires an Intelligence check (DC 10, but it must conciously make the decision to "run silently" -- which most creatures do not do normally) instead of the normal Survival check. All other Survival rules apply as normal. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Had to alter this one a bit since it didn't make sense to me the way it was originally written (I frequently play hunter-types, I'm used to the tracking rules). Not too sure if I did a decent enough job, but that's what comments are for. Hope it's clear enough and hopefully balanced.) EDITS -- Altered Psychic Tracking a bit to deal with mind-blocking powers that don't give you immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects. |
#18PennarinNov 26, 2004 20:48:56 | Tempest Stormwind, concerning psychic tracking: The way you worded it, it does let the door open for spells and powers that mask one's thoughts like conceal thoughts or mind blank to thwart the tracking process. Maybe that should be added in the description. |
#19jon_oracle_of_athasNov 27, 2004 4:15:01 | Thanks for helping out, Tempest Stormwind. |
#20Tempest_StormwindNov 27, 2004 14:47:19 | I had left out Conceal Thoughts by accident, though Mind Blank is already in there (see the +20 DC). I'll modify it a bit, though, to take those into account. I don't mind helping, but as I have no other fellow players nearby who like Dark Sun I can't test these in context. I'll need testing help and feedback. I'll see about doing the next chunk soon. Hope it's handy! |
#21jon_oracle_of_athasNov 29, 2004 5:22:53 | Will be looking forward to your next batch. |
#22Tempest_StormwindDec 01, 2004 16:59:45 | I technically don't have the time to do this, as it's finals season, but I've decided, what the hell, why not. Here's the batch of all the powers following where I left off. Next round will be the few in between. By the way, I also feel that either Cast Missle or Call Weaponry should exist in this game, not both. Resistance (This power can easily be replaced with Defensive Precognition in the XPH, a 1st level power that is uniformly better but fills the same niche..) Static Discharge Static Discharge, Greater Static Discharge, Lesser (these powers can be combined and replaced with Energy Ray.) Tattoo Animation Psychokinesis Level: Psion/Wilder 1, Psychic Warrior 1 Display: Vi Manifestation Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal or Touch, see text Target: One or more tattoos on your body or one tattoo on another's body Duration: Concentration + 1 round per manifester level (D) Saving Throw: Will Negates, see text Power Resistance: No Power Points: 1 This power allows you to take control over various tattoos. There are two specific uses for this power: Alter Tattoo: You may make one tattoo on your body per manifester level move across your body as if they were psionic tattoos, in every way, shape, and form. You can even transfer these tattoos to another being by touching them; you can hold the charge for up to 1 round per manifester level after ceasing concentration. An unwilling recipient gets a Will saving throw to prevent a tattoo from crossing over; on one successful save, he is immune to that particular manifestation of the power, but the power itself does not end. Steal Tattoo: You can instead attempt to "steal" a single tattoo (normal or psionic) on another creature's body for your own use. You must see (or otherwise be aware of the precise location of) the tattoo in question before manifesting the power with this intention, or the power fails. On a successful melee touch attack, the opponent must make a Will saving throw or the tattoo in question crawls onto your body instead. If the tattoo is psionic, the defender gets a bonus on his will saving throw equal to the level of the power stored in it. After your successful touch attack, the power ends, regardless of the success of the theft. AUGMENT: For every 4 additional power points you spend, this power's Steal Tattoo function can steal an additional tattoo. [EDITOR'S NOTE: This, like Control Shadow, was a wonderful talent that didn't have enough application to survive a revision on its own. So, I expanded what the base function could do and ironed out a kink or two, and added a Steal Tattoo function with an augment. Not too sure if it's balanced or not, but it certainly makes the power more usable in any campaign with a decent number of psionic tattoos.] Telekinesis, Lesser (this power has been subsumed by an augmented Far Hand. A bit less efficient, but it works.) REGARDING THE TRUE WORSHIP POWER: I have no idea what the original use of this power was intended for. I'm not familiar with Dark Sun's divine connections, so if this information left you with some tactical advantage, I'm not aware of it. As written, it seems purely an RP power designed to verify someone's claims of who they worship, or the like. I think it can either be deleted, or perhaps rewritten into a Detect Patron-type power in the line of Detect [Alignment] or even Read Thoughts. Wild Stunt Psychoportation Level: Psion/Wilder 2, Nomad 1, Psychic Warrior 1 Display: Au Manifestation Time: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous Power Points: Psion/Wilder 3, Nomad 1, Psychic Warrior 1 This power allows you, for a fraction of a second, to catch a foothold in the fabric of the universe, the same fabric depended on for powers such as immobility. This foothold does not last long enough for you to stand on, but it does last long enough for you to perform minor aerobatic stunts. You may manifest this power at any point when you are airborne, whether by use of a Jump check, a fall, or so forth (even during a Run action, as a running creature leaves the ground for a few moments between strides). The foothold it generates lets you perform one of the following stunts: Double Jump: You may make a Jump check, even if you have already moved this round, and move the distance indicated as normal. This second jump is in the same direction as you are currently moving (and as such is not useful if you are falling). The total distance covered on both jump checks can exceed your normal speed (but not more than twice your speed). Boost Flip: You may make a Tumble check if you are trained in that skill. This can allow you to immediately reposition yourself on a fall (treat this fall as if you had succeeded a Jump check to initiate it), or avoid attacks of opportunity (even while running). Tumbling in this last way does not count as an action of itself; it becomes part of the run action. You land on your feet after performing either of these stunts, and it does not negate falling damage on its own (but a second Tumble check might). You cannot perform this stunt if you are carrying more than your light load. Course Correction: You may change the direction of your midair motion by 90 degrees. If you use this power while falling, you reset your falling speed to 0 (and as such take damage as if the fall were that much shorter), but you also sail off to one side (5 feet horizontal for every 5 feet of vertical distance you've already fallen). AUGMENT: You may augment this power in one of three ways: 1) If you spend 2 additional power points, you may combine the Course Correction stunt with the Double Jump stunt or the Boost Flip stunt. 2) For every additional power point you spend, you gain a +2 bonus on the Tumble check made during a Boost Flip. 3) If you spend 2 additional power points, you can attempt the Boost Flip check untrained. [Subsuming Wild Leap and Wild Tumbling into the same power, I attempted to punch the power level up a bit. The resulting power was very good, but also very physical -- I left it as Psychoportation, but had to alter the level a bit (hopefully it remains a valid choice). The stunt names have a generic sound to them (almost a video-game one, in retrospect); I'd suggest someone come up with more flavorful names if you want.] There, that's the last batch. Wild Stunt is the power I'm least certain about; I extended it based on flavor text. I'd also like help with the True Worship power; I don't like deleting powers unless I have to. Any comments? |
#23zombiegleemaxDec 01, 2004 20:53:50 | Sorry for the silence, I've been quite busy.. And working on Hush.. :D Thanks for the help Tempest Stormwind. Hush Telepathy [Compulsion, Mind-Affecting] Level: Psion/Wilder 1 Display: Mental Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personnal Target: You Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: Will partial [See text] Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 1 Your mind sends out a subconscious twinge in a 20-ft-radius burst centered on you every round that causes living creatures to be as silent as possible (no talking, no spellcasting with verbal components or spells which produces sound in any way, using Move Silently, etc) for the duration of the power. Creatures who succeed their saving throw are free to act as they wish for one round and must make a new saving throw each rounds or until they leave the radius. A creature which fails it's saving throw at any point must remain silent for the remaining of the duration. Augment: You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways. 1. If you spend 4 additionnal power points, the radius of the burst is 40-ft. 2. For every 2 additionnal power points, the DC is increased by 1. [Compared it more with Silence than the original Hush. Silence is 15-ft-rad with no save, and can be cast on anything.] --- Mind Sweep --> Was True Worship Clairsentience Level: Seer 1, Psion/Wilder 2 Display: Mental, Material Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Living Creature Duration: Concentration, max 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negate Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: Seer 1, Psion/Wilder 3 You focus your thoughts on a living creature you can see. The longer you maintain concentration, the more information you can get. 1rst Round: Social status of the target (Slave, Freeman, Noble, Templar) 2nd Round: Allegiance of target (Element worshiped, SK, nature, etc) 3rd Round: Most used Name of target 4th Round: Profession (or 1rst Class) Subsequent rounds: Additionnal classes or Professions. Powers and spells which fools or block detection or mind reading affect this power normally. |
#24Tempest_StormwindDec 02, 2004 18:34:39 | Should Mind Sweep's duration be that short? Just wondering. Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that's all of the powers, isn't it? (By the way: Just "Tempest" or will do, by the way. I've used the name on and offline for so long it's virtually like a given/surname combo.) |
#25zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2004 20:33:30 | Actually... Yeah, it's all of the powers I guess... Probably going to try to find new stuff now.. :P As for Mind Sweep, I didn't though a longer duration would change anything unless we can find new info to get with more rounds. Either that, or allow a target change, maybe with a +2 PP? |
#26zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2004 17:11:47 | ![]() Comments? Flames? On the job thus far.. ? Ideas for new powers? Concepts you would like to introduce? |
#27zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2004 17:16:20 | I remember something about a psychokinetic power a drow from House Obladra used in the Crystal shard, or one of the Drizzt books, that let them pummel some chick with sword slashes and club blows, while preventing the damage from immediately happening. They dropped a delayed blast fireball down her throat, sent her into the town square, and releases the psychokinetic power. All of the physical damage from the sword cuts and club bashes occurred all at once right then, then the fireball went off...........![]() ![]() ![]() |
#28jon_oracle_of_athasDec 07, 2004 6:49:39 | That sounds like Kinetic Control, and that is an Epic spell. |
#29GrummoreDec 07, 2004 8:31:45 | That sounds like Kinetic Control, and that is an Epic spell. Hell yeah... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....... broken psionic 2nd ed... ![]() |
#30nytcrawlrDec 07, 2004 15:37:10 | Hell yeah... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....... broken psionic 2nd ed... Yeah, that was a totally broken power in 2e wasn't it? Sheesh. |
#31superpriestJan 26, 2005 12:41:28 | This thread seems important, so I bumped it. What's the progress on psionics? |
#32jon_oracle_of_athasJan 26, 2005 13:58:32 | Nels is almost done with updating the psi chapter using the feedback from the boards. |
#33superpriestJan 26, 2005 14:11:39 | I have a number of spells changes, plus a list of things for other sections of DS3E. Are you close to putting out the next revised doc? |
#34methvezemJan 27, 2005 0:36:44 | Here's a power that is used in an universal item I created for the shipfloater at first and I'd like to know your opinion about it and if it could be integrated in DS3. It's based on power leech. Power Syphon Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Telepath 7 Display: Visual; see text Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) Area: One or more psionic creatures within a 15-ft.-radius sphere Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level; see text Saving Throw: Will negates Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 13 Your brow erupts with an arc of crackling dark energy that connects with all applicable foe within the affected area, draining them of 1d6 power points and adding half of those points (rounded down) to your reserve (unless that gain would cause you to exceed your maximum). The drain continues in each round you maintain concentration while subjects of the drain remain in range. If all subjects are drained to 0 power points, this power ends. Concentrating to maintain power siphon is a full-round action (you can take no other actions aside from a 5-foot step) instead of a standard action. |
#35dracochapelFeb 04, 2005 0:32:58 | Kinetic Control broken? bah. Only if your DM didnt like your PC been practically immune to physical damage (and been able to hit them back with the stored up damage) |