Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1flipDec 02, 2004 9:33:38 | It's kind of an open question, so I want to see what you guys think. General consensus on the Psion board appears to be that the Soulknife is either balanced or a bit underpowered. Suffers from the same multiclassing problems as spellcasters as well. Of course, that's assuming a "standard" magic item distribution. Personally, I don't think DS has any less of a distribution than normal settings -- it's just much more heavily skewed towards psionic items. But I know that some poeple really like to run fully low-magic campaigns. (Which still ends up giving tremendous bonuses to a party with an item-creator in it ...) The balance question, from a "lesser need for equipment" standpoint, would also go a long way towards arguments for including the monk, as many of those aspects also apply. So, it's likely that including the soulknife will lead to including the (flavor modified, and psionically powered) monk as well. So, I wanted to run a check, see what you guys think about this. You can "just" vote, but it'd help if I knew reasons behind your votes as well ... unless, of course, that's already stated. |
#2jesterjeffDec 02, 2004 9:45:15 | To me, a Soulknife seems to be a very capable class in Dark Sun. They need no weapons, their power gives them edges against wizards and psions alike and they are on par with psyhic warriors, rangers and the other warriors as well. plus they can ysr psionic and mundane feats to boost themselves... Immagine the horror of being set upon by a pair of thri-kreen Soulknives, or a Soulknife bodyguard for a defiler, a soulknife assassin lurking in the crowds instantly able to wield a weapon against anyone in a city-state where the citizenry is forceably disarmed and barred from weapons. But at the same time, they have only that ability and lack some of the vercitility of the arcane, divine and psionic classes. a powered unpowered class means he'd have to think his way out of situations as often as he would fight. Seems well balanced to me... Monks? Well That group, to me anyways, has a place. Either disciplined mundanes studing the physicality of the Way alongside their psion friends, non casting servents of the Sorcererkings, a unique find deep in the deserts- a monastery hidden away with an oasis. totally self sufficent. Classwise, they have a few of the same benifits and flaws of soulknives. useful powers and skills, they aren't dependent on equipment or the magics that are frowned upon in Athas. Their speed of attacks makes up for the lesser damage but then again they don't rist their fists shattering with repeated use like an obsidian dagger. |
#3zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2004 11:11:37 | I think that as a class they would not be overpowered for Athas, however, I mean this in context. I think they should be very specially trained under the auspices of the sorcerer-kings. Possibly the secret weapon of the high templerate. They could also be trained as assassins for the Veiled Alliance or maybe a secret tradition of The Shadows. I see them as having a place in Athas, but a very clear and rare one. Typically NPCs, but I could see situations where I would allow the class to be played by a party member. In regards to monks on Athas, I really don't understand why there wouldn't be a tradition of unarmed martial arts. I've dealt with this by creating feats for fighters to take that would allow them some more freedom in unarmed combat. None of my players have made that kind of fighter yet, but I could see them being quite powerful in their own right. Though a psion/monk type class could be very interesting. I'd still like to know what those Nibenese carver/monks are really up to. ;) |
#4zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2004 13:41:03 | A soulknife should have its niche under the athasian sky, sort of a high trained elite warrior. People would have to train under academies to get this knowledge. Same goes for the monks, thought I'd rather use the psi-monk version that can be found on Nyt's site. I would, of course, lower the monk's number of attacks for flurry of blows and BBA attacks to the same found on the monk's table on PHB 3.5. |
#5jon_oracle_of_athasDec 02, 2004 13:41:18 | Define: "Tone it down" - flavorwise or mechanicwise. |
#6zombiegleemaxDec 02, 2004 13:52:03 | The idea of a Soulknife on Athas has limitless possibilities. Imagine an Elan soulknife. They could be completely self-sustaining , self-arming desert hellions. Or, on another note, if one allows feats from Complete Divine in the Dark Sun campaign, an Elan Soulknife with the Vow of Poverty Feat would pretty much be able to write his own ticket in the harsh world of the Dark Sun. No need to eat, naturally protected by the Vow of Poverty's AC bonuses and elemental resistances, no need for equipment of any kind, really, and healing at an extraordinary rate. The Vow's benefits could be inferred to be provided by Athas itself the way a druid gains his powers, for if Nature loves a Druid or Preserver, how would it feel about a creature that makes no negative impact on the fragile dying ecosystem whatsoever! They'd be perfect as bodyguards for a druid in this capacity. |
#7KamelionDec 02, 2004 14:53:49 | Yes, include it for sure. The key is flavour - it needs to fit Athasian society in some way as opposed to just being a kewl thang that people can learn to do. I'd maybe link it to a specific school of psionics (or two) - maybe something that is taught in militaristic Urik, or an esoteric discipline that developed in Raam. Make PCs work to include it in their background. I also feel that monks have a place (mainly because of all the monasteries that clearly exist all over Athas) but agree that there should be a psionic angle to these as well. Nuff said ![]() |
#8flipDec 02, 2004 15:27:20 | Define: "Tone it down" - flavorwise or mechanicwise. Mechanicwise. or maybe flavorwise ... that's up to the comments to determine, I suppose. |
#9nytcrawlrDec 02, 2004 22:48:06 | I have no issue with soulknife being put in, not sure what all the negativity is about, I certainly don't see a problem with them. They are right up there with monks IMO and I don't have issue with them being on Athas. As far as the monk goes, letting it in would be a big plus on flavor and I think what I did with the psi-monk fits that well, though I know it probably needs to be adjusted some. That's my 2 cp anyways. |
#10jesterjeffDec 02, 2004 22:56:52 | so nyt what did you do with the psi-monk? |
#11nytcrawlrDec 02, 2004 23:13:23 | If the link doesn't work thanks to WotC's crappy redirects, then it's just dub dub dub |
#12superpriestDec 03, 2004 8:02:33 | Whether you include it or not, do not weaken it mechanically. I'd like to see it included if the flavor is appropriate or cut if it isn't. |
#13the_peacebringerDec 03, 2004 9:14:38 | Yes, include it for sure. The key is flavour - it needs to fit Athasian society in some way as opposed to just being a kewl thang that people can learn to do. Pretty much sums up what I think. |
#14zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2004 21:20:58 | Well, the votes show that I'm not the only one to think it's a bad idea, but no one else is willing to belly-up to the bar and say why. My main problem with the SoulKnife? It's too limited to be a base class. If it's included at all, I would make it a PrClass. To be perfectly honest, I don't like the SoulKnife as written, and I doubt any changes flavor-wise would change my opinion. As for the Psi-Monk - You've got a thumbs up by me. ![]() |
#15zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2004 21:25:11 | I still think the soulknife only works in tandem with the vow of poverty feat. Or modified to include an innate defensive bonus. |
#16PennarinDec 05, 2004 22:55:06 | I don't see how most material from the BoVD and BoED has a place in DS. Xlorep had his dragons inflict some vile damage somehow, and that was appropriate. A vow of poverty is a very real possibility on Athas, especially with those monk Monestaries in Nibenay. But an actual Vow of Poverty as the feat, with all its granted powers? Doesn't match DS IMO. There is no cosmic universal force in DS that will reward you for being Good and Poor. |
#17zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2004 23:04:35 | There certainly is. The Spirits of the Land or the Spirit of Athas itself. In that ravaged world, a being who made absolutely no negative impact on the environment would be absolutely adored by those entities. So ponder with me. An Elan soulknife. Requires no sustenance, as all elans do not. Requires no weapon constructed from any of Athas's meager resources, as his weapons are made of thought made manifest. Required no armor, with the vow of poverty feat, because of it's inherent bonuses. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say the Spirits of the Land and Athas would favor such a being enough to empower them thusly. Or even a soulknife dedicated to being a guardian of a druid, or an elemental cleric and is also an adherent to that element's religeous tenets.Also, a soulknife's vow of poverty could be part of a greater oath to replenish Athas,and directed at the Spirit of Athas. If the vow is taken in conjunction with a devotion to one of these causes, and is made with the thought in mind that not manipulating any ot athas' resources at all for personal benefit, from a plant to eat to obsidian from a weapon, and the intent to use the mind-blade to slay those who would harm athas, I think it would work.three groups of power sources. Spirit of Athas, Spirits of the Land, and the Elemental powers.I think they'd all be inclined to grant the Vow's powers under these circumstances. |
#18malkafDec 05, 2004 23:48:44 | I'm not entirely convinced soulknives would be a good addition to DS. I agree with leatherwood that they have a better fit as a PrC. Although I suppose I could see them a highly trained assassins of the Sorcerer Monarchs. But then again I'm not to impressed with the class itself which probably is coloring my judgement. |
#19nytcrawlrDec 06, 2004 11:16:38 | A vow of poverty is a very real possibility on Athas, especially with those monk Monestaries in Nibenay. But an actual Vow of Poverty as the feat, with all its granted powers? Doesn't match DS IMO. There is no cosmic universal force in DS that will reward you for being Good and Poor. Not to mention the fact that the average of the population is already in poverty. |
#20nytcrawlrDec 06, 2004 11:18:39 | There certainly is. The Spirits of the Land or the Spirit of Athas itself. In that ravaged world, a being who made absolutely no negative impact on the environment would be absolutely adored by those entities. Except that those are both NEUTRAL entities, not goodly. I just think the whole of morality on Athas is way too grey to have folks with exalted powers and such running around. |
#21SysaneDec 06, 2004 11:24:53 | I'm not entirely convinced soulknives would be a good addition to DS. I agree with leatherwood that they have a better fit as a PrC. Although I suppose I could see them a highly trained assassins of the Sorcerer Monarchs. But then again I'm not to impressed with the class itself which probably is coloring my judgement. I actually liked them better when they were a PrC rather than a full blown class. Admittedly the 3.0 PrC needed to be tweaked and would like to see a 3.5 variant of Soulknives in PrC form. |
#22zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2004 14:21:58 | I agree that those entities are neutral. How's this. I propose a use of an alternate feat, based on Vow of Poverty, called the Pact of Preservation. treated the same, with the same rules. Just not an exalted feat. The power not stemming from divine favor bourne of respect for self sacrifice and asceticism, but the power being granted because of the land's approval of your dedication to not harming the land in any way,by manipulating it's resources or eating it's plants or killing it's animals to eat them.Add in a clause where the person who makes the pact must make an earnest attempt to slay any defiler they encounter, unless to do so would certainly mean their death, and thus not further their cause. The only PCs who could make this work, admittedly, would be Elan soulknives , or elan monks who never use weapons, or a soulknife or monk of another species who have access to the sustenance power through class levels or a racial ability. I think it kind of goes with the elans being removed from the natural cycle flavor. :fight!: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#23nytcrawlrDec 06, 2004 14:31:51 | The only PCs who could make this work, admittedly, would be Elan soulknives , or elan monks who never use weapons, Not sure creating a feat that is only for a small minority of characters is a good idea, heh. |
#24zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2004 14:56:21 | It'd be kind of like a regional feat works in FR, except race as a qualifier. Or, there's other ways to get around the sustenance requirement. A spellcaster with the Green Star Adept class becomes a living construct , and doesn't need to eat. Has slam attacks, and so no need for weapons.A cleric who produces his food entirely through spellcraft could qualify. If he didn't use weapons. Even a psion or psychic warrior of any race could take the vow, if they learned Sustenance. With claws of the beast and other correctly applied powers, no need for weapons a la the King of Smack that's lurking somewhere on this forum.....Isn't there a wizard spell that produces food, too? But, I guess, in the spirit of the feat I'm proposing, a wizard would have to be a Necromant or Shadow Wizard in order to not manipulate Athas' energies to cast spells.... I think a druid would definetely qualify,too. Also, anybody who could find a mystical or psionic way to produce food until 5th level would gain the Sustenance ability from the vow itself when the reached 5th character level, or to completely break it down, anybody who behaved normally until 5th level then took the Pact and abstained from the use of magical weapons would completely qualify. Lemme know if there's any holes in this, cause as soon as it's airtight i'm going to integrate it in my campaign. :fight!: ![]() |
#25SysaneDec 06, 2004 16:22:30 | The only PCs who could make this work, admittedly, would be Elan soulknives , or elan monks who never use weapons Why does it need to be limited to just Elan soulknives and monks. Could it be openned to all races and classes? Psions, and psi warriors, and gladiators could also benefit from this as well. |
#26zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2004 16:28:05 | I originally thought it had to be limited due to the Sustenace requirement I had set forth, but later realized you gain sustenance for free if you're a 5th level character and take Vow of Poverty, even if you take it when you get to 5th level or even after.I was trying to keep it all tied in with the completely self-sufficient theme.Also one of the requirements for the Vow of Poverty feat is that you can own no magical equipment, and so the Gladiators and Barbarians won't really work,unless they have natural weapons, and even then they'd have difficulty overcoming the damage reduction of many athasian creatures. Psychic Warrior and Psion work, because of things like Claws of the Beast and Weapon of ENergy, Metaphysical Weapon.etc. |
#27SysaneDec 06, 2004 16:35:50 | I originally thought it had to be limited due to the Sustenace requirement I had set forth, but later realized you gain sustenance for free if you're a 5th level character and take Vow of Poverty, even if you take it when you get to 5th level or even after.I was trying to keep it all tied in with the completely self-sufficient theme.Also one of the requirements for the Vow of Poverty feat is that you can own no magical equipment, and so the Gladiators and Barbarians won't really work,unless they have natural weapons, and even then they'd have difficulty overcoming the damage reduction of many athasian creatures. Psychic Warrior and Psion work, because of things like Claws of the Beast and Weapon of ENergy, Metaphysical Weapon.etc. Gladiator has unarmed combat as an ability at higher levels as well. Any class could take improved unarmed attack. Plus some psi feats help out as well. But anyway. I think your idea has merrit. Pact of Preservation as a neutral type feat would fit with some work. |
#28zombiegleemaxDec 06, 2004 16:47:47 | I'm going to use it for my Warlock,too, and use his item creation feats to pay off epic spellcasters in my party to cast epic stat-improving, defense and resistance increasing, immunity granting type permanent spells on him. All without violating th pact, because in my rules, Warlocks draw their energy from the Black and the Grey. |
#29pneumatikDec 07, 2004 12:33:50 | I agree with most of the posts on this thread in that I think Soulknifes (-knives?) belong in DS, that that as a class it's a little weak so letting them into DS isn't going to unbalance anything. I disagree with the idea that you can only be a soulknife if you are taught at a large academy. One thing that's core to the feel of DS is that the world is so empty, and that you need to take care of and improve yourself. Just like psions like to live like hermits and spend all their time meditating to improve the strength of their mind, so could soulknives improve their own abilities without needing someone to teach them. With everyone in DS being at least a little psionically active, I can see people popping mind blades in the middle of fights completely by accident, and then spending time learning to control and improve it. I don't think the need for less equipment is too overpowering, either. If your campaign has normal equipment values for the PC's levels, then by the time the soulknife starts to get significant powers that simulate equipment, the other PC's should have enough loot for it to not make a big difference. If needing less equipment turns out to be a minor advantage, I think it's more than cancelled out by the fact that the soulknife has cleric BAB even though the equipment that he doesn't need is a melee weapon. |
#30jon_oracle_of_athasDec 16, 2004 2:25:43 | One argument I've heard to include the soulknife is the fact that on a world without metal, it is reasonable that there are people that have found means to manifest weapons through psionics to compensate for the lack of metal weapons. I agree that using psionics to overcome the lack of metal weapons would be a relevant angle, but this could just as easily be resolved with a psionic power that manifests a weapon, and which can be augmented to grant enchantments to the manifested weapon. Where does the "roguish" soulknife fit in the campaign landscape, without stepping on the toes of the Bard and the psionic Assassin variant? Do we have to shoehorn the soulknife in as a core class, or could we add it as a prestige class? If it's a core class, it's widespread. If it's a prestige class, its addition to the setting has less effect. |
#31zombiegleemaxDec 16, 2004 5:32:37 | I prefer it as a core class Thinking like a player, as a prestige, I would certainly not waste my time on it. |
#32zombiegleemaxDec 16, 2004 7:58:47 | In my very humble opinion, there is an overabundance of core classes in D&D 3.5, which is a bad thing from my point of view, because a core class must conceptually be a profession, or a lifestyle, which the PC can or can be obliged (by his background) to undertake at his birth (as PC, not as individual). A Gladiator, in Dark Sun, is conceptually a Core Class, because on Athas anyone, more or less, can be a slave, become it, or be born as it. Consequently, any PC can be born as a Gladiator, not necessarily becoming it lateer in his career as a voluntary choice. The same reasoning applies to Wilders, because is a diverse BASIC approach to Psionics. One can be born as a Wilder, in the same way an aspiring wizard can become a defiler without teaching in preserving magic. From my point of view (the same one as before :P) the Soulknife is a specialized approach to psionics, not a basic one. Same reasoning applies to Paladins and non-athasian rangers, which are sostantially hybrids fighter-cleric or fighter-druid and, therefore, not basic lifestyles (always IMHO). [EDIT] I've voted no, but i agree to the adding of the Soulknife as a PrC[/EDIT] My two bits :D |
#33zombiegleemaxDec 16, 2004 10:06:39 | The soulknife has one aspect that I'm surprised nobody has mentioned thus far. They would actually probably have been developed by the Veiled Alliance, or maybe even Druids, perhaps even members of the Order who wish to kill the SKs, because even in an anti-magic/anti-psionic field, a small cadre (about 4)of higher level (around Lv. 20)soulknives could dispatch a sorceror-king, due to the fact that they can make a will save at DC 20 to materialize their blade in such conditions, and through the use of their psychic strike/Knife to the Soul ability and the Deep Impact feat, could not only almost guarantee hits on an SK , but chop away his ability scores with no save allowed. Soulknives should definetely be allowed, with no modification, because to me, doing so represents the next logical step in freeing Athas from the Champions, by allowing the perfect weapons to destroy them to exist.All you kneed is a mage and a psion to dampen the SK's powers with an appropriate effect (anti-magic or anti-psionic field) and Athas takes one more step towards freedom and restoration. |
#34pneumatikDec 16, 2004 13:39:41 | I think the Soulknife would be best on Athas as a PClass. Making them a 10-level PClass makes them very attractive to fighters-types and assassin-types. The trick is cutting it down to 10 levels while still keeping it powerful enough to be effective. You'd probably have to cut out the bonus feat and non-psi-blade-improving abilities so as to make room for the enhancement bonus and other magic bonus. If the psi-blade never makes it to a +10 enhancement equivalance, high-level players will never take the PClass. I think the enhancement bonus and other magic weapon ability, the psychic strike and possibly the Knife to the Soul ability would be enough. Or maybe not, I don't know. It's a lot of abilities to shoe-horn into 10 levels. |
#35lurking_shadowDec 16, 2004 20:32:37 | Well, previous posters have already covered almost all the points I wished to make about the Soulknife class but, anyway, my two cents: 1) Ruleswise, no problem with it. Personally, I tailor the rewards to the PCs needs, so the mindblade doesn't bother me much. Also, I believe a low-magic campaing will hurt this class too. A Soulknife may not need enhanced weapons, but the lack of magical armor and other items will affect them. At worst, instead of a slightly underpowered class, you get a slightly overpowered one. 2) Flavorwise, I don't like it. I don't see it as a core class. Too specialized and not entirely athasian. Sure, as Jon put it, lack of metal might make people turn to manifested weapons. But that feels more like a PrC than a core class, IMHO. (By the by, Pneumatik's advice on making the Soulknife a PrC seems sound.) Now, the reason for this post: Though I'm voting against the Soulknife, I vote for the Monk. Unlike the former, the latter class has a well documented role in DS, from Nibenay's monks and nuns to Eldaarican peddlers (Wisdom of the Drylanders), to Draxan Keshai enthusiasts and even Raamite mystics. Granted, it may not be as widespread and universal as the Ranger or the Psion, but the Monk has a place. |
#36jon_oracle_of_athasDec 17, 2004 7:09:53 | But are these monestaries martial art fighting schools or are they more like european monks of history and if psionic, is it more likely they are devoted to non-combat oriented psionic studies? Except the reference to the Draxians, I have yet to be convinced of the offensive physical combat oriented nature of the monestaries. Gladiator schools and the armies of the city-states cover martial combat training and there are psychic warriors. I can definitely see a prc developed for psionic unarmed combatants, but a core class... not really. |
#37jon_oracle_of_athasDec 17, 2004 7:11:42 | Flip, can you get a poll running on soulknife prestige class vs core class? Please include following alternatives: "Should the Soulknife be included in DS3.5?" A. Yes, as a core class. B. Yes, as a prestige class. C. No. |
#38zombiegleemaxDec 17, 2004 7:17:13 | yeah, I think it's already clear that it should be included, it remains to define "how". |
#39elonarcDec 17, 2004 7:36:25 | Even I could live with the soulknife as a PrC. I agree with Jon on the issue of the soul knife not being wide spreaded and therefor should not be a core class. |
#40SysaneDec 17, 2004 7:45:50 | Even I could live with the soulknife as a PrC. I agree with Jon on the issue of the soul knife not being wide spreaded and therefor should not be a core class. Here here on it being a PrC. It was much cooler when it was such in 3.0. |
#41the_peacebringerDec 17, 2004 7:48:35 | Yep, I wouldn't use it as anything other than a PrC in my campaign. |
#42lurking_shadowDec 17, 2004 9:14:27 | But are these monestaries martial art fighting schools or are they more like european monks of history and if psionic, is it more likely they are devoted to non-combat oriented psionic studies? Except the reference to the Draxians, I have yet to be convinced of the offensive physical combat oriented nature of the monestaries. Gladiator schools and the armies of the city-states cover martial combat training and there are psychic warriors. I can definitely see a prc developed for psionic unarmed combatants, but a core class... not really. Well, it's true: I may have grown accustomed to associating those Nibenese orders to unarmed combat and to thinking Monks are acceptable for use in DS, while the idea of an Athasian Soulknife is new to me. There is only one passage in VA giving credence to Nibenese monks and nuns as unarmed combatants: "In fact, their regimen resembles that of a dedicated psionicist, though the monks gain no powers. (Optionally, you may allow monks to train in unarmed combat.)" (Page 60, VA.) Other entries (Ivory Triangle) on Exalted Path and Serene Bliss make no mention to them training martial arts that I could find. However, these orders' philosophies seem rather oriental to me, and combat practice is not uncommon among Asian religious groups, both for self-defense and as a means of achieving a meditative state through physical exercises. Exemples being: Shaolin, Wudong Taoists, Japanese Sohei, etc.. Granted, it's a tenuous link. Well, there are the Draxans, the Eldaarican villagers and peddlers (Wisdom of the Drylanders) and maybe even some of the Villichi. That may not be much, but it's more than the Soulknife has. |
#43gilliard_derosanDec 17, 2004 12:00:30 | I have no problem with monks and Soulknives in Dark Sun. Sure, neither of them are forced to rely on material weapons for fighting, but neither does a Psion. A Naken Psion can toast quite a few people from 100' away while a Naked Monk or Soulknife has to close to melee range (or if the soul knife can throw his blade, to thrown range). The Psion can take pot shots the entire time the other is closing (which the monk can do quicker typically) I doubt either class would be abused in a group for the simple fact that it would leave the group very weak in other needed areas. Sure, BBEGs would be in for a surprise when the unarmed and unquipped party escapes from his dungeon and confronts him, and he thinks he is going to have an easy time at it, and all of the sudden half the group manifests a soul knife, and the other half launches into a flurry of blows., but when it comes time to heal, or lay down the long range barrages, they are in trouble. You are likely to face more balance issues and broken groups if everyone in the group is a psion than if they all load up on either of these two classes. Now, for flavor. I agree that there should be some cool nifty Athasian flavor for either of these classes. And I don't think Monks need to be Psi-converted either. Granted, there could be psi-monks in existance as well as normal monks, but I see no real reason as to why someone, somewhere, wouldn't have dedicated themselves into monk-like training. |
#44KamelionDec 17, 2004 12:54:16 | I'd have no problem with the soulknife as a core class. If the DS setting is flexible enough to incorporate psychic warriors and wilders as core classes, then I see no reason that it can't incorporate the soulknife class. There is nothing to prevent us from saying that the various psionic schools across Athas (King's Academy, House of the Mind, Academy of the Chamber of Air, Cerebran etc etc) teach various applications of psionics - from psion, to psychic warrior to soulknife. It might just as easily be a technique common amongst the kreen, or a remnant of the Green Age in Saragar. I'd say that ruling that there are several types of psionic ability on Athas is no more of a change than the kind of retrofit that DS3 involved in order to include dwarven wizards, the brute class or spellcasting/nonspellcasting halflings. |
#45jesterjeffDec 17, 2004 13:06:17 | I agree. a bit of Athasian backstory and we'd have no problem with either class. The brute, gladiator, ranger, fighter have no psionics and are reasonable classes. The psions have no great skill in combat but have studied powers to supliment and psyker warriors are a blend-their psi isn't as poweful but they are more phstically stout. The monks can be seen as the monastic orders, or a long line of students and masters in a tribal clan of warriors who embraced the deep desert; they abandoned almost all pretense of 'civilization' even weapons. Monks could be a sort of covert assassin/bodyguard of a dragonking or a templar. Remember We really don't need an 'Oriental' theme for the monks, as their seems to be no 'Oriental' mirror in Athas. Think of them more like the Hashashim(sp). Th Soulknife; well they are more trained than psyker warriors physically and at the expence of psionic powers, instead they learned to channel thier raw energy into a manifest physical form, a blade. They could be parts of schools, or individually trained like most everyone else in Athas is. Hell while we're at it, let's add the wilder. They train as does the psion, usually one on one. they don't have the versitility of psions but insteadchannel thier powers to icrease the strength of the few powers they've learned. and the Wilders, a perfect class for C's with a less than civil background, farther from the citystates you go it would make sense that wilders would be found instead of psions as they're less disciplined than psions. |
#46nytcrawlrDec 17, 2004 13:56:52 | Well, there are the Draxans, the Eldaarican villagers and peddlers (Wisdom of the Drylanders) and maybe even some of the Villichi. That may not be much, but it's more than the Soulknife has. Here, here! |
#47nytcrawlrDec 17, 2004 14:00:21 | I think it's pretty clear at this point that both can be added with little work. Not much more can be said IMO on either side. |
#48murkafDec 17, 2004 14:00:31 | Hell while we're at it, let's add the wilder. They train as does the psion, usually one on one. they don't have the versitility of psions but insteadchannel thier powers to icrease the strength of the few powers they've learned. and the Wilders, a perfect class for C's with a less than civil background, farther from the citystates you go it would make sense that wilders would be found instead of psions as they're less disciplined than psions. Actually, Wilders are an acceptable equivalent to the Tribal Psionicists (of which my Munchkin players were very fond). Although not as overpowered, they retain the flavour of the Kit... and still get to be persecuted by the Order! |
#49zombiegleemaxDec 17, 2004 18:50:51 | To address a sub-issue which had developed here, I would like to say I think the monks should definetely be included, and in 3 ways. The typical monastic monk, the psionic monk, and it should also be included under a different name, like "martial artist" to represent characters who have been trained in hand-to-hand combat outside the monastaries, doing so maybe because of the lack of good weapons materials on Athas, which makes absolute self-reliance a valuable asset. The latter would be Bruce Lee type characters, able to use advanced martial arts but without a monk's lifestyle or background. |
#50malkafDec 17, 2004 22:33:39 | I think monks with a litte change in flavor text are find in DS. As for psychic monks, Fists of Zuoken would work great to fill those shoes just need to change the backstory a little bit. |
#51jon_oracle_of_athasDec 20, 2004 5:32:45 | To address a sub-issue which had developed here, I would like to say I think the monks should definetely be included, and in 3 ways. Three different monks cry three prestige classes, not necessarily a core class. |
#52jon_oracle_of_athasDec 20, 2004 5:34:51 | Oh, Brax, where art thou. Flavor police! :P |
#53jon_oracle_of_athasDec 20, 2004 5:45:53 | Bards you can find in every seedy establishment on Athas. Gladiators are as common as athletes in our world. Those are warranted as core classes IMO. How many monks and soulknives are there? A core class says something about how widespread a concept is. Monks wouldn't come by a dime a dosen as gladiators and bards. The same applies to soulknives IMO. Sure, make them specially trained assassins as suggested, but you can't convince me they'd be as numerous as psions or wilders, and still say they won't step on the toes of the bard and the psionic assassin variant. I still vote for a Soulknife prc and Psionic Monk prc. |
#54zombiegleemaxDec 20, 2004 6:53:07 | Bards you can find in every seedy establishment on Athas. Gladiators are as common as athletes in our world. Those are warranted as core classes IMO. If both classes need limits (because they are not widespreaded as the others classes) I suppose "zipping" then in 10 levels PrC wouldn't hurt. I said zipping... not changing into absolutely different things... maybe condensing would be a better word... |
#55jon_oracle_of_athasDec 20, 2004 8:54:27 | I'll type up a couple of drafts on Wednesday. I get my Expanded Psionics Handbook back after tomorrow's game. I'm running Dregoth Ascending part I for my players tomorrow, first playtest. |
#56lurking_shadowDec 20, 2004 9:28:13 | Bards you can find in every seedy establishment on Athas. Gladiators are as common as athletes in our world. Those are warranted as core classes IMO. I'm not so sure. Given that a great many of those Eldaarican villagers and a significant percentage of the Draxans are eligible for the Monk Class, and given the size of those two groups, there might be thousands of Monks in DS. Gladiators and Bards aren't likely to be much more numerous than that, since they make up such a small portion of the Athasian population. Indeed, the Monk class can't be really widespread since it is limited to some specific peoples. Worse, this class is tied to characters of very specific backgrounds, and doesn't really allow much variation. But the same applies to the Gladiator. Basically, gladiators are only trained in the city-states. They are found either as slaves in the cities or as escapees elsewhere. Not a lot of room for variation either. As for the Bard, the usual concept of city-dwelling entertainers and intriguers is somewhat limited, but I'm convinced there are some other uses for this class. The DS 3e document hints that Jagged Cliffs loremasters are of the Bard Class, for instance, and I believe Bards are common among feral Halflings, nomadic elves, etc., i.e., where people rely on songs and poems for history and myth. Oh, well. The Bard and Gladiator classes are fit for mainstream adventurers who come from mainstream places such as the Tablelands, whereas the Monk is not. I don’t mean to be uncompromising about this; I’m only concerned that Draxans, Eldaarican villagers and many others will not be properly addressed only by feats and PrCs and that such characters (both PCs and NPCs) will suffer both ruleswise and flavorwise. I don’t really see the same problem with the Soulknife, however, which is why I prefer it as a PrC than core class. |
#57jon_oracle_of_athasDec 23, 2004 8:51:58 | Suggestion for 10 level Soulknife Prestige Class ability progression. Class skills, skill points per level and HD unaltered (though I'm considering d8 hd). One requirement would be having a psionic power point reserve. L BAB Fort Ref Will Special 1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Mindblade, throw mindblade 2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Shape mindblade, +1 mindblade 3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Mindblade enhancement +1 4th +4 +1 +4 +4 Free draw, +2 mindblade 5th +5 +1 +4 +4 Mindblade enhancement +2 6th +6 +2 +5 +5 Bladewind, +3 mindblade 7th +7 +2 +5 +5 Mindblade enhancement +3 8th +8 +2 +6 +6 Multiple throw, +4 mindblade 9th +9 +3 +6 +6 Mindblade enhancement +4 10th +10 +3 +7 +7 Knife to the soul, +5 mindblade |
#58SysaneDec 23, 2004 9:01:54 | Suggestion for 10 level Soulknife Prestige Class ability progression. Class skills, skill points per level and HD unaltered (though I'm considering d8 hd). One requirement would be having a psionic power point reserve. Looks good, but have you thought of just using or tweking the 3.0 Soulknife PrC? |
#59jon_oracle_of_athasDec 23, 2004 9:15:15 | Looks good, but have you thought of just using or tweking the 3.0 Soulknife PrC? Yes, but I'm at my girlfriend's house, and I don't have my books or pdfs here. I actually picked up an extra copy of the Expanded Psionics Handbook so I could make the above draft, since the player who has borrowed the book failed to return it to me on time. Consider the above draft tentative at best. I have planned to check the 3.0 soulknife when I get back home, but wanted to post something since I said I would the other day. |
#60SysaneDec 23, 2004 9:19:19 | Yes, but I'm at my girlfriend's house, and I don't have my books or pdfs here. I actually picked up an extra copy of the Expanded Psionics Handbook so I could make the above draft, since the player who has borrowed the book failed to return it to me on time. Consider the above draft tentative at best. I have planned to check the 3.0 soulknife when I get back home, but wanted to post something since I said I would the other day. I hear you Bro. I'd take a look at it if you get the chance. The 3.0 PrC was much more interesting and cooler than the 3.5 Class IMO. |
#61jon_oracle_of_athasDec 23, 2004 9:24:14 | hear you Bro. I'd take a look at it if you get the chance. Will do. Like I said, it's at home and I'm not. The above is a compressed prc version of the 3.5 soulknife base class. Use or abuse as you please. Comments are welcome. |
#62zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2004 10:04:49 | Suggestion for 10 level Soulknife Prestige Class ability progression. Class skills, skill points per level and HD unaltered (though I'm considering d8 hd). One requirement would be having a psionic power point reserve. I liked it, but I rather keep its original HD. The Prc could a minimum BAB as requirement, and also have a "special requirement" such as "being educated by other Soulknife" or "having an encounter with a soulknife". IMHO, I hated the 3.0 Soulknife. The new 3.5 version shines before my eyes. |
#63SysaneDec 28, 2004 10:16:23 | IMHO, I hated the 3.0 Soulknife. The new 3.5 version shines before my eyes. Come on! You have to admit channelling an attack mode into your psi blade was a pretty cool ability. |
#64zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2004 10:31:05 | Come on! You have to admit channelling an attack mode into your psi blade was a pretty cool ability. Ok... THAT and OLNY THAT ability was cool.. but a D6 HD was shamefull... |
#65zombiegleemaxDec 28, 2004 10:45:46 | The 10 lv class you made is only missing 1 thing. You didn't include how many dice of damage the Psychic Strike does, so there's no way to determine how much damage Knife to the Soul does. |
#66SysaneDec 28, 2004 10:48:40 | Ok... THAT and OLNY THAT ability was cool.. but a D6 HD was shamefull... Most of the current abilities of the 3.5 Soulknife were taken from the old 3.0 PrC. I think when they made the original 3.0 PrC the creators were trying to have a roguish feel to the Soulknife (Which I liked). The 3.5 core class changed the Soulknife to take on a front line fighter position (Which I didn't like). I think a 3.5 PrC should be something between the two. I'd like to see the "channelling/embed power" worked into it again and maybe a D8 HD. |
#67jon_oracle_of_athasDec 28, 2004 12:23:50 | The 10 lv class you made is only missing 1 thing. You didn't include how many dice of damage the Psychic Strike does, so there's no way to determine how much damage Knife to the Soul does. Nice catch, since I omitted the Psychic Strike ability on purpose, so I wouldn't have to cut back on HD, saves or skill points. IDHMBIFOM, but I suppose I can squeeze a Psychic strike +1d8 into level 3 and Psychic strike +2d8 into level 7. It's far less powerful than sneak attack. |