Looking for advice on writing a monster article for Dragon



Dec 06, 2004 0:33:04
Hi! I'm going to be writing an article (hopefully more than one) for Dragon/Dungeon magazine's new "Creature Catalog" feature.

I was looking for ideas on themes for such an article. What regions, organizations, secret places, etc do you think would make the best basis for an article focusing on monsters associated with said item?


Dec 06, 2004 10:26:14
Let me be the first of many to suggest. . . Creatures of Sigil! :D

Seriously, though. Creatures of Sigil.

Do it.



Dec 06, 2004 10:40:13
OK :D well, we got dabus and razorvine (cranium rats are in the FF now i beleive)... what else would be Sigil-specific?

Edit: oh yeah, duh, the critters from In the Cage for one...


Dec 07, 2004 1:47:22
Razorvine has been updated as a hazard in Planar Handbook, "Razorvine" sidebar (p.146). Cranium rats, as you noted, are in FF. If you look at page 1 of PSMC v3.x thread, you'd find an index of all planescape creatures and where to find them in the official v3.x books (if any).

Sigil: As said before.
Maelost: Demiplane. Tales from the Infinite Staircase.
Realm of the Million Eyes: Could do a beholder nation series.
Blood War: More fiends, molydeus or something.


Dec 07, 2004 2:44:35
Ethyks have always been interesting to me. They make great pets, or bad pets if you aren't the owner. They could be concidered a Sigilian creature. Kylie owns one even.


Dec 07, 2004 9:03:32
cool, thanks all.


Dec 07, 2004 11:39:08
Good luck with the idea!

I've thought about writing an article or two for Dragon/Dungeon, but I simply don't have the time right now. (Plus exDragon editor Matt Sernett didn't care for any of my ideas, too DM focused he said).

More Planescapy articles in Dragon makes me a happy fiend


Dec 07, 2004 16:08:50
And don't forget everyone's favorite bug/frog/pet/thing, the Lim-Lim!
They're such adorable little monstrocities. I want a real one.


Dec 07, 2004 16:17:15
LOL what are those from? ;)


Dec 07, 2004 17:36:46
Weren't they only in the Planescape Torment game?


Dec 07, 2004 21:17:12
I can't say I have the foggiest idea, but you have to admit they make a nice scavenging niche critter. And the idea that random shopkeepers might be attempting to sell the things to random passersby just to get them out of their own homes is funny.


Dec 08, 2004 15:23:00
Creatures found in Sigil:
(not necessarily native)

Aoskan Hounds
Astral Streakers
Arcadian Ponies
Cranium Rats
Executioner's Ravens
The Wyrm

There are also a bunch of critters in the new MMs that would fit right in within the Cage.

And it'd be easier to imagine a half dozen others... wierd cats and dogs, odd insects... abyssal ants...


Dec 08, 2004 16:41:38
actually, abyss ants do exist in D&D already. :D