Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1PennarinDec 07, 2004 19:47:45 | This new item thread is for community requests: you want a conversion of a magic item, psionic item, or special material found in a DS product, or have your own idea that you would like to see brought to life, this is the thread. Me and Methvezem will continue to post our own creations in the item thread entitled Short article on a new item. |
#2PennarinDec 07, 2004 19:48:21 | Here is the first request we did. We hope there will be many more! [b]Tagelmoust of the Tormented Tagelmoust of the Tormented: [/b] This grayish turban is about 10 feet long when unwrapped and completely covers the face while worn. It is fashioned from the garments worn by a water cleric turned krag after drowning in the Sea of Silt. When worn it creates a cone of terror, as per the spell fear, that causes each living creatures in the 30 feet area to become panicked unless it succeeds at a DC 16 Will save (if cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering). If the Will save succeeds, the creature is shaken for 1 round. Up to three times a day, the turban can be unwrapped to reveal the face of the krag from which the cloth originated, bestowing a terrible curse upon any onlooker. The gaze attack has a range of 30 feet and forces any living creature within its range to succeed at a DC 16 Will save or suffer from a dehydration curse. In effect, the victim must drink four times his ordinary amount of water each day, or suffer from the effects of thirst. This effect lasts for 2d4 days or until removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. After the round in which the curse power is used, the wearer’s face returns to normal. Unwrapping the turban is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, fear, Price: 89,500 Cp. Veil of the Tormented |
#3KamelionDec 10, 2004 16:55:51 | Some requests, as per request: Can you guys convert the floating windsurfer things from Raiders of the Chanth please? And while I'm in a transportational mood, what about some items to help with silt travel? Like a keel that makes your ship go faster? Or helps a vessel float on silt? Or some kind of magical veil or gauze that protects you from the Gray Death? Or an advanced defiling hovercraft? (No, I have no idea what one of those is either). What about some kind of cool submersible that can navigate through the silt, allowing its occupants to see through the silt and sail below the surface and hunt 48 HD white silt horrors? Yeah, a harpoon works beneath the silt and deals nasty elemental damage to silt horrors or those silt paraelemental beast things... |
#4jaanosDec 10, 2004 20:30:17 | Can you please do a write up of the weapon that had kank enraging or some similar enchantment on it... |
#5PennarinDec 11, 2004 0:35:10 | Can you please do a write up of the weapon that had kank enraging or some similar enchantment on it... The joke weapon someone made up on the boards? Kank-killer or something? If its an actual item from the books I don't recall it at all. |
#6methvezemDec 11, 2004 11:49:36 | (...) And while I'm in a transportational mood, what about some items to help with silt travel? Like a keel that makes your ship go faster? Or helps a vessel float on silt? Thanks for the request Kamelion. Here's the version of the shipfloater dome that I posted some time ago on this thread: [b]Obsidian Engine Obsidian Engine: [/b] The obsidian engine, also called the shipfloater dome, is the central part of a psionic-powered silt skimmer, keeping it from sinking into the dust. It’s a flawless, symetrical piece of obsidian, most of the time a half-sphere, located in the middle of the deck of the ship, from which a psionic web of thread-sized invisible conduits radiate to cover the entire hull. For as long as a psionically focused creature touch the engine, it enable a skimmer with up to 5000 lbs of cargo (not including the weight of the engine) to stay afloat on silt and generate a movement rate of up to 60 feet per round. The engine absorb one power point from the user for 10 minutes of utilization. The last power point spent without renewal will cause the ship to slowly sink in the silt over the next minute as more and more energy is dissipated within the psionic conduits. If the user stop touching the engine or lose its psionic focus, the ship stop moving and began to sink over the next minute. The user can also send mass missive at will with other users of obsidian engines present within a mile radius. Strong psychokinesis; ML 15th; Craft Universal Item, mass missive, psionic telekinetic sphere; Price 175,000 Cp; Weight: 1,000 lbs. (Freely inspired by the works of Denning and Stigliano) It was only a draft version but I post it here in the meantime. We'll take a look at the Raiders of the Chanth adventure and search for other silt-related items. |
#7zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2004 12:21:34 | What is Raiders of Chanth? I thought I had every DS product, but I've never heard of that one. |
#8zombiegleemaxDec 11, 2004 13:17:31 | I've had an idea for a magic, or maybe psionic would work better, item. A crystal that a wizard, most likely one with psionic talent, can use to store mental images akin to those that would normally have to be scribed in a spellbook. That way, rather than scarring themselves or carrying around an item with some sort of pattern that can eventually be deciphered, the spell scribings would be in a common piece of jewelry, or maybe even a crystal that would resemble a dorje or crystal capacitor. Perhaps one could even take some sort of feat that would allow the wizard to store these mental images in a psicrystal. I'm not sure what to do with this idea, but it seems like an ideal possession for any wizard/psion, especially a DK, who would probably not want to lug around crates of spellbooks whenever they leave their city-state and expect to cast spells. |
#9KamelionDec 11, 2004 20:09:14 | What is Raiders of Chanth? I thought I had every DS product, but I've never heard of that one. Raiders of the Chanth is a Dark Sun adventure from Dungeon #44, set on Big Fork Island (another classic daft DS name - why can't they use regular sized forks like everyone else?). Cool little adventure. |
#10zombiegleemaxDec 12, 2004 0:41:02 | Here's two more ideas : an accessory for the shipfloater's orb that lets you use crystal capacitors to power it. Or else drain charges from dorjes, converting each charge into an appropriate sum of power points based on the manifester level of the powers stored therin (Thus a dorje with a manifester level of 20 would be worth 1000 pp for this purpose {50 charges x 20 PP}). Also, I have an idea for a new modification of the shipfloater orb, the Skyship Orb, that burns 5x as many PP (5 per 10 minutes) but allows a much smaller vessel (I'm picturing a 20' ship looking very much like the Skyship Weatherlight from Magic:The Gathering, the Legacy Weapon picture,not the older ones) and allow flight with good maneuverability at a speed of 150' per round, and can carry 1000 lbs max. here's a good pic - And I also have in mind a much larger, 100' version, which could carry 10000 lbs max and would burn 2 PP per minute (obviously requiring a couple high-level dorjes or powerful manifesters to get a full day's travel in) If anyone has an opinion on a more appropriate PP cost, or what these items would be worth, please post, as I want to include this into my campaign. |
#11jaanosDec 13, 2004 16:23:59 | Yep, that's the one. I want to see it.![]() The joke weapon someone made up on the boards? Kank-killer or something? |
#12PennarinDec 13, 2004 18:16:01 | (thanks Meth for the revisions!) Specific Cursed Item Longblade of Vermin Enraging Longblade of Vermin Enraging: This +1 elven longblade does not appears to have an enchantment beyond its enhancement. Vermin of Small or larger size within 20 feet of this longblade become agitated and unrully as per the excite emotions spell. If the weapon comes within 5 feet of vermin, their attitude towards the weapon wielder, or the closest living creature within the 20 feet range if the weapon is not being wielded, becomes Hostile until the weapon is brought out of range. Moderate enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armors, bestow curse, excite emotions, Nystul’s magic aura; Price 16,000 Cp. New Spell Excite Emotions Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Tem 2 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: Creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell agitates creatures. You have no control over the affected creatures. All creatures in the affected area suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks as the emotions welling up within them cloud their judgment and focus. Excite emotions counters but does not dispel calm emotions. Can you please do a write up of the weapon that had kank enraging or some similar enchantment on it... |
#13PennarinDec 13, 2004 20:17:52 | We're working on the other requests, rest assured. ;) The creation process generates new feats, spells and items, so its a bit slower than you'd think. Plus I try to do mix in generic D&D work in things other than items as well so as not to burn out on DS or items. |
#14methvezemDec 14, 2004 1:36:57 | So here is the revised obsidian engine (by me and Penn) with its greater version: [b]Obsidian Engine Obsidian Engine: [/b] The obsidian engine, also called the shipfloater dome, is the central part of a psionic-powered silt skimmer, keeping it from sinking into the dust. It’s a flawless, symetrical piece of obsidian, most of the time a half-sphere, located in the middle of the deck of the ship, from which a psionic web of thread-sized invisible conduits radiates to cover the entire hull. Only one such device can be attuned to a skimmer. For as long as a psionically focused creature touches the engine, it enable a skimmer with up to 5000 pounds of cargo (not including the weight of the engine) to stay afloat on silt and generate a movement rate of up to 60 feet per round, with poor maneuvrability. Controlling the engine is a full-round action and absorbs one power point from the user per 10 minutes of utilization. These power points can come from a manifester’s own power point reserve, from the Body Fuel feat, from cognizance crystals attuned to the pilot, from appropriate iouns stones, or from sequestered powers†. The last power point spent without renewal will cause the ship to slowly sink in the silt at a rate of 10 feet per round as more and more energy is dissipated within the psionic conduits. Mentally controlling the vehicule for long periods of time is trying and a pilot doing so is considered walking (see Overland Movement in Chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook). The pilot cannot run or hustle, but can accomplish a forced march. If the pilot stops touching the engine, loses its psionic focus, or powers the engine for the maximum length of time as a forced march, the ship stops moving and begins to sink as described above. The pilot can also send mass missive at will with other users of any obsidian engines present within a mile radius. Strong psychokinesis; ML 15th; Craft Universal Item, mass missive, psionic telekinetic sphere; Price 122,500 Cp; Weight 1,000 lb. † the Sequester Power feat appears in Hyperconscious: Exploration in Psionics by Malhavoc Press [b]Obsidian Engine, Greater Obsidian Engine, Greater: [/b] This more powerful version of the obsidian engine, also called a skyship orb or shiplifter dome, is the central part of a psionic-powered skyship, keeping it airborne. The greater obsidian engine is a flawless symetrical piece of obsidian―most often a half-sphere―located in the middle of a skyship’s deck and from which a psionic web of thread-sized invisible conduits radiates to cover the entire hull. Only one such device can be attuned to a skyship. The first of these engines was personally commisionned by King Andropinis of Balic, after some experimental failure with bigger vessels. For as long as a psionically focused creature touches the engine, it enable a skyship with up to 1000 pounds of cargo (not including the weight of the engine) to stay airborne and generate a movement rate of up to 60 feet per round, with average maneuvrability. The skyship can ascend or descend at a rate of 30 feet per round. Controlling the engine is a full-round action and absorbs one power point from the user per minute of utilization. These power points can come from a manifester’s own power point reserve, from the Body Fuel feat, from cognizance crystals attuned to the pilot, from appropriate iouns stones, or from sequestered powers†. After the round in which the last power point is spent without renewal, the skyship stops moving and plummets towards the ground at 100 feet per round as more and more energy is dissipated within the psionic conduits. Mentally controlling the vehicule for long periods of time is trying and a pilot doing so is considered walking (see Overland Movement in Chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook). The pilot cannot run or hustle, but can accomplish a forced march. If the pilot stops touching the engine, loses its psionic focus, or uses the engine up to the time he can keep a forced march, the skyship also stops moving as described above. If it strikes the ground, the skyship and all onboard suffer appropriate falling damage. The pilot can also send mass missive at will with other users of any obsidian engines present within a mile radius. Strong psychokinesis; ML 17th; Craft Universal Item, mass missive, psionic telekinetic sphere; Price 140,000 Cp; Weight: 1,000 lb. † the Sequester Power feat appears in Hyperconscious: Exploration in Psionics by Malhavoc Press New Transports |
#15methvezemDec 17, 2004 12:48:41 | Can you guys convert the floating windsurfer things from Raiders of the Chanth please? Finally, as you requested, here's the wind howdah: [b]Wind Howdah Wind Howdah:[/b] This round platform 10 feet in diameter is most often crafted out of a bamboo-like weed woven into a stiff mesh, covering a polished frame of erdlu bones. The platform is surmounted in its center by a 10 feet tall pole to which is affixed a triangular sail, held straight by a perpendicular bar. By holding the perpendicular bar, a passenger can pilot the wind howdah as a vehicule. The pilot can mentally direct the vehicule to move up or down as much as 20 feet each round, or to move horizontally at a speed of 20 feet with average maneuvrability as a move action. Mentally directing the vehicule for long periods of time is trying and a pilot doing so is considered walking (see Overland Movement in Chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook). The pilot cannot run or hustle, but can accomplish a forced march. A wind howdah can carry 500 pounds; for every additional 50 pounds, deduce 5 feet of vertical or horizontal movement per round. Over 700 pounds, there is a 1% chance per supplementary pound per round that the vehicule will cease to function momentarily and plumet to the ground, the pilot and any passenger taking falling damage depending on the height they were at. The vehicule will start working again only if the load it was carrying is brought to 500 pounds or less. Moderate psychoportation and psychokinesis; ML 8th; Craft Universal Item, psionic levitate, telekinetic force; Price 32,000 Cp; Weight 25 lb. (thanks Penn) |
#16KamelionDec 17, 2004 13:01:46 | Bodacious! Surf's up, dudes ![]() |
#17lyricDec 31, 2004 8:02:11 | Ok, here's a couple ideas ![]() How about a few items left over from the green age?? those psionic orbs from the city by the last sea adventure? the ones that hold mind slaves within them? How about those psionic platforms that whisk you away to far places in the blink of an eye? What about a Psionic Golem? And I'm not talking about the obsidian man of Urik either (though you could put him if you wanted, I won't object). Similar to the djor spellbook idea, what about items holding other knowledge? History as seen through the eyes (and mind and emotions) of someone long gone?? (think spirit lore combined with object reading on a corpse to grant a portion of it's history, then bottle it). Wouldn't it be nice to experience a months worth of classes and training overnight durring a dream because of one of these crystals? Then what about Steel green age items? Why always use crystal right?? Petrified yet revivable life shaped items anyone??? I'd like to see something that could make a unique wizard familiar perhaps with the ability to reshape itself? Being a creature from the green age it could have psionic or magical immunities or defenses. That above all would make it handy for a wizard. (What's that Master Templar?? No that is no wizard familiar, check it for magic? I am but a lowly priest and that is my beloved pet.) Or a life shaped item created by the nature "benders"? A creature ravenous and fowl, something that overtakes its host? (Imagine a venom suit type template to be added to the PC, as I recall the venom suit was symbiotic, held knowledge, and eventually replaced it's host, permanently bonding with him.) Imagine a Carnage Style body weaponry nature bender suit. Perhaps with other undesireable traits?? Like a taste for sentient flesh?? (put that on a halfling of today's athas, will he notice a change?? :P) Ok, how about this. I dont' know if the powers exist in 3e or not, but in 2e there was a power that let you scrifice your own physical stats (con) or someone elses, for psionic power points. Imagine a sword that drains its user of Con temporarily, but that grants a haste effect, that would balance itself out fairly well.. In the hands of a dwarf he may not even care. What about a whip that while entangling an opponent, drains their con to fuel it's owners power points, add hp to that and you're having fun, even if you may be a bit sadistic. there was a power in 2e that let you absorb the "psionic residue" in an area used over the last 5 rounds. Ok, how about a device that does that? And stores the energy?? (My brother and I put such a device inside a Stasis Feild, also a 2e power and used a few CPHB powers, all 2e, to boots it's ability so it could gather 50% of the power used in the past 5 hours, we only ruled that it's ability to gather could extend outside it's time bubble). Imagine a Psionic Engine in a major psionic area, like a school, a large city, or near a heavily populated area like the last sea??? (ok, now just toss additional abilities into it.. with a large area off effect.. does anyone remember the supress magic power from 2e, it was a dark sun power... even disabled undead... imagine if the mind lords could put that into effect wide spread in their area. It took a lot of power to jumpstart though, so it might be something they'd have to be the initial starting battery for.. kind of like a car battery, used up in starting a car, then the car combustion engine refules the battery.. sorta). Ok, that's all from me for now. Let me know if you like it.. I'm thinking some wizard magic and clerical magic items in my head.. Dark Sun makes it so easy.. give it an elemental flavor.. |
#18PennarinDec 31, 2004 13:30:09 | Ok, here's a couple ideas The obsidian orbs are presented in Terrors of Athas, listed as Guardians. Psionic golems are found in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, listed as Psion-killers. The floating platforms from the narrative in City by the Silt Sea were extremely useful only in the environment that they were used in: straigth underground tunnels in which they could accelerate to hundreds of kphs unempeded by winds or stray flying objects. Similar to the djor spellbook idea, what about items holding other knowledge? History as seen through the eyes (and mind and emotions) of someone long gone?? (think spirit lore combined with object reading on a corpse to grant a portion of it's history, then bottle it). Wouldn't it be nice to experience a months worth of classes and training overnight durring a dream because of one of these crystals? Memory items...don't know if that would be appropriate for Athas. There are a couple of examples in the litterature though: in When the Sky Falls and The Complete Book of Eldritch Might, by Malhavoc Press. Perhaps if Mach2.5 were to come back to the boards he could be goaded to design a few; he loves dream items and those are pretty close. Then what about Steel green age items? Why always use crystal right?? Any item in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, as far as I know, can be made of any other material, unless the original material(s) is part of the appeal or function of the item. Petrified yet revivable life shaped items anyone??? I'd like to see something that could make a unique wizard familiar perhaps with the ability to reshape itself? Being a creature from the green age it could have psionic or magical immunities or defenses. That above all would make it handy for a wizard. (What's that Master Templar?? No that is no wizard familiar, check it for magic? I am but a lowly priest and that is my beloved pet.) Or a life shaped item created by the nature "benders"? A creature ravenous and fowl, something that overtakes its host? (Imagine a venom suit type template to be added to the PC, as I recall the venom suit was symbiotic, held knowledge, and eventually replaced it's host, permanently bonding with him.) Kamelion and NytCrawlr will do the lifeshapes. I already suggested nature bender items, but your idea of crystalized lifeshapes is pretty good. I'll pass it on. Ok, how about this. I dont' know if the powers exist in 3e or not, but in 2e there was a power that let you scrifice your own physical stats (con) or someone elses, for psionic power points. Imagine a sword that drains its user of Con temporarily, but that grants a haste effect, that would balance itself out fairly well.. In the hands of a dwarf he may not even care. What about a whip that while entangling an opponent, drains their con to fuel it's owners power points, add hp to that and you're having fun, even if you may be a bit sadistic. The feat is found in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, listed as Body Fuel. The drain it inflicts on ability scores is called ability burn damage. there was a power in 2e that let you absorb the "psionic residue" in an area used over the last 5 rounds. Ok, how about a device that does that? And stores the energy?? (My brother and I put such a device inside a Stasis Feild, also a 2e power and used a few CPHB powers, all 2e, to boots it's ability so it could gather 50% of the power used in the past 5 hours, we only ruled that it's ability to gather could extend outside it's time bubble). Imagine a Psionic Engine in a major psionic area, like a school, a large city, or near a heavily populated area like the last sea??? (ok, now just toss additional abilities into it.. with a large area off effect.. does anyone remember the supress magic power from 2e, it was a dark sun power... even disabled undead... imagine if the mind lords could put that into effect wide spread in their area. It took a lot of power to jumpstart though, so it might be something they'd have to be the initial starting battery for.. kind of like a car battery, used up in starting a car, then the car combustion engine refules the battery.. sorta). I'll look into the usefulness of a device collecting psionic residues. |
#19the_peacebringerJan 12, 2005 18:11:49 | Happy new year, guys! First post since I'm back from the holidays and I have a lot of forum reading to do. ![]() Anyways, would you have any ideas about a animal fetish from Gulg. It would probably be empowered by a summon monster or summon nature's ally spell, but the animal spirit coming out of it would need some sort of check to go back in the fetish after the summoner is done with it. Thoughts... |
#20jesterjeffJan 12, 2005 18:36:25 | I hate to say it but personally, magic items seem to be more of a 'rare and potent' item. Athas feels like a world where most 'magic' items would be rare relics, even non artifact items would be as hard to find and keep as a fearunian artifact at a Thayan Flee Market. I can't help but see powerful items on Athas as having psionics as their origins more often than magic. This also gives us a chance to see what truly unique items we can design both arcane of psionic. |
#21PennarinJan 12, 2005 21:07:41 | Anyways, would you have any ideas about a animal fetish from Gulg. It would probably be empowered by a summon monster or summon nature's ally spell, but the animal spirit coming out of it would need some sort of check to go back in the fetish after the summoner is done with it. Thoughts... Is that the same as the fetish found in Veiled Alliance and The Ivory Triangle, under the Gulg entries? I would like to know, if any people are reading this thread, weither the 2E spell that created those is in the works, or weither we can work on it as a pure item. |
#22flipJan 13, 2005 11:44:25 | Is that the same as the fetish found in Veiled Alliance and The Ivory Triangle, under the Gulg entries? I'd have to review the spell in IT, but my inclination would be to make them Wonderous Items, and have their creation fall under that mechanic. |
#23the_peacebringerJan 14, 2005 13:38:25 | Is that the same as the fetish found in Veiled Alliance and The Ivory Triangle, under the Gulg entries? Yep, that's the one! |
#24methvezemJan 22, 2005 17:56:04 | Anyways, would you have any ideas about a animal fetish from Gulg. It would probably be empowered by a summon monster or summon nature's ally spell, but the animal spirit coming out of it would need some sort of check to go back in the fetish after the summoner is done with it. Thoughts... So at last PeaceBringer, here's my write-up for the gulgan fetish (thanks Pennarin for the review): [b]Gulgan Fetish Gulgan Fetish:[/b] After undergoing their rite of passage, gulgans come back from their Forest Walk with the vision of the creature of the forest that is to be their totem. This source of strength and omen of their destiny, gives them an honor name and acceptance as full members of the community. But to those with magical talent, this totem can be more than that: they can bound a part of this spirit totem into a fetish that they can use to summon help from. Each gulgan fetish is unique and consists of a bone, a clusters of feathers, or a patch of fur from the totem animal, often carved or inscribed with symbols. The fetish can only be used to summon the creature represented by the totem of the creator, which has always the same HD and characteritics every time it is summoned, those being chosen at the moment of creation of the gulgan fetish. The maximum number of HD possessed by the creature should not be higher than the creator’s class level, with the DM’s approval. When the fetish is incorporated into a skeleton or a built model of the totem animal, the power of the bound spirit transforms it into a living animal of the appropriate type to use as its body. It takes 10 minutes per HD of the bound spirit to build the skeleton or model for the summoning. After a round that it takes to get used to its new body, the spirit will perform as a summoned creature from a summon’s nature ally spell with whom the creator of the fetish can communicate until at most the next sunset or sunrise, whichever comes first. The creature has DR 5/magic and can use invisibility at will, giving it an adjustement of +1 to its CR. The creator of the fetish can always see the creature he summoned. A successful dispel magic on the creature forces it back into the fetish where it can be summoned again one day later, but that summon still counts for the purpose of determining the DC of the ability check to force the spirit back into the fetish. When its task is done, the spirit tries to escape its creator’s power. The creator must succeed on a Charisma ability check of DC 15 to force the spirit back into the fetish if he wants to retrieve and use it later. On a failed save, the spirit has gotten free and may attack its creator, his companions, or simply escape. The spirit’s physical form is free to wreak damage as it pleases until next sunset or sunrise, whichever comes first, after which it vanishes with the fetish, never to return. Every additional time the creator summons the spirit, the DC for the Charisma check is augmented by +2. If the spirit is summoned within less than a year, the DC is augmented by +4 for each additional summon until a year has passed since the last summon. The increase of DC is cumulative and do not lessens over time, it becomes more and more difficult to keep the spirit bound to the fetish over time. Only the creator of the fetish can summon the spirit bound within it. Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have successfully completed the Forest Walk ceremony, creator must be 3rd level; Price 375 Cp per HD of the bound spirit. |
#25the_peacebringerJan 24, 2005 10:00:25 | Thanks, Methvezem! Nice job, I like it. ![]() PB |
#26methvezemJan 24, 2005 12:21:51 | Its a pleasure PeaceBringer. If anybody else has some conversion to do, let us know. |
#27the_peacebringerSep 16, 2005 12:40:06 | How did Portynx die? He died being one of Albeorn's defilers using his artefact in an early war against the Elven citadel (where Gulg is now). The artefact was probably an antenna-like staff made "intimidatingly" of bones (and looks like a crooked spine). It could store enormous amounts of defiling energy which were supposed to kill all vegetation surrounding the citadel (and render the elves magically useless). In other words, it was an amplifier that made the gathering of energy "safe" for the defilers since they didn't have to store it in their body, it greatly augmented (understatement) the range, the shape of the area and the amount of defilment achieved. It also caused the citadel to sink and crumble and protected the defilers from outside attacks so the energy stored permitted to channel stronger (epic) spells. Portynx was killed when his life (constitution) was sucked out as a result from a backlash caused by the spirit of the land, Gulguinar, which caused the artefact to malfunction. Out of the twelve defilers linked (within a radius or actual chains?) to the artefact, only Portynx was weak enough to die (lower constitution, I guess). Maybe the staff had a link to the Gray from the undissolved spirits of the elves attached to the staff for Portynx' consciousness was still there after his death (a unique kind of undead). His spirit wandered for thousands of years searching for a way back to the living and eventually discovered a taste for trees of life. He sort of quit his research for a while after that... Hey Meth, think you could do anything with that (if you got time, of course), please. Or know if there is anything looking somewhat like this, I don't have the book of "Artefacts of Athas". |
#28PennarinSep 16, 2005 15:20:41 | Portynx was alive during the rule of the Oba (thus within the last 2,000 years), so says VA, and was "expelled", I think is the word, from her grove. Its not said how he died. |
#29the_peacebringerSep 16, 2005 18:39:22 | Portynx was alive during the rule of the Oba (thus within the last 2,000 years), so says VA, and was "expelled", I think is the word, from her grove. Its not said how he died. Hmm... are you sure? What do you do when a crazy defiler ghost sucks on your tree of life's energy? Why, you expell him from your grove since if he were alive, you'd simply kill him. Wouldn't you? I don't have VA in front of me, but will check when I get home. |
#30PennarinSep 16, 2005 19:58:49 | Mm, you're right. When he was expelled he was already a ghost "centuries dead". Still, its a long shot to make a 10th level defiler be an important member of Albeorn's army, over twenty centuries ago... I think you're grasping at straws here, trying to make Portynx be more glamorous then he's indicated to be. Same with lots of other people's efforts to make Dote Mal Payne be super important even though he was a 10th level defiler, cited as a minor arena necromancer (i.e. there would have been more important arena necromancers, army necromancers, and royal defilers above Payne). This is a personal opinion but I believe that these lesser NPCs, say...less than 15th level, were introduced in TSR supplements so that we wouldn't make them hyper important NPCs, but rather use them as they were intended, that is as a dark influence over Gulg's VA and a mysterious arcane figure in post-Kalak Tyr. |
#31methvezemSep 16, 2005 22:43:36 | Hey Meth, think you could do anything with that (if you got time, of course), please. Or know if there is anything looking somewhat like this, I don't have the book of "Artefacts of Athas". Regardless of its supposed existence or not and of its role in the existence of Portynx, the item you described would make a great defiler-warlords / Cleansing Wars artefact. I'll surely try my hand at it, and let you know what come out of it. |
#32PennarinSep 16, 2005 22:55:48 | Regardless of its supposed existence or not and of its role in the existence of Portynx, the item you described would make a great defiler-warlords / Cleansing Wars artefact. I'll surely try my hand at it, and let you know what come out of it. Could you take a second shot at describing its properties, PeaceBringer? |
#33GrummoreSep 17, 2005 9:43:40 | Ok, since you are in the mood of doing many items, I would like to use both of you as slaves for my brain factory ideas. :D 1) If I could have this one within 2 days I would be happy (got a session monday or tuesday): * A Psionic Trikal with no intelligence, but a small power. Not necesserely related to combat, but close to. 2) Here is a more interesting challenge: * A Pterran slayer weapon or something like that. A weapon owned and created by Sielba in order to help her in is cleansing crusade again these reptiles. If it's possible, I would like this object psionic and magical. I would like to have one minor and one major objects that have been related to this SK during is task. 3) Some kind of clothes or jewelries that could help traders while conducting business and another that help them prepare for some affairs. Best if it's psionic, but can be magical. 4) Three special psionic objects owned by the triumvirate of Pterran Vale (a Druid, a Warrior class, a psion telepath). These are the rules of this city. Should be good stuff (not epic, but good stuff) 5) I would like to see some special or usual object (psionic) used by the pterrans of the hinterland. And a strange magical object (since they dont usually have wizard among them). 6) Is poison, part of the things you can create? If yes, please go see my post in "damn forgot the thread". Anyway, we are in Darksun, bard have no magic, they use poison and the core doc doesnt have poisonS. Please be creative, it's needed. Thanks. Nice list isnt? Thanks! ![]() |
#34methvezemSep 17, 2005 15:27:12 | Ok, since you are in the mood of doing many items, I would like to use both of you as slaves for my brain factory ideas. :D Not nice to enslave fellow quebecers! :P Ok, for now, here's a fast answer to the number 3 request, its from the last link found in my sig: Sycophant Vestment: This fine attire is woven from the highest quality cloth most often used by the rich and powerful of the city where it was created. It is worn primarly by nobles and templars who often engage in intrigue with their political opponents. While worn it adjust the attitude of everyone encountering by the wearer by one step in a positive direction and gives a +10 competence to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. The wearer can also make a psionic suggestion once per day with the subject being entitled to a Will save DC 15. Faint telepathy; ML 3rd; Craft Universal Item, psionic suggestion, telempathic projection; Price 14,000 Cp. |
#35kalthandrixSep 17, 2005 15:43:35 | Not nice to enslave fellow quebecers! :P Why, what else are French-Canadians good for? :P ;) :D |
#36methvezemSep 17, 2005 15:49:33 | Why, what else are French-Canadians good for? :P ;) :D Slaying mir'iseth? ;) |
#37kalthandrixSep 17, 2005 15:51:49 | Touche :D |
#38methvezemSep 17, 2005 15:53:57 | ![]() 1) If I could have this one within 2 days I would be happy (got a session monday or tuesday): Since you needed it quickly, here's your trikal: Braxat’s Lash: This +1 bone trikal looks like any other ordinary-looking weapon of that type. A character using the braxat’s lash has a +3 bonus when making its melee touch attack to trip an opponent. Once per day upon command, if the user wins its trip attempt against its opponent of up to Large size, the latter is in addition to being tripped affected by an entangling ectoplasm. Faint metacreativity; ML 3rd; Craft Psionic Arms and Armors, entangling ectoplasm; Price 8,310 Cp; Weight 7 lb. Penn, feel free to post any revision of this item. I know, it could use a little more polish ![]() |
#39PennarinSep 17, 2005 19:05:02 | Braxat’s Lash: This +1 bone trikal looks like any other ordinary trikal, albeit masterwork. It confers a +3 bonus to trip attempts made using the trikal. Further, once per day upon command, an opponent of up to Large size who is being successfully tripped by the braxat's lash also becomes affected by entangling ectoplasm. Faint metacreativity; ML 3rd; Craft Psionic Arms and Armors, entangling ectoplasm; Price 8,310 Cp; Weight 7 lb. |
#40GrummoreSep 17, 2005 21:58:29 | Excellent! Continue your good work slaves! Btw friends, would you mind explaining me in detail how you build these items with the mechanic? If I may ask. I am not great with that and with monsters creations. Maybe some small teaching would do good! ![]() |
#41PennarinSep 17, 2005 23:29:13 | 4) Three special psionic objects owned by the triumvirate of Pterran Vale (a Druid, a Warrior class, a psion telepath). These are the rules of this city. Should be good stuff (not epic, but good stuff) Meth, please contact me about #4. |
#42PennarinSep 17, 2005 23:48:29 | Here you go, Grummore.Price for the Braxat's Lash: Mm, I don't know why Meth said 8, may be an error, a judgment call, or I may be missing something. He's better at pricing than I am. |
#43GrummoreSep 18, 2005 14:55:28 | Thank you Pen, I have another good challenge: The River Orb Not long before the creation of Ptogarr, the greatest Pterrans city of all time, named by is first great leader and before it's destruction by Sielba, champion of Rajaat, was created an object of great power; the River Orb. Ptogarr's father, Merhicc, was a powerful druid. With the help of an unknown person, he created this object of special power, in the time where verdant belts, luxuriante forests and rivers still existed. Ptogarr eventually found that is father was a visionnary pterran and he found that the object could only be used with the essence of 3 powerful pterrans which would be needed to empower the orb with energy from the 3 majors paths of life: Druids, guardians of mother earth, Warriors, protectors of the mother earth childs and Psions telepath, keepers of the pterran peoples sanity. This item require that all 3 pterrans of the triumvirate of Pterran vale touch it in order to activate it. What does it do? I am still pondering, do you have ideas? How about you Jihun-Nish? Maybe they used it to help the Rhul-taun that were running out of water, they moved a river, created the lake near tamasku and when the cleansing war erupted, the river dissapeared? |
#44methvezemSep 18, 2005 19:17:43 | Here you go, Grummore. Thanks Penn for the new wording for the item and the revised pricing, its ok now. |
#45the_peacebringerSep 19, 2005 9:12:34 | Mm, you're right. When he was expelled he was already a ghost "centuries dead". Still, its a long shot to make a 10th level defiler be an important member of Albeorn's army, over twenty centuries ago... But I'm not trying to make him "overimportant". He's not much of a player in Albeorn's army, he was just part of the group needed to use the artefact... and wasn't even able to combat its energies as he died from it. I just want to use him as a watcher or a minor witness of past events, not an overlord. Being a soldier, even in the army of an ancient SK, doesn't make someone necessarily important. Portynx is just a "soldier" who succumbed to the energies of the artefact. He wasn't the only one using it and most of the others were probably higher in levels since they survived it. What makes Portynx special is that he (un)lived centuries because of some freak backlash caused by Gulguinar's final assault. He is one of a kind, you said so yourself, but he isn't so powerful or invinsible. Maybe he was bound to an area for a while, maybe he visited the Gray after death and managed to find the way out, maybe he laid there, blasted mind and all for a few hundred years before someone planted a tree of life in the vicinity that awakened him out of his torpor (spelling?), who knows? I just think it doesn't make him that important... not unimportant either, but not that important. I thought his death also went with what VA said: Perhaps because he had died trying to drain life from others to nourish his own. I just think it's a nice touch. And DAGNABBIT, it's not the first time I talk about this (it was in the story of Gulguinar, posted on Gulg [ideas] a few months back), how come it's the first time I hear so much "no, no, nos" about it? ![]() This is a personal opinion but I believe that these lesser NPCs, say...less than 15th level, were introduced in TSR supplements so that we wouldn't make them hyper important NPCs, but rather use them as they were intended, that is as a dark influence over Gulg's VA and a mysterious arcane figure in post-Kalak Tyr. So are you saying that because an NPC is under 15th level, he can't be important and has no influence in the world around him? |
#46PennarinSep 19, 2005 15:18:15 | So are you saying that because an NPC is under 15th level, he can't be important and has no influence in the world around him? Its not what I'm saying. Reread the parts you quoted in your last post, the answer to your question is there. Its quite difficult for a 2,000 years old defiler in DS (immortal ghost to boot) to still be of 10th level, why I suggested to let him be the guy VA indicated to us he was: a 10th level defiler, minor player in the grand scheme of things, whose current greatest achievement is influence over the Gulg VA. He's introduced in VA as a dark influence that the players can uncover and root out as part of a Gulg-based adventure. In conclusion I can safely say the guy is not of epic proportion, nor is his influence over the world around him. Here's an example of what I mean by "making people more glamorous than they're indicated to be": Take Farcluun, the minor dragon from Black Flames. If I say his psyche is that of Borys or another Champion, implanted in an ordinary human using the mind seed power, but that the conversion was left incomplete due to some error, leaving behind only a fraction of the original, then all I do is create a creature that has all the same characteristics as the Farcluun from Black Flames while disregarding the fact that nowhere in the adventure is it indicated or hinted at that Farcluun has such an illustrious origin. Such an attempt on my part would be solely to make Farcluun appear more glamorous in the eyes of fans. I'm saying that to me it looks like you are attempting to make Portynx more glamorous than indicated in VA, by linking him to a fan-favorite such as Albeorn, without indications from a written source. Dote Mal Payne could be made a secret servant of Rajaat who engineered the downfall of Kalak from behind the scenes, or another such far-out concept, but it wouldn't match what the Complete Gladiator's Handbook and CSoT say about him. To say that Payne has stolen the dead body of Kalak and is attempting some necromancy on it to bring back his former ok since that thread (albeit far-out) is hinted at in both books I cited above. Now I'm not saying that you should change your ideas, or that mine are better than yours, but you did ask me (not in so many words) to explain myself in this line of thought, and I did. All I just said is expressing in words the process I use for every NPC conversion I do, that is...keep it within the bounds of what has been set down by the supplements that refer to said NPC. Perhaps because he had died trying to drain life from others to nourish his own. If I were doing this conversion, I wouldn't go far to find a match for this phrase: I would make Portynx a leech in life. |
#47the_peacebringerSep 19, 2005 15:38:28 | I'm saying that to me it looks like you are attempting to make Portynx more glamorous than indicated in VA, by linking him to a fan-favorite such as Albeorn, without indications from a written source. Fine, I shall retract Portynx from my story. And besides, making him more glamorous is not what I intended to do. I only wanted a storyteller for past events. |
#48kalthandrixSep 19, 2005 15:41:15 | It could always be that Portynx was in some kind of 'sleep' or shock until recently- say like within the last 15 or 20 years is when he came out of it. He could have melded into the treeand went into a hybranation mode, only to come out and have several thousand years pass. Also, if he were to be bound to the tree, it would really limit his ability to gain XP and therefore levels. |
#49the_peacebringerSep 19, 2005 16:42:19 | It could always be that Portynx was in some kind of 'sleep' or shock until recently- say like within the last 15 or 20 years is when he came out of it. He could have melded into the treeand went into a hybranation mode, only to come out and have several thousand years pass. Also, if he were to be bound to the tree, it would really limit his ability to gain XP and therefore levels. Thanks, Kal, for the support, but it's not such a big deal. Maybe I'll use Gulguinar's (Gulg's spirit of the land) ![]() Now back to the normal programming of this thread. :D |
#50PennarinSep 19, 2005 20:45:05 | Bon, si on est rendu à utiliser des termes comme "support", alors c'est que peut importe ce que je vais dire pour m'expliquer, ou la longueur de texte que je vais prendre pour le faire, je vais avoir de la misère a prouver que j'écoeure personne et que tu mettes le gars dans ton histoire ou pas c'est ton affaire et pas la mienne. Mon opinion - c'est à dire la façon dont je m'occuperais du gars - ne devrais pas influencer ta décision comme ça, i.e. décider d'enlever le gars de ton histoire. Si tu regardes le post #30 tu verras que j'offre une opinion, rien d'autre. Une discussion argumentative peut s'en suivre, c'est pour ça que le forum est là. |
#51the_peacebringerSep 22, 2005 7:23:19 | Bon, si on est rendu à utiliser des termes comme "support", alors c'est que peut importe ce que je vais dire pour m'expliquer, ou la longueur de texte que je vais prendre pour le faire, je vais avoir de la misère a prouver que j'écoeure personne et que tu mettes le gars dans ton histoire ou pas c'est ton affaire et pas la mienne. I know, Penn. I'm not attacking you with the term "support". It's only that I don't have that many regular posters that comment on Gulg stuff. Many just don't care; that's all. About "the guy", I think putting him in 'll always bring problems and I don't want to "annoy" you away since I tend to value your comments. I just want you to understand I didn't put Portynx in to gain an hour of fame with Andropinnis or anything. I want to cough up as much of info as I can that doesn't stray too far from what the community wants (hence the value of your comments). |
#52GrummoreSep 22, 2005 14:19:34 | I know, Penn. I'm not attacking you with the term "support". It's only that I don't have that many regular posters that comment on Gulg stuff. Many just don't care; that's all. Dont worry PB, that's what happen with my Pterran project. Many dont care, but I very pleased when I get excellent comments. |
#53zombiegleemaxSep 22, 2005 14:25:11 | I wouldn't be so hard on judging: it's not that many don't care... at least I do care, I just don't have enough time left to read and comment everything... so, most of the time I just wait to see, read and comment the final product.. |
#54zombiegleemaxSep 22, 2005 14:28:38 | Every time I come here to read I come out more like Socrates, the philosopher: 'Só sei que nada sei" or in english: "I only know that I know nothing" [or something like that] |
#55the_peacebringerSep 23, 2005 7:17:35 | I wouldn't be so hard on judging: it's not that many don't care... at least I do care, I just don't have enough time left to read and comment everything... so, most of the time I just wait to see, read and comment the final product.. Well, "don't care" is not exactly what I meant, anyway not in a negative way. Everybody's got a right to have a favorite and that's fine with me. I personnaly don't go commenting on every post (although I read most of them), so I don't hold a grudge or anything, but I Gulg's not that popular (hence what I meant). But enough with that totaly off-the-track-for-this-thread segment and lets get down ( ![]() |
#56xlorepdarkhelm_dupSep 23, 2005 8:36:59 | I wouldn't be so hard on judging: it's not that many don't care... at least I do care, I just don't have enough time left to read and comment everything... so, most of the time I just wait to see, read and comment the final product.. Bingo. I've had less time to even work on my own little projects lately. Just not enough hours in a week (much less a day). |
#57kalthandrixSep 23, 2005 8:55:42 | Stupid work gets in the way of all the fun ![]() |
#58GrummoreSep 23, 2005 8:55:47 | How about these others objects! Work, slaves! :D And btw, you are right. That's what I meant. Less interest = less participation. It is sad, but it is life ;) |
#59PennarinSep 23, 2005 11:37:24 | How about these others objects! Work, slaves! :D I'm interested in doing something about this: "Three special psionic objects owned by the triumvirate of Pterran Vale (a Druid, a Warrior class, a psion telepath)." |
#60GrummoreNov 05, 2005 21:26:07 | Not to bother you everybody, but I am still waiting! ;) Btw, I am still shock about David... That's incredible how it this can change your mood... ![]() |
#61PennarinNov 05, 2005 22:50:56 | Its difficult to believe David is gone. Quite difficult. As for your request, Meth was working, last I spoke with him, on that big defiler artifact...can't recall who asked for it. I worked on the three pterran items, lost inspiration about it, but Meth tells me they look good. I can already tell you they won't be artifacts, but still unique. Three intelligent masks that each confer an aspect of the Earth Mother on its wearer, through the "intelligent item" rules on possession. |
#62methvezemNov 06, 2005 2:57:27 | Not to bother you everybody, but I am still waiting! ;) I too find it hard to believe it happened to one of us, even if I didn't knew him personnally, I always thought its work was great; it is a great loss, for everyone that knew him... 1) If I could have this one within 2 days I would be happy (got a session monday or tuesday):* A Psionic Trikal with no intelligence, but a small power. Not necesserely related to combat, but close to. The trikal you needed is already done. How did it do in your game session, btw?. 2) Here is a more interesting challenge:* A Pterran slayer weapon or something like that. A weapon owned and created by Sielba in order to help her in is cleansing crusade again these reptiles. If it's possible, I would like this object psionic and magical. I would like to have one minor and one major objects that have been related to this SK during is task. Nothing on these yet, but they may see the light sometimes soon. 3) Some kind of clothes or jewelries that could help traders while conducting business and another that help them prepare for some affairs. Best if it's psionic, but can be magical. One already done (the sycophant vestment) and their is one in the upcoming athasian arms&equipment guide (the veil of lies). Sorry, you'll have to wait for it. ;) 4) Three special psionic objects owned by the triumvirate of Pterran Vale (a Druid, a Warrior class, a psion telepath). These are the rules of this city. Should be good stuff (not epic, but good stuff) These are currently done by Pennarin, and they look very neat. 5) I would like to see some special or usual object (psionic) used by the pterrans of the hinterland. And a strange magical object (since they dont usually have wizard among them). Nothing for this yet. 6) Is poison, part of the things you can create? If yes, please go see my post in "damn forgot the thread". Anyway, we are in Darksun, bard have no magic, they use poison and the core doc doesnt have poison. Please be creative it's needed. . Yes they are. Have you any idea that would point me to that thread so I can read the posts there? I'm also (slowly) working on the item PeaceBringer wrote about for its first story of Portnyx. Now it seems the item is somewhat irrevelant, but since I found it interesting, I will do it anyways :P |
#63GrummoreNov 06, 2005 18:46:35 | The trikal you needed is already done. How did it do in your game session, btw?. Yes, the player already used it. It's not something they use often, but they do like the small ability to do prisoner. |
#64nytcrawlrNov 06, 2005 20:28:15 | Its difficult to believe David is gone. Quite difficult. Yeah, I've been in a sad mood all day after I heard about it. I worked on the three pterran items, lost inspiration about it, but Meth tells me they look good. I can already tell you they won't be artifacts, but still unique. Three intelligent masks that each confer an aspect of the Earth Mother on its wearer, through the "intelligent item" rules on possession. This sounds cool Penn. Brush em up and get them out, I would love to see them. ![]() |
#65the_peacebringerNov 07, 2005 12:33:54 | I'm also (slowly) working on the item PeaceBringer wrote about for its first story of Portnyx. Now it seems the item is somewhat irrevelant, but since I found it interesting, I will do it anyways :P But it's not irrelevant, Meth. The only thing is, it won't be Portynx's downfall. I'm still working on Gulg's past and the artifact is an important part of it. It was meant to destroy El'Corhial's elves and more specifically its citadel... hey how about simply calling it El'Corhial's bane. :D It was made to bring mass destruction to the forest (while gathering its defiling energy) and unleash something like Earthquakes, mud slides, quicksand, etc, etc. The citadel is still sunken because of it so never believe it's irrelevant and keep up the good work. ![]() |
#66GrummoreNov 26, 2005 12:23:10 | ![]() Any developpement on the other objects? |
#67methvezemNov 26, 2005 14:42:49 | Life preoccupations, including the birth of our daughter, have slowed considerably my design work on requested items. I'm currently working to finish some things, including the poison chapter, for the Athasian Arms&Equipment Guide. Things should run more smoothly at the end of december and the beginning of next year. :D |
#68KamelionNov 26, 2005 16:01:36 | ...including the birth of our daughter... There is nothing finer in life. My warmest congratulations, Methvezem! |
#69kalthandrixNov 26, 2005 19:53:29 | Congrats Meth! My suggestion is to set the books aside for a while and spend every moment you can with her- they change so fast! My daughter is 18 months old and I still remember holding her for the first time- nothing in life is better :D |
#70GrummoreNov 26, 2005 21:30:50 | Life preoccupations, including the birth of our daughter, have slowed considerably my design work on requested items. Forgot what I've just said. Enjoy all the moments you can. My baby (geez I hardly can call her like that now... SHE is running everywhere! ![]() Give this to your baby and girlfriend ![]() And this is for you ![]() And this is for both your girlfriend and you if you can ! :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#71zombiegleemaxNov 28, 2005 5:52:32 | Wow, I suppose there is a baby boom ongoing in this forum! For my son is 11 months old... And it seems everybody else has become a father/mother in the last 18 months. I wonder if it can spread throught the internet. Anyway, cheers ![]() ![]() |
#72the_peacebringerNov 28, 2005 11:32:39 | Cool, Meth!!! So what's her name: Sadira, Neeva, Abalach-Re, Lalali-Puy... :P Seriously, congratulations to you both. ![]() Same goes for you, Kal! |
#73nytcrawlrNov 28, 2005 11:40:03 | Congrats Meth! :bounce: |
#74methvezemNov 29, 2005 17:10:55 | Thank you all! :D I didn't knew that so many DS fans were fathers since so little time. Congrats to all of you too. ![]() Time is flying faster than ever ![]() Ah, and her name is Cassandre. :D |
#75master_ivanNov 29, 2005 17:25:56 | That's beautiful Meth! Congratulations to you and your girlfriend! I think we won't take it personally if you pause your work for a good time with your newborn child ;) I wish you a good, enjoyable time with your family! Happy happy joy joy :D |
#76PennarinJan 26, 2006 22:41:38 | Here is my version of your artifact, Master Ivan. ![]() Its not world-shattering like the Dark Lens or the Psionatrix but its pretty powerful in its own right. It can turn a person into a powerful preserver, decimate defilers before they even get close, and inspire perduring hope in the heart of the most hardened cynics. (Thanks Meth and my man Squid for the constructive feedback!) The following item is a major artifact. Orphic Flower History After the defeat of many of the great leaders of the preserver faction at the hands of defiler warlords, a wise and powerful leader named Amara foretold of a future in which preserver numbers would dwindle while defilers only grew more numerous. She sought to preserve her cause despite the odds against her faction, and from that resolution conceived of the Orphic Flower, a means to instill hope in the heart of future generations of oppressed preservers. Amara secluded herself for years, researching ways to craft an artifact potent enough to serve her purpose. After years of enchantments she came to the conclusion that only her own powerful spirit ― transferred within ― could provide the necessary motive power to animate the artifact. Not long afterwards her followers found her empty retreat, discovering the Orphic Flower along with several priceless relics drained of their power, but no trace of their master. Sensing the object’s power the followers explored its properties through sorcery, divining traces of their absent master within it. Ever since, the Orphic Flower as been passed on from one preserver outpost to the next throughout the Preserver Jihad, causing the war to perdure out of sheer hope. Soon before the fall of the last outpost of the Wind Mages, the Orphic Flower found its way into a sorcerous elven fortress where it helped the bastion stand against the assaults of the defiler warlord Merovech. Terrible magic was unleashed on each side, causing the destruction of both parties, after which the warlord’s master ― the Slayer of Elves ― retrieved the artifact from the rubble. Managing to shrug off the device’s persistent assaults on his person but unable to undo its potent magic, the Champion brought the artifact to his master. Amused by this unique attempt at creating a device potent enough to oppose a Champion, Rajaat gave the device to his aides for study. The artifact’s course across the land from that point on is vague. The Orphic Flower might have been stored and forgotten throughout the ages in one of Rajaat’s fortresses, or sent to the south for study by Rajaat’s greatest wizards, only to be entombed in the obsidian that covered the region millennia ago. Where ever its current location may be, the Orphic Flower would prove to be a potent weapon against defilers everywhere. Abilities An orb flattened into the shape of a scribe’s lens, this stone ― the size of a half-giant’s hand ― is of the purest white jade. Within its milky depths can be seen a darker shape moving erratically, like a fluttering moth in a jar. The stone’s surface is engraved with interlocking symbols in a now dead dialect, silver wire lining the ridges created by the engravings. The artifact’s presence is anathema to defilers. Merely being within 120 ft. of the Orphic Flower forces defilers to make a Will save (DC 20) or be overcome by a powerful sense of dread, cowering while the artifact is within range and 1d6 hours afterward. A defiler touching the Orphic Flower, or touched by it, must make a Fortitude save (DC 20; partial) or be affected by a finger of death effect. This ability is always active. The Orphic Flower allows its owner to cast spells as if he were a 20th-level wizard with an Intelligence score of 20 (a character uses his own arcane caster level or Intelligence score if higher). The spells gained are cumulative with any existing spells per day that the character might have, even if he’s already a wizard. Spellcasting abilities gained through the artifact cannot be used to fulfill feat or prestige class requirements. To its owner it provides spell resistance of (15 + the owner’s level) against arcane magic, and also protects him from the effects of being caught in the defiling radius of a spellcasting wizard. The owner is immune to all penalties and damage inflicted associated with all forms of defiling, even when augmented with Raze feats or magical items. Whenever confronting defilers the Orphic Flower draws upon inner reserves to bolster its owner’s defenses. Against attacks and effects originating from defilers the artifact confers a +8 resistance bonus on saving throws and armor class. In addition to its other powers, the Orphic Flower allows its owner to access the great knowledge of the spirit it contains. This source of knowledge grants the wielder a +10 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks and a +5 bonus on all other Knowledge checks. Whoever owns the artifact can also create magic items as if he had access to the appropriate item creation feats. The Orphic Flower is inert unless picked up, and will only allow itself to be used if the character handling it is worthy. It determines a candidate’s worthiness by dominating it. Albeit not actually intelligent, for the purpose of dominating a character the artifact is considered to have an Ego score of 30. A candidate that succeeds its Will saving throw against the Orphic Flower’s Ego score is aware that a battle of wills just occurred and was won, but otherwise cannot make use of the artifact’s abilities; all those touching the Orphic Flower are made aware of what it seeks, and thus may choose to willingly fail their save so as to be judged. A candidate that fails its Will saving throw against the artifact’s Ego score is dominated by it, and in that state all the knowledge of the character is made known to the Orphic Flower. Those deemed worthy by it are released from its domination the following round and become fully aware of the artifact’s powers. Those deemed unworthy are immediately targeted with a feeblemind effect (no save allowed), the subject remaining in this state until a miracle, reality revision, or wish is used to cancel the effect. To be worthy a character must be a preserver without the taint of defilement, and have a passionate belief in the precepts of preserving and strong moral opposition to all things defiling. Characters only partly meeting these criteria continue to be dominated and are used by the Orphic Flower as a means to find a more worthy candidate. Artifact Possession The Orphic Flower is imbued with Amara’s powerful drive to further the cause of preservers, oppose defilers at every turn and any scale, and with her undying hope in victory. A character that fails its Will saving throw against the stone’s Ego score becomes imprinted with this personality fragment and will, from now on, seek to further the cause of preservers. This dedication will never waver, even if the artifact is later lost to him. Suggested Means of Destruction ● Burying the Orphic Flower in the lifeless ground of a Defiled Waste for as many years as Amara once lived, slowly leeching away the spirit within the stone. ● Having a direct defiler descendant of Amara touch it, causing the defiler’s death and the shattering of the stone. Overwhelming evocation and transmutation; CL 25th; Weight 15 lb. I tought of one artifact the other day, something used by the preservers in the preserver jihad, I named it the blue lens (not very original I know) but one thing about it is that Rajaat and his students can't use it... they came by this artifact (either Rajaat or his Champs) in the beginning of the Cleansing Wars. They brought it somewhere it could never be found because they couldn't find a way to destroy it. It was made in the the preserver jihad, by three arch mages of Rajaat's schools. |
#77darksoulmanJan 27, 2006 6:40:00 | Any progress on the three Pterran items Grummore requested Pennarin? My group is heading into the Hinterlands soon, and I'm developing some ideas about Pterran society (see Grummore, someone else does care about Pterrans ;) ), those items sound cool. If you haven't finished the items, I'd really appreciate it if you could message me with whatever you have at the moment ![]() Really like the artifact btw, excellent work! ![]() |
#78kalthandrixJan 27, 2006 7:49:57 | Very cool idea- it would be interesting to see something like this in action. I have a few issues with some of the wording and stuff in the fluff but it is no big thing- so I will not go into that. The one thing that I thought was kinda weak for an item that could kill a defiler with a touch and grant you huge spellcasting ability it the fact that it only gives you a +10 to Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks. Now I am fine with the balnket of +5 on all other knowledge checks, but IMO the knowledge and spellcraft bonus should be higher. Also- how about a suggested means of destruction? It could come to it that a group of heros would need to know how to get rid of the item if it was in the hands of a preserver that fit the requirements but was evil or in some way really misguided. |
#79methvezemJan 27, 2006 8:05:28 | Nice intro Penn. ![]() Just one thing, 25 or even 50 lb for the item would be more in line with the size and material. (Could be more, but I think these weight are enough) |
#80PennarinJan 27, 2006 8:44:13 | I adjusted the weight to 15 lb., since the item is not really that big. I'm in the process of acquiring information on how to destroy 3E artifacts and will adjust all of our artifacts if need be, although I suspect only major artifacts could/would need (in Dark Sun) a Suggested Means of Destruction section, since minor artifacts are - by definition - normal magic items whose crafting formula is now long lost. Anyone wants to advance some thoughts on the destruction method(s)? |
#81PennarinJan 27, 2006 9:48:48 | I can confirm we will indeed go with the 2E layout for major artifacts, so all our major artifacts will look like the Screaming Maw and the Orphic Flower, Suggested Means of Destruction section included. :D |
#82kalthandrixJan 27, 2006 11:19:13 | I can confirm we will indeed go with the 2E layout for major artifacts, so all our major artifacts will look like the Screaming Maw and the Orphic Flower, Suggested Means of Destruction section included. :D So here is a question kinda related to the whole artifact conversation- the sword I made- Stonecutter- was created using some pretty potent items, namely parts of the OM, so should I make it a major artifact because the OM is- and I do not think it would really fall in the minor artifact catagory anymore. O BTW- Raven has been working on a picture of Stonecutter for me and I just seen another draft version- it is close and I realy think that the next one will be the final version- and wow is it really cool, so I cannot wait to get the final and post it up with my write-up of the sword. Anyway...back to our regularly scheduled program. |
#83kalthandrixJan 27, 2006 11:24:29 | I adjusted the weight to 15 lb., since the item is not really that big. How about burying it in defiled or totally lifeless earth for 200 years- during which time the spirit of the preserver inside will slowly be leeched away. Or having a direct decendant of the original creator take up the item and become a defiler- which would cause the item to kill the holder/decendant but because of the blood-relation, the backlash would also break the artifact. |
#84PennarinJan 27, 2006 12:05:04 | Unless your sword was crafted by someone who was...let's say, underpowered...then yes go with major artifact, otherwise limit yourself to minor and cut down on the abilities' potency.How about burying it in defiled or totally lifeless earth for 200 years- during which time the spirit of the preserver inside will slowly be leeched away. /steal! :D |
#85PennarinJan 27, 2006 14:07:05 | Update for the beginning of next week (I'm off this w/e): - I have a framework for the three pterran artifacts Grummore wanted, called the Masks of the Earth Mother. - After my rewrite of the Life Leech, and feedback from Meth to arrive at a concensus, he'll post the artifact, which was a request from...The PeaceBringer I believe. - Then the huge list of goods and services which me and Meth will be working on, all formated to fit the boards, and provided because we need feedback if its to be included in the upcoming Guide and used as a reference for future products. |
#86kalthandrixJan 27, 2006 14:14:58 | Cool- have a good weekend Pennarin ![]() |
#87master_ivanJan 27, 2006 19:09:23 | yeah have a nice weekend pen! and thanx again for your help....well the whole work :D |
#88GrummoreJan 28, 2006 15:51:02 | Update for the beginning of next week (I'm off this w/e): Excellent! Can't wait to see these! Muhahahaha. |
#89the_peacebringerFeb 03, 2006 12:14:05 | Hey Meth, I know you're overworked and everything, but a while back, you were planning on making a Gulg drum or drumsticks... any news on that? I just wonder 'cause I'm working on the Drummers' PrC. PB |
#90methvezemFeb 03, 2006 12:54:42 | Hey Meth, I know you're overworked and everything, but a while back, you were planning on making a Gulg drum or drumsticks... any news on that? I just wonder 'cause I'm working on the Drummers' PrC. Yes, they're finished. In short, since they'll be included in the guide, they are named kiliaba unujoko, gulg for kiliaba that enthralls the weak-willed. They are drumsticks, one of the instruments that gave the bardic dagadas of Gulg their reputation for being dangerous to the weak of mind. They causes the listeners to dance incontrollably to the music and can be used to plant a death urge. Once per day, by succeding on a DC 20 Perform (percussion instruments) check, the person playing the kiliaba unujoko creates a self-destructive rhythm that forces one target, within 120 feet of the performer and chosen by him, to make a DC 16 Will save or suffer the effects of the death urge power. The performer can maintain the death urge on the same target by continuing making successful Perform skill checks each round, effectively giving the target more time to harm herself. Moderate psychokinesis and telepathy; ML 7th; Craft Universal item, control body, death urge; Price 60,480 Cp. |
#91methvezemFeb 03, 2006 12:56:02 | Hey Meth, I know you're overworked and everything, but a while back, you were planning on making a Gulg drum or drumsticks... any news on that? I just wonder 'cause I'm working on the Drummers' PrC. Yes, they're finished. In short, since they'll be included in the guide, they are named kiliaba unujoko, gulg for kiliaba that enthralls the weak-willed. They are drumsticks, one of the instruments that gave the bardic dagadas of Gulg their reputation for being dangerous to the weak of mind. They causes the listeners to dance incontrollably to the music and can be used to plant a death urge. Also, I hope you really like what will come out from your request for the Life Leech (aka El'Corhial's Bane) :D |
#92the_peacebringerFeb 03, 2006 15:02:06 | Yes, they're finished. In short, since they'll be included in the guide, they are named kiliaba unujoko, gulg for kiliaba that enthralls the weak-willed. I'm sure I will. :D Thanks |
#93squidfur-Feb 03, 2006 22:27:30 | Also, I hope you really like what will come out from your request for the Life Leech (aka El'Corhial's Bane) :D Oh yeah!!!! I can almost guarantee your gonna dig it PeaceBringer. |
#94PennarinFeb 03, 2006 22:43:13 | Oh yeah!!!! I can almost guarantee your gonna dig it PeaceBringer. Squid is right in saying "almost", cause right now I don't feel like I can pull this off. Pfff, ok, I'll manage it eventually, its just that there are lots of abilities, none clearly the best, and when I try to integrate many in the design it sounds cookie. ![]() |
#95kalthandrixFeb 04, 2006 7:06:33 | Squid is right in saying "almost", cause right now I don't feel like I can pull this off. I love cookie ![]() |