Sesk Draconion (proto temp from BoK)



Dec 08, 2004 10:52:09
as I'm getting ready to post this I remembered that I haven't checked or the nexus yet ...

and a question about BoK ... what size is the Flame Draconion suppossed to be? b/c it's reach/space says 10'/10' (which is for L+ critters)

anyway ... here's my Sesk for ya

Sesk (Ssesk?) Proto-Draconion <br /> [b]Large Dragon[/b]<br /> HD: 6d12 +18 (60)<br /> Initiative: +4<br /> Speed: 30ft, Fly 50ft (clumsy)<br /> AC: 20 (-1 sz, +7 Natural, +4 Scalemail)<br /> BAB/Grapple: +6/+15<br /> Attacks: 2 Claws 1d6+5<br /> Bite 1d8+2<br /> Lg Battle Axe 2d6+5<br /> Tail 2d4+7<br /> Full attacks: 2 Claws (+10), Bite (+8) <br /> OR Tail (+10)<br /> OR Axe (+11/+6), Claw (+8), Bite (+8)<br /> Special Attks: Trip, Rage (see text)<br /> Special Qual: Draconion traits, Instability (see text), <br /> Madness (see text)<br /> Saves: Fort +8, Refl +5, Will +5<br /> Abilities: Str 20 (+5), Dex 10, Con 16 (+3), <br /> Int 8 (-1), Cha 6 (-2)<br /> Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +9, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +2, <br /> Gather Info +1, Jump +9, Intimidate +8, Listen +8<br /> Feats: Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Run, <br /> Weapon Focus: Battle Axe<br /> Align: Neutral Evil<br /> CR: 5<br /> <br /> Equipment: Large Scalemail, Large Battle Axe<br /> <br /> See text: information found in [i]Bestiary of Krynn[/i]<br /> <br /> Skills are with synergy and armor check penalties.<br /> <br /> Speed mode &#8230; I did this the previous night, <br /> and typed it this morning at works, unfortunately <br /> I didn&#8217;t write down whether or not the <br /> maneuverability gets downgraded too &#8230; <br /> so it might be (poor) instead of (clumsy).


Dec 13, 2004 11:13:06
not meant as a bump ...

but I haven't seen any official errata for BoK ... is there an unofficial one? b/c I'm trying to sort out the flame draconions's size. it's not listed, all the stats support medium, except face/reach which is 10'/10' ... the face/reach for a L+ size creature.


Dec 13, 2004 14:51:09
not meant as a bump ...

but I haven't seen any official errata for BoK ... is there an unofficial one? b/c I'm trying to sort out the flame draconions's size. it's not listed, all the stats support medium, except face/reach which is 10'/10' ... the face/reach for a L+ size creature.

The flame and lightning draconians are both Large. They should each have a -1 penalty to AC based on size, and 10 ft./10 ft. space/reach.



Dec 14, 2004 9:07:57
thanks! ... will be putting a post-it into my BoK


Dec 15, 2004 18:27:18
The flame and lightning draconians are both Large. They should each have a -1 penalty to AC based on size, and 10 ft./10 ft. space/reach.



Would it be a safe assumption that in order for a draconian to have natural flight, they must be large size? Otherwise they would require the Draconian Flight feats from Jamie's Holiday Web Enhancement?


Dec 15, 2004 19:48:12

Would it be a safe assumption that in order for a draconian to have natural flight, they must be large size? Otherwise they would require the Draconian Flight feats from Jamie's Holiday Web Enhancement?

That's a good assumption. The sivak is similarly large and can fly, but none of the other metallic draconians are able to use their wings for flight.
