Clerical Relics in Istar's ToHS



Dec 16, 2004 16:58:20
I'm wondering about the Tower of High Sorcery in Istar. The Kingpriest was using it to contain the artifacts of the evil and neutral gods (as well as the heresies of the good gods) (bk. III Sacred Fire)

What is happening to the objects now that the Tower is reinhabited? Are the WoHS hoarding them? Are they returning it to the faithful of various churches in return for favours?

I know there is no official answer for this, but I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about it.


Dec 16, 2004 17:12:38
See Amber and Ashes for the hint at the answer to this. was not explicitly answered yet. But it probably will be in Amber and ...whatever the name of book two is. Essentially, all we know at the moment is that they are hoarding them.


Dec 16, 2004 17:15:52
Okay, so there is an official answer. Methinks Amber and Ashes needs to come out in paperback. ;)


Dec 16, 2004 17:21:03
It's a great book. By far my favorite DL book for a long time. Unfortuntely I don't think it comes out on paperback until May. And who knows if it will still have the gaming information appendix or not. (those tend to disappear when the paperbacks come along)


Dec 16, 2004 20:15:42
When is book 2 supposed to be ready? Anyone heard any rumors?


Dec 16, 2004 22:42:13
The 2nd book is going to be called Iron and Amber and that's all they're telling us right now.


Dec 17, 2004 2:07:19
And who knows if it will still have the gaming information appendix or not. (those tend to disappear when the paperbacks come along)

Good point to consider. I was waiting for the paperback too but now I may have to reconsider. Can you let us in on what's in the appendix?


Dec 17, 2004 10:55:32
Good point to consider. I was waiting for the paperback too but now I may have to reconsider. Can you let us in on what's in the appendix?

Amber and Ashes SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!
The Appendix is a write up of the Tower of the Blood Sea. It is Istar's Tower of High Sorcery that was once the "Bloody Fingered Hand." Nuitari and the Black Robes have taken up residence (and kept it hidden from Solinari and Lunitari). Chemosh comes looking for his old relics (and those of other gods) and discovers that the tower is no longer empty. And Nuitari uses Mina to keep Chemosh at bay.

The Appendix is a complete write up of the tower and the three wizards that are currently in residence (like the write ups in the Towers of High Sorcery.

It seems like there was some other information too, but I don't remeber. Maybe something on the Chosen?


Dec 17, 2004 14:28:46
Thanks Brim. You just sold me the idea of buying it asap ;)


Dec 17, 2004 15:06:52
The 2nd book is going to be called Iron and Amber and that's all they're telling us right now.

Amber and Iron


Dec 17, 2004 18:35:17
Amber and Iron

That's what I thought it was too until I went to Margaret's site and it was listed as Iron and Amber. That or the my dyslexia is again up. :P