History of Pontylver



Dec 22, 2004 18:09:30
From the mouth of the Thelly River, travelling northward along the River, the first sign of civilization are the ruins of Pontylver. I've searched high and low for a history of events on those ruins (mainly, why are they ruins and not a city at this point). Anybody know where I can find out more about them and/or the two cities located immediately further upriver?




Dec 22, 2004 19:07:01
Hey Yranuis, what's your source?

The GH'98-era maps show Pontylver as intact -- not ruined.

However, some LG campaign updates indicate that it was razed when Ivid V's imperial army punished Holy Censor Spidasa for failing to aid the Overking. Good print sources include the pamphlet from Greyhawk Wars and the unpublished Ivid: The Undying, which is legitimately available to download for free.

Here's a Google URL with a good set of hits .


Dec 23, 2004 8:45:45

My source is the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. And frankly, the only thing I can point to is the fact that it is denoted as ruins on the map. The book itself is very poorly organized, having no index for names or cities and organized only by very large areas. And I've read the appropriate area (Ahlissa) all the way through and gleaned nothing from it other than mentioning that the Windmarch trade route extends to Pontylver (woop dee doo).

Let me know what you think. I've been looking online and thought I saw something about a battle being fought there and resulting in it now (591 CY) being populated by undead.



Dec 23, 2004 9:00:53
I've been looking online and thought I saw something about a battle being fought there and resulting in it now (591 CY) being populated by undead.

Which I think was in WGR7: Ivid the Undying. I'm unfortunately, at work (w/o books), so am unable to help beyond that. Perhaps a rouse through the freely available .doc


Dec 23, 2004 9:07:18
From Ivid the Undying...

Only in North Province, where Herzog Grace Grenell actively allied with the Bone March against Nyrond, are these troops still reliably under the control of the ruler.
These roaming orc mercenaries are having a good time of it, especially in central lands where the opposition to them is weak and the pickings rich. The orcs have grown wily and smart, and they have altered the practice of warfare and skirmishing in Aerdy. The most famous example of this is the desertion of Prince Trellar's orcish mercenaries to the city of Pontylver in an abortive sacking of that city in Coldeven, CY 585.

It later goes on to say the current state of the city (which is ridden with undead) etc etc...

There is litterally tons of informational bits you can pick up out of the "book," in regards to Pontylver. I suggest downloading and reading the whole thing. It is my single most favorite Greyhawkian piece.

Old Edition Downloads

It's near the very bottom...


Dec 23, 2004 9:17:39

My source is the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. And frankly, the only thing I can point to is the fact that it is denoted as ruins on the map. The book itself is very poorly organized, having no index for names or cities and organized only by very large areas. And I've read the appropriate area (Ahlissa) all the way through and gleaned nothing from it other than mentioning that the Windmarch trade route extends to Pontylver (woop dee doo).

Let me know what you think. I've been looking online and thought I saw something about a battle being fought there and resulting in it now (591 CY) being populated by undead.


I think one of the Living Greyhawj Journals once featured an index for the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. From what I gathered, it was the index to be included but was not due to space limitations.


Dec 23, 2004 12:26:50
I think one of the Living Greyhawj Journals once featured an index for the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. From what I gathered, it was the index to be included but was not due to space limitations.

Dragon Mag #296 contains the index to the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer.

Here are the references I've found for Pontylver.

Pontylver (Pop3,200)(Pop 16,000)[TWN]
C1 - 28
DRG#63 - 16
DRG#65 - 11,12
DRG#68 - 42
GW:ADV - 14
LGG - 22,24,71,93,100,151,152
RTOH - 7
TAB - 27,28
WGG - 12,15
WOGA - 28,34


Jan 08, 2005 0:08:25
I could also use some info, official or otherwise, on pre-war Pontylver as my PCs will be visiting this locale on Sunday (in 576 CY). Anyone? Anyone? I managed to glean from Ivid the Undying that there would be temples to Pyremius and Wee Jas in addition to the standard oeridian deities.

Who rules in Pontylver? I think it is a Darmen family holding, right?

Any insight would be appreciated.


Jan 08, 2005 9:18:01
Who rules in Pontylver? I think it is a Darmen family holding, right?

This is a question that I should know off the top of my head, but once again, you have caught me at work, unprepared.

Judging purely off the location of the city, I would think it safe to call it Darmen.


Jan 09, 2005 16:52:34
according to C1 (The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan), the main power group in the city was a corrupt church of Stern Alia, a realtivly minor Oeridian godess who is also the mother of Hieroneous and Hextor. Most of the clerics of the church of S.A. in Pontylver had fallen prey to the sin of obsesive arrogance, and as a result they had lost the ability to use thier higher level spells. Also acording to C1 the ruler of Pontylver had the tittle of Archon, and Pontylver was a "loyal daughter" (that is holding) of the See of Medigee.


Jan 09, 2005 22:41:54
Very interesting. I just introduced the party to Pontylver tonight. An aerdi war wizard with a summoned fiend ally just had a group of dark-armored knights (servants of Hextor) attacked a temple of Pholtus in the night. The party tried to help and the Knight character was struck dead by one of the hextorians. The monk character attacked the wizard and the demon teleported the three of them back to Rauxes, where the monk managed to deliver a shot to the groin, debilitating the wizard, who was then struck down by the fiend. The monk bailed and learned later that a fiend had rampaged through a few neighborhoods in Rauxes until the companion guard were able to banish it.

When next we meet up I'll drop some history of Stern Alia into the mix.