GH History in the Making



Jan 04, 2005 20:26:00
I must take this opportunity to once again call to everyone’s attention the milestone that is being marked with the release of the second part of the Dungeon Map of the Flanaess. This is gaming history. This is Greyhawk’s real world history that is being made, and which adds not a little cachet to the setting.

Eric Mona is achieving what only EGG and Sargent have to date achieved – the complete definition of the World of Greyhawk. Of course, Erik is not done, which can only be exciting. But as the history of the setting, real and in the game, unfolds, it is appropriate to recognize what is happening. It is like being present for any event of moment. One may stare blankly or one may understand that they are witness to history that others will only hear tell about at some future point.

What gives this particular event, in part, so much resonance is that Erik has been so open and welcoming of others’ participation in achieving this milestone. Erik has and continues to not merely welcome but solicit input. In the Greychats every Thursday, in online forums, via email or through submissions to Dragon and Dungeon, Erik is variously available. If you the Greyhawker do not feel a part of this event, you have none to fault for that but yourself, and you can still get in on the action, as it were.

Where EGG and Sargent labored alone, Mona is working to be inclusive. Part of this is of necessity but not all of this. Mona could be far more selective of his inputs but is remarkably open to Greyhawkers and would be Greyhawkers. In his place, I would not be so generous.

This is history and it is our history, in our time of which we may be a conscious part. I, for one, celebrate this, and congratulate Mr. Erik Mona. Gygax. Sargent. Mona. The torch is passed.



Jan 05, 2005 9:12:59
Indeed, the reins are in more then capable hands. *thumbs up*
