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#1horusJan 13, 2005 4:32:00 | At my players request, I've decided to post his session logs. Any spelling errors in characters names are solely due to the fact he doesn't have access to the supplement. The logs begin from session 18 just as the players enter the desolation (unfortunately earlier logs are unavailable). Please feel free to make comments/critique, he welcomes such and I'll be happy to pass them on. Session 18 Men of honour and courage, Aldrius will share with you his journal; a tale of six adventurers who strive to bring light into this world. A world where new hope springs forth from the shadows of the past… "Nestled into the rocky mountainside, our party begins to set up camp. We will rest until nightfall before our planned venture into the desolation. The day’s events have dampened the spirits of many, and it's not long before the frustrations boil over. With Mason sat in isolation, deep in contemplation, the other party members begin to call him out for his rash actions. Although the criticism is warranted, the heated debate rages on beyond all usefulness. Although Mason's maverick acts have been frequent, it pinpoints my own failure to lead, and the group’s failure to follow. Why can't the other members of the party see this? I've never claimed to be a good leader. I vowed to stay at the sides of my companions, regardless of the dangers. All I ask for is a similar vow from the others, a vote of confidence; to follow my lead no matter the consequences." "Below us, the desolate landscape has exposed the worst aspects of our companionship, mimicking my own worst nightmares of the abyss; hate and malice surrounding us, spewing out from a mountain of the same name, its vengeful orifice cascading with rivulets of fire. The ash-laden smoke has clutched at our spirits, gnawing at our inner reserves, and revealing our weaknesses. The debate peters out, and my mind searches for strength, trying to focus on the immensity of the task at hand. We begin our regimented watches as darkness begins to blot out all sight. In the barren plains below, the shadows have come to inspect its latest arrivals. Merely a trick of our drained minds, or have the creatures of the desolation found new prey? I retrieve the Eyes of Eli to illuminate the immediate area, and remove all doubt. Unsheathed for the first time, its brilliant light catches me by surprise. If the creatures of the dark hadn't spotted us, they have now." "Waking the group earlier than anticipated, we decide to head into the desolation, to relocate camp, and hopefully leave behind the dreaded shadows that plague us. Elajis takes the lead as we stumble through over the inhospitable terrain without the comfort of light. An immense cloud of smoke and dust covers our ragged figures like a blanket, adding to the visibility problems. Tre takes the rearguard, skilfully hiding our tracks whilst desperate not to fall behind the rapidly moving contingent. Battered and bruised we pass across the ash strewn land until Elajis calls us to a halt at the new encampment. Amongst the cracked and burnt earth is a small natural shelter, barely big enough for all of us, hidden behind two sloping rock ledges. Tucked in between the rock interface, we begin to pitch a canvas cover over the opening. Talon and Elajis scurry to conceal the main canvas with soil, before joining the group to rest up." "I sit shoulder to shoulder with my comrades, wiping the soot from my face, and the dust from my grazed shins. Outside the noxious sulphuric smoke hangs over us, unable to penetrate our makeshift cover. Finally I am able to rest and regain some lost vigour, as Tre and Embereck take over the watch. I am shaken from my light sleep, as the acrid smell eventually courses through the camp. Something has entered the shelter. As I rise, I spot Embereck face down; his blackened robes unable to hide a cauterised tear across his back. Tre is on his feet battling with a black creature; a panther as black as the desolate rock, save for numerous veins of red fire pulsing over its muscular frame. Spurred on by this terrible sight, I join Tre along with Mason and the other warriors until the cat-like beast is no more. Not before it unleashes it claws upon me, tossing me against the rock wall, a deep burning sensation racking my body with pain. Seeing its fallen partner motionless, another panther, perched atop the camp wall, bounds away from us, leaving only a haze of heat in its midst." "Turning to the injured companions Brom and Talon begin to administer the aid, where it is needed. With Embereck still suffering the effects of the beast’s assault, we begin to pack up our gear, quickly. According to the map we studied the previous night, we can find refuge in a series of caves which lie on the path towards our destination. Using torchlight, we head out onto the barren land, trudging at an expeditious pace, hoping to limit being spotted by the fiery beasts. The overbearing cloud has lightened somewhat, although its taint still surrounds us, fatiguing our minds and making our bodies weary. We eventually stop at interim sight; a place where dark burnt trees still stand in defiance. Can we also stand in defiance against the oppressiveness that surrounds us? We will rest here until we can regain what little heartiness and hope we have left, before progressing on to the caves." …and with this shroud of darkness toiling to break our spirits, remember this: Aldrius will always stand at your side. Est Sularus oth Mithas, Aldrius |
#2horusJan 13, 2005 4:33:14 | Men of honour and courage, Know that Aldrius shares your troubles and pain. Although our struggles have intensified these last few days, and the evil that resides in this lands has revealed itself to be more sinister than we could have imagined; read with me. Let me share with you a tale of our undertaking. From these texts, gather what strength you can; for it is only our combined resolve that will allow us to carve our names in times gone by, so that others may be inspired by our story… “Resting against the scorched husks of a former wood, we find solace from the desolations tyranny that had dampened our determination these last few days. With renewed doggedness, we pick up our journey in order to reach the cavern before the heat of uncompromising sun returns. Cutting across the cracked terrain, we eventually reach the jagged hillside, beset with a series of secluded niches and recessed grottos. Respite: assuming that beasts do not dwell in the shadows. We eagerly descend a dusty slope; the undaunted Kender skipping playfully down to base of the hills; Embereck weary, hunched over his trusty staff reluctantly follows. Mason and I begin to head on. The sturdy dwarf and I topple, in a rockslide, as the slope is unable to support our footing. Emerging unhurt from a cloud of dust and debris, I look over my tattered garments with a trifling grin: The desolation has ended the lives of many, why would it show me any compassion?” “Feeling the chill air of the murky cave is almost a blessing. The group begin to post torches along the rock walls, to shed light on our encampment. From a dim fissure in the inner confines of the cavern, a natural spring flows into a mineral laden pool. An eerie glow emanates from the pool, as fluke-like fish flaunt their luminous bodies to the caves new arrivals. I toss down the burden of both backpacks, and sit down on the damp cavern floor. Mason, covered in a film of dust, sits motionless like a statuette as the light-hearted Talon pesters him to recall a dwarven story. In exhaustion, Embereck lies upon his bedroll, slipping deeply into meditation; hoping to wash away the stain of today’s toil. Tre finds comfort in crafting a new fishing tool; believing that a busy mind can stave off the fatigue. Brom and I rest until watch-time, unable to even wipe away the grime amid our armour links.” “With Elajis scouting outside of the cavern’s protection, I sit with Brom, during our watch period, contemplating the party’s flagging morale and the fragility of each member. Suddenly, the gloom of the cave swells as a profound shadow penetrates the opening, casting aside the reassurance of the days light. Against my better judgement, I creep towards the cave entrance to placate my fear. The wild elf has returned. According to Elajis, the fiendish shadow that had passed us by belonged to a great dragon; a dragon who has more malevolent thoughts to take note of our presence in this land. But is that really a comfort?” “The group awakes for a successive night journey, weariness unmistakeably etched upon each face. Embereck, re-dressed in his splendid white robes, seems less eager to leave the coldness of the cave that has matched his own demeanour in recent days. I shoulder both packs, and follow Elajis’ lead out of the moist cavern and onto the newly baked earth. As the dusk sun trickles away over the horizon, we trudge over the parched ground, the thick air daring us to breathe. Outside of the shelter of the hills, the desolate landscape is awash with the peculiar red glow of the moon. Below us, stampedes of wild boar tear through the heat of the former day, in a fleet of terror. High above the horizon, a terrible winged beast casts its immense shadow over the plains and with it an unnatural fear ripples forth, dispersing the heat and chilling the bone.” “We cautiously descend the hillside, onto the infertile soil that is now devoid of all life – that which once stood has now driven away by inhospitable fear. We hurry our step, eventually reaching a colourless grove of vines and knotted weeds. Elajis warns us of the tangleweed - its deadly tendrils hope to imprison you, so that the beasts of the desolation may rip into your writhing body, leaving the weeds to draw sustenance from your blood. We step through carefully, but few evade the trappings of the tangleweeds. One vine encircles my arm, its vice-like grip tightening as I attempt to pull myself free. Brom retrieves a dagger and begins to hack himself free; unsuccessfully. The other party members return to our aid, but stop in alarm as dread washes over all of us. The heavy beating of the dragons wings drive us down amongst the foliage, its shade coursing fear through every inch of our flesh. It paralyses all, even the vines that grapple its new found prey.” With the dragon fear dispersing, I try to co-ordinate the group to retreat; serving to only babble incoherently. Most are still held firm, as if turned to stone. Brom, still entangled in vines, severs himself free in a desperate frenzy. Reunited, we press on through the unrelenting brush until we reach the borders of the former wood of Kendermore.” “Withered away by dread and fire, as if touched by hell itself, the skeletal shells of the former trees of the kinder wood show no life. They serve only to mark the time of fertility that once blessed these lands. Embereck and Tre are suffering from exertion. Not even the elves soothing tea can alleviate their racking coughs. I attempt to give a rallying speech to pick up our spirits. It falls upon deaf ears - for words cannot return what we have lost; what we have sacrificed. Even the usually energetic Talon prefers to rest upon his bunk in the trees. As we wait in silence, Brom approaches me. Somebody has sabotaged his water supplies! The group has fragmented more than I could have imagined, the evil shroud that has been cast over us by Malice has once again infiltrated our minds and motions.” “Secluded in the shade, we rest, hidden from the red moons gaze, and hopefully hidden from the gaze of creatures that prey upon our righteous blood” …together let us find new resolve from our faith in each other. Together we can conquer the tyranny of these lands. Know that I will do whatever is in my power, to steer us onward. Est Sularus oth Mithas, Aldrius |
#3horusJan 13, 2005 4:33:50 | Men of honour and courage, With every rock we climb, we every step we take, our group grows stronger. As each day passes our unit becomes a mechanism that drives our spirits forth, relentlessly, fuelled by our dreams and hopes. Let me continue on with our tale of great endeavour. Pride yourself with this inspiration, for the roads ahead are becoming ever darker… “The night air feels less dense, and coupled with the moist footing, Elajis detects the distinctive scent of a storm nearing. With warning we would do well not to expose ourselves to the tears of Malice; a shredding rain, that dissolves rock and liquefies flesh. With Brom’s revelation still fresh in mind, I eye Elajis as he checks our packs in preparation for our journey. We hurriedly cross the damp terrain, the flicker of our torchlight disappearing into the depths of the many crevices and potholes that break up the trail. Avoiding the fissures and knotted tangleweed, that together threaten to swallow our party, Elajis brings the group to a halt. Embereck’s parched cough seems to have bettered in the humid atmosphere, and, with a brief rest, the companion’s spirits find new impetus. We continue on, across the ripples of dark volcanic rock that lie at the foot of the domineering mountain. As if sensing our approach, the seamless grey sky tears open with a cackle, emptying its dreaded contents upon us.” “The steaming rain starts its assault on our outer garments, sending acrid plumes into the air. We rush onward, desperate in our search for haven. We ascend the rock plateau, hearts pumping, and our chests struggling in the search for air to fuel our tiring legs. As the rain begins to devour our skin, we reach a rising lip overhanging an unfathomable chasm. Quickly, Tre and Elajis begin to fasten ropes and descend down into the murkiness. The durable dwarf supports the ropes, in defiance, as the rain threatens to eat him away. Without warning, our arcane friend leaps into the oblivion! Throwing myself onto the bubbling ground, I am able to grab Embereck’s wrist. The eccentric wizard reassures me that he is protected by the safety of his magic, and pulling himself from my grasp, slowly drifts into the chasm. I turn to aid the others. Brom is assisting Mason, whose forearms are beginning to show the strain of his burden. As Talon clambers down the cliff face, I receive Brom’s blessing; he will remain to support Mason until the gods decide to return them both to our side. Reluctantly, I start to lower myself down the rope.” “The rain begins to feast on the fibres of the rope; strands freeing themselves as if to escape the torment. Nothing is free from its wrath; even the trickles of rain upon my cheeks singe grooves into my face. Suddenly, I lose my handling. Trapped in darkness, I plummet, slowly at first, then quickly until even the rain bounds away from me. From the cliff face, Talon instinctively makes a grab at me as I hurtle past him. Slowing me somewhat, we topple in unison onto the rocks below. We are not the only ones. From the shadows, Embereck calls to me: Tre has also fallen, and with each passing raindrop he slips closer towards deaths cold arms. As I scramble towards my fallen comrade, I hear the shriek of the wild elf, as he too falls prey to the disintegrating rope. The unrelenting rain continues its tortuous patter. Freeing ourselves from the jagged rocks we all huddle around Tre’s motionless form, waiting and hoping. As if to blight us further, a fleet of arrows showers down from the unseen. From the barrage, one strikes Emebreck firmly in the back. Another glances past Elajis. Dragging Tre from the mercy of the enemy, the group scatters from our hidden assailants, eventually finding refuge behind a rock pile.” “Slipping off into the shadows, Elajis attempts to seek out this cowardly foe. In accordance with my vow, I remain at Tre’s side. When all hope seems lost, Talon touches a vial to Tre’s burnt lips, bringing life where there was none. As Tre’s eyes open, a creature of purity emerges from the cliff top; a creature that is both bird and horse. Its passengers; Brom and Mason direct this servant of the Kiri-Jolith to our aid. Its great white wings sweep out, as it glides down to our side. Together, we gather the eyes of Eli, and cast our glances across the valley in search of our enemy. Spotting a cave at the seam of the valley, Embereck surges forward, calling upon his magic to illuminate its depths, with shimmering orbs of light. With Tre now in Brom’s ward, Talon and I slip towards the enemy encampment. Mason, perched between the holy creatures wings, plunges into the cavern, bringing the fight to the enemy. He dismounts, dropping to his back to avoid their fierce blows, before whirling two hand axes into their howling bodies.” “By steel and magic, the dog-like beasts are quickly vanquished. We set up camp in the creature’s former lair, dispensing with their foul possessions, and leaving their wretched corpses to the tyranny of the rain. Bathing our bodies in water, to free us from the rains smouldering pain, we treat the wounded, of which there are many. Mason sits near the cave entrance, peering uneasily into the scorched valley. With the sturdy dwarf on the lookout, I lie in my refurbished cot, exhausted to point where little thought remains on my mind, yet aware that the evil in this land is plotting its next attack…” …With the powers of good directing us through these times of hardship, have faith in you and in the companionship. No evil may come between us when we stand united in our belief; a belief that our acts are pre-destined by the prophecy; a belief that our story has already been told. Est Sularus oth Mithas, Aldrius |
#4horusJan 13, 2005 4:34:50 | Men of honour and courage, Once again my message is clear and consistent: The dark forces have assembled, plotting against us in an attempt to drive a wedge between our shared endeavours. They aim to expose our individuality and cultural differences, and splinter our resolve. Focus on the elements that bind us; our friendship; our will; our collective character. This nucleus of thought will lead us to glory… “Sheltered from the driving storm, my companions and I rest our ailing bodies. Outside the cavern entrance, a heavy acrid stench permeates the air; the acidic rain washing away the enemy corpses into the valley soil. As Mason wearily keeps lookout, Brom watches over the wounded, as the patter subsides marking the return of dusk. Tre’s physical form has restored, somewhat, but his distant gaze shows just how close our ranger friend avoided meeting his maker. Continuing with his ritual, Embereck sits in solace, sipping his silvangetti tea, as we all prepare for our days voyage to the scrags – an oasis that sits under the shadow of mount Malice.” “The rain disperses leaving its tattooed scar across the disintegrated terrain. With the sun in late zenith, Tre sniffs at the air and predicts that the destructive rainstorm will quell its blight, at least until the morrow. Picking our way through the crumbling rock piles, we head towards the sheer cliff; a demonstrative feature, which in days gone by had lost its face to the ravages of such storms. Atop the cliff, silhouetted by the retreating sun, stand the hulking forms of two giants. The foul laughter echoes through the valley, as they hurl boulders at Embereck and Elajis. In reaction, we quickly take cover behind the rock piles, reverting to our ‘shell formation’ to protect the weaker party members. As our cover collapses under the assault, Mason stands forth. Swinging his axe crazily, he manages to deflect a few of the projectiles, enraging the giants. In response, we launch arrows at the giants, already weakened by Embereck’s magic.” “Suddenly, as Brom calls upon his god’s aid, an unseen force drops him to the floor in agony. Talon and I turn to help our fallen comrade. Shuddering within his pallid skin, it is clear that, somehow, Brom has been poisoned! Tre is distracted by Brom’s shivering fit but without hesitation throws us a ring. It delivers its magic through the cleric’s body, alleviating all pain. Unable to land any solid blows with their boulders, the giants toss down vials of fire, which cascade across the already scorched landscape. With expert precision, Elajis takes aim. His arrow climbs the cliff face, striking a giant in the groin. With a shriek, both assailants retreat from sight.” “Mason rushes forward, and Tre and Elajis prepare kit to scale the chasm in pursuit of our adversaries. I lift Brom to his feet. The unknown saboteur is amongst us, and it is clear that whoever it is, threatens us from within the veil of our own group. On our own, we don’t have the skill to unravel this mystery. I reveal the events to Embereck, who quickly shrugs off the mental malaise that has plagued him recently, and ponders deeply on this matter. The obvious suspect is Elajis, for he doesn’t share our aspirations, and has no reliance upon us. But is that too obvious to conclude? We ascend the rigged gear to join the others, at the cliffs peak. A fresh breeze whips over our party, as we descend the volcanic rock; its purple veins exposed, now that the earth has slid away from the bones of the terrain. After a short trek, we halt our progress, and set up mid day camp. Elajis surveys the extremities of our camp, accompanied by the curious Kender, who pummels the wild elf with a barrage of questions. In their absence, the severity of the sabotage is brought to the other party member’s attention.” “The scout and Talon return to the uncomfortable silence of the camp. Talon shows us the berries he picked. Aren’t those the berries that Elajis pointed out were dangerous to all Kender? It’s fortunate that he didn’t eat any; or did they come into his possession by design? With renewed concern etched upon our weary faces, we head on through the reasonably clear night, under the comfort of torchlight. The shifting land slowly becomes more solid, eventually featuring grass and simple foliage, as the proximity of the oasis beckons. Without warning, a rumble reverberates throughout the ground, knocking Embereck, Tre and myself onto our backs. From below the earth opens up; jagged jaws of rock threatening to swallow me. As the bellow of the quake rings in my ears, Tre reaches over and plucks me from the yawning fissure. Waiting for the earth to settle, we skirt cautiously around the cracks and crevices that disfigure our path.” “With the mask of night now upon us, we cross the gritty rock and debris known as the crags; all that now remains of the Kenderwood. With Malice casting shade from the moonlight, we pass up-hill, through thorny undergrowth, until we reach the crescent shape of the oasis, surrounded by the imposing black hills at the base of the mountain range. The bitter air has been left behind and replaced with metallic tang of the mineral rich water. From a cave inset in the hills, a blue-green bonfire emits its eerie glow across the mysterious lake. Three women step out from the shadows of the caves; each one a different race, each one wearing a distinctive cloth blindfold and dressed in garments that defy the hostilities of the desolation. These women are the Oracles; entities that revel in this secluded haven, and will avenge those who do not respect its serenity.” “Alerted by our arrival, the oracles pass across the lake, leaving not a single ripple upon its surface. Elajis, a man who has lead us from one danger to another, is clearly frightened. The oracles speak as one, yet each holds true to their racial conduct. They hold the answers to our questions, but for each answer disclosed, a burden must be carried. I am opposed to such sinister temptations, and advise the others against taking advantage of this baneful offer. Brom, Embereck and Mason are indeed tempted by this proposition, although Talon and Tre agree with my assessment: We have already sacrificed much on this journey, and the gods of light will direct us as they see fit. We do not need to uncover a truth that we are not ready to accept - delving into such cursed means to do so.” “Defending my position, I defy the wisdom of Embereck and Brom. As leader I will not allow any further burden to encumber us, especially since we have come so far. With disappointment imprinted on their faces, Embereck and Mason saunter off to the solitude of a nearby grove. Brom sits alone, communing with the divine for guidance. Talon and Tre cast aside their dusty garments and bathe playfully at the lakes edge. Elajis has also been comforted in our decision not to employ the Oracles dark magic. How do I feel? I consult the canticles for wisdom. I succour in the measures teachings, that magic used for evil is not tolerated. But this has not eased my concern for the party. Just when all aspects of the team have found a common standing, the dark forces drive a stake between us to fragment our will…” …my friends; do not despair. All roads have obstacles, and our destiny is paved with many. Let us stay the course together if only to fuel the greater good that we all believe in. Est Sularus oth Mithas, Aldrius |
#5horusJan 13, 2005 4:35:24 | Men of honour and courage, As the tethers of our friendship feel the strain upon this trying quest, and the evil that surrounds us tries to isolate us and deter us; draw strength from one another. Only our combined resolve will allow us to succeed… “Under the partially obscured moonscape, our party rests upon the shores of the oasis. The tensions unearthed by our meeting with the oracles still lingers upon me; a feeling that contrasts with Tre and Talon, who have settled calmly, following their revitalising soak in the mineral rich lake. I look out at the imposing mountain in the distance, as the campfire continues to crackle. Embereck and Brom sit in silence, immersed deeply within their thoughts. But where is Mason? He has not returned for his watch.” “I rouse Tre from his peaceful slumber, and together we leave the camps light behind us, in search of Mason. We follow the dwarfs meandering trail into a nearby grove. Standing in open ground is Mason, shrouded by both his thick cloak and the shadows cast by foliage on the perimeter. Not all is well with his demeanour. We return to the camp where the sick horror, that has beset our dwarven comrade, is revealed. Against the group’s wishes, Mason has paid a hefty price for his thirst for the oracles secrets. Having been burdened with an emptied and bloodied eye socket, and encumbered by a quest, the foul witches have uncovered nothing but cryptic riddles, in return.” “I am drowned in both sorrow and disappointment. The bonds that we have worked so hard to build have been damaged so quickly by the wicked manipulations of the oracles. How can this act of sacrifice by Mason be perceived as anything but selfish, for we were bound by our devotion to walk side by side? We are left without option but to support Mason, until he is released from the shackles of this quest. Amongst feelings of anger and frustration, the group rests, hampered by the notion that a new obstacle has been placed in our path.” “After refilling our water-skins, we leave behind the false serenity of the oasis, and head toward the mountain trail that brings us irrepressibly closer to the peak of Malice. At some point, the party must contemplate the course of travel; either the expedition to the ruins of Kendermore, or the yearning force that compels Mason to confront the Ogre mage within its lair. We travel onward through the tree groups, until the grassy crest melts away under the heat of the returning desolation; an oppression, which we are all too familiar with. The trial of the previous night has tempered our spirits; even the jovial Kender is suffering from our sullied enthusiasm.” “Cutting into the thick cloud, the coiled peak overawes us, jettisoning ash into the atmosphere, as veins of lava converge into fiery fingers that clutch at the rocks below. Unable to escape the vile smoke and heat, we stop to collect ourselves upon the infertile ground. Lancing through the noxious air, a piercing shriek brings our party to its feet. Tre returns from his routine scouting trip to alert us of the manticores. That is not all: According to Elajis, the base of Malice fathers many evil denizens, from dragon-kind, to undead and other creatures of chaos. Alerted by danger, we quickly break camp, and head on towards the ruins; passing under the peak, daring it to erupt over us.” “As we escape the sulphuric air that skirts the great mountain, a section of fog detaches from the mist. A shape of thick, black smoke begins its approach towards our party; a creature of evil, sensing new prey in its territory. As it attacks, it babbles words deep within our minds, distorting thought and reality. Undeterred, we are able to throw off its yoke and banish the creature from whence it came. Travelling onwards, despite feet cracked by the barren heat, we are able to ascend the scorched burnt hill that overlooks the valley; and inset, the once grand city of Kendermore. Now all that is left are the crumbling ruins, irrelative of its former glory, and now a nest for evil dwellers.” “With spirits dwindling and our patience fraying, we debate how best to venture forth. Eventually, the sombre Talon points out a crack in the outer wall that should enable us to enter discretely. Together we lower ourselves into the valley. As we approach the ruins, a sudden movement from the outlying rubble causes us to pause. Two lizards, with eyes like polished obsidian, scuttle forward, casting their gaze over its quarry. Mason’s solitary eye catches their mesmerizing glare; a glare that converts his flesh into solid rock. Bringing forth our combined valour, our team stand in defence. The lizards also stand firm, despite arrow-fire and Embereck’s magic. From out of the ruins shadows, a familiar face smiles upon us: Sir Garrick has come to our aid. Joining us, he brings steel to our endeavour in ridding ourselves of these creatures. With a renewed passion, we continue our assault.” “Suddenly, the plucky Kender, standing atop the ruined walls, tosses down a projectile. Amidst a cacophony of noise, the explosion tears into the landscape sending the creatures to their grave. The resultant shockwave shudders out, dropping the ruined wall in a cascade of dust. I rush to assist Talon, who casually picks himself up from the rubble, and dusts himself down, unperturbed by how close to death he came. All thoughts are now directed toward Mason, now but a statue; an effigy that still exhibits the pains of his travels upon his sculptured face. Sir Garrick calmly stands to the forefront. Using powers derived from the gods themselves, the holy knight brings life back to our dwarven companion. Amazed by this wondrous act, we can only hope that Sir Garrick agrees to accompany us on our quest; if not to provide physical assistance, but to add his character to our team, influencing us and lifting our spirits.” …my friends: I believe the end of our journey is in sight, and the despite the difficulties of our voyage, the goal of a unified reverence in our accomplishments can, and will, be achieved. Est Sularus oth Mithas, Aldrius |
#6horusJan 13, 2005 4:36:35 | “Sir Garrick leads us through the crumbling remains of the ruined city of Kendermore. As we pass through the rubble strewn streets, a ghostly silence permeates the eclectic streets. It is a marked disparity to the city which, even though touched by time, still alludes to the Kender’s distinctiveness. The venerable knight directs us to a comparatively bland building, its two stories both bearing the scars of the invasion; as if a monstrous hand had ploughed through the outer wall. Despite the structures limited protection, Sir Garrick has established a temporary staging ground for his expeditions. Our group settles around the makeshift camp, passing on the story of our arduous journey, hoping that the great knight can offer his wisdom.” “The prophetic footsteps that we have formed are a sign of our strong faith. But perhaps we have travelled this path somewhat unsighted? It is certain that higher beings have placed us on this quest, but are we not beyond questioning their intent? Surprised by the knight’s scepticism, it is clear that our course has great significance; one that we must search our hearts and minds to elucidate. Embereck breaks from his deep meditation. He turns his attention to Mason’s amulet, a symbol of strife and hardship; its power however, holds no magical compulsion over our dwarven companion, who solemnly returns to his rations along with the equally sombre Talon. Together, we study a map of the former city and decide to search within the library, most likely a diverse collection of knowledge; a site where we may uncover the lost accounts of the past or, conceivably, a place where we can gain insight to our next course of action” “Heading out once more onto the wrecked streets, Mason breaks the eerie stillness. His actions during the previous night weigh heavily upon him. We would do well to study the teachings of the great knight, when time allows. Learning from his experiences should improve upon our own weaknesses as a group. As we continue on through the meandering network of roads, Tre is once again alerted by the cry of the manticore in the distance. Edging onwards, our good scout stumbles over a barely visible trip-wire: A Kender snare, still set in defence against the Ogre raiders. Carefully, we pass by the wire, cautious so as not to trigger the trap. Eventually we arrive at the library; a sturdy tribute to dwarven design, although founded poorly upon yielding ground. We head under the sinking doorway into the library halls. Through arched windows, cones of soft daylight intersect the dimness. On the floor, fresh tracks show that a number of birds have set up home here, a likely sanctuary from the tortuous sun and the predators that roam the ruins.” “We proceed up the main stairwell into the darkness of the library itself. Calling upon his arcane methods, Embereck illuminates our passage with the word ‘Shirak’. The dark corridors, decorated with murals of Kender heroes, branch off into various studies and reading rooms. Hearing some activity from within one of the rooms, we enter watchfully, not knowing if friend or foe resides within. From Tre’s clumsy boot, a small stone ricochets into the depths of the study, alerting its occupants. Suddenly, a number of scaly bird-like creatures converge upon us, bringing to bare their snapping beaks and bat-like wings. We manage to fend them off, but not until Tre suffers the affects of their vicious bites. Sir Garrick, who had stood back from the foray, steps forth and calls upon his divine powers eventually alleviating Tre of the paralysing poison. With the lower library now safe, we begin our search.” “Among the many smashed bookcases and heaps of discarded tomes, a number of useful books are retrieved from the archives. However no chronicles, annals or historical accounts describe the time leading up to the fall of Kendermore, or mention ‘a weapon of light’. Unperturbed, we continue our exploration and discover a building plan of the library. After studying the diagram, we check the adjoining rooms before ascending into the upper levels. A small restoration lab has evaded the onslaught from the marauding Ogres, but the adjacent reading room is not so privileged. Inside, the crushed corpse of a Kender lies pinned beneath a fallen bookshelf. After saying a prayer for the poor cadaver we lift his bones from debris, and set him aside to rest peacefully. Unfortunately he is a remnant from the incursion, centuries ago, and as of yet no traces of present day Kender have been discovered.” “We head upward, passing by the hexagonal vestibule into the rooms beyond. Picking themselves up from the ash-laden floorboards, several Kender survivors approach us. They shamble towards us, mindlessly; eyes vacant of thought; mouths yearning for flesh…” And that's all for now. I'll post hios other logs when they become available. |
#7zombiegleemaxJan 13, 2005 10:54:07 | Great stuff Horus, I'm really digging your campaign. ![]() ![]() Could you give a rundown of each of the player's race, class, and levels? Any exciting game mechanics you'd like to share? Do any journals exist prior to Session 18? Looking forward to more! |
#8DragonhelmJan 13, 2005 12:07:51 | Horus, if you're interested, we host campaign journals on the Nexus (click here). Feel free to submit your journals, if you wish. That would be a handy resource for you and your players, and may help out other gamers along the way too. Thanks for sharing! |
#9horusJan 14, 2005 5:26:23 | Thanks for the comments ![]() Kai Lord The Current party line up is as follows; Aldrius Truesteel: Ranger(Urban)/Fighter, Human (Solamnic). Current wielder of the Shard of Light and aspirant Knight of Solamnia. Brom Langtree: Cleric of Kiri Jolith, Human (Solamnic). Mason Fireforge: Fighter, Hill Dwarf. Embereck Kaycelest: WOHS, Silvanesti Elf. Treguard "Tre": Ranger, Human (Ergothian). Talin Featherfoot: Rogue, Kender. The entire group is 6th level now and are probably only hours from beginning their climb up Malys peak. Games mechanics are pretty much by the book, except for allowing Aldrius to use the Urban ranger variant. Oh and we also use the critical hit variant from the Sword & Sorcery variant rule book (name escapes me at the moment). The style of journal we use now began with session 18 but I'm working on the player to convert his earlier notes, so hopefully I'll get to post those. Unfortunately he's in Japan at the moment so it'll be three weeks before the next journal entry. ![]() |
#10DragonhelmJan 14, 2005 6:26:03 | Looking forward to it, Horus. ![]() |
#11horusJan 18, 2005 10:55:02 | Bump'd pending future posting. |
#12zombiegleemaxJan 21, 2005 16:56:03 | Must... read... more... must... learn... who... traitor... is... must... read... more... My personal review of this story. |