Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1ividJan 27, 2005 3:39:04 | Hello my friends on the WotC boards, For a long time, there have been numerous threads on different boards about hoe awful we all find it that no more new Greyhawk material is published, while the material of Living Greyhawk is reserved to a small group of RPGA members only. *And don't forget our Chainmail and Planescape buddies out there, that also deal with Oerth and the Flanaess* Main points of WotC to cancel the Greyhawk line were, according to the company's statements, the lack of interest in their related products and the small number of players and enthusiasts Greyhawk had compared to other settings. Now, in this thread, I don't want to discuss the pros and cons of the current estate WoG is in, with the LG campaign running etc. BUT I want to ask every player, dungeon master or rpg enthusiast for Greyhawk who's presently browsing on these boards, to post here and tell us what was the last Greyhawk - related thing he/she did, when he/she played a Greyhawk adventure the last time and if he or she is going to do so in the future! Maybe the line may never be relaunched, maybe the only thing we'll ever get will be short references in *generic* rulebooks, but maybe we can show the officials that we're still out there! Maybe it will never be as it was, but there's still a bunch of gamers that enjoys one of the greatest rpg settings ever created! Rafael |
#2ividJan 27, 2005 3:49:52 | Let's start this with my own vote: The last time I saw the Flanaess in a game was about one year ago, when I dungeonmastered a short campaign in Verbobonc, which had to with a gnomish conspiracy. Currently, I am without an ongoing Greyhawk campaign, as my newest heroic fantasy campaign is set on Erde. Besides, I visit these boards and work on a *long campaign* that will be set in the Griff Mountains. *Not to mention that I play the video game adaption of ToeE from time to time and enjoy the NWN mod for Restenford* This year, my Greyhawk gaming group is going to restart, supposedly with new characters, and will explore some part of the Aerdy East. EDIT: Started preparing a campaign involving the Verbobonc region again, especially some *kinda evil temple* next to the small village of Hommlet... :D |
#3MortepierreJan 27, 2005 4:20:25 | Currently, I DM for two groups. One once per month, the other every other week. The first play in a campaign world of my own design, the other in GH. My latest GH campaign has been going on for about 3 years. They started in war-torn Nyrond in the spring 585 CY. They have just reached spring 587 CY. In those 2 years (in-game), they: - helped restore a small baron (of Mistmoor.. for those who remember the old Dungeon #35) - destroyed a doppleganger plant (Dungeon #38) - saved a village from a naga-would-be-god (N1) - visited a lost city on another world (Dungeon #31) where they got their first hint of the "illithid menace" - sided with Lynwerd during a coup that placed him on the throne of Nyrond (in what has since become known as the "Green Spring of 586 CY") - fought the forces of Senward when the latter rose against his brother (which led to the rebellion of two provinces) - fought the Pale (when the latter tried to annex the north of Nyrond) - went deep into the Gnatmarsh to defeat the Lizard King (I2) Currently, the group's average level is 11 and they have just begun researching Thiondar's Legacy (from Dungeon #30) I have been playing in GH for some 22 years now and plan on doing it for at least 22 more ;) |
#4simpiJan 27, 2005 4:24:35 | I'm constantly playing LG and i'm also (when in Finland) playing in a long-running (since 1988) D&D campaign which changes the location and PCs every few months. First (1st ed. rules) happens in Wild Coast, another (3.5 rules) in Aerdy East. 3.5 is purely homebrew campaign based on Ivid the Undying while 1st ed. uses older modules (just finished Slavelords). I've also written regional modules for LG and i'm currently working on a detailed regional gazetteer and if I ever start my own homegame, I plan to use these as starting points for it. S.H, Ahlissa (Naerie) webslave |
#5TorackJan 27, 2005 7:20:59 | We-ell... Currently I am both a player and a DM in the Temple of Elemental Evil module. I'm also a participant of the Secret of Bonehill and should be facing the menace of Keraptis. I also had a brief encounter with the Lost Caves of Tsjocanth, but both my characters got captured... Oh and I hope to be DM'ing the Greyhawk adventure from TSR Jam 1999 soon too. So yah. Greyhawk fan I well as a Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms one. Dark Sun's on top of the list, though. |
#6bdpenneyJan 27, 2005 7:52:15 | I have been running D&D campaigns consistantly for the past 20 years and currently have a thriving Keoland campaign going. I've run nothing but Greyhawk in all that time. We play twice monthly, and I wouldn't think of changing settings. |
#7zombiegleemaxJan 27, 2005 7:57:27 | I am both a GM and a player for Greyhawk. Although my game is currently in hiatus, I gamemaster an ongoing Greyhawk campaign set against the backdrop of a githyanki Incursion; the characters are between 11th and 13th. In this game (in which I have, unsurprisingly, taken great liberties), the PCs have secretly assumed control of the Valley of the Mage and adopted the identity of the Exalted One to maintain regional stability. The once-Great Kingdom, Nyrond, the Pale and many of the eastern nations have fallen to the githyanki and the Circle is broken. At some point, perhaps 3-6 mos. from now, I will be picking up this game once more and the PCs will continue to seek out the Rod of Seven Parts. As a player, we are about to start a new Greyhawk game set about two to three years before the beginning of the Wars; it is set in the Bandit Kingdoms and the GM has indicated plans to have us adventure up to and through the Wars themselves. It's going to be something of a change for everyone as we're going from running 11th-13th level PCs to 1st level PCs. |
#8AmarilJan 27, 2005 7:59:48 | I'm in the middle of DMing a GH campaign. I started with Mad God's Key in Dungeon #114. Right now I'm transitioning to Hommlet for the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. After this, I plan on running the recent Istivin series from Dungeon Magazine. Once that's completed, they will cap off with The Harrowing, an adventure from Dungeon #84. The best part is that my players are all new to the world of Greyhawk (some new to roleplaying altogether) and they LOVE IT! I gave them copies of the Official History of the Greyhawk Wars and told them to incorporate some element of its events into their character backgrounds and they ate it up. Now they have rich characters with real development and not just to become a powerful ruler or extremely rich. The fact that there is an untapped market of new players coming in as of 3e and 3.5 editions means there is a new market to which Wizards can sell new Greyhawk books. I think WotC needs to realize that little interest in Greyhawk could be a result of not having marketed Greyhawk as much as other campaign settings. |
#9omoteJan 27, 2005 8:31:51 | I am currently running a GH campaign that has lasted about 1 year so far. This campaign is a sequel to a previous campaign from about 4-5 years ago. The current # of players is 7, and occasionally 8 or 9. The campaign is centered in west-central Keoland (and the small village of Treefall, just north of the Dreadwood) with dark forces seeking to bring back the land as it was during Vecna's reign. Of course some of the protagonists are devoted to Vecna, while others like a Lieutenent to Duke Szefferin has visions of his own conquest, prophecies, war and the Silent Ones play a predominant role in this 1st through 20th level campaign. This whole campaign is of my own construction (with a few published modules and Dungeon material as side-quests and one-shots). If anybody is interested in learning more about this epic campaign, feel free to visit the MBs of this campaign, if so inclined: I just finished playing in a Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign a few months ago. The Temple vanquished the party. Those that survived lost interest in defeating the forces of doom and scattered to the four winds of the Flanaess. Other plans included another GH campaign in the works, low level, to introduce a few newbies to v3.5 D&D. Yet another GH campaign in the works, this one utilizing the Castles & Crusades rulesset. ..........................................Omote FPQ |
#10gv_dammerungJan 27, 2005 8:41:27 | I have been running a GH campaign since the folio. It has, however, had five distinct phases - highschool, Army, college, post-grad and after grad. It is the "same" campaign in that I use prior campaign events as "history," but each phase has been run with different sets of players in different parts of the country and abroad. GVD |
#11Lagrange_Baron_de_BanvilleJan 27, 2005 10:07:24 | Well the last non-LG campaign I ran, stopped in 2001. Since then I only played and mastered LG-modules. The last one on Tuesday for my group. Right now, I'm in the middle of finishing an Adri-Regional for LG with some digging through Saga of Old City for inspiration of banditry in the Flinties... |
#12max_writerJan 27, 2005 11:24:01 | I've been running constant Greyhawk since 1990. I ran two major campaigns in NC (the second only starting after the first fell apart due to players' personal problems with relationships). I've run three major campaigns and numerous minor ones in Ohio since I moved up here in 1998. The main one still goes on (primarily in the Sheldomar Valley) while another ran for about three years and took the characters from Duchy Urnst to the Forlorn Forest in the Quest to find the Vault of the Spirit Warriors. I also play in a GH campaign run by Scoti Garbedis. His brother also runs a GH campaign at Bowling Green State University. Greyhawk is the favorite of campaign for all of us I think. |
#13SpeechJan 27, 2005 11:55:54 | I'm currently running a campaign set in GH (Tehn specifically) and have the PC's running around as mercenaries trying to put the place back together. They started at level 1 and I figure to bring them to high teens with this campaign (if not higher) It's my first GH campaign (though I have played in GH modules from 1'st through 3.5 ed) though I look forward to a long run with this one. It goes without saying that I'd love something new published as trying to find all of the old school stuff is insanity! Speech |
#14platinumJan 27, 2005 12:19:23 | Greyhawk is my favorite setting. The other have too much BS. The FR BS of the shadow weave is too much, and the wussy action points of EB is encouraging cheating IMO. |
#15protonik_dupJan 27, 2005 12:43:58 | Well, I read my GH stuff more than my FR stuff and I Like FR but I am about to embark on a Castles and Crusades campaign in Greyhawk using the old red box! Jason |
#16AmarilJan 27, 2005 12:51:09 | Greyhawk is my favorite setting. The other have too much BS. I actually brought action points into Greyhawk. My players need them. ![]() |
#17zombiegleemaxJan 27, 2005 14:08:37 | An absolute flood of Greyhawk material is coming out in the very near future... And if that aint Greyhawk enough for you, nothing will be. R.A. |
#18omoteJan 27, 2005 14:35:59 | Yes, Castle Zagyg was/is GH but the new Gygax material comming out is specifically written as a new setting, set (at least I think) somewhere in the world of Erde. Is Castle Zagyg Greyhawk... I'm gonna have to go with a solid, yes, or maybe no. ......................................Omote |
#19zombiegleemaxJan 27, 2005 14:46:50 | Been running Greyhawk since the folio came out, building each campaign on the previous campaign's history. Hey, I move around a lot in the Army. ![]() Currently DMing a campaign in southern Keoland that just finished my U1, converted to 3.5 rules. Also currently playing in another DM's Greyhawk campaign based in the Phostwood. So does that count as two "votes"? :D |
#20ividJan 27, 2005 14:54:15 | Yeah, TLG, at first a minor D20 company is now establishing as a real alternative to D&D, or so it seems, thanks to the support of icons like Gygax and Kuntz... But seriously, the *Ring of Brass* settings need to be totally reworked! While Inzae might work, Erde is *terribly bad*... somewhat like a copy of Greyhawk/Kalamar and Wilderlands done by a drunken monkey... I really try to milk out every little bit that I find interesting out of the setting book, but there is not much to use... *The adventures done by TLG, are however, of high quality and a worthy addition to every gamer's bookshelf!* But, let's discuss this in another thread! *Maybe my old thread about possible links between Oerth and Erde on these boards* -------------------------------------------------------------- This thread shall be reserved for Greyhawkers who want to state that they are still playing *and buying or using rpg products*, so that WotC may rethink their attitude! |
#21zombiegleemaxJan 27, 2005 15:31:15 | Meh... IMO, Castle Greyhawk = Castle Zagyg... from what I understand there won't be enough Erde content in the product to notice. You'll be able to plop the dungeon down in the proper spot on the map from your 1983 box set and go. Why sit around and beg for WotC to let you give them your money, when someone else is publishing Castle freakin' Gr... er Zagyg by Gary freakin' Gygax and Rob freakin' Kuntz? Are you seriously going to let the fact that some big company has copyrighted a word prevent you from embracing this product? You can complain that it's not being made for the D&D system, but then there are some of us old-timers who'd have the same complaint about any d20 Greyhawk product by WotC... But that's another discussion for another time and place... R.A. |
#22maraudarJan 27, 2005 17:22:57 | Been playing Greyhawk since 81. Seen it go thru changes some good some bad but Greyhawk is Greyhawk and I couldnt see myself moving to another setting and having the same feelings towards it. Maraudar |
#23telasJan 27, 2005 18:13:48 | I DM'd and played in GH back in the day (first edition rules, 1979-1985), and recently got back into gaming. Instead of trying to relearn the FR or Eberron (which I found surprisingly enjoyable), I went back to GH. I started a campaign set in the Yeomanry, circa 586CY. It has taken some retraining of the FR players to not play Githzerai Monks with items purchased down at "Ye Olde Magyk Shoppe", but it's been fun. I think I'm introducing many of them to a grittier and almost desperate style of play (although nobody's died yet. Yet). All of the modules have been home-grown, although one borrows heavily from an old 1st edition module. Since they've started, the group has hunted down a murderer-rapist, cleared out a group of river-pirates led by the son of a local merchant, cleaned up a spider infestation, and repeatedly run into the same bandit. They just finished clearing up a mine, uncovering what appears to be a plot to invade the village (but why would someone invade a village?). I really, really wish someone would put out a 3.5 version of "old school" Greyhawk material. Despite having learned the 3.5 ruleset in the last year, I've had to make a number of changes to the rules, and have slowed down the pace of history in the Flanaess. Too much going on too fast in the LG world for me, although I understand that they operate entirely differently. Telas |
#24ElendurJan 27, 2005 18:24:19 | I'm in my 3rd year of running a "Greyhawk classics" campaign. While I'd buy a Greyhawk setting hardcover, I've got plenty of material to go on for a long time. |
#25protonik_dupJan 27, 2005 18:24:55 | Yes, Castle Zagyg was/is GH but the new Gygax material comming out is specifically written as a new setting, set (at least I think) somewhere in the world of Erde. No, it isn't in Erde, its its own thing. Jason |
#26cwslyclghJan 27, 2005 18:50:07 | I run a weekly greyhawk game (every monday) and plan to continue to do so for the forseable future. |
#27rlwildeJan 27, 2005 23:27:41 | I'm active in Living Greyhawk, but the last home Greyhawk campaign I was in was about 20 years ago. When I ran a campaign, I preferred to run my own world... though I was usually more than willing to steal... er, import... modules or ideas from published settings, including Greyhawk. So, I have a fair amount of Greyahwk material, though hardly exhaustive. |
#28grodogJan 28, 2005 0:00:15 | My most recent GH gaming experience was April-May 2004, when the game I was playing in with MTizoc last met (we folded due to lack of time to play). My most recent in-print Greyhawk purchase was the decision to re-subscribe to Dungeon Magazine, in order to support Erik Mona's GH-related efforts, including the Maure Castle redux and the wonderful GH maps being published now. My most recent out-of-print GH purchase was a collection of old gaming materials that included the Walled City geomorphs, parts of which describe/detail Greyhawk City :D |
#29zombiegleemaxJan 28, 2005 2:33:26 | I DMing AD&D since 1982, and all campaigns were on Oerth (and the Flanaess for most of them). I've started a new campaign during last holydays. It is setted in the Adri. I wanted to make a campaign where the primary theme is an evil kingdom. I have started this one in 581CY, and I plan to involve the characters in the Wars. I also have more campaigns, some being in "stand by": 1. A campaign set in the ancient Suel Empire, a few years before the Twin Cataclysms; 2. A campaign with three mages set around Greyhawk city, pre-wars; 3. A campaign with a warband set in the Shield Lands and Furyondy, during the wars; 4. A Faery campaign set in the Gnarley Forest, during the wars; 5. A campaign with many players passing by, based on the Fate of Istus adventures, after the wars; 6. A monkish campaign started in the SB, but the characters are wandering in the Iron League, during the wars; I also runned all great classic adventures (ToEE, Queen, etc.) with a first bunch of players during college (well, this campaign was now set about 20 years before the wars), and the sons of these characters (set during the war). Long live Greyhawk Fearghal |
#30cebrionJan 28, 2005 3:48:45 | My Greyhawk campaign is still going strong after 17 years, despite the decided lack of product support. I think that sums it up the best. |
#31zombiegleemaxJan 28, 2005 4:19:27 | Running a Greyhawk Campaign here in Italy is hard, mainly because there are no translated products and finding original modules is hard and expensive. That said, I started playing D&D six years ago, in a Greyhawk.based campaign. Soon, I was DMing in a Greyhawk Campaign (thanks to the LGG) that lasted a year, followed by another two-year campaign based on Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. Currently I'm DMing a three-year campaign in Ravenloft coming to an end. After this, one of my players will make us return to Oerth with his campaign (the first time I'll be playing a TRUE campaign! ![]() For all I can say, it's Greyhawk Forever (With a touch of Ravenloft sometimes...)! ;) |
#32ividJan 28, 2005 4:40:54 | For those who feel interest in Castle Zygag/Erde d20/C&C, I've written another thread - gotta discuss that a bit more... ![]() -------------------------------------------------- We have here votes from about 25 members until now, and with every vote go three to six other players/DMs and interested friends and potential players (Yeah, even my Mommy ![]() ![]() Rafael |
#33nukeJan 28, 2005 6:04:17 | I'm currently playing in a Greyhawk campaign that is DM'ed by my brother. It's the first one I've ever really played in that I know of (I might have been playing in it when I was younger, but I was too young and stupid to really know). I always had kind of a negative perception of Greyhawk. It just seemed like it was too old hat and kind of bland. But I can honestly say I was really wrong. I'm having a lot of fun and enjoy the world the more I find out about it. I really wish WotC would print some kind of Campaign Setting (other than the LGG) so that I can get a better feel for the world, more detailed history and regions, etc... without having to do a ton of research. Some specific Greyhawk crunch would be cool.. but I'd actually be more interested in the fluff (which isn't something I'd usually say). But yeah, back to the topic we're playing the Istivan (sp?) adventures from Dungeon magazine currently, and having tons of fun. |
#34bastrakJan 28, 2005 7:46:51 | Currently playing Scourge of the Slavelords converted to 3.5 with Queen of Spiders to follow. I've run Queen of Spiders before with different players and have come back to it again, one of my favorite adventures. Also have a Temple of Elemental Evil campaign half played through in stasis and working on my own campaign in the Shield Lands set pre-Greyhawk Wars. |
#35zombiegleemaxJan 28, 2005 8:53:08 | Been playing in GH from the start in 1983 when I was still in elementary school! (Now thats a flashback.) Currently, I am a player in a weekly ongoing campaign started in 1992 with a core group of 6 players with up to a total count of 15 players participating in the storyline. I've been DMing off and on in this campaign since 1995 (DM's need a break too ![]() |
#36zombiegleemaxJan 28, 2005 9:08:21 | I started gaming in 1981 and at the time didn't know anything about the world beyond the inn, the town and the dungeon(s). Neither did the DM I'm almost certain. But ever since the '83 Greyhawk box there has been nothing but Greyhawk for me. If I've ever bought another TSR/WotC product it was because there was no Greyhawk products available. I'm currently DM'ing my 4th or 5th campaign set in Greyhawk, the players being lost in the Welkwood. I have currently no interest in the 3E game nor for any WotC products. When it comes to Greyhawk I'm setting my sights (and betting my cash) on Castle Zagyg. WotC are welcome to try to change my inclinations. M |
#37YeomanJan 28, 2005 17:30:28 | I have been playing Greyhawk since '81. Played my longest campaigns in Greyhawk. Bought all the released material (some good, some bad - but it caught my pennies!) except some stuff from FTA days (Patriots of Ulek et al). Can afford to buy whatever is produced by Wotc ........ but it looks as though TLG will be getting my loot. Can't say the 'core setting' tag and material has rocked my boat, and consequently have not spent anything on it! |
#38ArgonJan 28, 2005 22:03:29 | Well I had recently ended a 3 year campaign set in the velune Furyondy area which grew into the Vesve and ended because of life situations with two of the players in my game. However about two days later I get a call from a group of players and their current DM looking for a new DM. It's funny their die hard FR fans and I've already convinced them to play in my GH campaign which will probably be set up in either Ket or the Sheldomar area. By the way I had previously played GH when I started gaming about twenty years ago. Then I was developing my own homebrew world DM'ed FR for a short time. Then a real Genius came in and wrote From the Ashes. That's when I scraped my homebrew and just converted most of my homebrew into GH as it seemed to gel together quite well. |
#39i-m_batman_dupJan 29, 2005 14:43:26 | I've only ever run homebrew worlds since I started in '79, but Greyhawk material has always been the best. I finally started an actual Greyhawk campaign just four weeks ago, and have been scouring the net for info I could use. The Pomarj always intrigued me, and after reading Depths of Rage in Dungeon #83*, I did a quick search for the town of Shapic hoping for more information. Instead I found this site detailing someone's campaign which is set in the Pomarj. Now my campaign is based on their Obsidian Bay. ![]() *A tribe of barbarian goblins holed up in an earthquake zone--yay! Now that's what I call an adventure set in the Pomarj! I had to tone it down for 1st-level characters, but the flavour remains. I highly recommend it. |
#40ividJan 30, 2005 6:12:33 | Hello again, I've a BIG favour to ask you all: This thread was meant to gather all (or at least, as much as possible) Greyhawk fans that browse these boards. Now that the thread is online some days, I fear that it will be forgotten little by little. So, would you consider to insert the link to this thread into your signature, like Amaril and I already did? - So maybe we can gather more players, that may not be concerned with this specific board too much. By asking this, I don't want in any way to assume a *leading role*, or whatever one may call it, in the enterprise to *revive* WoG officially - nor will I be angry with anyone who doesn't *spoil* his/her signature with the link. But as we all regularily spread on these boards into several other message boards, like the RL, DL or LG boards for example, we may find even more players who haven't yet read and particpated in this thread. It may be only a small step, but it might help good old WoG in some way... ![]() Thank you in any case Rafael |
#41lord_lorac_silvanosJan 30, 2005 8:33:19 | I am playing in a Greyhawk campaign situated around Hochoch. We are all quite busy and live some distance from each other, but we try to play as often as possible. This campaign (started with 3.0 and we are now playing 3.5) was my first encounter with Greyhawk (I played DL in 2ed), which is a really great world :D |
#42carlancoJan 30, 2005 10:05:24 | Hi all, I've been playing and DMing in Greyhawk since 1988. Now I'm currently running Maure Castle from Dungeon 112. The party is a group of high-level characters exiled from Tenh that work gor the Co8. I'm also planning to start a low-level campaign using the U-series. I'm very glad to see new Greyhawk material in the last Dungeon issues, and I hope that this thread would be the initial spark to see new GH-based material from WoC. Saludos, Gabriel |
#43i-m_batman_dupJan 30, 2005 13:24:07 | blah blah blah...Depths of Rage in Dungeon #83*...blah blah of Shapic...blah blah blah.... Okay, there's my quota of mistakes for the Greyhawk board this week. The town of Shapic is from the Seventh Arm in Dungeon #88. It's for 7th-level characters, which I'll have to tone down for my players. I highly recommend that one as well. ![]() |
#44zombiegleemaxJan 31, 2005 0:19:34 | Okay, my turn to uncloak... I started playing somewhere around 1979-80 (when did Games Magazine do their article on D&D?). Got the folio Greyhawk package and DMd two summer campaigns. Then life intervened, and I stopped gaming right about the time FR came out. About a year ago my brother and I decided we should start up again. There was no question we'd play in Greyhawk. We switched to v3.5 rules, and I dug up as much 'new' GH info as I could. So now I'm DMing 5 players in an infrequent, loose campaign based right in the Free City itself, in 593 CY. I've used adventures from assorted d20 publishers, a short scenario from WotC's website, and two from recent Dungeons ('Devil Box' and 'Mad God's Key,' which the players are working through now). I'm probably, by the standards of some I see on these boards, doing it 'wrong' -- using non-Greyhawk adventures, using v3.5 rules, using some of the LG material. But I seem to remember even the early adventures and rules pushed the DM to decide for themselves how their game world would work. I use what I like, bend bits (or large chunks) to fit, and throw out the stuff that doesn't work for me. The goal is for the players to have fun, and so far at least that seems to be happening. |
#45tgsantiniJan 31, 2005 15:01:40 | I have been playing in the Greyhawk setting since 1e. I wouldn't even think of changing. There is no seting that even comes close to it. No offense to the FR or Mystara people, but Greyhawk is a much better. |
#46zombiegleemaxJan 31, 2005 15:39:33 | I began DMing in 1981 and a couple of years later started setting my campaigns in Greyhawk. Occasionally the setting would change (I ran 1 Dragonlance campaign, and set the Bloodstone series in FR), but for the most part it's been Greyhawk. I currently have 3 campaigns going, all under 10th level and all set in Greyhawk. One set in the Cauldron Adventure Path, one in an adapted Desert of Desolation which will lead to an updated Against the Giants and Queen of Spiders, and one going through the Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, etc. Adventure Path. The campaigns are moving much slower these days because of things like real jobs and very young children...hopefully the pace will pick up once the children get a bit older. |
#47nellisirJan 31, 2005 17:44:01 | ...rpg enthusiast for Greyhawk... That'd be me. I've never DMed or played a Greyhawk campaign (homebrew all the way), but I got online in the late '90s and migrated to the AOL Greyhawk site because, honest to god, it had the best discussions. Much of that material I later pulled together in the Best of Greyhawk collections (most currently housed over at Canonfire), and I edited the Oerth Journal for four issues, 8-11 -- taking over for the departing Erik Mona (who I hear has gone onto slightly bigger things). Most recent GH-related thing I did? Assembled the articles for the Oerth Journal #16 into a single document for formatting and layout. Cheers Nell. |
#48zombiegleemaxJan 31, 2005 19:25:49 | My first official post on the boards here, and a good one to start with... My first gaming experience was GH in 1981. I am still running a 1st Ed. GH campaign that started in 90'. We meet Fridays(all work and childcare schedules permitting). Not all the original players are still around from 90', but the campaign has evoved nicely as players/characters move on. I use/adapt every Dungeon module(or any other sources) wether it be 2nd Ed., or 3.whatever Ed. as long as it has some GH content or adaptabilty. Indeed, I am currently running "Beast of Burden" scenario from Dungeon #100 adapted to the hinterlands of the Hardby(Abbor-Alz) region. I have played and DMed many other systems/settings, but my heart is really in my long term GH campaign. |
#49Brom_BlackforgeFeb 01, 2005 9:17:52 | I'm currently DMing one Greyhawk campaign and playing in another. The one I'm DMing is set primarily in the Verbobonc/Ulek/Pomarj region, and I've currently got my players running through "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil." In the other campaign, we've gone through the original Slavers modules and White Plume Mountain, and we're now going through the Giants series (on our way to the Vault of the Drow). |
#50i-m_batman_dupFeb 02, 2005 2:02:44 | I'm probably, by the standards of some I see on these boards, doing it 'wrong' -- using non-Greyhawk adventures, using v3.5 rules, using some of the LG material. Bah! You can't do it 'wrong,' it's Greyhawk! Now D&D, that you can do wrong.... :D |
#51zombiegleemaxFeb 02, 2005 4:31:07 | I run a Greyhawk campaign at the moment and Greyhawk was the first world I ever played in over 18 years ago. Whenever I run D&D, Greyhawk is my prefered world. I was thrilled when Wizards said it was going to be the default world for the new 3rd edition rules and then bitterly dissapointed when I saw how little effort they put into its production. I think that if they produced Greyhawk with the same quality and production value as the do for Forgotten Realms, then it would be a very popular seller for them. I work in a games store and there are many customers out there who mourn the loss of Greyhawk products. Living stuff and Dungeon magazine content just doesn't do Greyhawk justice. I have purchased other world settings and played in many different campaigns, so I am not a Greyhawk Zealot with no other point of reference. There is some good stuff out there (Eberron is one) but when it comes to quality background, original story, engrossing history and playability Greyhawk wins hands down. Something must be right with it for me to prefer it to all the other stuff out there and still be using it for my current campaign. I live in hope to one day see a hardcover, full colour, Greyhawk book on my stores shelves and in my bookcase at home. |
#52swashbucklerFeb 02, 2005 23:06:48 | I am another Greyhawk lifer. I really couldn't tell you how long I have been playing in GH, but I love it, and have loved it from the distant long gone days of my youth. It was the first gameworld I layed in, and I was perhaps into double digit years when I started. Never looked back. I have checked out other worlds, but never got the feel that comes from Greyhawk. I have adapted a ton of produced modules for GH, simply because no one has produced anything consitently for decades. I usually run my own adventures as opposed to modules, mosty because if I have to tweak them anyway, why shell out the cash? Like someone else said, I was thrilled when GH was alledged to be the focus 3e gameworld. But other than saying that nothing really popped up. ![]() ![]() ![]() I have campaigned in and throughout the flanness, and still do. Right now I am running a campaign based in Steriech. We just finished a campaign in the Furyondy-Voll theatre. What's next? Probalby into the far northeast, good change of venue. OH, I vote for more GH. |
#53rumblebellyFeb 04, 2005 1:27:56 | I'm currently running a GH campaign centered around the Spindrift Isle/Hepmonaland region, focussing on the Suel Binders and Blades of Corrusk. It is set in 576 CY. I began with the Secret of Bone hill and am now running the Assassin's Knot. I have greatly modified both modules and made the villain Telvar into a much more nefarious necromancer than the weakly sorcerer he was portrayed as in the origninal module. My latest purchase was Dungeon's 118 & 119, because the maps are quite beautiful and I want to support Erik Mona's efforts. I have been playing for about 20 years, mostly as a DM and mostly running GH, though I have made excursions into Ravenloft, Dragon Lance, and gasp...the Forgotten Realms. I keep returning to Greyhawk though because of its rich sense of social and political history. |
#54AmarilFeb 04, 2005 7:55:07 | I'm curious to hear from Greyhawkers who were introduced to Greyhawk as of 3e or v3.5. I'm one example of a newcomer to Greyhawk. Are there any others? |
#55TorpedoFeb 04, 2005 20:39:32 | I started playing D&D (Basic Red Box) in either 81 or 82. I started playing AD&D 1st Edition shortly thereafter. I was playing Greyhawk even though I didn't realize it was Greyhawk. I never had the World of Greyhawk box set, but our gaming group (we took turns DMing) tramped all over Oerth, from the Amedio Jungle (Tamoachan) to Highport (Slavepits of the Undercity) to the Ghost Tower of Inverness to Hepmonaland (the Forbidden City). In 2nd Edition we played a Forgotten Realms campaign which carried over into the early days of 3rd Edition. In the near future I'm going to be running a Star Wars D20 campaign (Rise of the Empire era) but after that my plan is to run a 3.5 D&D campaign set in Greyhawk. I have been having so much fun with the 3 parts of the 4 part Greyhawk map that has been coming in my Dungeon magazine subscription. It has caused me to dig out my 1st edition modules an cross reference them on this gorgeous map. Seeing the island Sybarate in Jeklea Bay on the map and then reading the intro to "UK1 Beyond the Crystal Cave" just enhances the experience! So after digging out my 1st edition modules, I dug out the 2nd edition Greyhawk material I had and never used (because we played in the Realms). Aside from the Return to... series I had the Lost Tombs series: The Star Cairns, Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad, and The Doomgrinder; as well as the Player's Guide, The Adventure Begins, The Scarlet Brotherhood, and Slavers. What a treasure trove of information and goodness. So I'm looking up the locations on the map and cross referencing the source material with that of the Living Greyhawk Gazetter. It has captured my imagination like crazy. To add to that, I've been a subscriber to Dungeon since issue #82 (the start of 3rd Edition material). So I'm going back through the adventures in Dungeon (as well as the Adventure Path series: Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, etc.) and looking for appropriate places to put these adventures on the map. The best part is there is already a nice amount of Greyhawk based adventures and suggested sites in Dungeon. It is nice to have Mr. Mona at the Helm. Including the Isle of Dread south of the Densac Gulf, Maure Castle, the Istivin adventure path, the Raiders of Black Ice, name just a few recent ready made Greyhawk adventures. Suffice to say that I've got more than enough adventure to stock and inspire my future Greyhawk campaign. I can't wait to put "The Obsidian Eye" adventure from issue #120 in the Bright Desert! For those who want Greyhawk adventure and never got a fold out Greyhawk map, I heartily recommend Dungeon magazine. The four-part map is available with issues #118,119,120, & next months 121. |
#56montycatFeb 05, 2005 23:33:40 | There's a few message boards you should check out |
#57ividFeb 06, 2005 4:13:14 | On the ezboard Greyhawk d20 boards are 734 other registered gamers (well, errr, may be that there are some who have accounts here and there, but that's not necessarily so...). How can someone say that there are no Greyhawk players left? ;) But go on, post your Greyhawk testimonial here! *Ripped from Amaril's sig ![]() |
#58zombiegleemaxFeb 07, 2005 13:52:42 | It seems that no matter how many cool settings I get for D&D (anything from Cerilia of Birthright to Polyhedron Magazine's "Spelljammer: Shadow of the Spider Moon"), I always seem to come back to Greyhawk. There's just something about this venerable old setting that appeals to my gaming needs. It manages to handle all of the D&Disms out there while still giving a fairly consistent setting with lots of history, culture, and flavor. I just started my current Greyhawk campaign a few weeks ago. It's 571 CY (a few years before the original boxed set's starting date of 576), and the PCs are freebooters and ne'er-do-wells in the Lordship of the Isles. One of the PCs is a monk of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Those of you who know the setting know that the Brotherhood will begin to make their presence known within a few game years, and I'm hoping to make that political maneuvering part of the campaign's background events. Ideally, I'd love to have something that builds like the Coming of the Shadows metaplot in "Babylon 5," complete with a moral quandry for the monk character (since I've kind of glossed over a lot of the Brotherhood's more evil characteristics, and plan to reveal more of it as the campaign goes on). Right now, we're playing the free adventure "The Eye of the Sun," adapted to take place in Hepmonaland. They haven't even left the colony of Turashar, and they've already gotten themselves in trouble with the Suel authorities! I love this setting... ![]() |
#59Gnarley_WoodsmanFeb 07, 2005 22:35:17 | I run a GH game every Friday, and will continue to do so. I have painstakingly rewritten the Temple of Elemental Evil and started my latest campaign in the midst of the events surrounding the module. The players have gone about rewritting the cannon...such as freeing Prince Thrommel and seeing him safely to Princess Jolene's arms in Veluna! Now they look forward to crushing Iuz at thier prince's side in an alternate version of the Greyhawk wars where the "Grand Imperial Alliance" has declared an unalterable state of war! Good gaming!!! |
#60rumblebellyFeb 07, 2005 23:41:01 | I have painstakingly rewritten the Temple of Elemental Evil and started my latest campaign in the midst of the events surrounding the module. Would you care to share your rewrite? I always rewrite every single module I use. Can never seem to find one written perfectly to suit my purposes. |
#61dmstueFeb 08, 2005 2:02:09 | I have been playing the game since 1984. I started with the Basic Red Box (remember the white crayon :D ) and soon moved on to AD&D, moving steadily through the editions until I now use 3.5. Throughout that time I have DM'ed and played the game in the Greyhawk world. That's not to say I haven't tried other settings. I have scattered my characters across many planes and planets, but without a shadow of a doubt the richest and most absorbing setting I have played so far is Greyhawk. I have to admit to paying little heed to canon, (I thought it was a big gun until stumbling across canonfire!) and admit my mixture of prewritten and homegrown scenario's can be a little eclectic, but my players like it. I recently started buying up loads of Greyhawk stuff from hobby shops and the internet and having lent it to 2 of my players, they are so taken with it, they have started fledgling campaigns too and have started buying up out of print material also. So there you have it, my die is cast and my colours fly for all to see. Greyhawk forever! DMStue |
#62zombiegleemaxFeb 08, 2005 10:39:07 | I've been playing WoG in 2 campaignes. 1 for the past 14 years now, and the other for the past 9 years. In the biginning we played both campaignes every week, now we play once a week. This week this campaign, the next week the other campaign. Never ever have I heard my DM complain about the lack of game material. Although he sometimes finds something usefull at canonfire. For him it's like "Priest of Blipdoolpoolp" says in his thread "Screwing up Greyhawk". And talking about that thread... YAMO ![]() " We're gonna rip off your head, and **** down your throat! Then we're gonna **** that **** of yours!". Before the king even realised what he had just heard, a meteor storm came down on him just after he ate twe fireballs. After some hacking/slashing about and a lot of chaos, they made a magical retreat back to Zentil Keep, bringing with them the king and queen. They held word...he got ****** down the throat, and she got *****. Thanx to the fieldwork of these brave Zentharim, Cormyr and the Dales are now run over (Elminster had to flee) by the forces of Zentil Keep. Next on there list is that abomination named "Waterdeep"! Cyric did not lose his throne of bones to his nemesis, because he slew Mask :evillaugh Soon a perpetual darkness will cover Fearûn, for the greater glorie of Cyric!! Hail Cyric :hoppingma For the rest,Yamo, you're quite right about that sissy-like message board of the Realms :D |
#63lincoln_hillsFeb 08, 2005 15:54:14 | To cut to the meat of what has to be most concerning to the WotC financial department... I stopped purchasing Forgotten Realms-related stuff long before TSR folded: I've never purchased anything related to Eberron and, further, have no interest in it: If I were not a regular Greyhawk DM (and motivated by my affection for this classic setting), I wouldn't have purchased the Psionics Handbook, the Monster Manual II, Sword & Fist and all the other splatbooks: the last couple of years I haven't purchased many WotC products, because they haven't had a lot of applicability to the Greyhawk setting. (Recent releases have been more useful, but only rarely have I given in to the temptation, because they're still not quite 'there'.) I have two factors in mind when I go down to my Friendly Neighborhood Games Store: 1) Does it focus on improving play, rather than simply adding new rules? If yes, I might buy it (as long as it's not specific to a non-Greyhawk setting.) 2) Does it tell me more about the Greyhawk setting? If yes, I'll probably buy it even if it's not a great product. Lord knows that if I bought The Scarlet Brotherhood I'll buy almost anything with a GH label on it. (That potato was only half-baked.) |
#64zombiegleemaxFeb 08, 2005 19:11:59 | i love greyhawk and i always have, but i don't think it NEEDS anymore matierial. I like it because it is not as linier as the rest of the campaign settings. It seems more availible for manipulation than the others. I personally make up info all the time and the players eat it up in Greyhawk and love being part of somthing origanal and not going to citie after citie that is in the book and all the players being super-experts on the history. I want the plot twists to be kept in a lock safe and not there. There are ways to tweek all the other sttings but all the good ones are already writen right in the books. Bleeghhh. Another thing is that whenever I try to do somthing great with the Eberon setting or the Ferun one I always get chewed up like a rat and spit in the gutter. But thats my opinion. |
#65smartFeb 08, 2005 21:58:48 | Well, I'm a Greyhawk DM, currently running a campaign in LG-era Furyondy. We just finished up an Eberron campaign, and the vote went to Greyhawk for the next one. My PCs are 4th level, and I am weaving a demons and evil deities at odds kind of campaign, with Furyondy and the PCs in the middle of the maelstrom. Lots of fun! I would enjoy more material for my campaign, if available. |
#66ArgonFeb 09, 2005 7:44:18 | HerrSpielmeister, Your new campaign sounds interesting especially when the monk Pc's is forced to come to grips with his situation. This could make for some really nice roleplaying opportunities. |
#67zombiegleemaxFeb 09, 2005 10:55:03 | For the past 14 months I have been running Greyhawk exclusively. WotC take note, the less Greyhawk specific material you publish, the less the 7 of us will buy. It is just that simple. |
#68tgsantiniFeb 09, 2005 11:17:18 | WotC take note, the less Greyhawk specific material you publish, the less the 7 of us will buy. It is just that simple. I am sure they are scared now. Just kidding |
#69AmarilFeb 09, 2005 12:29:58 | For the past 14 months I have been running Greyhawk exclusively. This doesn't neccessarily mean that if they publish Greyhawk material that you'd buy more. ![]() I notice a lot of old time players beleive that new material is not neccessary. There are those of us, such as myself, who are new as of 3e and would like to have current hardcover books and other print products. Not everyone enjoys spending days and weeks hunting down out-of-print material. Heck, even having a subsection of the WotC site dedicated to Greyhawk would be nice, especially since Greyhawk is the 'core' setting. Instead we get treated to weekly articles detailing FR and Eberron. *hrmph* Maybe I should go Eberron. (No way, man!) |
#70mortellanFeb 09, 2005 14:52:36 | I notice a lot of old time players beleive that new material is not neccessary. There are those of us, such as myself, who are new as of 3e and would like to have current hardcover books and other print products. Not everyone enjoys spending days and weeks hunting down out-of-print material. I could argue that you have an advantage over the old time players. I as an oldtime Greyhawker have so much OOP and fansite material from places like Canonfire, that I would never realistically need another bit of new GH material. New info is still nice, because people want their setting to still be relevant in today. But I digress. As a newer DM of Greyhawk in the 3E era, you have free reign to ignore the first 20+ years of GH canon and aprocrypha and take Greyhawk in any direction you want with little fear of a new novel or sourcebook later contradicting your world and forcing a revision (The FR-effect). |
#71telasFeb 09, 2005 15:09:29 | I could argue that you have an advantage over the old time players. I as an oldtime Greyhawker have so much OOP and fansite material from places like Canonfire, that I would never realistically need another bit of new GH material. New info is still nice, because people want their setting to still be relevant in today. I agree entirely. While I've got enough to go on, some more new material would be great, as a few paragraphs aren't much to build a country on. OTOH, the way the FR have been done is a bit too much. I like the elbow room in GH, but sometimes I feel like a painter confronted with a blank canvas. Even if I ignored 90% of a WotC GH book, I'd still buy it, and encourage my players to buy it, too. Telas |
#72AmarilFeb 09, 2005 15:24:17 | I could argue that you have an advantage over the old time players. I as an oldtime Greyhawker have so much OOP and fansite material from places like Canonfire, that I would never realistically need another bit of new GH material. New info is still nice, because people want their setting to still be relevant in today. But I digress. As a newer DM of Greyhawk in the 3E era, you have free reign to ignore the first 20+ years of GH canon and aprocrypha and take Greyhawk in any direction you want with little fear of a new novel or sourcebook later contradicting your world and forcing a revision (The FR-effect). My point wasn't targeting ALL old time Greyhawkers, just those who say no new material needs to be published. Those old-timers who wish for new material are appreciated. ![]() |
#73lincoln_hillsFeb 10, 2005 18:42:56 | Very well: "I wish for new material!" Aw, firk. I blew my one wish to create 100 square yards of corduroy?! |
#74i-m_batman_dupFeb 11, 2005 3:10:42 | Very well: *snrkkk* Haw ha ha ha ha ha! Now that's a wish 1st edition style! :D |
#75telasFeb 11, 2005 3:37:45 | Don't knock Corduroy. It was invented for King Louis the whatever, who hunted a lot, and wanted a fabric tough enough to go hunting with, but attractive enough to appear in court in. Hence the name, Cord-du-Roi (cloth of the king). Depending on your campaign, you could use it to get into the court and usurp the kingdom. Hell, it worked for Cohen the Barbarian and the Silver Horde..... Telas |
#76ividFeb 11, 2005 7:37:13 | ...Don't forget that this thread was thought to find out how many Greyhawkers are still on these boards and/or playing!... Now, another short calculation: About 60 notes of ongoing campaigns *(given that who posts here can be seen as a dedicated fan, so let aside who else might be out there) *(The gaming groups of 3 to 8 players) *(The 750 Hawkers from Ezboards) *(The gamers that are currently not doing homecampaigns, but following these boards/ being RPGA members that don't campaign at the moment)= at least 2000 to 2500 Greyhawkers *kind of registered*! I hope the number will increase more! ------------------------------------------------------------ Please, for any off-topic discussion, use another thread and post the link here! ;) |
#77zombiegleemaxFeb 11, 2005 11:22:36 | Started to DM in 84, and really put my first foot in WoG with the temple of elemental evil in 86. I Dm'ed for nearly ten years since 86, always in Greyhawk, in a very (and maybe too much?) intensive way. We were students, and it was not a problem to play for 24 hours in a single session at this time. We sometimes played 4 or 5 times a week, but it was GREAT. Since 96, we made some breaks, my original team of players and friends splitted for professional reasons, and we continued to play in a non-regular way. Beetween 3rd ed and 3.5 i nearly didn't dm'ed. Now, for 2 years we are playing at the rythm of 3 sessions/months. The main problem was to re-assemble an interesting team of players, without comparing it to the past. Today i still have one of my original player, the ranger he played for 10 years is 13rd lvl and retired. He's now playing a sorcerer. And his wife a fighter. But one of my player left France for Canada at Christmas, and we are waiting for 1 or 2 experimented players to continue our in-going adventure, wich is.... return to the temple of elemental evil ![]() I wish to find good roleplayers to add some depth to our campaign, wich i really want to continue. After i plan to play little adventures to help my PCs discovering the Flanaess. About new materials: the simple fact of receiving each month Dungeon Mag with The SUPERB MAP of OERTH inside is really a plus. And is really helping the world of greyhawk, like the recent Maure Castle scenarii. I don't REALLY need new materials, but i know i would buy them without hesitation if they have the quality of the recent Dungeons plubications. And i am also sure it would help lot of new players to discover and like the fantastic World of Greyhawk. |
#78zombiegleemaxFeb 20, 2005 13:08:32 | I'm currently running a campaign set in the Duchy of Urnst (Goodman Games Adventure- Mysterious Tower.) So far the players have freed the tower... ...and then taken off to Harby where the rogue in the group got everyone in alot of trouble... I've had many adventures set in Greyhawk: Ghost Towers, Queen of Spiders, and the more recent Return to the Temple...etc. We've always just kinda taken for granted that Greyhawk was the setting...but strangely didn't delve into it in any detail. Only now with the release of the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer are we getting more seriously involved in the storylines. And I think this is in large part due to Dungeon Mag, with it's focus on the Flanaess and killer new maps! Yeah, it seems like everyone I game with has Greyhawk fever now... :D |
#79zombiegleemaxFeb 27, 2005 10:03:08 | My most recent Greyhawk experience was with a campaign set in the Good Hills/Little Hills between the Yeomanry and Keoland, which we played during the summer of '04. Prior to that, we had a long running Shield Lands game that hopefully someday will get revisited. If WotC would give their default setting the attention and support it deserves, I would buy any and every product they put out for it. |
#80zombiegleemaxMar 03, 2005 13:42:33 | Currently playing in a GH campaing set in Veluna. Have been gaming in GH for the past 3years (been a D&D'er for 4 years) |
#81mordicusMar 19, 2005 15:17:13 | Maybe it will never be as it was, but there's still a bunch of gamers that enjoys one of the greatest rpg settings ever created! It all started with the first World of Greyhawk-box. My first DM gave it to me, because he only understood French and I translated it for him.The books have suffered a lot from years of use, but that other world still stirs my imagination and keeps players-friends together for more than 25 years now. I host two groups as a DM on a regular basis. One group speaks Dutch, the other French. I spend hours at translating, but I still enjoy every moment. My library is stacked with D&D-books, the whole GH collection. I also bought lots of Forgotten Realms, Lankhmar, Ravenloft etc., but only to introduce settings or ideas into GH. Recently I obtained the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil and I'm preparing the module for play. I regret that I haven't more time, otherwise I would actively contribute to the Living Greyhawk Campaign. I also regret that recent material, such as the new maps, are so difficult to obtain in Europe. Ordering them is no option, since Dragon is not being shipped our way. I hope WotC finds a solution. |
#82zombiegleemaxMar 19, 2005 18:49:04 | I have played in GH since 1983 and I am currently running a Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign. I am constantly collecting all GH material - my last GH purchase was the download of Return to Tomb of Horrors. |
#83maraudarMar 21, 2005 11:30:55 | Been playing since the summer of 1980.. Sheesh my age is showing.. We are on the third generation, the great-grandchildren of our original characters. Still playing 1e for rules with a slight toss in of 2e for some stuff. We dont use 3e or 3.5 as none of us has any desire to muck up our games that way :evillaugh . Back when we started there was only the WoG folder that came with the map and gazetter. Still have all three after all these years. Extra stuff came from Dungeon and Dragon mags and of course the modules. Still remember when I bought the ToEE and we ran it. God that was an adventure!!! We lost, we won, we set the demoness free only to face her later on. Some characters were lost for good some revived. In the end we became to old and our children took up our blades and causes and set forth into the world. Greyhawk to me is the best of the various produced game worlds. It has its flaws and its merits but I really dont think any other world can really compare with it. Maraudar |
#84mordicusMar 21, 2005 13:19:57 | Greyhawk to me is the best of the various produced game worlds. It has its flaws and its merits but I really dont think any other world can really compare with it. I agree because it was the world we started in and still develop today after a lot of years. It has a huge advantage that it will never be finshed and every player can acquire his/her own version. This may not blind us. The first edition contained many flaws. Not that we minded. We always resolved the problems due to unclear rules. And while the second edition brought some improvements, we realised that the perfect Guide doens't exist. Therefore I liked the Optional-boxes so much. You could adopt certain rules or forget about them. Consider the complexity of the Attack of Opportunity in the 3.5 edition. The reasoning is accurate but a DM has less fun ruling an entire evening whether an AoO occurs or not. Are other worlds less fun to discover? I don't think so. On different occassions my players found gateways in GH to other worlds. The adventure Ship of Horrors brought them to Ravenloft. Luckily they found the way back. The Expedition to the Barrier Peaks in Realms of Horror was an excellent opportunity to discover the world of Spelljammer. And a lost artifact brought them to the future, and the rules of Shadowrun. We learned to play with other rules and game-systems. It allowed players to become DM's in a particular world and offered me the chance to feel the thrill of a player again clinging to his character against all odds. The main principle is that the game offers the chance to make friends and to have fun. |
#85maraudarMar 21, 2005 15:40:26 | The main principle is that the game offers the chance to make friends and to have fun. And thats what its all about Mordicus.. Maraudar |
#86zombiegleemaxMar 21, 2005 21:23:54 | - I've run games consistently since 1984 and have never used anything but the World of Greyhawk setting - I am active in the RPGA's Living Greyhawk campaign (Gran March) - My players have tried experimenting with different settings yet they always come back to Greyhawk because, quoting them "(unless it's Greyhawk), it's just not D&D". - My players are all big fans of the Scarlet Brotherhood (The Zhentrim? The Emerald Claw? MORONS!), The Slave Lords, and ESPECIALLY Tharizdun. - My current campaign is set in the Duchy of Ulek and is, at present, centered around The Warlord of the Axewood's (Half-Fey Arrow Demon w/ Ftr levels) uniting of the various evil fey creatures in the aforementioned forest to drive out all non-fey. Mix in a couple of subplots (see below) and you've got pure Greyhawk magic... -The Knights of the Watch slowly try to exert their influence within the non-KotW friendly Duchy -A mass-grave dating back to the Ur-Flan/Empire of Vecna era is uncovered outside of Tringlee -Turrosh Mak refocuses his efforts to the north, dealing a crushing blow to Celene and the Wild Coast. Are the unsuspecting Duchy and County of Ulek next? -Additionally, as many have noted, Mr. Mona continues to crank out some excellent Greyhawk material within the pages of Dungeon. I fully intend on using the three recently published Istvan adventures and the excellent Strike on Shatterhorn (from the Adventure Path) to round out the campaign, let the PCs travel a bit, and give yours truly a much needed break from writing. Do we NEED more Greyhawk material? Of course! Greyhawk CAN be marketed in a way to attract new players! The problem is that the last few supplements (particularly the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer) have read like stereo instructions; i.e. very informative but lacking in visual appeal and new rules (skills, feats, prestige classes, monsters). Hopefully, the success of the Living Greyhawk campaign will demonstrate that this "tired old setting" still has some life left in it and will for years to come. Have a good one... - Craig |
#87mordicusMar 23, 2005 15:20:15 | Do we NEED more Greyhawk material? Of course! Greyhawk CAN be marketed in a way to attract new players! The problem is that the last few supplements (particularly the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer) have read like stereo instructions; i.e. very informative but lacking in visual appeal and new rules (skills, feats, prestige classes, monsters). Hopefully, the success of the Living Greyhawk campaign will demonstrate that this "tired old setting" still has some life left in it and will for years to come. We have a lot of Greyhawk material at our disposal and for that I think most fans are very grateful. But the work isn't finished yet. By publishing ,,The Adventure Begins'' even WotC acknowledged that as a fact. The new Guide also showed a fear of change and a return to the origins, since a lot of it already appeared in the World of Greyhawk boxed set. A a repetition of the shock caused by The Greyhawk Wars was clearly to be avoided at all cost. We should overcome the anxiety that to change equals losing fans (buyers). Worlds evolve, rulers come and go, civilisations rise and fall. A frozen framework or background shows a Waste Land. The idea to develop countries in Living Greyhawk is splendid. Unfortunately not all the GH-fans can participate in this undertaking. It would be nice to give them access to basic information, such as lay-out of cities, description of important NPC's, major events etc. as a background. It would add to the feeling that their world is still very much alive. More than this background, more than rules, skills and feats even, players and DM's need thrilling adventures, stories to be told by DM's for enthralled players. You never have enough of those. With a pile of those to read and work with, nobody will have time to whine about ,,canon or not''. Start writing and surprise us. Thank you for listening. |
#88ividMar 28, 2005 2:49:29 | Just for fun, I took a look on tonight: If those numbers reflect the true situation, maybe there is still real hope to see the setting relaunched... ![]() |
#89zombiegleemaxMar 31, 2005 23:11:52 | I have been DM'ing since spring 1982 and started DM'ing Greyhawk in summer 1983. I DM'ed almost exclusively in Greyhawk (with a bit of Ravenloft thrown in and a brief and unfortunate stint in Dragonlance) until 1992. Then I took a hiatus until 1998. I returned to Greyhawk in 2000 with a "Greyhawk Classics" 3E campaign for just over a year, then went homebrew, then D20 Modern, and have now returned to DM'ing Greyhawk with a new campaign (currently at 4th level). I am using classics converted to 3.5, Greyhawk based adventures from Dungeon and Necromancer Games, Malhavoc and Fiery Dragon adventures... oh and a surgically altered ToEE/RttToEE hybrid thingie (mixed in with the above... I drastically alter adventures). I plan on staying in GH for the forseeable future. On a related note, I purchased the Waterdeep box and related books when they were released, as well as the FR box, but sold all of my FR stuff on ebay a few years ago. I have never bought any Eberron products, not do I plan to. I do own and mine the FR hardcover. DM |
#90OleOneEyeApr 01, 2005 1:59:34 | The last Greyhawk campaign I ran was a couple months ago with a rather tongue-in-cheek 1st edition half-orc rampage of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Alas, it fell apart when the whiny players insisted on converting to 3.5, and the madcap rampage devolved into figuring out synergy bonuses and move equivalent actions. I must confess more personal loyalty and game time has been spent on the homebrew over the years, but Greyhawk always returns to the table. Regretfully, the recent break-up of my gaming group portends no Hawking in the forseeable future. As a role-playing adict, I must purchase a new book every couple weeks or go into withdrawal symptoms. (Silly since I will only read about 1/4 of the book, leave it forgotten on the shelf, and not use any of it in my games.) Any non-novel Greyhawk will be purchased soon after release, but I will purchase nearly anything to get my fix. |
#91ividApr 01, 2005 3:21:04 | As a role-playing adict, I must purchase a new book every couple weeks or go into withdrawal symptoms. (Silly since I will only read about 1/4 of the book, leave it forgotten on the shelf, and not use any of it in my games.) Any non-novel Greyhawk will be purchased soon after release, but I will purchase nearly anything to get my fix. I have learned to live with the addiction. Max. 5 ⁈ at ebay each month and I can go on a while more (without having to declare bankrupt). :D |
#92ElendurApr 01, 2005 12:15:54 | I am using classics converted to 3.5, Greyhawk based adventures from Dungeon and Necromancer Games, Malhavoc and Fiery Dragon adventures... oh and a surgically altered ToEE/RttToEE hybrid thingie (mixed in with the above... I drastically alter adventures). I plan on staying in GH for the forseeable future. That's quite a list of adventures you have there. Which Greyhawk adventures are you using? I'm in the midst of running G2 myself. |
#93thewakaApr 03, 2005 19:41:55 | The numbers for d20 World of Greyhawk at ezboard were posted, but not for The CORE Greyhawk campaign there. There are 2748 registered members. There will be duplicates as they recommend you register a new username if you make a new character, but that is still a healthy number. For comparison, the CORE FR has only 1098 members. At CORE GH, they average 101 posts/day and 1670 visits/day. I find that impressive. And just to make my position clear, I neither DM nor play in any setting at this time. I am investigating which to use for my family, as we plan to start playing sometime this calendar year (depends on how long it takes me to get up to speed ![]() Diana |
#94zombiegleemaxApr 03, 2005 21:38:26 | That's quite a list of adventures you have there. Which Greyhawk adventures are you using? I'm in the midst of running G2 myself. I hesitated to post them, since my players tend to ignore warnings not to read something, but I alter things so heavily that they are almost unrecognizable. Here is my adventure list basically in order: Crucible of Freya - Necromancer Games [finished] Temple of Elemental Evil (moathouse only) - TSR [finished] Tomb of Abysthor - Necromancer Games [in progress] Vault of Larin Karr - Necromancer Games Prey for Tyrinth - Dungeon #90 Vanity - Dungeon #93 Fiend's Embrace - Dungeon #121 Cradle of Madness - Dungeon #87 Demonclaw - Dungeon #84 Forsaken Arch - Dungeon #120 Seventh Arm - Dungeon #88 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (moathouse, Nulb and Temple) - WoTC Lord of the Scarlet Tide - Dungeon #85 Touch of the Abyss - Dungeon #117 Shadows of the Abyss - Dungeon #118 Wrath of the Abyss - Dungeon #119 Crumbling Hall of the Frost Giant Jarl (homage to G series found online) Headless - Dungeon #89 Throne of Iuz - Dungeon #118 Queen of Lies - Monte Cook The Harrowing - Dungeon #84 Chaos Rising - Necromancer Games Demon God's Fane - Monte Cook Lost Temple of Demogorgon - Dungeon #120 (tentatively) Maure Castle - Dungeon #112 I will adjust the list depending on in-game occurrences. I would rather prepare too much than too little. The party is up against the demon lords/demi-gods (Iuz, Demogorgon, Orcus, Jubilex, Lolth, etc.). I have set all adventures in Greyhawk. I will use other classic GH adventures as I have time or find conversions. I hope to use more than one generation of characters in this one and keep it going for a while. DM |
#95lopusApr 04, 2005 8:31:24 | Started playing Greyhawk in the early 80's (A1-A4) Slaver Series, then I changed groups in the late 80's (college), that group was just starting Temple of Elemental Evil, we were a huge party (about 15 full time players and some 8-10 part-timers) that gave our DM a hard time because we were recruiting everything in sight. That game lasted about 2 years (the 1st year was about 6-10 hours a day, everyday, the 2nd year was about 12-14 hours twice a week). My third group went through the U series and then changed characters and went through Temple of Elemental Evil, Slave Lords, and Queen of Spiders supermodules (all 3 from 1992-1998). My current group (all new players - 5 males/3females) are going through that same series but using 3E/3.5E rules. Greyhawk Lives!!!! |
#96zombiegleemaxApr 25, 2005 1:30:15 | Been playing and gming campaigns in GH since '83. Last one I gm was a three part campaign in the Sterich-Geoff region. Took one group through the reclaimation of STerich and Geoff, then did a play by post to develop their new baronies they earned, then ran a campaign using the first character's offspring as PCs. Overall, ran about two years. Have an ongoing campaign in Greyhawk City. Play in an ongoing game in the Nyrond region. |
#97chatdemonApr 25, 2005 18:33:17 | There's a few message boards you should check out Canonfire Forums also hosts a pretty cool D20/3e/3.5e GH forum, check it out. Much less painful that EZBoard, IMO. |
#98zombiegleemaxMay 06, 2005 7:17:36 | Hi there all I have been plaing D&D for 20 years now, and have been playing in Greyhawk for the last 14. I have always liked Greyhawk better it is not over done, and it just seemed to me that a lot of the people I played FR with would get upset if you did something that contradicted the novels. |
#99oaklockMay 14, 2005 22:43:08 | That's quite a list of adventures you have there. Which Greyhawk adventures are you using? I'm in the midst of running G2 myself. Hi. I'm DMing G2 as well, with 5 players, with 11/12 characters(levels 7-10) with plans to follow through with all the follow up modules if the characters ever reach that far. I have another party with 4 players( 2 aditional) and 6 characters (4th and 5th levels )in the Oytwood. have been playing D&D since 1975 and DMing since 1976. Integrated my town and province to the northwest of Geoff from which the 2nd party went to Hochoch and Orlane in The Cult of the Reptile God, and the first party to answer the call for adventurers to fight the Giants of G123. We play when we can coordinate the play of 5 or 6 people with full schedules and 2 1/2 hours of drive time apart. About 2 to 5 times a year. I Dm Greyhawk and my cousin DM's his own creation. 2of the players have given up DMing, but I've played in White Plume Mountain, The Ghost Tower of Inverness in their worlds as well. We have added a second generation of players to our group who have taken over PC's from players who have left the area, and made NPC's as PC's to accomodate the new players. ![]() |
#100ividMay 15, 2005 4:35:04 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 100 posts in this thread! Greyhawk is far from fading from the minds of the D&D game community! Thus, I am pleased to announce that some teens from the youth group I eventually care for have started to collect their own gaming material to start a future campaign on their own. They rely on a 2e starter box, the Red Steel MM and some Greyhawk adventures and might very well start their own game. (Very likely in Veluna.) The funny thing about this is that I never encouraged or sparkled their interest in Greyhawk. I play DL with them, and will do so for the forseeable future. ![]() |
#101zombiegleemaxMay 16, 2005 7:46:54 | 101! My players are noobs to Gryehawk, but I as their GM am not. I still have my old boxed set, and run adventures in Greyhawk at least once every month. My players and I use the GreyhawK Gazetteer, but of course would love to see more in the new edition, and would gladly make that purchase. |
#102scoti_garbidisJun 11, 2005 5:57:22 | I have been playing Greyhawk Campaigns since late 1998/ early 1999, hard to remember. All the Greyhawk campaigns i have played in were run by the brilliant Max_Writer, look above for his take on things. I participated in his game that traveled from the Dutchy of Urnst to the Forlorn Forest. Participated in an UnderOerth adventure that still has pickup games once and awhile. I am currently playing a Ranger in his Sheldomar Valley game but one of the character's history has taken us into the Pomarj on a mission of Revenge and we recently returned from the Sea Princes on a rescue mission. So, not sure if I would call it the Sheldomar game anymore. Anyway, these games have been amazing! Max_Writer is an excellent DM who spares nothing to bring his NPC's and environments alive whether by use of props, music or interesting voices. I really enjoy his game and am glad i have it to play. I started running a Greyhawk Campaign in 2002 because I saw the LGG at my FLGS (that is 1 hour from my house!). I went through the book and decided that Keoland was a good starting place for my campaign and it was. The group now calls themselves the Company of the Copper Card, because of an artifact they found and where they all met for the most part. They have traveled through Waygates, ended up in Nyrond, passed through the Free City of Greyhawk and teleported back to Keoland. The characters all have many rich histories that have led to some interesting gaming. Unfortunately for my players i currently can only run about once every 2 months due to family and work complications but they have been very understanding and I guess my game was/is good enough that it is worth the 2 month wait in between games. I am hoping to start a weeknight game soon (next couple months) because my schedule at work is supposed to be changing and I am going to use the Age of Worms adventure path for that game, since using a pre-printed adventure path will be less work in the long run. I guess I am a lucky Greyhawker, I have a great DM to run a game and a group of 6 dedicated players who help bring my own campaign to life. Thank God for Greyhawk! TGFG! |
#103zombiegleemaxJun 11, 2005 9:28:57 | Hello, Party of 6, presently exploring the Vesve Forest, each week. Best wishes Kevin ![]() |
#104zombiegleemaxJun 11, 2005 12:27:41 | I am currently running a heavily modified game of the Lendore Isles modules intermixed with the To Find a King/The Bane of Llwellyn rpga modules. I also use encounters from the old Book of Lairs and the Lords of Darkness. The game is a big success with the long-time gamers that have stormed Bone Hill before as well as the newer gamers. I've played in many realms as a dm and a player since 1980. Hands down, Greyhawk is the best. It was designed for flexibility. I pick and choose little things from other realms that I like and use them in my Greyhawk setting. |
#105AeoliusJun 12, 2005 8:46:58 | I'm currently working on Chapter 127 of "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq" (see link in my signature below). Does that count? ;) |
#106zombiegleemaxJun 21, 2005 19:42:17 | I have played exclusively in Greyhawk since the release of the folio in '80 (or '81?), albeit with a 15 year intermission starting in '85 (which counted for the majority of 2e), but never with anything less than complete admiration for the setting. I'm currently running a campaign in which the PCs are going upriver in the Troll Fens (ala apocalypse now) to rescue a fallen paladin and head off an invasion of the Pale. They've just begun to pursue the fiend through the lower levels of an abandoned dwarven fortress, plunging them into the underdark... I'm also playing/co-dming in a evil Greyhawk campaign which is quickly shaping up to be one of the more exciting campaigns I have played in. We've been sent on a mission into Furyondy/Horned Society to confirm the death of Iuz. Tough one, but fun. |
#107zombiegleemaxJul 03, 2005 14:01:15 | my friends and I are starting a Greyhawk campaign in the next few weeks. its the first time any of us have played, and I was glad that we didn't fall into the evils of eberron or faerun- i cant afford to have to buy all those manuals |
#108AmarilJul 03, 2005 17:07:33 | my friends and I are starting a Greyhawk campaign in the next few weeks. its the first time any of us have played, and I was glad that we didn't fall into the evils of eberron or faerun- i cant afford to have to buy all those manuals Actually, now is a good time to start buying Eberron books. So far they only have two, the Eberron Campaign Setting and Sharn: City of Towers. Five Nations is coming out soon, though. I don't currently play Eberron, but I bought the first two hardcovers just so that I can slowly build the collection for when I do instead of trying to buy a lot of books at once. |
#109zombiegleemaxJul 06, 2005 8:26:05 | I'm presently running a 3.5e Greyhawk campaign. We meet every Thursday night, and have done since Easter. The PC's are about to hit fifth level. They are wandering round the Clatspurs right now, having been involved with the Wolf Nomads looking for the Tomb of a long-dead chieftain (the adventure card 'The Dead of the Howling Hills' from the Vity of Greyhawk set, adapted to 3.5!) and are presently in the narrow Goblin Barbarian tunnels of 'Depths of Rage' from Dungeon 83. I'll be running them through 'The Grey Citadel' (Necromancer Games) soon, additional flavour for Greyhawk to be added. My wife is putting together a website which will record the adventures and will add some DM notes. I'm also planning a brief history of the 2e game I ran on and off from 1994 to 2002 which ended with ninth-level players part way through 'Return of the Eight' (they were standing outside Tenser's Castle, as I recall). None of the old lags are playing in my new game. |
#110zombiegleemaxJul 12, 2005 23:38:52 | I'm the DM in two groups: In one campaign the PC's are searching the location of the Forgotten Temple of Tharizdum And in another we're playing a game in 585 CY, based in the Marklands, with much espionage missions, political intrigue and military flavour. |
#111zombiegleemaxJul 15, 2005 8:56:22 | When I started to DM D&D (six years ago I think) I soon wanted to buy a campaign book. Initially i thought of Tormenta (a brazilian setting) and Forgotten Realms. I was not sure of what setting i should get, but then it was presented to me the D&D Gazetteer. I read the book and feel in love with it, Greyhawk seemed to be the perfect setting; and i wanted to learn more... Now i've got the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, From the Ashes BS, City of Greyhawk BS, Greyhawk Adventures (hard cover), GH Monstrous Compendium and some 3rd Edition novels. Actually i'm DMing for a group of nine people. Some are from Nova Friburgo (where i live), some from Teresópolis and some from Rio de Janeiro (where i was born and lived until 2000). All my players learned about GH with me and many of them would buy GH books if they could... Thats it C'ya - - - - Alguém que fale espanhol ou português que queira conversar via MSN? - - - - |
#112zombiegleemaxJul 15, 2005 17:53:53 | Hey Mestre Caversono...have you any info about Liveing Greyawk activity in Brazil? I am from Argentina, and here we are triying to create an strong ring of RPGA and LG activity. I would be good to know how mych activity is in Brazil. |
#113zombiegleemaxJul 16, 2005 23:57:53 | Hi Mekorig, Good to see that we have Argentin brothers playing Greyhawk! I would try to say something in spanish but i prefer not to show my BAD spanish here... ehehehe... Uhmm... i know that there is a site that tries to organize some gaming sessions under the RPGA banner here... its nothing official, i think they´re trying to get people closer to the LG so we could have a expressive number of players around... waiting for a South America (at last) meta region. - Try this URL |
#114zombiegleemaxJul 17, 2005 9:30:25 | We are triying to contact whit the Spanish (Lordship of the Isles) Triad, but htey appear to be very bussy whit their private life to even make adventures. Now i am speaking whit some people here in argentina to make some adventures in the LotI and offer them to this people, and later speak a little whit the responsable of the Tridas organization, whit the hope of including Argentina in the same region of Spain, or something else. I have also by good sources that the RPGA organization will not open new regions for some time at least. Saludos! |
#115carlancoJul 17, 2005 19:33:20 | Hi Mekorig & MestreCavernoso! It's good to know Greyhawk is alive in South America too! Let me tell you that I've just finished DMing a party of 5 charcters through the U-series. Next they will go to the Tomb of the Lizard King which I set deep in the Hool Marshes. AFAIK, there's no RPGA or LG organization here in Uruguay. There's been a couple of RPG related events, but with little D&D (I think other RPG like Vampire, Shadowrun, or StarWars are more popular) and even less GH (many play FR or Darksun). I've been playing in GH since late 80's and will stay loyal to it! Saludos, |
#116ividJul 18, 2005 1:37:44 | We are triying to contact whit the Spanish (Lordship of the Isles) Triad, but htey appear to be very bussy whit their private life to even make adventures. Their main problem seems not be to get their private life set, but difficulties with overall conceptual coordination - let's not forget that 1. D&D isn't too popular in Spain, apart from Dragonlance 2. Cons have normally not the same focus on D&D as it may be in other countries. I am in contact with the Triad there, and I can assure you that by the end of the year, things will get better and more organized. However, it seems that they are in need of some more creative workers, so, if you're really interested, maybe you can PM me or post on their mailing list? I think anyone who really likes to help would be welcome. NOTE: I am in no way responsible for LG Spain, but I came to them a while ago with more or less the same questions as you. Saludos a todos... |
#117AmarilJul 18, 2005 5:48:49 | Not to discourage the conversation, but shouldn't this off-topic conversation be in the Living Greyhawk forum? |
#118ividJul 18, 2005 6:56:38 | Not to discourage the conversation, but shouldn't this off-topic conversation be in the Living Greyhawk forum? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, back to topic, a friend of mine has dropped FR (for good, it seems) and is now doing a 3.5 campaign in Saltmarsh! Greyhawk lives!!! |
#119zombiegleemaxJul 18, 2005 12:14:06 | Arf! I'm sorry, didn't mean to cause any problems here. :D It's really cool to know that Greyhawk lives in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil and it would be nice to see our countries as LG metaregions. But it is a discussion for another forum... :embarrass Perhaps we could talk via MSN... add me to your list: [email][/email] C'ya! |
#120ividJul 18, 2005 13:33:37 | No offense taken. ;) I'll send you an email, as soon as I get more news about the ongoing in the Spain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My friends, I am delighted to announce this: My youthgroup obviously got bored from Eberron and DSA (German RPG) and today (just three hours ago!!!) one came asking me *if I could lend them a decent module...*. And literally, with tears in my eyes, I handed over a disk with the pdf of Ivid the Undying. :D :D :D Rauxes beware, for the elder gods... ah, Rafee's youth group is coming! :coolcthul I finally converted my boys to Greyhawk!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#121ividAug 13, 2005 3:59:33 | *Casts a revive spell on this thread.* Come on, are there no more other Greyhawk campaigns running? - I doubt highly doubt that. ;) |
#122crocodylus_pontifexAug 13, 2005 11:37:25 | After playing many generic campaigns and a rough homebrew world for over ten years, I finally gave in to the nagging voice in the back of my head and began buying as much Greyhawk stuff as I could a over year ago, while still running the Shackled City AP, which had not yet become a part of Greyhawk. Once it was revealed to kinda take place in the Amedio Jungles, I told my players and some became interested. When the group broke up, those few stayed to play the Maure Castle module in Dungeon #112. I tried to lay as much history and interest as I could whenever they group would visit Seltaren to resupply. I even introduced some of the bigger players in the Greyhawk world, such as Bigby and Nystul (in the form of Nera, a young half-elf maiden). Now, I'll begin running the new AP in a couple of months and the players are excited beyond belief. They want a risky, but fun campaign that gives them more Greyhawk. And I'm more than happy to oblige; I only hope they can stick around long enough to face off against Kyuss. |
#123zombiegleemaxAug 14, 2005 9:53:07 | I'm currently piecing together a Greyhawk campaign using some Dungeon issues with various twists and turns to place in the plot and villains that the PCs will face. I've even started looking at older 2nd ed GH books because...well...somehow WotC hasn't put out much 3.0 stuff for us GH fans. :D I have the LGG, but that's pretty much it from what I've seen...and I bought "The Adventure Begins" to at least have some background on the City of Greyhawk to use as the begining of the adventure. I'm lucky that Dungeon has had issues covering Hardby, Diamond Lake, and maybe there is hope yet for GH. I'll post my campaign path if anyone is interested once I assemble it. |
#124zombiegleemaxAug 19, 2005 8:21:44 | I've been playing Greyhawk for a couple decades. Currently I am running a new game set in southern Nyrond using the Castles & Crusades rules. Before that we had a couple year campaign set around the Return to the Temple Of Elemental Evil* using 3.0 that slid back to 1e by the end of it. I've got new adventure ideas for those 10-13th level PC's that we will be playing out along with the current game. While I'd enjoy seeing more Greyhawk stuff in print I don't know if I'd buy it since prestige classes and feats are not applicable to my game, and I'm sure they would be at least half of any new material WOTC would put out. I mainly use the 1983 set with the LGG. But mostly the game is built around the 1983 set in terms of how the kingdoms are, the Great Kingdom isn't splintered in my campaign for example. I'm psyched for the Castle Zygag set. I'm definately going to run that. * I came to despise that adventure by the end of it. |
#125zombiegleemaxAug 23, 2005 13:42:28 | Currently playing Lost Caves... been motivating my DM to undust all those 1e modules and transform them to 3.5e.... he decided to set us up in Shieldlands, which is cool 'cause we get to do some guerrilla type fighting from time to time... but I would like to visit and establish in the Bandit Kingdoms, where being the good guy is a hazard to your health... anyways, would like to play LG but there's no RPGA in Mexico (no, i don't wear a sombrero... :P ) and also most DMs over here suck.... Bring back Planescape!!!! |
#126zombiegleemaxAug 27, 2005 14:42:46 | Greetings! I have been away from the boards for a long time, but have to weigh in now. I have been gaming for more years than I want to remember; my first campaign was Greyhawk. Of course back then, that's all there was. But since that time I have tried everything that TSR and WoTC has published, and I do mean everything ![]() I run an exclusively Greyhawk home group as well as a Greyhawk online play-by-post (looking for a game? ![]() I still check out new worlds, new products--if for no other reason than to keep current and to troll for ideas. I do like Eberron, and some non-WoTC products, but will probably just continue to pick up the books for reading purposes only. It's Greyhawk I love, and my players feel the same way. So please, please don't give up on the Oerth. For us it can never die. But we'd love to have something, ANYTHING new... Thanks |
#127ajsSep 01, 2005 16:06:48 | I'm running a game called Than Greyhawk ( ) which was originally aimed at using RTToEE as a launching pad for a lovecraftian game involving the ancient empires of the west, but it's evolved since I started it, and at this point it has no RTToEE left, and is its own thing. I have a fairly large group (5-7 depending) and we play once a month. I have to say that I've always loved Greyhawk, and running a game in it has made me love it all the more! I try to keep the game in sync with LG, but the information that comes out of LG is so disjoint, and so reliant on the modules, most of which I have no access to, I have to give up at some point and just say that the compatibility is "good enough". |
#128zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2005 14:41:38 | Hi All, Thought I would reply to this. I have been playing in Greyhawk for a couple of decades now. I have set campaigns in Hochoch (Keep on the Borderlands, The Horror on the Hill, Against the Cult of the Reptile God, I2), Verbobonc (the Temple of Elemental Evil + When a Star Falls), the Wild Coast/Pomarj (Slavelords), and have played/Dmed most of the other "classic" modules. Currently I am running through a campaign set in Onnwal (unsurprisingly). Creighton |
#129fharlangSep 06, 2005 16:48:31 | I started on GH in 1983 and have played it since. I bought 2 boxed sets back in the 80's and still have both. I currently run a 3.5 game in GH, I only use converted 1st edition modules. I have most of the 1st edition modules and I'm still in the process of converting the ones that I can't find online. The current goup has been through (N1) Against the Cult of The Reptile God, (T1-4) The Temple of Elemental Evil, (S-4) The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. I will continue to run GH even if WOTC never releases another GH product. :D |
#130zombiegleemaxSep 07, 2005 4:04:37 | I'm a newcomer to Greyhawk, relatively speaking. I grew up on games outside D&D (MSH, TORG, Rifts, Talislanta, Cyberpunk, Star Wars &c) and didn't pick up any D&D (save a copy of Isle of Dread I got in a charity shop once) until 3.0, when I got interested in the "open source" rules thing ... I kinda got hooked, and transferred over to 3.5 when the time came - I started a campaign and got interested in portraying something of the "classic" D&D feel, and after that, all roads lead to GreyHawk ... I'm currently GMing the Shackled City adventure path, with lots of modifications to make the area feel like the Amedio Jungle - I'm converting C1 Hidden Shrine ofTamoachan as a mid campaign break for my players. I recently got a mint condition 83 Greyhawk box set from E-bay; I'll be with this campaign setting until the starbreak. |
#131zombiegleemaxSep 07, 2005 9:47:07 | I don't actually run a GH campaign of my own, but I have (when I'm in the same country as the rest of the group) played in a modified 2nd edition campaign called The Mighty Fallen since October 1993 (woo - 12 years coming up soon!). It's been largely based in Nyrond and started off in Coldeven 586 CY in Midmeadow with the kingdom coming apart at the seams in the wake of the Greyhawk Wars. Since then, we've played through to the onset of Winter 590 CY (not continuously mind). In between our characters have gone from 1st to a smear of levels between 15th and 10th. I've managed to keep my bog standard fighter alive since week one, quite an acheivement when you consider we have no revifivication magic (that's right - no raises, resurrections, reincanations - nothing! You hit -11 hp and you're dead). He's now sitting on 13th level. Plotwise, the characters prevented a border war between the Pale and Nyrond orchestrated by agents of Iuz and Hextor; recovered the Wagon of Lareth from Castle Greyhawk for King Archbold III, escaping one of Iuz's prison camps and rescuing the wagon from the clutches of Cranzer of Riftcrag in the process (oh and accidentily sending Riftcrag into the Rift); Rescuing Crown Prince Lynwerd from a group of Hextorite kidnappers and returning him to Rel Mord in time to be crowned instead of his brother (Archbold having suffered a fatal "accident" while hunting); Fought in a winter campaign to reclaim the Flinty Hills from the Bone March; Travelled into the Rakers to find a Dwur city cut off for centuries to persuade them to ally with Nyrond against a Bone Marcher invasion; Fought against the Bone March at the First Siege of Womtham and at the subsequent Battle of Shinaery's Field (north-east of Rel Mord) where the Bone Marcher horde was destroyed by Nyrond, the Dwur of the Rakers, the olve of the Gamboge and the forces of the North Kingdom (!); Travelled into the Yatils to find an artifact that could summon Tiamat to the Oerth, then rushed to the Pillers of Azor Alq to prevent it being used for that purpose there, having been duped by a disguised Cranzer of Riftcrag (who was killed); Fought against the army of the Mak laying siege to the Free City of Greyhawk; Journeyed into the Suss and the Lortmils to recover hundreds of Greyhawker citizens carried off by a strange twisted race of Olve; Helped to overthrow a Pholtine theocracy that established it's rule in Greyhawk City; Fought against fiend and Pholtine alike in the fields of Tenh; Were employed by King Lynwerd to uncover a deep rooted conspiracy against his rule and his house among certain noble houses in Nyrond; Took part in a cleansing of powerful and ancient undead in the partially rebuilt ruins of Womtham; Mounted an expedition into the heart of the Griff/Rakers to recover a cache of ancient arms and armour for Nyrond and her Tenha refugee allies; Fought at the Second Siege of Womtham against the forces of Duke Szeffrin of Al Mor, where the duke was slain and Nyrond was victorious, but at the grevious cost of the flower of Nyrondese nobility and chivalry, who lay dead upon the field. And that's where we're up to now. Phew! ![]() |
#132ividOct 24, 2005 4:59:41 | Hey! Don't forget about this thread! *I know I am like the plague...* :D |
#133zombiegleemaxOct 24, 2005 15:31:08 | Hey! Don't forget about this thread! *I know I am like the plague...* :D Okay, okay! ![]() It's been over 15 years since I've run GH, and I'm about to begin a new campaign in GH. I began with thoughts of using Shackled City, but after reading through it, I found my notebook of changes becoming fatter and fatter. It's not my cup of tea. So back to the drawing board I went. It didn't take long before I discovered what EGG was up to these days with Castle Zagyg: Yggsburgh. I started reading about it, but then I was like -- Oh, man, but why couldn't he have done it in d20 3.5e? And what the heck is Castles & Crusades? The I started to do some research, and my curiosity turned into fascination with it all. Long story short, my GH campaign is CY 576, set in Yggsburgh, using the C&C rules system. I'm old-school, baby, but not as die-hard about it as some others are. I am willing to look at stuff that is post 1985. Of course the '83 GH boxed set is the bible of my campaign, but some authors (and fans for that matter -- some of whom are better writers than some of the published authors) have contrinuted some decent materials after EGG's departure from T$R. That's my GH, in a nutshell. --Ghul |
#134ElendurOct 24, 2005 15:34:35 | Where are you putting Yggsburg? |
#135zombiegleemaxOct 24, 2005 15:56:32 | Where are you putting Yggsburg? Good question. The man himself, EGG, has suggested that GH fans using CZ: Yggsburgh may want to consider placing Yggsburgh south of GH city, where the Ery River meets the Neen River. To do this would require a bit of improvisation with geography and the re-assignment of proper place names. I have chosen to do it as such: Neemo River = Neen River Urt River = Ery River I figure locals of the Yggsburgh region may have different names for these rivers than what is indicated on "official" maps. That's my excuse; your speed may vary. ![]() Also, Dunfalcon is to be the local name for Dyvers, even though the name implies it would be Greyhawk. The reason I do this is because all the literature in the CZ: Yggsburgh book notes that Dunfalcon is about 300 miles west. Since the GH maps show Dyvers at this location, and GH is about 60 miles north, it only makes sense to have Dunfalcon (again) be the name that locals of Yggsburgh refer to when speaking of Dyvers. That said, you can really put Yggsburgh wherever the heck you want. I think it's easily ported. --Ghul |
#136quirriffOct 25, 2005 20:35:13 | I'm a GH player I was introduced to the realness of the setting rather recently, although I did start on the Red box. |
#137fharlangOct 26, 2005 17:38:54 | BUT I want to ask every player, dungeon master or rpg enthusiast for Greyhawk who's presently browsing on these boards, to post here and tell us what was the last Greyhawk - related thing he/she did, when he/she played a Greyhawk adventure the last time and if he or she is going to do so in the future! I just filled in some of the gaps in my collection of 1st Edition modules. WG4, I2, C1. Just wanted to keep this thread alive. |
#138otiNov 04, 2005 19:06:19 | Have almost always played games based in the World of Greyhawk. Our current campaign has the older campaign (that my group played for 10 years or so) as history, and the old PCs (now retired from adventuring) show up as major characters sometimes. My current group used to be Good/Neutral, but after being captured and sold as slaves/gladiators, took the offer of one of the retired PCs from our old campaign (fighter/cleric of Hextor) and swore allegiance to him in exchange for freedom, with some resulting alignment changes. The cleric of Heironeous became a cleric of Hextor (he is now at the top of the most wanted list of the church of Heironeous!), the paladin became a blackguard, a rogue became an assassin. All of the party accepted except for a warrior who retired the character that remained a slave, and a rogue (me!) who also retired the character. The warrior now plays a wizard, and I play a druid. Once we finish this campaign we plan on playing the Shackled City Adventure Path, also setting it in Greyhawk. Hopefully we can have that one also tie in historically with our existing and old campaign. The only other campaign world we tried was Dark Sun, and while it was pretty cool especially because it was so different, nothing has ever compared to Greyhawk. I hope we see published material for the setting some day. Setting-specific prestige classes such as the Knights of the Hart, Knights of the Shield, etc. would be great to have! |
#139eagleyeNov 11, 2005 3:35:33 | My current campaign is located in Sunndi and its surroundings. The players started out at lvl 1, all trapped and without any equipment in a dungeon in the Glorioles mountainrange. They were held hostage by wererats, and made their way out with the help of some dwarves of the Kroonburzh Halls, Elthyn Clan, part of the Glorvardum. The full-human party consists of a rogue, a fighter and two rangers. The funny thing is that the fighter is taking the Vampire Template Class and that one of the rangers has Favoured Enemy(Undead). They're unaware of eachother about that. The fighter's mother has been bitten by Kas while she was pregnant and died in labour. The fighter himself is unaware that Kas is behind this.. |
#140vedicdragonNov 11, 2005 13:40:22 | My current PC is an 3.5 update of an Oeridian character native to the City of Greyhawk, that went planar. Greyhawk is one of, by far, the best settings to play in simply because of its simple-at-a-glance veneer, framing an otherwise overwhelmingly complex atmosphere of politics, religion, economic and social conflict. It is by far, upon reflection, my 2nd favorite setting, tied with Krynn, following close on the heels of Planescape. My fondest memories are importing Planar characters back into greyhawk, and having their reactions to seeing the looks on "normal" commonfolk at these half-fiends, half-celestlias and children of Elementals. And of course, the Classics never Die. White Plume Mountain, Keep on the Borderlands, Against the Giants. We Remember Our Fallen. Semper Fi: Knights of the Great Kingdom. Sticking it to all 'comers since 'back in the day. |
#141janusunajNov 30, 2005 11:29:28 | Greyhawk seems cool and kind of darker than Forgotten Realms in a way. However, I like the idea that Good can actually be an ideal which is higher than neutrality. I call BS on neutrality, big time. |
#142MedrievNov 30, 2005 13:56:57 | Have not played for over ten years now but still write my own fiction (for my own entertainment) using D&D as the game engine and do so almost exclusively in Greyhawk. Last playing experience was as a DM, running the Fate of Istus (a superb panoramic adventure IMO) and intermixing the Falcon Trilogy (also excellent IMO). I own (as far as I know) every GH product, mostly in hardcopy but some in PDF format and will buy anything with even a passing reference to the setting. I am a huge fan! |
#143eclavdraNov 30, 2005 18:16:41 | Most of our group started in Greyhawk in 81, we've built so much background, modules and history ourselves no way we will ever change, still to this day every adventure we buy, our DM fits it perfectly into Greyhawk! We've brought in new people from the Realms, Dark Sun and Dragonlance, they have never once asked to change worlds... Most of our group was hard pressed to switch from 2nd edition to 3.0! Ecla |
#144zombiegleemaxDec 03, 2005 20:55:32 | I have been playing DnD for 4 years now and I have always played in Greyhawk. I have played the Forgotten Realms, Faerun, Eberron etc but nothing compares to Greyhawk. All 11 of the people that I play DnD with also love Greyhawk. If Greyhawk books or products were to be sold again. I would buy everyone of them. GREYHAWK IS MY LIFE!! |
#145zombiegleemaxDec 04, 2005 15:58:07 | I bought the boxed set in '83 and ran my first campaign in '84. By '87 I had given up on the AD&D system, but not on Greyhawk. My most recent campaign ended less than a year ago and mostly involved the South Province, the Wild Coast, and Greyhawk City set in the From the Ashes era. Since I do not use modules and since my campaigns tend to involve lots of political intrigue, it is never difficult to translate the setting into a different game system. |
#146ElendurDec 04, 2005 22:29:17 | What system are you using, if I might ask? |
#147zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2005 15:13:01 | What system are you using, if I might ask? DragonQuest. It is very out of print. But I have also used GURPS rules in Greyhawk. |
#148ElendurDec 05, 2005 21:25:47 | Interesting. I actually have the 3rd edition of DragonQuest, published by TSR, oddly enough. I never played it though. How did it work out? |
#149zombiegleemaxDec 05, 2005 21:34:03 | It worked out very well, but I use the 2nd edition published by SPI along with some of the rules from the Thieves' World supplement published by Chaosium. Just saying that makes me feel old for some reason. |
#150zombiegleemaxDec 08, 2005 19:47:40 | Well after reading through the thread, I had to go back and check what the original question was! So for my purposes (and anyone who suffers similar thinking impairment).....Hello my friends on the WotC boards, After some GURPS, Cuthulhu one-offs, etc finished, we (that is my gaming circle, not the royal we) decided to give the new version of DnD a go. Fell into default role of Ref/DM, and am now running a WoG campaign. Last game - last Sunday, next game – next Sunday. All things being well it’ll run for a couple of years at least. What can I say, there really is only one official setting I’ve ever ran or am likely to run DnD wise. ![]() As to the last Greyhawk related thing I did.... earlier tonight I was rooting around various source books, old dragons, etc to dig out certain info for a "Greyhawk for dummies" handout, focused on campaign relevant areas and issues, for the players who aren't familiar with it all. P.S It worked out very well, but I use the 2nd edition published by SPI along with some of the rules from the Thieves' World supplement published by Chaosium. heh heh funny enough I still occassionally plunder the Thieves' World stuff when I'm getting a city based adventure set up ![]() And as to feeling old... I aim to be gaming till they pry the last d8 from my cold dead hands! ![]() Always thought RPG's would be the ideal stuff for the retirement home communal rooms (I'm not quite there yet mind you) - not too strenuous, keeps the brain ticking over, etc etc. :D |
#151CennediDec 10, 2005 8:43:14 | putting togather a few player handouts to reintroduce my game group to greyhawk. been scouring my old 1e modules and dragon magazines as well as hitting up online sites like a dervish. Setting my campaign in the Principality of Ulek :fight!: I started in Greyhawk went to forgotten realms for a decade and am now back home in Greyhawk. eberron to me is laughable, I would never run or play that much less pay for a book from that setting. |
#152stebehilDec 19, 2005 4:45:57 | I´m running a Greyhawk campaign with the four slavelords modules (i´ve never gotten my hands on the Scourge of the Slavelords supermodule, but it is probably not worth bothering). It is set in 576 CY. I used the old D&D Castle Amber in between (I just love that crazy story). My group of four just finished A2. They seem to think they are finished now, not having discovered the onward-leading clues yet ![]() I´m not yet decided which direction the campaign will go afterwards, either Queen of the Spiders or something about the Scarlet Brotherhood. I´ve been collecting Greyhawk material since about 1988 or so, and got most of the game relating material to date. The novels are somewhat hard to get in Europe, and the 1980 Folio also, it seems. Stefan |
#153oaklockDec 19, 2005 21:12:00 | I´m not yet decided which direction the campaign will go afterwards, either Queen of the Spiders or something about the Scarlet Brotherhood. The Queen of Spiders (GDQ1-7) has a connection from the Scourge of the Slavelords mods. |
#154CennediDec 19, 2005 22:42:25 | The Queen of Spiders (GDQ1-7) has a connection from the Scourge of the Slavelords mods. yep and it is good stuff. |
#155stebehilDec 20, 2005 4:14:38 | Yeah, I know and have Queen of the Spiders. I just have to decide if I want to use it and make it a real "classics" campaign. Stefan |
#156ElendurDec 20, 2005 10:33:07 | That's what I'm doing. I've run the A series already and we're into the G series now. I'm running the original mods, not the compilations, though I have them for background info. |
#157CennediDec 20, 2005 12:17:29 | Probably my long term plans aswell though I am starting with the B1 and B2 mods then will probably jump around the Principality of Ulek for a few the head up to Hommlet and run the T1 and temple of elemental evil followed by A1-4 and G1-4 D1-3 and Q1 Thats the long term plan for my campaign but as we all know no plan survives contact with the players. ;) |
#158ElendurDec 20, 2005 14:56:29 | You'll need to level slow and/or adjust the levels for the later modules to make that work. |
#159fharlangDec 20, 2005 16:14:24 | It depends on what version you are using, I convert 1st edition modules to 3.5 and most of them are a lot more dangerous than the suggested level printed on the module. For instance N-1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God is suggested for 1-3 level characters, 4th and 5th level 3.5 characters barely made it out. ![]() |
#160ividFeb 14, 2006 1:03:51 | *bump* |
#161extempusFeb 14, 2006 3:30:20 | Other than the occasional foray into another time, world, parallel universe or plane, we pretty much stick to Greyhawk. The other worlds we visit are not any of the other official (or formerly official) gameworlds, but rather most are of our own devising... the very first adventure I played was The Keep on the Borderlands (like who hasn't???), and we did The Village of Hommlet immediately afterwards. I was pretty much hooked on Greyhawk from that point, and have never seen any reason to change... we're still using 2nd edition modules and sourcebooks, and also the LGG for adventuring ideas... |
#162rothandalantearicFeb 23, 2006 17:24:28 | Yah, Running a Greyhawk game for about a year now. Currently in Gradsul about to put my players through Dungeon Magazines latest Challenge of Champions. Please sir, may I have some more Greyhawk material.... (The orphan master looks outraged) More!! You want MORE!! |
#163kelanenprinceofswordsFeb 23, 2006 21:53:40 | Viva la Flanaess! |
#164zombiegleemaxFeb 24, 2006 19:37:35 | A group of friends and I started with GH in 86 while in the army. We still get together three maybe four times a year to play in what has turned out to be a very long campaign:D. I think I've traveled Greyhawk far more than I ever did Germany. I've had many good memories with this old world. We keep the spirit alive by talking about past games and laughing how the younger generation thinks the new books, worlds, systems hitting the shelves are new material. Reminds me when the scooters with handle bars made a come back last year. All the kids thought it was a new invention! LOL. Sigh.... Personally I don't wait for new GH material. I've been creating new material for 20 plus years now. If my friends or I need inspiration we look at other gaming systems such as the white wolf system, or cyberpunk etc. That does mean I won't purchase d20 products... no, but I will purchase only those books I think will enhance my GH campaign. |
#165zombiegleemaxFeb 25, 2006 21:04:36 | Oh...I should probably add my support as well. I'm first and foremost a DM, and have been for many, many moons... That say'd, my newest group is pretty new to D&D in general, so I've been slowly introducing them to Greyhawk. I use bought adventures for the most part, and set them all on Oerth. My players were skeptical at first, but ever since Dungeon put out that massive 'killer' map o' the Flanaess, they can't get enough of the world! Vegepygmies unite! |
#166ividApr 29, 2006 6:03:40 | ![]() ;) So, no new Hawkers in a while... How's it going? |
#167zombiegleemaxMay 25, 2006 7:59:56 | kudos to that! although I've shifted to and fro many D&D campaign settings over 10 long years (planescape, dark sun, FR, ravenloft, the hunt - this one from mystic eye games - , greyhawk) only Greyhawk and Dark Sun really found their way into my heart and to the top of my players' preferences. I would certainly purchase Greyhawk specific material, should it be really SPECIFIC and not some more bland flavor-lacking generic stuff which could "easily fit into most existing campaign settings" , but I understand that wizards will probably never do such a thing. I currently run a campaign centered around the classic "keep on the Borderlands" and it's probably the finest DM experience I've had in years add that to my last year's "shackled city" campaign (although I found it waaaay too rules heavy) and to my 2004 "temple of elemental evil" (the original one from the big guy - Gary Gygax) campaign plus Many future projects which include the Istivin adventure path from Dungeon, the Falcon Trilogy (remember anyone?) campaign & the slavers finally I should add that all my campaigns are based on strictly weekly scheduled sessions and you'll probably figure out that I am REALLY in love with all this old material and my players (average 5-6) quite enjoy it too If only those LG gazetteers were most widely distributed and not only as a gift for LG members... ...anyway... hails to all Greek RPG junkies out there!! |
#168theocratissakMay 25, 2006 9:49:57 | Hi all - Now that I've finally graduated, I'm going to DM again. 2 zombie kids (just 'cause all kids are crappy, and teenagers are worse, and teenagers are brain dead, they can't really be classified as "alive"), and school just didn't leave time for planning a campaign and each session - when I worked at the college I pretty much spent 8 hrs a week (on the clock) working my game, so I had time to do it. Now I'm looking for work at the college again (so I have time to plan the campaign!), but even if I don't there is a difference between coming home from work and coming home from class and doing homework. When I've done "modules" or edits of modules from Dungeon, I've always used Greyhawk and whatever environs the module. But I've often wondered about people using the Spider-Queen supermodule. You really have to travel from city to city, and in some cases from region to region. In the olden days - when I wasn't a zombie (cause I played D&D, so I couldn't have been brain dead), we ran through the module and pretty much left out the front door and began A2 ,and then moved to A3 and so forth. So much simplier. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that, and yesterdays modules kinda helped facilitate that, whereas the latest Dungeon adventure is so much more thought out. I've decided that since my players don't generally really care much about the whole backstory and underlining plots and irritatnt that they did to some minor baker that is really a spy for someone important, that I may want to go back to a simplier time as well. So what do you guys do when using the super modules? Do you go from Session 6 and ending A1 to session 7 and the opening bell of A2 or are you making them travel from Narwell to Safeton (or whatever city, I just remember those 2 off the top of my head) as an in-between filler? If you update them to 3.5 rules, do you also update them to the current timeline (590 or 596 [the only good thing I think the RPGA has done]). If you do move the timeline and kinda make the A series as either it never happened back in the day, or this is new people (the names of the past ppl are changed - or as in my case, the players likely wouldn't know the difference) or do you do something else. Thanks for your input. Be Well. Theocrat |
#169ElendurMay 25, 2006 18:01:37 | So what do you guys do when using the super modules? I ran the A1-4 series and am now running Q1-7, so I can give you my experiences. As far as travel between modules, I do do it, mainly for leveling up and getting done the stuff that logically doesn't occur in the dungeon. Usually there is 2 to 3 in-between sessions where people train, buy gear, follow leads, etc. Really though the connections between each module are straight forward, often just a map leading right to the next dungeon. G2 even had a teleporter that lead straight to the start of G3 (I took that out, it seemed cheesy). So I do make them travel, but it usually is very abbreviated. I'm not a fan of rolling on wandering monster tables every day. I like to get to the dungeon. As far as the filler the super module compilation adds, I pick and choose. I played the A series from the original modules, I didn't think it needed much embellishment. I played the G's from the originals as well, but now that we're moving into the D series I'm using some background from the Queen of Spiders super. Geographically both the slavers and queen of spiders are in or near the sheldomar valley region, so the travel isn't excessive. Timeline wise, I'm playing it really loose. The campaign started at 591, just for the convenience of using the LGG, but pretending the events of the old modules haven't happened yet. We are playing with the 3.5 ruleset, but since I'm familiar with 1e I can convert them pretty much on the fly. I get what you are saying about the 'old school feel'. I like to add a bit of 'stuff' (travel, roleplaying, npc's, intrique, etc) but the focus of my game is definitlely kick in the door style, get down in the dungeon, kill stuff and take their loot. |
#170ividJul 21, 2006 16:56:23 | ![]() |
#171newoldguyJul 22, 2006 11:25:17 | Let's see . Started playing around 1983 . Obviously started with Greyhawk . Tried Forgotten Realms , but never cared that much for it . Dark Sun & Starjammer = bleh . From what I've seen of Ebberon , it still won't replace Greyhawk in my mind as the world I want to game in . If they would come out with some new items for the setting ( & I don't mean magazine articles or play by mail stuff ) I'd be there in a flash to check them out . Also , I'm 42 and don't play much at all due to working and such , but this would probably be the thing to kick my gaming bug into gear again . |
#172consheyJul 23, 2006 19:05:00 | im more recent to LG than most ppl on this board but in the 4 months ive started i've already talked to a circle member about writing official games and starting my on 'chapter' in a city i'll b moving to soon. as far as im concerned it is a continually expanding campaign. Filled with character depth that wouldn't be attainable with outside campaigns (generally speaking of course, really devoted GM's can reach that, but it's like having another fulltime job) I am a native of Nyrond, and am moving to County Urnst, and i am happy that it still is going strong. Conshey |
#173hand_of_mystraAug 14, 2006 23:38:54 | I play LG (which should not count as it had its own crew and WoTC can keep track of ho wmuch playing there is). I am playign in a campaign that just started RttToEE. I am DMing a group that is starting in the Hold of the Sea Princes. |
#174myrpgAug 21, 2006 6:18:07 | Currently playing a half-orc (wizard/cleric) in a still ongoing Greyhawk campaign. Last adventure was "Trouble at Tragidore", and now we have arrived Greyhawk itself. The timeline is twenty years before LG. |
#175zombiegleemaxSep 10, 2006 22:19:32 | I'm currently running Dungeon's Age of Worms set in the Flanaess. The players have been to Diamond Lake, Blackwall Keep, the Mistmarsh, and the Free City of Greyhawk itself for some fine, and often deadly adventures. They have made friends with some of the former associates of Tenser (though they do not yet realize it) and have a healthy business relationship with the church of Boccob in Greyhawk (I mean, of course, that they have made considerable donations in exchange for considerable spellcasting). When the Age of Worms campaign concludes, I plan to launch a Castle Greyhawk campaign with a 1st edition feel to it. I will use a hybrid of 1e/3e rules (I feel most 2e changes were a step in the wrong direction) that favor 1e character creation methods and 3e combat mechanics. I will slow down the accumulation of XP to about 1/4 the rate of 3.5 to let players have more time to get attached to their characters and less time to worry about leveling up. I plan to use some of old AD&D adventures for some exciting side treks for the campaign. |
#176zombiegleemaxSep 11, 2006 20:00:57 | I ran the 3.5 versions of White Plume Mountain and Tomb of Horrors. They were awesome! One player at the end of ToH, was so mad at finding out that some of the treasure was fake or cursed, that he started demolishing the dungeon from the ground up, courtesy of Stone Shape. |
#177tobus_nethSep 12, 2006 18:58:11 | Yeah put some Greyhawk stuff in the Downloads!!!Ruins of Greyhawk!some other stuff as well! |
#178ividMar 16, 2007 3:24:37 | Now, after some years without too much itnerest in this call any more, I am deleting the link to this thread from my sig. However, Greyhawk is still far from being forgotten, and maybe, one day, we will see it completely resurrected again. ![]() |
#179bigjohn01Mar 17, 2007 14:30:23 | Long live Greyhawk. It is my favorite world. It is just a classic. I mean I love FR and others, but they just don't have the special little qualities Greyhawk does. Oerth was the first place I started gaming in so it is pretty special to me. |
#180zombiegleemaxMar 18, 2007 13:29:54 | Currently running an urban campaign set within the Bandit Kingdoms. My players frequent this forum so I don't want to get in to the nitty-gritty of the campaign but it involves stopping the forces of Iuz from recovering an ancient Flan artifact from the ruins below the city and foiling the machinations of a crime family dedicated to Fraz-Urb'luu. |
#181drowbattlemindJun 17, 2007 9:35:13 | I started back in 1982, with a copy of the blue-boxed D&D rules and the World of Greyhawk boxed set. We switched to AD&D shortly thereafter, and haven't looked back, in terms of rules-sets. We're now 3.5, and it's all good, since after two decades, I can just look at the modules and convert in my head. (flip the AC from 10- to 10+, save vs X should be XY, etc...) Yeah, I know... GEEK!!!!! :D Having a solid 1.0 foundation, upgraded with 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 material, I use what helps my game, leave what doesn't. Since Psionics originated in the AD&D PHB, we use the Expanded Psionics Handbook (as well as stuff from Complete Psionic and Secrets of Sarlonna), the Drow (and half-Drow) as PC's started in the TSR AD&D edition of Unearthed Arcanna, so we swipe that from the FR hardcover (and Races of Faerun book). Rules give you the foundation to PLAY in the game, but the flavor text gives you the information and inspiration to BE in the game. Unfortunately, most of the Greyhawk stuff has been written in a very... dry manner. I've found that amongst D&D players (of various editions) that this is why many flee to the nearest alternate setting as soon as they can. (That, and magpie syndrome "Oooh, SHINY!") If WoG's 'flavor' text was written in a more prose-like style, we'd win back the majority of the FR kids (not sure if we really want back the Eberron kids, though... go play with your psionic robot PC elsewhere...) (joking) To put things another way- Forgotten Realms is... nice... Eberron is... bloody weirder than Planescape, really (magical robot PC's?)... ...but Greyhawk is HOME |
#182jewelprotectorJun 25, 2007 12:55:32 | Our last Greyhawk campaign was a year ago. We do switch from time to time, but Greyhawk is probably my favorite setting. I want to take up that story again...things were getting really cool for our weird little gang...![]() |
#183maldinJun 25, 2007 15:00:44 | Hmmm... can't believe I had not contributed to this thread before! Must remedy. :D All the old-timers here already know this about me, but for the newcomers... Started my Greyhawk campaign in 1980 back when there were no other campaign worlds (not formal ones, anyways). Never turned back. Its been a continuous unbroken timeline since then with new PCs hearing about the exploits of past PCs a (real) quarter century ago! My players have also ventured into Planescape and Spelljammer, (after all, I am responsible for officially placing published connections to the World Serpent Inn in both cities of Greyhawk and Irongate.... Bwaaahahaha!!!) but my campaign and most of the PCs therein are all still Greyhawk-based. Greyhawk Rules! Denis, aka "Maldin" Maldin's Greyhawk Loads of edition-independent Greyhawk goodness... maps, magic, mysteries, mechanics, and more! |
#184elberethsilverleafJun 27, 2007 3:08:11 | I'm someone who started with 1.0 as well. Our main change to Greyhawk canon was the height/weight stats for elves. Elves were only slightly shorter than humans on average,(5'10"), with males & females having the same average height. I carried this idea through when I DMd my own campaigns. |
#185ividJun 27, 2007 3:48:42 | FYI; after a long hiatus from Greyhawk as a DM, I am looking forward to run an old Imagina Magazine adventure, *Beauty Is But Skin Deep*, set in Greyhawk's Crookport, shortly after the War.![]() |
#186rob_douglasJun 27, 2007 8:29:33 | I've been playing DND in Greyhawk since the old folio, but had a long hiatus in the middle. I started a group in Greyhawk at 1st level 11 years ago and we have been playing the same campaign ever since. They are now 22nd level, and I am just getting into more far reaching planar plots. I have used many of the classics in our journey, including ToEE, Against the Giants, and some old Drow stuff from Dragon. We have used a lot of the City, established a temple to Pholtus in the Cairn Hills, retaken Delcomben Castle in the Shields Lands, Entered Dorakaa prisons and returned, and been put on trial for heresy in The Pale. Its been fun - and the fun keeps going. Next up - Darnakurian's Doom.... ROB |
#187vincienteJan 17, 2010 20:14:57 | I have been running & playing Generic Greyhawk adventures for about 20 years. Most of the games being set in regions and towns that have been 100% made-up due to the lack of Greyhawk specific information. I was extatic when Dungeon Issues 118-121 came out with the 4 parts to Greyhawk World Map. Resources like that have been stumbled upon so few and far between. Now that we are coming into a renewing (new era) of the game worlds, much of the bits and pieces I had gathered before are no longer accurate for the current canon. While I do play Forgotten Realms games more because the information is easier to find. I truly desire to have resources revealed that are just as informative and useful for the Greyhawk setting, as the multitude of Forgotten Realms setting resources. I hope my post here will find viewing by people who either can tell me specifically what current resources (beyong the core books) are available for Greyhawk aswell as where (actual links) I can find them. If there are not resources that have information like this then I hope that staff would take into deep consideration making a few comprehensive products for those who still love being able to use the original worlds as much as the the others. |