KoD and Interchangable Parts



Feb 08, 2005 23:49:58
I have read through the KoD as was wondering something. Throughout the module, the NPCs and enemies all feel to necessary (to me at least), in the sense of Verminard in the first Chronicles Module. I was wondering, are there any villains and NPC's that I could swap out to give the module (and entire KoD, SoS, etc series) a more personal and dark feel?

For example, I ran a massive campaign on DL back in 98'. This campaign spanned two years, and only 5 of the original 7 PCs lived to tell the tale. Of those 5, 3 lived into old age. I started that campaign at the outset of the 5th age, and those 3 living heroes would still be alive in the Age of Mortals. If I wanted to, where might I slip in my old heroes so that those that were involved with the old campaign (and would now be in the KoD campaign) could have that sense of nestalgia.

The Heroes are (after 3.5 updating):

Human Fighter 10 / Legendary Tactition 10

Human Fighter 7 / Knight of the Lily 10 / Steel Legionnaire 3

and Human Cleric 15 / Dragonrider 5

In no way would I want these characters to be traveling partners or in a role where their exsistance would break the game, but I would love to include them. Then again, I also want to add in my Kapak Cancer Mage somewhere.


Feb 09, 2005 6:31:15
It's unlikely that those characters will see any real use until near the end of Spectre of Sorrows, or in Price of Courage. They're 20th level NPCs and there just aren't many of those around.



Feb 09, 2005 7:44:06
As Cam said, you might want to save those NPCs until later, though if you really wanted to get one of them into the campaign in KoD, Ak-Khurman might be a place to do it. It's a city with a fairly big population and an open Legion of Steel presence that's trying to thwart the not-so-far-away Dark Knights. Or you could slip one of them into the Dark Knight controlled (kind-of) Port Balifor, though I don't really see any need for one there. Putting one of them in a KoD campaign might be a little much, though, and you may just want to wait until your current group is on a more comparable level. Good luck!

--Tamora Amberleaf