Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1sweetmeatsFeb 18, 2005 19:23:46 | I recently decided to change from my usual Dragonlance setting to something more generic and "traditional" in feel, so I picked up the GreyHawk Gaz and the Living Greyhawk Gaz as well. In the LG book it mentions several types of elves: High, Wood, Gray, Wood, Wild, and Valley. It seems they all use the standard elf racial package, so they are all rule-wise the same. Someone has mentioned that Gray elves get different stat modifiers. Is that true, and if so where can I find said changes? And what is a Gray and Valley elf? And whats the difference between Wild and Wood elves? Thanx. |
#2ArgonFeb 18, 2005 21:06:30 | I noticed you mentioned the Wood Elves Twice. However if you had the 2nd edition Elves Handbook it has different stat blocks for all of the elven subraces except the Valley and Grugach. However if your looking for alternative information on Elves and the subraces you can follow the link below to one of my articles on canonfire. I know it's a shameless plug of my article, but what can I say I'm shameless. Their is also a boat load of fan material which is supported by fans which where a part of Greyhawk from it's grass roots to it's current format of Living greyhawk. So you will definitely find tons of good information their. Another great site is check it out it is chock full of useful Greyhawk links. Enjoy! |
#3sweetmeatsFeb 18, 2005 22:01:30 | I noticed you mentioned the Wood Elves Twice. Doh! Thats what you get for posting whilst suffering insomnia. However if you had the 2nd edition Elves Handbook it has different stat blocks for all of the elven subraces except the Valley and Grugach. I sold all my 2nd ed stuff when 3.0 came out. So I can assume then that there is no changes to the different elves stats under 3rd? However if your looking for alternative information on Elves and the subraces you can follow the link below to one of my articles on canonfire. I signed up to Canonfire yesturday but haven't had the time to look through it all yet. I'll check your articles out when I'm more awake. Thanx. Another great site is check it out it is chock full of useful Greyhawk links. Enjoy! Thanx. I'll look into that site as well. |
#4armitageFeb 19, 2005 1:49:33 | In the LG book it mentions several types of elves: From the Monster Manual: High Elf: Standard Elf Wood Elf: Additional +2 Str, -2 Int. Favored Class-Ranger. Gray Elf: Additional +2 Int, -2 Str. Wild Elf: +2 Dex, -2 Int instead of standard. Favored Class-Sorcerer. From Living Greyhawk Journal #2: Valley Elf: As High Elf. +4 racial bonus to Disguise to try to look human. -2 Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate when dealing with other elven subraces. Gray Elf-Noble, aloof, and arrogant elves living in mountain citadels. Valley Elf-High Elf offshoot living in the Vale of the Mage. Servants and soldiers of the Mage of the Valley. Wood elves are more reclusive than normal elves and live in ancient forests. Wild elves are savage nomadic barbarians. |
#5sweetmeatsFeb 19, 2005 9:14:00 | Thankyou. Thats exactlly what I was looking for. ![]() |
#6zombiegleemaxFeb 19, 2005 10:16:50 | There are also the Grugach. They are a "race" of elves whom dislike the human incursion and even shun other elves, as they blame them for allowing the humans and other races to flourish across the lands. Kinda.. Whether they are a race is up for debate. I think they are just a sect of wood elf supremecists, but whatever... |
#7sweetmeatsFeb 19, 2005 11:50:52 | Gray Elf-Noble, aloof, and arrogant elves living in mountain citadels. Are they based in a specific area, or do they have these strongholds throughout the mountains of the Flanaess? |
#8clobberintimeFeb 24, 2005 11:15:01 | Elves in GH are kind of the reverse of elves in FR and canon D+D right now, Gray elves look like moon elves only a little paler and more with Silver hair, and the High elves look like gold elves but have the traditional D+D stats. the major high elve enclave is highmoon, which is south of the Vesve and NW of furyondy along the river there. the major gray elve enclave is Celene, these elves are xenophobic human dislikers who stick to themselves and are High level mages. Honestly all my GH stuff is in storage so this is from memory. The other major high elf cities are in Sunni I think... |
#9max_writerFeb 24, 2005 11:35:04 | Here are the 3rd Ed Stats for the Grugach I used when I converted Chadranther's Bane from Dungeon Magazine to 3rd Ed a few months ago. Grugach elves (War1): CR 1; medium humanoid (4 ft. 6 inches tall/90 lb.); HD 1d8+1; hp 7 each; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt), touch 11, flat footed 14; BAB +1; Grapple +2; Atk +3 melee or ranged (1d6+1, crit x2, range incr. 20 ft., short spear) or +2 melee or ranged (1d4+1, crit 19-20/x2, range incr. 10 ft., dagger); Full Atk +1 melee or ranged (1d6+1, crit x2, range incr. 20 ft., short spear) or +2 melee or ranged (1d4+1, crit 19-20/x2, range incr. 10 ft., dagger); SQ Elven Traits; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL CN; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 9. Skills: Hide -1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2. Feats: Weapon Focus (short spear) Languages: Common, Elven. SA/SQ — Elf Racial traits (Ex): Proficient with long sword, rapier, longbow, composite long bow, shortbow and composite shortbow; immunity to magical sleep spells and effects; +2 Will save vs. enchantment spells and effects; Low-light vision — can see twice as far as a human in torchlight, starlight, or moonlight. Equipment: Chain shirt, short spear, dagger. These look like small, very slim wood elves. They have yellow to copper red skin and dark green and brown clothing. They all have very broad shoulders. This might not be entirely accurate (especially the equipment but they were shrunk to an inch tall at the time and having to make do). I'm also writing from work with only these notes available. [NOTE: The skills take into account the chain shirts.] I ran them as xenophobic wood elves (and we all know how xenophobic wood elves are). The PCs were smart enough to avoid them. |
#10cwslyclghFeb 24, 2005 12:02:15 | You guys DO realize that Wild Elf (as listed in the Monster manual) is just another name for grugach right... in fact the Monster manual entry on wild elf starts with the words... "Wild elves, also known as Grugach, are...." |
#11zombiegleemaxFeb 24, 2005 13:34:19 | Here ya go... Wild Elf I personally change the rapier prof. to falchion but other than that use them as is. |
#12max_writerFeb 24, 2005 15:07:59 | You guys DO realize that Wild Elf (as listed in the Monster manual) is just another name for grugach right... in fact the Monster manual entry on wild elf starts with the words... "Wild elves, also known as Grugach, are...." No, I didn't. I used the 3.0 MM for my conversion but never noticed it in either. |
#13cwslyclghFeb 24, 2005 15:17:36 | it says it in both 3.0 and 3.5 ![]() |
#14scoti_garbidisFeb 25, 2005 15:40:51 | man, those grugach can be real pain in the ranger keester.... huh? Max? actually they bore me... put me to sleep that is... ;) |
#15mcbardFeb 26, 2005 11:05:43 | Hey, SweetMeats, check out the entry in the Living Greyhawk Gaz on the country of Celene. It's perhaps the only elf-majority country in Greyhawk (aside from the Valley of the Mage, I suppose), and I believe it is highly represented by gray elves |