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#1alhadisFeb 28, 2005 19:47:12 | G’day, fellow Dark Sun fanatics. :-) I’m wondering if any of you can provide me with the 2nd-edition statistics for the 10th-level spell “Wall of Ash” (although if anybody knows of an ‘official’ conversion done by somewhere, that’d be preferable as well). Not asking for anybody to do a conversion for me, just the spell’s description, statistics, etc. I think it was first mentioned in the “Defilers of Athas” supplement. If somebody could post them or e-mail them, I’d really appreciate it. ^_~; To tell the truth, there was a few other high-level spells that I’d been hoping somebody could provide stats and descriptions for (“Magical plague”, “Rift”, and “Reverse Winds”; all of which I assume are Dark Sun-related spells), but the “Wall of Ash” spell is my first priority. ^-^; Anybody helping me out will be given my sincerest thanks and a cookie. Thanks in advance! - Alhadis! ![]() |
#2zombiegleemaxFeb 28, 2005 19:58:42 | Here ya go! I hope it's legal to post this...... Wall of Ash (Evocation) Range: 0 Components: V,S,M Preparation Time: 5 DAYS Duration: SPECIAL Casting Time: 2 TURNS Area of Effect: SPECIAL Saving Throw:neg This spell creates a barrier of ash that is deadly to living creatures. Touching it can cause great damage, and crossing it causes instant death. During the preparation time, the wizard must dig or have dug a small trench, one foot wide and one foot deep, in the shape he wants the wall when it is cast. If not personally involved, the wizard must personally oversee the digging of the trench for at least four hours per day during preparation. The wall can be of any shape, and as long as 30 yards per caster level above 20th. The ash appears in the trench and is piled one foot above the ground. Contact with the ash causes 1d10 points of damage per segment, meaning potentially 10d10 points for an entire round. Crossing completely over the ash causes any living creature to die, its life completely absorbed by the deadly ash. The creature must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic with a -10 penalty to survive. Jumping or flying makes no difference. Even living creatures attempting to cross through the astral or ethereal planes must save or die. Dimension door can be used to cross safely, but teleport cannot. Magic, psionics, missile weapons, and other non-living things can cross the wall without penalty. Undead creatures can cross without penalty. Ash golems suffer no saving throw penalty when crossing. The caster and allies are just as subject to damage and death as enemies are. This spell’s material component is a sack of ash collected from the remains of a defiler of the same level of the caster. |
#3pringlesFeb 28, 2005 20:00:21 | Wall of Ash Range:0 Component VSM Preparation time: 5 days Duration special Casting time 2 turns Aera of effect: Special Saving throw neg Preparation time: the wizard must dig a small trench one foot wide and one foot deep in the shape of the wall he want. The wizard can oversee the digging of the trench by other people for a duration of 4 hours per day. The wall can be of any shape and as long as 30 yards per caster level above 20. The ash appear in the trench and is pilled one foot above the ground. Contact with the ash cause 1d10 pts of dmg per segment, meaning potentially 10d10 for an entire round. Crossing compeltly over the ash cause any living creature to die (saving throw -10 penalty to survive). Dimension door can be used to pass it safely but teleport cannot. Magic psionic, missile weapons can cross the wall without penalty. Undead can also cross without penalty. The spell component is a sack of ash from a defiler corpse of the same level of the caster. |
#4alhadisFeb 28, 2005 21:16:07 | Awesome! Thanks you two, this has helped me a lot! :D I appreciate you taking the time to write out the spell's description and statistics... don't worry, I'm pretty sure that it's legal, as it's material from an out-of-print product. ^-^; Besides, I've seen people exchanging 2nd edition material over public message boards before without being molested by legality issues, so it should all be okay. ^_~; Thanks! BTW: You wouldn't happen to have the stats/description for the other three spells I mentioned, would you? Hope I'm not being too demanding by asking this, as I *hate* to abuse somebody's generosity. o_0; |
#5jon_oracle_of_athasMar 01, 2005 14:22:58 | From Cliff at the Epic Bureau: Rift Necromancy Spellcraft DC: 33 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Personal Area: 360 yards around caster Duration: ~8 1/2 hours (5120 rounds) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 297,000 Cp; 6 days; 11,880 XP. Seed: gate (Based off of gate spell: DC 31), Seed: enervate (Based off of enervation spell: DC 24). Factor: increase area of effect to 1080 ft. or 360 yards (+24 DC), increase duration to ~8 1/2 hours or 5120 rounds (+14 DC). Mitigating factor: 1-minute casting time (-2 DC), burn 5,500 XP on casting (–55 DC). With this spell, the wizard magically brings the Negative Material plane closer to the Prime Material plane, creating a rift between the two centered upon himself. Upon casting, all undead within the area of effect gain nine times their original hit points as "phantom" points for the duration of the spell. For instance, a 5 hp zombie gains an additional 45 phantom hit points for the entire night. In combat, the phantom points are taken off first, then the actual hit points are lost until the undead creature is slain. The area of the rift moves with the caster, possibly placing some undead out of the sphere or encompassing others as he moves. Phantom hit points are gained immediately upon entering the sphere, and then only once per creature per casting. The caster has no control over which undead receive the benefit of the phantom hit points; all undead in the sphere are so affected. The material component for this spell is an obsidian goblet containing ground bones from a dead necromancer. Using the rules from the ELH. |
#6alhadisMar 02, 2005 0:04:11 | Hey, I didn't know there was a section covering Epic-level spells on ![]() PS: I think I'm also developing an obsession for the aforementioned spell. o_0; In either case, it looks like I'm not gonna be permitted access to the local crematorium ever again. >_>; |
#7PennarinMar 02, 2005 0:57:36 | the wizard magically brings the Negative Material plane closer to the Prime Material plane Isn't this 2E flavor text that needs to be changed into a more athasian format, like "the wizard magically brings the Gray closer to Athas Prime*" ? * Name for the athasian prime material plane, from TotDL, pg 7. |
#8alhadisMar 02, 2005 1:13:25 | Hmm... good point. But I do remember seeing the words "Negative material plane" mentioned several times in a few Dark Sun sourcebooks... but whether it's actually a separate plane from the Grey, or the names are just used synonymously with each other, I'm not sure. And I'm pretty damned sure that I've never heard the expression "Athas Prime" used instead of "prime material plane" before. |
#9zombiegleemaxMar 02, 2005 6:12:47 | Then you haven't read Terrors of the Deadlands. Pennarin's right. Page 7. Left column. Just above the middle. |
#10KamelionMar 02, 2005 8:26:18 | The updated version on Terrors of the Deadlands will contain revised and expanded information on the Dark Sun cosmology. The Gray is still analogous to the Negative Material Plane and there have been a few other clarifications of this sort as well. Due out in the very near future... |