Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1wyvern76Mar 04, 2005 2:35:08 | The Harmonium has always seemed rather ill-defined to me. The description in Planescape boxed set is awfully vague about what exactly their agenda is. Sure, they want everyone to conform, but conform to what? I thought I'd raise the question here in the hopes that someone more knowledgable than me could answer it. Does The Factol's Manifesto give a more detailed description of their goals, perhaps? Wyvern |
#2frantzxMar 04, 2005 8:50:32 | They believe in peace and harmony so much they are willing to fight for it. Basically, the Harmonium's belief is that conflict stems from difference of opinion and belief. Is they can cause (by nearly any and all means possible) everyon to believe in what they believe, conflict will end. |
#3sildatorakMar 04, 2005 12:10:36 | It should also be noted that they believe in order for the good of all. If you think that this is oppressive and strike against their ordered system, then you must be stopped to benefit the masses. |
#4ripvanwormerMar 04, 2005 12:38:36 | For the Harmonium, it doesn't really matter what people believe in, as long as they all believe in the same thing. They know belief is power and they want to harness that power to create peace throughout the planes; they can only do this if everyone cooperates, if everyone concentrates on this goal. Besides the general belief in peace and harmony, their beliefs (while being very specific) are somewhat arbitrary: what matters is that everyone agree, not what everyone agrees on. Violence and a war are a result of disagreement; end disagreement and you end violence and war. You create a stable society where everyone contributes to the common good. With everyone believing the exact same things, you can do anything - the multiverse is yours to mold in your image. Their beliefs are, of course, very lawful and somewhat good (though the good part can be stretched by creative rationalization). Above all else, they oppose the forces of the Abyss. I wrote some more on my website. |
#5wyvern76Mar 05, 2005 2:50:52 | Is they can cause (by nearly any and all means possible) everyon to believe in what they believe, conflict will end. Yes, but what do they believe? For the Harmonium, it doesn't really matter what people believe in, as long as they all believe in the same thing. That's all well and good, but... if you're going to get everyone to believe the same thing, you need to decide what you want them to believe! Even if you believe that it doesn't matter, you've got to pick something or you're never going to get anywhere! After all, how are you going to get people to agree if you can't agree on what you want them to agree to? Wyvern "Dr. Harris, do you concur?" "Concur with... what, sir?" |
#6ripvanwormerMar 05, 2005 9:49:30 | ... if you're going to get everyone to believe the same thing, you need to decide what you want them to believe! Pick something, then. I wrote some basic things on my website, but feel free to add more. It should all be along the lines of respecting authority and how everyone should get along and not fight one another - except in the pursuit of harmony. Don't cheat, don't steal, obey the law, respect your parents, honor the gods. Naturally, it's fine to fight people who aren't getting along to make sure they do - or, at least, that they get out of the way. Hardheads will also agree with the sayings of Saint Cuthbert (from Village of Hommlet): Square corners can be pounded smooth. Thick heads are not made of glass. Salvation is better than smart answers. Some Good folk can understand only one thing. Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron. Evil which cannot be removed must be eliminated. Foolishness can be beaten. Lawful correction lies in a stout billet. Capricous behavior brings knots to the heads of those lacking wisdom. Preach quietly, but have a large cudgel handy. |
#7ripvanwormerMar 05, 2005 10:37:28 | The beliefs of the Harmonium can also be defined in negative terms: what do other factions believe that the Hardheads disagree with? Revolutionary League: We must overthrow authority. Harmonium: We must support authority. Believers of the Source: We should strive to become gods. Harmonium: It's hubris to deliberately try to become a god. Serve them faithfully instead, and accept whatever rewards they choose to give you. Rewards go to the humble. The Sign of One: I am the center of the multiverse. The imagination of the One creates reality. Harmonium: The Harmonium is the center of the multiverse. Our collective obedience creates harmony. Athar: The powers are frauds. Harmonium: The gods are not all frauds. Many are real, and many are worthy of worship. Of course, some are evil, or mad, or blasphemous; this is either the result of mortals not understanding them properly, or else they're false gods or fiends in disguise. The Harmonium knows which gods are correct, and the correct way to worship them. Bleak Cabal: There is no meaning to existence. Harmonium: The meaning of existence is harmony. The quest for harmony and peace through conformity is the highest of goals. The multiverse is predestined to one day ring with the true harmony that lies within it, currently masked by sin and discord. The multiverse was created with this goal in mind, and the Harmonium is the agent chosen to fulfill this goal. Doomguard: The multiverse is falling apart. Eventually it will end in darkness and dissolution. Harmonium: The multiverse is not falling apart; it's coming together. It's organizing itself with our help. The harmonious multiverse will be eternal. Fated: Those most suited to make gains will gain them, and therefore deserve to. Harmonium: We must all work together for the good of all. An individual is less important than the harmony of all. Society of Sensation: Truth can only be apprehended through the senses. To learn through experience is the meaning of existence. Harmonium: Truth can be apprehended only through the Harmonium. To conform to the Harmonium's instructions is the meaning of existence. Xaositects: The multiverse is patternless chaos; order is an illusion. Harmonium: Chaos is an aberration; order is the true, rightful state of the multiverse. Fraternity of Order: Everything works according to laws, even if we haven't yet figured out what they are. Harmonium: Everything works according to laws, and we can tell you what they are. Mercykillers: Injustice must be punished. Crimes must be paid for. Wrongs must be made right. Harmonium: The unjust must be reformed, or otherwise dealt with, but respect for the Harmonium and the rule of law is more important. Justice should be upheld, but it is much more important to reform the criminal and bring them to our way of thinking. Transcendent League: The planes have a pulse which can be known by quieting your inner dialogue and learning how to listen. Harmonium: The pulse of the planes is the sound of marching Harmonium boots. The Harmonium will tell you the rhythm you should move by. Dustmen: The planes are a false world of death and pain, mere dust masquerading as life. By quieting your passions and desires we can acheive eternal peace. Harmonium: Passion for law and legally sanctified things is a positive sensation to have. Eternal peace can only be found through conformity. The living and dead each have their place in the cosmos, decreed by the gods. Each is equally real. Free League: Everyone should be able to make their own decisions and believe what they want, free from the meddling of factions and other planar philosophical groups. The rights of the individual are paramount. What I believe is none of your concern. Harmonium: Everyone must believe what the Harmonium tells them to believe. Those who don't are only empowering discord, dissent, and the Abyss. |
#8zombiegleemaxMar 05, 2005 15:12:36 | Where considering the actions from the point of view of the Harmonium, try to answer just a one question: does this action serve the common good? If yes, it's good, no matter if it harms somebody or not. If it doesn't, but also doesn't hurt anybody, it's acceptable. If it harms others and serves only a particular person (or group of persons), it's evil. So stealing from somebody is usually considered evil. Putting him into the dead-book too. It's bad to avoid taxes, it's bad not to obey authorities. But any of this actions can be justified if only done for the greater good. Of course, only when there is no other choice. |
#9ripvanwormerMar 05, 2005 17:26:59 | Where considering the actions from the point of view of the Harmonium, try to answer just a one question: does this action serve the common good? And conformity for its own sake always serves the common good. That's conformity of belief, not necessarily personality, individual interests and so on. Not everyone has to be a fighter, someone can be more into music than his neighbor, etc. It's pretty easy for a DM to come up with Harmonium rules and rulings on the fly, which is why the published material doesn't go into great detail about it. For example, and I'm just winging it here: Marriage between two close relations is forbidden. Sex outside the covenant of marriage is forbidden. If your neighbor worships a lawful god, you shall not forsake your neighbor's god. If one member of the Harmonium community sacrifices calves to the image of Marduk, all must join in. Worlds of the Material Plane are usually flat. Note exceptions #1542-22936. Your favorite color is red. Everyone's favorite color is red. Do not quarrel over whose god is the best. The best god is Anu. Anu created the multiverse; sorry, it's just a fact. Charitable acts are a virtue. You shall not let a brother or sister in the Harmonium starve. That's not to say that Harmonium poorhouses are a great place to be. Usury is forbidden. Possession of the Factol's Manifesto is punishable by nine years hard labor and reeducation in Arcadia. Possession of the Planar Handbook is punishable by an hour in the corner with a dunce cap. Jeena Ealy is overrated as a novelist. There shall be no preferences based on race. However, note exception #421 (slaadi and tanar'ri are not to be trusted). Women in the Harmonium need not wear veils, but they may if their family approves. The god Enki died because he was a false god. The Lady of Pain is not a goddess and is never to be worshipped. Music shall be tasteful and never dissonant. The beat shall not be too harsh. Lewd and lacivious images are forbidden except in the context of the proper worship of a lawful deity. Contracts with yugoloths are forbidden except with special permission from an officer of at least Mover 10 status. Gravity is a manifestation of the harmony of the celestial spheres. |
#10ORC_ParadoxMar 06, 2005 7:52:16 | I once said the WizOs are like the Harmonium; There WILL be peace, even if we have to bash a few heads to get it. (I remember reading that quote in one of the books. I don't recall which, though.) :D |
#11Shemeska_the_MarauderMar 07, 2005 11:15:15 | Contracts with yugoloths are forbidden except with special permission from an officer of at least Mover 10 status. *pondering money while idly twirling a finger through a few strands of razorvine in her crown* "Hmm... is that so. Well, I can deal with the Hardheads, I just need to buy me some Mover 10s and up first... I wonder how much a factor or two costs nowadays?..." ![]() |
#12zombiegleemaxApr 05, 2005 12:02:43 | It might require more than just money ... and in any case I'd propose exception #421b - "Yugoloths are not to be trusted at all. Yes, even if they say they don't want your soul or 'it's for free'. Immediately report 'loth activity to your superior." |
#13Shemeska_the_MarauderApr 05, 2005 16:22:20 | It might require more than just money ... and in any case I'd propose exception #421b - "Yugoloths are not to be trusted at all. Yes, even if they say they don't want your soul or 'it's for free'. Immediately report 'loth activity to your superior." Given that the average harmonium member is a medium sized mortal, I suggest exception #422c - "Titans are to be trusted as far as you personally are able to throw them." And given your proclivity for being shut in at home with 'expensive food' as a major hobby, well 'hon, they'd have a problem with it given how umm... big big big and beautiful* you've been making so much progress in becoming. -insert generic muttering in infernal about 'better not even think of trying to show up to any major social function in the same outfit as me because it won't be me that'll be going home to change'- * and when I say beautiful, I reference exception #421b. |
#14zombiegleemaxApr 06, 2005 16:46:21 | Not that hardheads make the best of trade partners, but ... well, let's just say, that even those bashers realize, that they can trust in the power of gold, even if they aren't sophisticated enough to trust ME personally. Was some prime who said that thing about mutual benefit coming from everybody working toward his own enrichment, yes? A prime maybe, but not a clueless. Now I'll make this simple so you can wrap your furry mind around it, the consequence is, that people are going to lose in all deals with a certain 'Marauder' person, whose idea of profit is spreading misery. No, the bloods come dealing with me, 'cause they can actually gain something. It's all business ... |
#15zombiegleemaxApr 06, 2005 18:02:19 | Tsk, tsk... As with all things, the matter of controlling the Harmonium resides with knowing all the relevant Laws (not neccessarily just the ones found in the Sigil Municipal Code). "Buying" the Harmonium can be done without so much as a single copper piece exchanging hands... |
#16rickielApr 06, 2005 22:09:02 | And given your proclivity for being shut in at home with 'expensive food' as a major hobby, well 'hon, they'd have a problem with it given how umm... big big big and beautiful* you've been making so much progress in becoming. Now I'll make this simple so you can wrap your furry mind around it, the consequence is, that people are going to lose in all deals with a certain 'Marauder' person, whose idea of profit is spreading misery. No, the bloods come dealing with me, 'cause they can actually gain something. It's all business ... a native born elf of Sigil, I just want to say. I can't wait for the cat-fight. *Starts thinking of all the pile of jink coming from JUST the seat tickets!* Anyways, the Hardheads are best avoided believe you me. It's worse than finding a white feather in the Field of Nettles when you're looking for a Hardhead that will work with you without trying to implant that damn conformity propaganda bit the sods keep spouting at everyone! I bet it was them that concocted that plague that wiped out half my friends in the Bazaar during the Faction War! I'm not saying I would do the same to them, however I am in full agreement to sell any secrets that the Harmonium isn't willing to spill for free. |
#17zombiegleemaxApr 11, 2005 3:02:24 | Not that hardheads make the best of trade partners, but ... well, let's just say, that even those bashers realize, that they can trust in the power of gold, even if they aren't sophisticated enough to trust ME personally. Was some prime who said that thing about mutual benefit coming from everybody working toward his own enrichment, yes? A prime maybe, but not a clueless. I believe he was a dwarf. Had a dwarf name, anyway. Something to do with forging or smithing, you know, dwarvish things. More rules! The sky is always blue. Report observations non-blue-sky-like phenomena to your superior at the earliest opportunity. The best name for males is Alex. If on fire, stop, drop, and roll, in that order. Earth elementals are boring. Water elementals are interesting. Fire elementals are dangerous. Air elementals are irrelevant. The answer is 42. |