Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1green_giant_02Mar 15, 2005 20:20:54 | Here is the Great Githzerai. Enjoy. ![]() Zaerith Menyar-ag-Gith Fighter 16/Wizard 23 Medium Outsider (Augmented Humanoid [Githzerai], Extraplanar, Psionic) Divine Rank: 0 Hit Dice: 16d10+112 (Fighter) plus 23d4+161 (Wizard) (525 hp) Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Iniative) Speed: 60 ft. AC: 24 (+7 Dex, +7 deflection) touch 24, flat-footed 17 Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+36 Attack: Spell +36 melee touch or +32 ranged touch Full Attack: Spell +36 melee touch or +32 ranged touch Damage: Spell. Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, spells. Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/epic, divine immunities, familiar, fire resistance 5, immortality, planar subsitution level (fighter 8th-level, wizard 10th-level), PR 44, SR 32. Saves: Fort +26, Ref +22, Will +26 Abilities: Str 33, Dex 24, Con 24, Int 40, Wis 25, Cha 24 Skills: Appraise +25, Autohypnosis +21, Balance +19, Bluff +17, Climb +30, Concentration +33 (+37 when casting defensively), Craft (alchemy) +30, Craft (armorsmithing) +34, Craft (weaponsmithing) +34, Decipher Script +30, Diplomacy +33, Disguise +17 (+19 acting), Handle Animal +26, Hide +17, Intimidate +28, Jump +32, Knowledge (arcana) +41, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +30, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +30, Knowledge (geography) +30, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (local) +30, Knowledge (nature) +30, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +30, Knowledge (psionics) +32, Knowledge (religion) +35, Knowledge (the planes) +35, Listen +17, Move Silently +17, Profession (anarchmancer) +22, Psicraft +27, Ride (horse) +28, Search +25 (+27 with hidden or secret doors), Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +45, Spot +17, Swim +30, Tumble +19. Feats: Chaos Shaper*, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (longsword), Improved Iniative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Practiced Spellcaster (wizard), Psionic Fist, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Weapon, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll{B}, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword), Whirlwind Attack Epic Feats: Epic Spellcasting. Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, transmutation. Psi-like Abilities: 3/day – catfall, concussion blast, psionic daze (DC 36), inertial armor; 1/day – psionic plane shift. Wizard Spells/Day (4/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/6; base DC = 25 + spell level; caster level 27th). Epic Spells Per Day: 2 Climate/Terrain: Limbo (Shr'akt'lor) Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: ? Treasure: Unknown Alignment: Chaotic neutral Advancement: By character class Possessions: Unknown. Sources: Planes of Chaos (2E), PHB 3.5, DMG 3.5, Manual of the Planes (3E), Planar Handbook (3.5E), Epic Level Handbook (3E), Expanded Psionics Handbook (3.5E), Complete Arcane (3.5E), and Deities and Demigods (3E). Chaos Shaper [General] You are attuned to the chaos of Limbo and are more easily able to control and stabilize an area. Such beings are known as anarchs. Benefit: For the purpose of controlling the raw areas of Limbo and forming a stabilized area, your Wisdom score is treated as 4 points higher than its actual value. You also treat Profession (anarchmancer) as a class skill. With such a class skill, a character can create objects by simply substituting Profession (anarchmancer) with the appropriate class skill. An example, a character trying to create a sword from raw limbo can make a DC 15 Profession (anarchmancer) check to create such a sword. All such objects must fit within the area of control. |
#2gray_richardsonMar 15, 2005 22:24:06 | As always Green Giant, you rock! And you seem to be pretty good at the Limbo too. ;) |
#3high_illithid_master_dupMar 16, 2005 2:56:21 | This rocks Green Giant, thanks! |
#4weenieMar 16, 2005 5:56:28 | Nice. Strange though, that he doesn't use equipment? Also, regarding Limbo-shaping, you might want to consider using some of these skills and feats. Will there be other PS NPCs? If so, I'd love to see stuff being used... |
#5green_giant_02Mar 16, 2005 13:54:27 | Nice. Strange though, that he doesn't use equipment? I actually ran out of ideas as to what equipment to give him. As a quasi-deity and ruler of Shr'akt'lor, he has access to a lot of magic and epic items, some that he might have crafted. An epic sword wouldn't be out of the question. |
#6ripvanwormerMar 19, 2005 19:39:04 | I would rather he wasn't a quasi-deity, actually, since he wasn't one in Planescape. Personal preference, I guess, but there's a flavor you get when a character who isn't a god calls himself one that goes away when it turns out he really is, no matter how minor. |
#7weenieMar 20, 2005 3:55:08 | there's a flavor you get when a character who isn't a god calls himself one that goes away when it turns out he really is, no matter how minor. Belief-shaped reality and all that.. enough 'zerai believe he is a power, he gets a divine rank. No big deal, really. |
#8ripvanwormerMar 20, 2005 5:27:55 | I agree that it's certainly theoretically possible for the 'zerai to make their God-King into a real god. However, the githyanki haven't been able to make their leader a power yet, and they're much more unified than the chaotic and fractious githzerai. The githzerai monks aren't beholden to Zaerith at all, while the zerths and those who follow them worship Zerthimon instead. From the textual evidence, it doesn't seem like even ordinary, city-dwelling githzerai think of their leader as truly divine; they honor him as the protector of their freedom, but this seems only on par with their reverence for their ancestors and heroes. His generals think he's a joke, a mere figurehead (although they're wrong). All in all, I don't see how he could become a quasi-deity on the strength of his people's belief. |
#9tebryn14Mar 24, 2005 10:19:29 | I agree that it's certainly theoretically possible for the 'zerai to make their God-King into a real god. Then if not on beleif, then how about on mere virtue of his age, power, and leader of a race. The same way the Queen of the Formians on Mechanus seems to think that she is an intemediate power (although she's more likely DvR 0, in my mind). DvR 0 isn't really divinity, its more I have a lot of power and respect, but no one really worships me. BTW, Green Giant, is there a single sourcebook from any campaign setting in any edition that you don't have? I can't fathom how much you must have spent over the years (unless you recieved them as a grand prize of some sort). How much book shelf space does your collection take up? |
#10green_giant_02Mar 24, 2005 12:37:56 | There are a number of sourcebooks that I don't have that I would dearly love to have. Among those of Planescape are Planes of Chaos, Dead Gods, Planescape MC III, the one dealing with the Sigil and the Outlands (forgot its name) as well as the Great Modron March one. I also only have two Spelljammer books, Krynnspace and Realmspace, and the number of GH, DS, and Mystara books are zero, although my cousin has most of the DS books. So there are a number of settings that I don't have and really don't want. As for my shelf space, I really don't have anymore left. I've got books under my bed, stacked all around the room, and buried in boxes (though those are the 2e rule books). I'm gonna have to get a new bookcase to keep up. :P |