Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1scoti_garbidisMar 22, 2005 15:46:23 | OK, I am trying to put together a campaign handbook that i can give my players for my next campaign and I am trying to figure out all the Greyhawk Specific Prestige Classes. Where they are found and why they are considered Greyhawk Specific. After going through a bunch of Dragon Magazines and a few books like the Dungeon Masters guide... I realized that I had bit off a huge chunk of work. So I ask, has anyone already made a list of Greyhawk prestige classes and where they are found or even just a general list of all the prestige classes to date and where they are found. Thanks ahead of time for any help i receive! :D |
#2AmarilMar 22, 2005 16:44:04 | I'll leave out the deity-related PrCs, but here are a few I can think of offhand. 1. Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom (3e) or Knight Protectors (3.5e) 2. Silent Ones 3. Vetha 4. Darkhagard 5. Doomdreamers (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil) |
#3MortepierreMar 23, 2005 6:04:19 | - Glaive of Azharadian (Dragon #293) - Knight of the Chase (Dragon #297) - Jade Mask (Dragon #302) - Fist of Hextor (Sword & Fist splatbook) - Ravager (S&F or Complete Warrior) - Warmaster (S&F) - Temple Raider of Olidammara (Song & Silence or Complete Adventurer) - Fist of Zuoken (ExpPsiH) - Knight of Holy Shielding (Dungeon #113) The Knight Protector was first published in S&F and then converted to 3.5E in Complete Warrior but at the cost of its link to GH ![]() |
#4AmarilMar 23, 2005 6:24:53 | The base class Warmage from Complete Arcane. |
#5mordoMar 23, 2005 6:44:05 | You might as well add the Suel Arcanamach (CA), but to me it looks more like an NPC PrC There's also the Old Faith Bard from OJ15, which I find to long for a prestige class (23 level), so I'm trying myself to bring it under a 10 level standard. As Mortepierre said Knight Protector first appeared in S&F with an organisation background, then republished under CW bare from any connection to GH The Hierophant PrC in DMG could be elaborate to bring back the 2nd editon feel to the druid. I think there's is a Kight of the Watch/Dispatch PrC from the Sheldomar Valley Meta-org documents |
#6MortepierreMar 23, 2005 9:30:24 | I think there's is a Kight of the Watch/Dispatch PrC from the Sheldomar Valley Meta-org documents The info about becoming a squire of the order(s) is freely available to all. However, the info about the PrC(s) itself is restricted to Sheldomar Valley's DMs only ![]() That said, Sword & Fist had a great many info on the order too. |
#7AmarilMar 23, 2005 9:40:08 | Fochlucan Lyrist (Complete Adventurer) I think one of the older Greyhawk sourcebooks discusses this organization. Edit: Oops, that was in OJ #15 as Mordo mentioned. Does anyone know where and when the Fochlucan College was first presented as a Greyhawk-specific organization. Fang of Lolth (Song and Silence) I've actually converted the Fatespinner PrC from Complete Arcane to a Divine PrC and tied it to Ralishaz. It can be adapted to any of the other deities who have luck or fate as part of their portfolio. |
#8scoti_garbidisMar 23, 2005 12:55:26 | Great Info so far everybody, keep it coming.... as i said before i am trying to build a list for the game I DM and the choices and options for players are tremendous. Almost too many... still hard to believe the amount of new or revamped PRC that were published in the past Dragon Magazine issues and all the non-core D&D books. |
#9rilemMar 23, 2005 14:14:27 | Here are some more 3.5 ones – some are actually from FR books, but have natural parallels to GH) Eye of Gruumsh (CW) Battle Howler of Gruumsh (Dragon) Incantatrix (FR now, but it’s definitely from 1E) (PGF) Radiant Servant of Pelor (CD) Shining Blade of Heironeous (CD) Temple Raider of Olidammara (CD) Champion of Corellon Larethian (RotW) Hammer of Moradin (PGF) Vassal of Bahamut (BoED) And here are some 3.0 ones, which may need updating All the Disciples and Thralls of Demon/Devils (BoVD) Doomdreamer of Tharizdun (RttToEE) Fleet Runner of Ehlonna (dragon) Mighty Contender of Kord (dragon) Blessed of Gruumsh (dragon) Mask of Joyhdee (dragon) |
#10AmarilApr 13, 2005 6:30:07 | Scoti, I'd be interested in the final result of your search. Are you willing to share your list after you've compiled it? |
#11scoti_garbidisApr 13, 2005 7:45:17 | Will do but is going to be a slow and monotonous wait because like so many of us, i have a family that severely limits my time available to do such research. But will definitely post the results here and on my site. |
#12AmarilJun 08, 2005 10:11:52 | Just out of curiosity, are you including regional feats in your handbook? |
#13scoti_garbidisJun 08, 2005 10:47:04 | I am just planning on compiling a list of Greyhawk prestige classes that are generally usuable in Greyhawk or are based on Greyhawk societies or influences. The regional feats are rather easily understood as far as I can remember, they were posted in Dragon 115 and 119 if i remember correctly. I am going to offer them to my players but my final list of Greyhawk Prestige Classes will be just that, a list of Prestige Classes I am choosing to offer in my own campaign. But at this point I may end up just telling my players that all prestige classes are available but subject to DM discretion as usual. I am finishing up a pamphlet of house rules for my next campaign and with the release of the Age of Worms and my work schedule changing in the near future... i might be able to start my 2nd campaign sooner than I can finish the Prestige Class but I still want to compile a list because my 1st campaign is in the final 2/5 of the campaign or near that stage anyway.... So I guess the answer to your question would be, " No, I am not going to include the Regional Feats in my list because they are not Prestige Classes." |
#14thanaelJun 08, 2005 11:40:20 | GH regional feats wer in dragon 315 and 319. Paizo wanted to put them into a free pdf for some time. Check this thread on paizo's boards: Oh and for PrC: How about Prestige Bard , Prestige Ranger, Prestige Paladin from UA. (they're also in the SRD now!) For that 1E feel... |
#15AmarilJun 08, 2005 15:45:08 | So I guess the answer to your question would be, " No, I am not going to include the Regional Feats in my list because they are not Prestige Classes." OK, I was just wondering because in your original post you mentioned you were creating a Campaign handbook, and I wasn't sure if it was going to only contain prestige classes. Thanks for your time, Scoti. ![]() |
#16AmarilJul 29, 2005 13:43:15 | Got a few more to add: - Tribal Protector (S&F mentions Greyhawk areas under the Homeland class feature) - Entropomancer (CD suggests associating with Thairzdun) - Don't forget all of the Thralls and Disciples in Book of Vile Darkness and Dragon Magazine's Demonomicon series of articels. Next issue of Dragon will have the Thrall of Zuggtmoy! Obviously, the Race series of books is loaded with PrCs. |