Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxMar 22, 2005 20:46:57 | Is anyone still doing conversions for spelljammer? I'm more than happy to offer what assistance I can to speed the process, I saw some recent work on shattered fractine, but beyond the moons is sadly, sadly out of date, having last been altered more than 4 years ago... As the 'Official' fansite, I'd rather hoped they'd be more active, I do not want to see this much over-looked world of D&D fade into oblivion as so many other good ideas have. My e-mail is [email][/email]. I may not be regularly posting, or reading here, so if you have more information, any e-mail, or post would be appreciated. |
#2loren_soth_02Mar 23, 2005 22:15:27 | I too am sadly dissappointed with the 'work' that Beyond the Moons has put forth for the Spelljammer campaign setting. The best I have been able to do is take what I have of the original boxed set and the 3.0 rules that were printed in an issue of Polyhedron and bastardize something out of that. Perhaps if we petitioned WotC we might be able to get them to assign a new "official" site for the Spelljammer setting? |
#3gwoutriderMar 24, 2005 8:30:23 | I am nearing completion on a 3.5 conversion based on Shattered Fractine, Flit's, and some others. I will post all of guides (players, ships, rules, and monsters) as soon as they are completed. |
#4zombiegleemaxMar 24, 2005 19:59:53 | Hello, I just wanted to chime in here on a few of the things you've mentioned. 1) Beyond the Moons has been updated much more recently than 4 years ago. The most recent post was on March 9th (2005) when the Blank Deckplans were added. (The "Recent Arrivals" sidebar at lists most new material.) Shattered Fractine, on the other hand, is over a year out of date. 2) Petitioning WotC is unnecessary for a new site. Since BtM was chosen by the SJML (see this thread for more info: on how that was done), all you have to do is present the list with an alternative website they'll accept. (I don't think WotC is very interested in the official sites anymore, anyway.) 3) BtM has always been, and will continue to be, a fan driven site. That means it doesn't grow without submissions from people who care about the setting. The submission guidelines for BtM are at and has links to the latest "blessed" versions of 3e material for those only interested in 3e. (Most of it is 3.5e, btw.) If you've got something you're working on--PrCs, Feats, ship-to-ship combat systems (I'm especially looking for a good one of these), etc.--then submit it. It's that simple. -Static |
#5loren_soth_02Mar 24, 2005 22:30:21 | Hello, Sorry if we offended with this topic. Truthfully I didn't know that Beyond the Moons worked like that. I assumed it was a set-up like and they had a site staff that worked on the conversions. I did not realize it opperated off of submission work. If that's the case then the only ones we have to blame for not being as "done" as is ourselves I guess. |
#6zombiegleemaxMar 25, 2005 3:30:25 | We tried a setup kinda like, but it didn't work out. (The official sites came about before 3e, and there were more disagreements on the direction of the conversion than any usefull material.) This left me a bit disillusioned with great unified conversion efforts like the athas folks. (I'm glad they got things to work, I just don't know how they did it. ![]() I'm left with finding people who do good work and getting them to help me on the parts of the conversion in which they are interested--which has been surprising successful in the quality of the material, if not its timeliness. If people are interested in helping out, then they can start by doing the type of work they'd like to see. -Static p.s. I mostly hang out on SJML and not the forums, so ping me directly if you've got something for inclusion. In this thread alone there were two sj3e systems that people mentioned/offered. They both sound like excellent material for BtM. ![]() |
#7XorialMar 27, 2005 13:43:47 | My only complaint with any attempt to update the rules tends to ignore the basic principal of how material hit points are handled. Even the really dissapoiting update in Dungeon, awhile back. The main thing that needs to be gotten rid of in any new rule is the tonnage system determining a total number of hit/hull points. Just about any system is going to create a lot more book keeping, but that is ok, since it needs to be completely compatible with the rest of the rules. Attacking a structure should be a variation of the same system for attacking a vehicle. As it stands, most combat system I have seen for an update tend to ignore this. |
#8zombiegleemaxMar 28, 2005 3:48:16 | ... The main thing that needs to be gotten rid of in any new rule is the tonnage system determining a total number of hit/hull points. ... If you come up with a solution to appease both the "tonnage/hull points" crowd and the "ships as structures" crowd, please let me know. ![]() |
#9XorialMar 28, 2005 16:44:21 | Fantasy Flight Games has some ship to ship rules, which I got from their Mastercraft Anthology, that look promising. As to the tonnage argument, I'm thinking of using it ONLY as a way to control construction, but use 10' * 10' * 10' cubes , like from the supplement Airships. They would be just for determining what you have in the ship. Hitpoints would then be by each 10 * 10 hull section individually. That system would create alot of paperwork to keep up with. As alternative, for those that insist on a total hit point count, multiply tonnage by the hit points for the material & thickness, then divide it by 2. This is rough, but I figure that the dividing by 2 represents the fact that most of the sides from each ton doesnt really exist. The majority of the tonnage is actually open space. I did some conversion & compared them to some on Flitz's page & they werent too different from eachother. Since I really dont have any players wanting to play Spelljammer, I have just been toying with this. I run an Eberron campaign and thought it might be useful if ever the characters aquire an airship. |
#10nightdruidMar 29, 2005 16:23:58 | As it stands, most combat system I have seen for an update tend to ignore this. Generally, the reason is that people want a viable ship combat system. 3e's item rules are not very good for using as a basis for such a system, due to two basic problems: high HP totals and the low amount of damage siege weapons do. From my research, most sailing ships had hulls at the very least 8" thick, and some where in upwards of 24" thick (the Mayflower, for example, had an 18" thick hull). So, say a tradesman has 12" thick hull, resulting in about 45 sections with 120 hp. Total hp at 5400, give or take a thousand or so for internal decks & walls. At 5d6 per 8 rounds, a heavy catapult just isn't going to cut it. So, if going by 3e item rules, there's basically two solutions: ditch siege engines entirely, all combat becomes boarding combat; or shrink ships down to a more manageble level. This second option seems the one preferred by WotC (they had a couple of spelljammers on the website in an article a while ago), where they cut the scale by half. The ships were kinda laughable, because they didn't bother to redraw the interior walls, so you had hallways and stairs like 2' wide. Some rooms were way too tiny for their original purpose as well. Its one way to go, but results in really a totally different feel of a game. I know I messed around with a similiar system a while ago, until I got sidelined by tons of other projects. |
#11XorialMar 29, 2005 16:39:55 | Any chages that people come up with for rules to handle combat are mostly fine with me. I feel the seige engine rule in the DMG is pretty silly, anyway. I agree with the way WotC seems to have gone in regards to catapults on Spelljammers though. They really wouldnt work. Catapults are an indirect fire weapon. They would be impossible to aim in the Wildspace environment, excpet maybe from an asteroid type place, then it would be awfully hard to hit anything. Ballistae seem to be the only real viable solution, if you dont want gun/smoke powder. |
#12nightdruidMar 29, 2005 16:46:09 | Honestly, I think using 3e's item rules as written results in simply dumping the siege weapons overboard (too little damage), have ships that are effectively 10 tons or less (by halving the scale), and forego any NPC crew in favor of 4-5 person PC crews (with maybe a few henchmen as well). Just my opinion (but I'm in a cranky mood today :raincloud ). |
#13zombiegleemaxApr 14, 2005 16:56:57 | I approached the concept with some difficulty as well, then I realized that it was inconsequential, its a game, and really doesn't matter that much, what we want isn't the reality, its the fantasy, so of course ballistae work ![]() If you really want the mechanics though, assume the wood at 5 inches, and when you draw the deckplans, give hps based upon sectors of the ship, if you look at the overall hp assuming 1k or 2k, the ballistae bolt seems useless, but if you're looking at a single side, or a 10ft square its much more believable, and ship to ship combat becomes palatable again. The other alteration I made in ship to ship combat was increasing the size of the ballistae by one category in larger ships which increases the damage, though increasing the number turns to ready and fire it. Also I've been playing with some new concepts on ramming damage, basing it instead on a spear or blunt weapon increased to that size, with a strength bonus depending on the strength of the helm. (I need to find some conistant figures on helms that work for me, I haven't yet done my own conversions from AD&D, and what I've seen doesn't quite work in my head for some reason) I'd be happy to assist with any individual conversions in the meantime, although I've got an attention span of 'No' so regular submissions will be difficult to maintain, But when I have all the individual piece of a particular mechanic nailed down, I'm planning to post here, and e-mail it the BTM and SF sites if I remember. Oh, and I'm re-doing alot of creature conversions that I've seen elsewhere. Not including pictures, I'm not an artist but I'm sure you can all take care of that on your own ![]() |
#14jeleinenApr 14, 2005 17:49:23 | I use the rules found in Bastion Press' Airships, which I have found to be quite excellent. Just add a few space features and it's ready to go. |
#15DragonhelmApr 14, 2005 22:25:28 | I use the rules found in Bastion Press' Airships, which I have found to be quite excellent. Just add a few space features and it's ready to go. I'm rather fond of Airships as well. It provides a lot of neat options. I tried taking an SJ galleon and converting it to Airships, and it worked out pretty well. ![]() |